'The Scoop'
almost 16 years

Encouringly sounds like lots of European clubs have given up on him.

I know its a 5% chance he will come, but man that excites me. I'd rather look at this one postitvely tbh. I would love if our CEO ever showed this much ambition publicly. Total respect for TP

almost 13 years

playwithFire wrote:

Encouringly sounds like lots of European clubs have given up on him.

I know its a 5% chance he will come, but man that excites me. I'd rather look at this one postitvely tbh. I would love if our CEO ever showed this much ambition publicly. Total respect for TP

To be fair, for an ageing Eurotrash footballer Sydney is probably a much more appealing destination than Wellington - way more culture and shopping, infinitely better weather, great beaches with bikini-clad babes, etc. Not to mention the large Italian population in Sydney would mean his prescence there would generate more income through gate takings and shirt sales for them than it would for the Nix if he played for us so affording him would be easier for them. So I don't think we could ever expect a signing like this. At least not in the foreseeable future. I want him to go to Sydney so much too though, it'd be awesome to see him playing in the A-League
Early retirement
over 17 years

I don't think it's a CEO/GM showing interest thing as much as a Russian owner willing to biff $2m Aus a year on him vs our owners who don't have the same inclination.

Listen here Fudgeface
over 14 years

I'm hearing reports that Del Piero to Sydney is a done deal. Just waiting for word from TonyP or the club before I start getting too excited.


...Aaaand, it's official. http://www.footballaustralia.com.au/sydneyfc/news-display/Alessandro-Del-Piero-Agrees-To-Finalise-Sydney-FC-Contract/48831

over 17 years

Sydney official twitter says he has agreed and will sign

Starting XI
over 14 years
Starting XI
over 17 years

Please let it be true.  Please let him debut at the RRrrrriiiing of Fire on 6 October.  Would be great for the game here.

over 17 years

This is absolutely truly awesome.

I have to say it - would David Dome and our management ever have the balls to do something comparable?  I know, different market, different economics etc.  And they have a destination that other A-League clubs just aren't going to match.  But this is what the big time looks like

Way to make a statement with West Sydney coming into the league haha.  I bet the FFA are stoked on the one hand but also quietly spitting tacks on the other

over 17 years

It's a pretty decent sales pitch they ran with - if you're not worried about cash then a southern hemisphere summer has to be a lot better than a European winter or even playing in the middle east with no crowds in the middle of the desert.  The strong aussie dollar must help as well.

'The Scoop'
almost 16 years
'The Scoop'
almost 16 years

I just love how ambition has paid off in this instance. Sure he was more than likely to say no, but you have to applaud Tony P for doing this

Bossi Insider
about 16 years

Turfmoore wrote:

Please let it be true.  Please let him debut at the RRrrrriiiing of Fire on 6 October.  Would be great for the game here.

Must say I am looking forward to giving him a massive 'Who are ya?' as he runs out on the field.
over 17 years

playwithFire wrote:

I just love how ambition has paid off in this instance. Sure he was more than likely to say no, but you have to applaud Tony P for doing this


It's a bit like the Beckham thing that Tony and Terry managed.  It sounded like a pipe-dream and then it just happened!

Early retirement
over 17 years


Don't see it.  New Zealand doesn't have the ex-Italian population base that the Australian cities have. 

Also, I suspect the general sports public of New Zealand don't know him as well as the football fans do.  He didn't play in the Premier League which is all is ever covered by the mainstream media here.

Should be a good boost but I don't see it getting us 30k, unlike what it will do in the likes of Melbourne.

Bossi Insider
about 16 years

[quote Tancredi Palmeri @tancredipalmeri]

Del Piero's brother/agent:"Alex hasn't take still any decision".Next meeting with Sydney set for monday[/quote]Sydney jumped the gun?

over 17 years

Hard News wrote:


Don't see it.  New Zealand doesn't have the ex-Italian population base that the Australian cities have. 

Also, I suspect the general sports public of New Zealand don't know him as well as the football fans do.  He didn't play in the Premier League which is all is ever covered by the mainstream media here.

Should be a good boost but I don't see it getting us 30k, unlike what it will do in the likes of Melbourne.

One thing it will do is give the Phoenix a way to promote the first game of the season which is good seeing as we're a bit light on pre-season stuff in Wellington 

Starting XI
about 17 years

Juan Martin Del Potro

Theres only Juan Martin Del Potro

Juan Martin Del Potttttttro

There's only Juan Martin Del Potro

WHO ARE YA !!!!!


Starting XI
about 17 years

james dean wrote:

One thing it will do is give the Phoenix a way to promote the first game of the season which is good seeing as we're a bit light on pre-season stuff in Wellington 

The marketing team should have a field day with this, great opportunity.


Starting XI
about 17 years

Salary cap of $2.48M, plus Marquee player $2M. (also Tony Ps' $925K)

Surely Sydney need to at least double last years average crowd of less than 12K to come anywhere close to making money, or will FFA be bailing out again before the end of the season?





 p.s. One or more of the above mentioned salary figures maybe incorrect 

Sydney 'til they fold
about 17 years

Traitor wrote:



Tony P is fucking awesome.






Tony P is fucking awesome!!!!


Head Sleuth
over 17 years


“@tpignata9: To clarify our initial release stated that ADP agreed to finalise the contract He has not signed. I am flying to Turin to get his signature.”

Appiah without the pace
about 17 years

Sydney FC Chairman Scott Barlow would like to clarify the status of Alessandro Del Piero, who today agreed to enter into final discussions with the Sky Blues.

“Alessandro Del Piero has not signed a contract with Sydney FC as yet. The two parties have agreed to have a meeting in Turin early next week to confirm the possibility of signing a contract,” Mr Barlow said.


Will be massively funny if it blows out.

Starting XI
over 17 years

I am probably in the minority on this one, and have been debating it on Twitter with Tobz this morning.

This is a great signing for football fans, for people who follow European football and who have been sceptical about the A-League.

i don't think it's a signing that make the thousand of eight year olds, who play football, convince their parents that instead of buying a Rabbitohs season pass they are going to buy a SFC one.

if what they are trying to achieve is a change in the mindset of the Euro snobs then maybe it will work. If they are trying to turn Johnny Sydneysider into a football fan with this signing I'm not sure it will.

over 17 years

2ndBest wrote:

Sydney FC Chairman Scott Barlow would like to clarify the status of Alessandro Del Piero, who today agreed to enter into final discussions with the Sky Blues.

“Alessandro Del Piero has not signed a contract with Sydney FC as yet. The two parties have agreed to have a meeting in Turin early next week to confirm the possibility of signing a contract,” Mr Barlow said.


Will be massively funny if it blows out.


That's very petty.  For the good of the league this needs to work

over 17 years

Reading on the Italian news, it does sound quite likely that he will sign for SFC.

I'm so surprised, I read several interviews and he sounded like he was very keen on MLS. I think he is definitely going to attract good crowds. He is a World Champion and anyone who knows a bit about football, knows him. Sure, he didn't play in EPL but the is a BIG name, and more importantly, despite his age he is fit and still very capable to do lots of damage. He will struggle with the physicality of the game here - but let me tell you, each and everyone of this passes could potentially turn into a goal scoring opportunity.


Now, if he does sign, we need to work on a banner for the opening game. Any other Italian on this forum who wants to help me think of something witty?

Starting XI
over 17 years

bopman wrote:

I am probably in the minority on this one, and have been debating it on Twitter with Tobz this morning.

This is a great signing for football fans, for people who follow European football and who have been sceptical about the A-League.

i don't think it's a signing that make the thousand of eight year olds, who play football, convince their parents that instead of buying a Rabbitohs season pass they are going to buy a SFC one.

if what they are trying to achieve is a change in the mindset of the Euro snobs then maybe it will work. If they are trying to turn Johnny Sydneysider into a football fan with this signing I'm not sure it will.


Agreed. But it's going to get more casual punters going along for a look, maybe even those Rabbitohs season ticket holders. And hopefully, some of them will come back for another look. And another, and another ...

over 17 years

The biggest challenge in Sydney is getting people who play football to go and watch football.  That is what this will target.  Plus it's about getting publicity and making it cool to go to football in Sydney rather than the beach or whatever.  People for whatever reason want to be part of the zeitgeist - the more people talk about sydney FC the more people will head along.

personally, I think the obsession with getting 8 year olds along and them bringing their parents is a we bit of a myth.  Parents just aren't swayed like that and kids of 8 aren't actually that keen on anything.  Not enough to be into something that their parents aren't.

If they sign him I'm predicting they'll double the average crowds

Bossi Insider
about 16 years

Reading on the Italian news, it does sound quite likely that he will sign for SFC.

I'm so surprised, I read several interviews and he sounded like he was very keen on MLS. I think he is definitely going to attract good crowds. He is a World Champion and anyone who knows a bit about football, knows him. Sure, he didn't play in EPL but the is a BIG name, and more importantly, despite his age he is fit and still very capable to do lots of damage. He will struggle with the physicality of the game here - but let me tell you, each and everyone of this passes could potentially turn into a goal scoring opportunity.


Now, if he does sign, we need to work on a banner for the opening game. Any other Italian on this forum who wants to help me think of something witty?

He only wanted to play for the Galaxy, but they had no spot available for him. He turned down bigger money from Toronto.
almost 16 years

james dean wrote:

The biggest challenge in Sydney is getting people who play football to go and watch football.  That is what this will target.  Plus it's about getting publicity and making it cool to go to football in Sydney rather than the beach or whatever.  People for whatever reason want to be part of the zeitgeist - the more people talk about sydney FC the more people will head along.


Agree with this - in fact you can apply that to everywhere in the A-League and here in NZ.

[quote=james dean]

personally, I think the obsession with getting 8 year olds along and them bringing their parents is a we bit of a myth.  Parents just aren't swayed like that and kids of 8 aren't actually that keen on anything.  Not enough to be into something that their parents aren't.

I see a lot of families at the Nix games and the parents (that I know) are definately not football fans for the most part.  Sure for those who are regular attendees there are more parents who are footy nutters, but kids do influence their parents!



almost 16 years

wolfman wrote:

bopman wrote:

I am probably in the minority on this one, and have been debating it on Twitter with Tobz this morning.

This is a great signing for football fans, for people who follow European football and who have been sceptical about the A-League.

i don't think it's a signing that make the thousand of eight year olds, who play football, convince their parents that instead of buying a Rabbitohs season pass they are going to buy a SFC one.

if what they are trying to achieve is a change in the mindset of the Euro snobs then maybe it will work. If they are trying to turn Johnny Sydneysider into a football fan with this signing I'm not sure it will.


Agreed. But it's going to get more casual punters going along for a look, maybe even those Rabbitohs season ticket holders. And hopefully, some of them will come back for another look. And another, and another ...

If it p!sses Russell Crowe off it must be a good thing.


tradition and history
over 17 years

According to the news this morning he has signed.

Appiah without the pace
about 17 years

james dean wrote:

2ndBest wrote:

Sydney FC Chairman Scott Barlow would like to clarify the status of Alessandro Del Piero, who today agreed to enter into final discussions with the Sky Blues.

“Alessandro Del Piero has not signed a contract with Sydney FC as yet. The two parties have agreed to have a meeting in Turin early next week to confirm the possibility of signing a contract,” Mr Barlow said.


Will be massively funny if it blows out.


That's very petty.  For the good of the league this needs to work

Sure it will be good for the a-league this year.  Can't see it raising the profile internationally, but will probable get more people to games.

However, if the phoenix annoucned the signing of the player, and then it turned out there will be some talks, then you'd be the first to cricitise them.  Given Sydney's CEO issues in the past, you'd think they would try to play this on the safe side.

almost 16 years

2ndBest wrote:

Sure it will be good for the a-league this year.  Can't see it raising the profile internationally, but will probable get more people to games.



Football fans around the world unite and weep as one. I'm so saddened by this that I can't even bring myself to type it. You are just going to have to click on this link and see what has sullied my sunny disposition.



Heaven knows I'm miserable now
about 16 years

Have 8 year old kids even heard of Del Piero??  He's done not a lot of note in recent years and while I'd be quite pleased to see him I am unsure if these kids will really care too much.

As for "we are meeting in Turin to confirm the possibility of signing a contract"...what does that even mean?  Confirm the possibility?  This deal is looking dodgier by the minute.

Bossi Insider
about 16 years

Tony P seems confident, I would think he is flying over to Italy to get all the I's dotted, and T's crossed.

It has created quite a bit of buzz for the new season, and I think Sydney will get good value from his transfer if it goes thru. Any fans that were on the fence about joining the Wanderers will be drawn back, and it will draw in a large section of support from the Italian community in Sydney. Whether he leaves a legacy in Australian football it is something we will have to judge in the future, but in the meantime I hope he lights up the league against everyone but us.

almost 17 years

sure he's 37 but I think his crowd pulling power is exactly what the a-league needs - thankfully we get him here first up!

about 17 years

james dean wrote:

This is absolutely truly awesome.

I have to say it - would David Dome and our management ever have the balls to do something comparable?  I know, different market, different economics etc.  And they have a destination that other A-League clubs just aren't going to match.  But this is what the big time looks like

Way to make a statement with West Sydney coming into the league haha.  I bet the FFA are stoked on the one hand but also quietly spitting tacks on the other


This is excitement!

There's only one Tony P, one Tony P

walking along singing a song

in a Tony P wonderland


Watching with breath held. Dead keen for this for the A-league.


Woof Woof
about 17 years

Sounds to me like it's far from a done deal. 


about 17 years

bopman wrote:

I am probably in the minority on this one, and have been debating it on Twitter with Tobz this morning.

This is a great signing for football fans, for people who follow European football and who have been sceptical about the A-League.

i don't think it's a signing that make the thousand of eight year olds, who play football, convince their parents that instead of buying a Rabbitohs season pass they are going to buy a SFC one.

if what they are trying to achieve is a change in the mindset of the Euro snobs then maybe it will work. If they are trying to turn Johnny Sydneysider into a football fan with this signing I'm not sure it will.

It might make people who watch world cups and/or have some European heritage get out of their seat and spend some entertainment dosh on seeing Del Piero. It might help FC win back some fairweather fans and then cement them if the performances match.

I doubt kids are getting a jersey before they go to the game, and if their parents want them to have a league career anyway. But if they go along and love it it could be dreaming of a sky-blue christmas??? Who knows


Sydney 'til they fold
about 17 years

bopman wrote:


i don't think it's a signing that make the thousand of eight year olds, who play football, convince their parents that instead of buying a Rabbitohs season pass they are going to buy a SFC one.



Lol, I know some that are both.


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