First Team Squad
over 17 years

Hope Greenacre is in charge for the next game.

Rudan Out!

First Team Squad
over 10 years

Last year we slated Welnix for not jumping on all the speculation with South Melbourne and handing in our licence. 

What exactly is the difference here? 

This whole thing is a train that has come off the tracks.

First Team Squad
over 17 years

Last year we slated Welnix for not jumping on all the speculation with South Melbourne and handing in our licence. 

What exactly is the difference here? 

This whole thing is a train that has come off the tracks.

You can tell by his quotes, and how he no longer shows any passion, that he is out. The media stories are 100% correct or he would deny it.

Rudan out asap!

over 17 years

He might as well go now, leave kurto on the bench as he will  be  gone  next season, get sail some game time, I was dreading this for the last few weeks.

Also let greenacre be in charge of the team for the rest of the now expected shorter time, the wheels have now fallen off, losses two  in a row, bloody shame. 

about 13 years

Davies better than Rudan. 

Kurtz better than Rudan

Phoenix better than Rudan

Starting XI
over 10 years

ballane wrote:

Bananas wrote:

ballane wrote:

Bananas wrote:

Bloody hell people have turned on him hard. 

I've enjoyed this season and it's not over yet, especially after the last few. 

He's gone from one job to another with better conditions for his life, I'd do the same. 

BS he gave us some talk about building a legacy and it looks like he has gone before even the season is done.Dont give me better conditions for his life we arnt a third world country, He should have known what he signed up for or as i have said before did he not realise New Zealand was another country.

Jeepers, seems a touch hyperbolic.

I would take a new job if it paid better and was 20 minutes closer to home.  Doesn't mean I am not building in my role for the future with or without me in that role.

Moving 20 minutes closer to home would make a significant impact to my life.  Doesn't mean I don't care about my job now, and won't until such an opportunity arises.

Nothing about 3rd world countries or any other exaggerations like that.  If good opportunities arise, people go for them, that's life.

frankly BS we have been sold up the river and part of the problem is that others like you are just prepared to take it and blame others.

That's interesting.  You're saying I'm blaming others? I haven't blamed anyone. 

Just more hyperbole from you except now you're pointing this crap at other fans. 

God this place can be toxic when something goes awry. 

Phoenix Academy
about 10 years

Fans to march on Phoenix HQ on Monday to demand answers?

over 13 years

first question is which players of the very few we have signed for next season have eight week notice periods they can activate?

Second question why the  fudge would you have that in a coaches contract (the guy in charge of the players)

Especially if his contract is only for two years and you only have a license for that time

over 9 years

Sanday wrote:

"The people that need to know, the important ones at the club know what's going on it's as simple as that."

"Everyone at the football club knows what's going on."

 Mark Rudan at the presser after the match.

I'd be surprised if he was here next season.

You don’t say that if you staying, esp after two limp losses.

Sadly he’s gone.

Dome needs to convene a meeting with the senior playing group ASAP. Basically Dura and Taylor. If players are in a bad head space, let Rudan go. No point being there. Greenacre as a stand in version IV.

Sign Kurz or whoever tomorrow. Need someone working immediately on player signings. Basically need to take forceful action fast - that at least sends out some positive signals.

This mess dragging out until season end is just toxic for all.

Random thought would Taylor be a good future manager/coaching staff prospect. He obviously ain’t got a wife/partner, influencing where he has to live.

Cheer up all.

over 17 years

ClubOranje wrote:

well I'm not anti him, but I've seen plenty of examples of things going downhill once a guy's head is turned. 

Marco Silva at Watford was a prime example of that.

almost 17 years

Ryan wrote:

asmodeus_82 wrote:

theprof wrote:

ClubOranje wrote:

well I'm not anti him, but I've seen plenty of examples of things going downhill once a guy's head is turned. 

Not just coaches, players too.

Sometimes you need to protect yourself.

If he can't get the players up playing for him, it's time to make changes.

It actually wouldn't be a bad move to get a new permanent coach in; at least you. Might get to keep a couple of players we want

What coach is going to sign on for 1 year? Especially when the club is not likely to exist the next year, and he has to find at least 15 players to fill the roster, no player is gonna want to come here for 1 year with no future....we are fudgeed!

I've never felt this pessimistic about the club and its future before.

At least if we kept Rudan it seemed likely we'd retain a decent amount of the squad and build on this year maybe play decent enough football to prove our worth to anyone not completely biased and secure the existence of the club.

Now it seems like we'll struggle to retain important players, recruitment will be an absolute nightmare with a new cashed up team looking to recruit never mind that we don't have a license to operate the season after.

And I type this as our strikers miss two chances that should have been goals as we lose to a 9th place Brisbane which deals a massive blow to our home playoff chances.

The future is looking among the bleakest its ever been despite the highs this season has delivered. Thrown another curve ball and running out of time.

I've been more pessimistic. The future was bleaker when we literally didn't have a license. We've got the commitments of the clubs and an upcomming independent A-League. That's more than last time.

IMO we ditch Rudan and give Greenacre the reigns. Rudan will have lost a lot of players, Greenacre will rally them and focus them on how important their performances are not just to their careers but to the survival of the club. He's a club man through and through.

We also get that new coach bounce.

The problem with the commitments from the A-league clubs is that they are not supported by the lower league members and they out number us in voting power. Independant league was our only hope and that is looking very far away which is prbably what sealed the exit deal for Rudan

about 14 years

Blew.2 wrote:

Davies better than Rudan. 

Kurtz better than Rudan

Phoenix better than Rudan

By now I actually agree: 

Starting XI
almost 17 years

Rudan has given us a good ride this season and I thank him for that. Hopefully some of the culture he has brought can remain after he goes. 

Hard to know exactly why he's not staying, whether more due to family or more due to club issues. Certainly wouldn't be the first person we've lost to Australia due to family.

First Team Squad
almost 6 years

The sceptic in me thinks that it was very coincidental that family came around the time WU were getting their license. I don't buy it. Not saying he didn't miss his family, but I think he's using it as something no one can call him up on.

I'm truly grateful for the football I've watched this season, but last week and the past month really, hasn't sat well with me. It's really pissed me off that someone who claimed to want to build something, fudges off at the first opportunity. 

That said, it's the FFA and the diddy leagues that have truly fudgeed us here. This uncertainty hasn't helped matters, and part of me can understand why he's done it. I just would have preferred he'd waited until the end of the season before announcing it to the team / fans. If he'd left at the end of the second year and gone to the sydney team, fair game. 

Genuinely don't know how i'm going to react if I see him in the dugout next weekend. Cheer and give him the birdie at the same time?

Pissed off AF.

over 17 years

Mark Rudan: “But the people who need to know, the important ones, they know. It's as simple as that”.

Glad to know where we stand.

about 14 years

aitkenmike wrote:

Mark Rudan: “But the people who need to know, the important ones, they know. It's as simple as that”.

Glad to know where we stand.

Starting XI
about 7 years

aitkenmike wrote:

Mark Rudan: “But the people who need to know, the important ones, they know. It's as simple as that”.

Glad to know where we stand.

Imagine if he hasn't told the players and they hear that, ha. 
over 13 years

send him out the door tomorrow, that's what happens in the corporate world Robert when someone is going to the competition

over 6 years

Drop him before the finals, don’t give him the satisfaction of playing a finals game

Opinion Privileges revoked
almost 15 years

no coach, no players, no licence

over 17 years

This reminds me of the Terry saga all those years ago.

Plenty of smoke but there is no fire.....

Oh Shark the place is burning down.

almost 8 years

When do we start burning our Nix shirts?!

over 17 years

When do we start burning our Nix shirts?!


and 2 others
One in a million
over 17 years

It might be all a smokescreen, and Rudan is actually staying, with his family moving over.

Starting XI
almost 17 years

The idea that we should get rid of Rudan now is one of the stupidest things I've ever heard.

Starting XI
about 12 years

His fault was to hyperbole all the togetherness, Maori culture, bla bla. I never bought into that, it is just to give the whole thing a framework. To sell the club an identity. Many believed it, Rudan believed it, players believe it. It’s all OK, you have to trick yourself believing into something bigger, he did a good job with that.

At the end he just another coach, we had better coaches, we had worse. I like to see players like Durante, Krishna, Singh, Sail, Cacace, etc to keep the culture and quality football on high standards for the next season on and of the field.

All being rational, I don’t mind if he pisses off to his family and we finish the season with Greenacre as coach again.

over 13 years

Colvinator wrote:

The idea that we should get rid of Rudan now is one of the stupidest things I've ever heard.

With the majority of our squad out of contract and him in their ear every day, it's the only move

Phoenix Academy
over 10 years

Rudan's an outstanding coach, under whose management hundreds of thousands of dollars of value have been added to what at the start of the season was the lowest ranked and lowest value bunch of players in the league.

He wants to do the right thing by his family and the club, in that order.

Players and coach now should be focussed on winning. The club should be looking for a new coach now, and IMO should ask Rudan to help. I think he would, and I'd trust his judgement over the Phoenix management's any day.

If fans can help at all, it's by showing support for the coach and team in difficult times. Like now.

over 7 years

He needs to pack his bags and go now. He doesn't deserve to manage in finals football after messing us all around like this. 

I've been saying it for at least 2 months that it is clear he was going to leave and poach several of our best players to his new club. Huge conflict of interest there. David Williams even said he was waiting for Rudan's decision before he signed a new contract. He and Kurto are now following Rudan to Western United. Krishna will be gone as well and probably Burgess too.

It will cause a ripple effect and none of our best players will want to play here if they get offers over the ditch.

Get in a new coach now. Even let Greenie and Dura co-coach until we find a coach I don't care. We just need to put the foot down now and have a backbone for once and move on without Rudan. 

One in a million
over 17 years

Williams won't have impressed Rudan too much with his poor finishing last two games.

Life and death
over 17 years

I don’t really care if he stays to the end of the year or is given the push now, what is important that the club is actively recruiting a new coach NOW. Their previous form in that regard had been pisspoor.

over 9 years

Ninja wrote:

He needs to pack his bags and go now. He doesn't deserve to manage in finals football after messing us all around like this. 

I've been saying it for at least 2 months that it is clear he was going to leave and poach several of our best players to his new club. Huge conflict of interest there. David Williams even said he was waiting for Rudan's decision before he signed a new contract. He and Kurto are now following Rudan to Western United. Krishna will be gone as well and probably Burgess too.

It will cause a ripple effect and none of our best players will want to play here if they get offers over the ditch.

Get in a new coach now. Even let Greenie and Dura co-coach until we find a coach I don't care. We just need to put the foot down now and have a backbone for once and move on without Rudan. 

I agree Rudan should be let go now, if he's given notice. Hard to see him motivating the team, when they know he's gonski.

However lets see who actually leaves as well, before we accuse him of poaching players.

Only Kurto is confirmed as leaving, and that sounded about his partner not liking Wellington as much as anything. She wouldn't be the first.

Some other players may leave because of the licence uncertainty - that's nothing to do with Rudan either.

over 13 years

yep,,I think the family line only really works once with Rudan and at best twice with the player whom is going with him (Kurto)

Anymore and it's overplaying the hand

Time for another line 

Opinion Privileges revoked
almost 15 years

I don’t really care if he stays to the end of the year or is given the push now, what is important that the club is actively recruiting a new coach NOW.

Why bother if we don't have a licence past next year.

Life and death
over 17 years

Doloras wrote:

I don’t really care if he stays to the end of the year or is given the push now, what is important that the club is actively recruiting a new coach NOW.

Why bother if we don't have a licence past next year.

Because we need a coach next season, whether or not we exist past then. Plenty of players and coaches take 1 year contracts. If Welnix are confident of the clubs survival in the A League, they need to hire someone.
U Turning
over 14 years

Rudan will work out his contract this season. No way the Phoenix will go interim again. The search for replacement will be well underway.

almost 14 years

theprof wrote:

Ryan wrote:

asmodeus_82 wrote:

theprof wrote:

ClubOranje wrote:

well I'm not anti him, but I've seen plenty of examples of things going downhill once a guy's head is turned. 

Not just coaches, players too.

Sometimes you need to protect yourself.

If he can't get the players up playing for him, it's time to make changes.

It actually wouldn't be a bad move to get a new permanent coach in; at least you. Might get to keep a couple of players we want

What coach is going to sign on for 1 year? Especially when the club is not likely to exist the next year, and he has to find at least 15 players to fill the roster, no player is gonna want to come here for 1 year with no future....we are fudgeed!

I've never felt this pessimistic about the club and its future before.

At least if we kept Rudan it seemed likely we'd retain a decent amount of the squad and build on this year maybe play decent enough football to prove our worth to anyone not completely biased and secure the existence of the club.

Now it seems like we'll struggle to retain important players, recruitment will be an absolute nightmare with a new cashed up team looking to recruit never mind that we don't have a license to operate the season after.

And I type this as our strikers miss two chances that should have been goals as we lose to a 9th place Brisbane which deals a massive blow to our home playoff chances.

The future is looking among the bleakest its ever been despite the highs this season has delivered. Thrown another curve ball and running out of time.

I've been more pessimistic. The future was bleaker when we literally didn't have a license. We've got the commitments of the clubs and an upcomming independent A-League. That's more than last time.

IMO we ditch Rudan and give Greenacre the reigns. Rudan will have lost a lot of players, Greenacre will rally them and focus them on how important their performances are not just to their careers but to the survival of the club. He's a club man through and through.

We also get that new coach bounce.

The problem with the commitments from the A-league clubs is that they are not supported by the lower league members and they out number us in voting power. Independant league was our only hope and that is looking very far away which is prbably what sealed the exit deal for Rudan

That's still more than we had last time around. Last time we had absolutely nothing.

Life and death
over 17 years

tonya wrote:

Rudan will work out his contract this season. No way the Phoenix will go interim again. The search for replacement will be well underway.

I wish I was as confident as you
about 17 years

The captain has jumped ship - not a great motivating tool for the players.

Considering the squad he is leaving us (6 players), with many having said it depends on Rudan staying if they re-sign, how much better off will be compared to last season?

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