Starting XI
almost 17 years

Jeff Vader wrote:

liberty_nz wrote:

I'm not sure why we can't have both. 

I also don't know why people think Doyle is for the scrap heap just yet either. 

Agree. Of the 3 CBs, Doyle is unlucky because Manny is ranked 1 and Fenton is ranked 2. Doesn't mean he is sharkhouse.

CBs? Do you mean FBs? 

And if we're talking FBs he is clearly behind Boxall now as well. So #4 at best.

about 15 years

hlmphil wrote:

Jeff Vader wrote:

liberty_nz wrote:

I'm not sure why we can't have both. 

I also don't know why people think Doyle is for the scrap heap just yet either. 

Agree. Of the 3 CBs, Doyle is unlucky because Manny is ranked 1 and Fenton is ranked 2. Doesn't mean he is sharkhouse.

CBs? Do you mean FBs? 

And if we're talking FBs he is clearly behind Boxall now as well. So #4 at best.

Sorry, yes FBs
over 13 years

If Boxall decides to move on at the end of the season for more opportunity then I hope we look at this new Greek kiwi. Greek football is not awash with money at the moment and I would think we would be in the ball park terms wise. I think next season will be Siggys last and this guy has a lot going for him being a kiwi and also being able to play defensive midfield.

tradition and history
over 17 years

If Boxall decides to move on at the end of the season for more opportunity then I hope we look at this new Greek kiwi. Greek football is not awash with money at the moment and I would think we would be in the ball park terms wise. I think next season will be Siggys last and this guy has a lot going for him being a kiwi and also being able to play defensive midfield.

Know what  you mean about Tzimopoulos, but born in Greece and spent all his life there does  not really make him a kiwi. Does he speak English? I have no idea.

almost 16 years

Leggy wrote:

If Boxall decides to move on at the end of the season for more opportunity then I hope we look at this new Greek kiwi. Greek football is not awash with money at the moment and I would think we would be in the ball park terms wise. I think next season will be Siggys last and this guy has a lot going for him being a kiwi and also being able to play defensive midfield.

Know what  you mean about Tzimopoulos, but born in Greece and spent all his life there does  not really make him a kiwi. Does he speak English? I have no idea.

Does WeeMac?

tradition and history
over 17 years

Junior82 wrote:

Leggy wrote:

If Boxall decides to move on at the end of the season for more opportunity then I hope we look at this new Greek kiwi. Greek football is not awash with money at the moment and I would think we would be in the ball park terms wise. I think next season will be Siggys last and this guy has a lot going for him being a kiwi and also being able to play defensive midfield.

Know what  you mean about Tzimopoulos, but born in Greece and spent all his life there does  not really make him a kiwi. Does he speak English? I have no idea.

Does WeeMac?

Only just.

over 13 years

Whilst the no cocks may be a policy I never thought that English was one? Then again if he was a cock and couldn't speak English then one  would never know would we?

over 17 years

Leggy wrote:

If Boxall decides to move on at the end of the season for more opportunity then I hope we look at this new Greek kiwi. Greek football is not awash with money at the moment and I would think we would be in the ball park terms wise. I think next season will be Siggys last and this guy has a lot going for him being a kiwi and also being able to play defensive midfield.

Know what  you mean about Tzimopoulos, but born in Greece and spent all his life there does  not really make him a kiwi. Does he speak English? I have no idea.

Who the hell are you to decide who is feels like a kiwi and who doesn't?

tradition and history
over 17 years

valeo wrote:

Leggy wrote:

If Boxall decides to move on at the end of the season for more opportunity then I hope we look at this new Greek kiwi. Greek football is not awash with money at the moment and I would think we would be in the ball park terms wise. I think next season will be Siggys last and this guy has a lot going for him being a kiwi and also being able to play defensive midfield.

Know what  you mean about Tzimopoulos, but born in Greece and spent all his life there does  not really make him a kiwi. Does he speak English? I have no idea.

Who the hell are you to decide who is feels like a kiwi and who doesn't?

Feels like a kiwi.  Are you on drugs? Explain what feeling like a kiwi means?

almost 12 years
Leggy wrote:

valeo wrote:

Leggy wrote:

If Boxall decides to move on at the end of the season for more opportunity then I hope we look at this new Greek kiwi. Greek football is not awash with money at the moment and I would think we would be in the ball park terms wise. I think next season will be Siggys last and this guy has a lot going for him being a kiwi and also being able to play defensive midfield.

Know what  you mean about Tzimopoulos, but born in Greece and spent all his life there does  not really make him a kiwi. Does he speak English? I have no idea.

Who the hell are you to decide who is feels like a kiwi and who doesn't?

Feels like a kiwi.  Are you on drugs? Explain what feeling like a kiwi means?

Lol! Needs a separate thread but.
almost 17 years

Jerzy Merino wrote:
Leggy wrote:

valeo wrote:

Leggy wrote:

If Boxall decides to move on at the end of the season for more opportunity then I hope we look at this new Greek kiwi. Greek football is not awash with money at the moment and I would think we would be in the ball park terms wise. I think next season will be Siggys last and this guy has a lot going for him being a kiwi and also being able to play defensive midfield.

Know what  you mean about Tzimopoulos, but born in Greece and spent all his life there does  not really make him a kiwi. Does he speak English? I have no idea.

Who the hell are you to decide who is feels like a kiwi and who doesn't?

Feels like a kiwi.  Are you on drugs? Explain what feeling like a kiwi means?

Lol! Needs a separate thread but.

Needs a full two year study into it.

a.k.a AJ13
almost 15 years

Leggy wrote:

If Boxall decides to move on at the end of the season for more opportunity then I hope we look at this new Greek kiwi. Greek football is not awash with money at the moment and I would think we would be in the ball park terms wise. I think next season will be Siggys last and this guy has a lot going for him being a kiwi and also being able to play defensive midfield.

Know what  you mean about Tzimopoulos, but born in Greece and spent all his life there does  not really make him a kiwi. Does he speak English? I have no idea.

Best not comment on matters if you have no idea. But I guess that would mean you giving up on this form all together ... 

about 17 years

Leggy wrote:

valeo wrote:

Leggy wrote:

If Boxall decides to move on at the end of the season for more opportunity then I hope we look at this new Greek kiwi. Greek football is not awash with money at the moment and I would think we would be in the ball park terms wise. I think next season will be Siggys last and this guy has a lot going for him being a kiwi and also being able to play defensive midfield.

Know what  you mean about Tzimopoulos, but born in Greece and spent all his life there does  not really make him a kiwi. Does he speak English? I have no idea.

Who the hell are you to decide who is feels like a kiwi and who doesn't?

Feels like a kiwi.  Are you on drugs? Explain what feeling like a kiwi means?

Ok Leggy I'll bite. Also because this kind of thing is very interesting to me.

Do you feel like an Aussie or a Kiwi? I'm going to suspect you identify mostly Kiwi, but also somewhat Aussie.  What makes you feel that way? Is it down to length of time lived? Place of birth? Your network of friends and family? Where you really want to be? Does it matter if you have a passport or not?

For example I had a friend who went grew up in and went to school in NZ, played club rugby in NZ and has lived in NZ his whole life since he was very young, but has never applied for an NZ passport. He keeps his Samoan one. Not sure how he identifies, but he would have the right to feel as Kiwi as many.

Many migrants talk about 'feeling like a....' from their new homeland. Often the people with the biggest NZ flags are the most recent, the rest of us being reticent to show patriotic feeling, particularly in that way. 

Sometimes it is most real when coming home to your new country from your old or from overseas travel, you have the feeling of coming to somewhere that you belong, not somewhere that is foreign, but where your home and future is.

As for needing a study- I'm sure there has been a lot done already...

this is kinda interesting, haven't really read al lthe way through it yet...

First Team Squad
about 17 years

Who's off contract at other A-League clubs this season that we'd want? I feel like we're in a good position to do a bit of cherry picking of quality players who want to play in a good system with a good coach and top blokes.

One I'd quite like is Castalen from WSW.

Bossi Insider
about 16 years

energy24.7 wrote:

Who's off contract at other A-League clubs this season that we'd want? I feel like we're in a good position to do a bit of cherry picking of quality players who want to play in a good system with a good coach and top blokes.

One I'd quite like is Castalen from WSW.

Fairly accurate list:

ADL - Elsey, Izzo, Palanca, Sanchez, Watson

BRI - Danning, Kaluderovic, Lambadaridis, Stefanutto

CCM - Anderson, Bosnar, Cernak, B Griffiths, Major, Morton, Nash, Simon

MCY - Baharudin, Dugandzic, Germano, Jaliens, Kisnorbo, Murdocca, Novillo, Ramsey, Retre, Velaphi, Wielaert

MVC - Coe, Delpierre, Georgievski, Ben Khalfallah, Makarounas, Nabbout, Thomas, Thompson

NEW - Alivodic, Caravella, Gallagher, Mullen, Regan, Virgili

PER - Duncan, Edwards, R Griffiths, Kramar, Maclaren, Paljic

SYD - Carle, Dimitrijevic, Faty, Gamiero, Gligor, Janko, Jurman, Necevski, Ognenovski, Smeltz, Stambolziev, Tavares, Triantis

WSW - Bulut, Covic, Gallaway, Golec, Hamill, Juric, Kalmar, La Rocca, Madaschi, Perkatis, Rukavytsya, Sotirio, Takahagi, Tanaka, J Trifiro

over 17 years

Was told years ago by the Dutch father of one of my friends that despite the fact he had lived here for many years he could never be a kiwi. His take on it was that he could become a New Zealander but not a Kiwi that tag was he felt reserved for those who were born here.He was mighty proud of the fact that he his two children were "Kiwis". It may not be PC but i rather like his way of thinking.

tradition and history
over 17 years

martinb wrote:

Leggy wrote:

valeo wrote:

Leggy wrote:

If Boxall decides to move on at the end of the season for more opportunity then I hope we look at this new Greek kiwi. Greek football is not awash with money at the moment and I would think we would be in the ball park terms wise. I think next season will be Siggys last and this guy has a lot going for him being a kiwi and also being able to play defensive midfield.

Know what  you mean about Tzimopoulos, but born in Greece and spent all his life there does  not really make him a kiwi. Does he speak English? I have no idea.

Who the hell are you to decide who is feels like a kiwi and who doesn't?

Feels like a kiwi.  Are you on drugs? Explain what feeling like a kiwi means?

Ok Leggy I'll bite. Also because this kind of thing is very interesting to me.

Do you feel like an Aussie or a Kiwi? I'm going to suspect you identify mostly Kiwi, but also somewhat Aussie.  What makes you feel that way? Is it down to length of time lived? Place of birth? Your network of friends and family? Where you really want to be? Does it matter if you have a passport or not?

For example I had a friend who went grew up in and went to school in NZ, played club rugby in NZ and has lived in NZ his whole life since he was very young, but has never applied for an NZ passport. He keeps his Samoan one. Not sure how he identifies, but he would have the right to feel as Kiwi as many.

Many migrants talk about 'feeling like a....' from their new homeland. Often the people with the biggest NZ flags are the most recent, the rest of us being reticent to show patriotic feeling, particularly in that way. 

Sometimes it is most real when coming home to your new country from your old or from overseas travel, you have the feeling of coming to somewhere that you belong, not somewhere that is foreign, but where your home and future is.

As for needing a study- I'm sure there has been a lot done already...

this is kinda interesting, haven't really read al lthe way through it yet...

This started out I thought as pretty simple. All I wanted to know how a person who was born and brought up in Greece ( and I assume never been to NZ) could possibly feel like a kiwi.

As to your first question. I spent most of my life in NZ, and my best friends etc are still there. As far as I know I'm still a kiwi, but not as biased as most on here.

tradition and history
over 17 years

AJ13 wrote:

Leggy wrote:

If Boxall decides to move on at the end of the season for more opportunity then I hope we look at this new Greek kiwi. Greek football is not awash with money at the moment and I would think we would be in the ball park terms wise. I think next season will be Siggys last and this guy has a lot going for him being a kiwi and also being able to play defensive midfield.

Know what  you mean about Tzimopoulos, but born in Greece and spent all his life there does  not really make him a kiwi. Does he speak English? I have no idea.

Best not comment on matters if you have no idea. But I guess that would mean you giving up on this form all together ... 

I only come on here to have a laugh at your comments.

Bossi Insider
about 16 years

Leggy wrote:

martinb wrote:

Leggy wrote:

valeo wrote:

Leggy wrote:

If Boxall decides to move on at the end of the season for more opportunity then I hope we look at this new Greek kiwi. Greek football is not awash with money at the moment and I would think we would be in the ball park terms wise. I think next season will be Siggys last and this guy has a lot going for him being a kiwi and also being able to play defensive midfield.

Know what  you mean about Tzimopoulos, but born in Greece and spent all his life there does  not really make him a kiwi. Does he speak English? I have no idea.

Who the hell are you to decide who is feels like a kiwi and who doesn't?

Feels like a kiwi.  Are you on drugs? Explain what feeling like a kiwi means?

Ok Leggy I'll bite. Also because this kind of thing is very interesting to me.

Do you feel like an Aussie or a Kiwi? I'm going to suspect you identify mostly Kiwi, but also somewhat Aussie.  What makes you feel that way? Is it down to length of time lived? Place of birth? Your network of friends and family? Where you really want to be? Does it matter if you have a passport or not?

For example I had a friend who went grew up in and went to school in NZ, played club rugby in NZ and has lived in NZ his whole life since he was very young, but has never applied for an NZ passport. He keeps his Samoan one. Not sure how he identifies, but he would have the right to feel as Kiwi as many.

Many migrants talk about 'feeling like a....' from their new homeland. Often the people with the biggest NZ flags are the most recent, the rest of us being reticent to show patriotic feeling, particularly in that way. 

Sometimes it is most real when coming home to your new country from your old or from overseas travel, you have the feeling of coming to somewhere that you belong, not somewhere that is foreign, but where your home and future is.

As for needing a study- I'm sure there has been a lot done already...

this is kinda interesting, haven't really read al lthe way through it yet...

This started out I thought as pretty simple. All I wanted to know how a person who was born and brought up in Greece ( and I assume never been to NZ) could possibly feel like a kiwi.

As to your first question. I spent most of my life in NZ, and my best friends etc are still there. As far as I know I'm still a kiwi, but not as biased as most on here.

Played for Wellington Olympic Juniors according to 'Da Boss'

tradition and history
over 17 years

Leggy wrote:

martinb wrote:

Leggy wrote:

valeo wrote:

Leggy wrote:

If Boxall decides to move on at the end of the season for more opportunity then I hope we look at this new Greek kiwi. Greek football is not awash with money at the moment and I would think we would be in the ball park terms wise. I think next season will be Siggys last and this guy has a lot going for him being a kiwi and also being able to play defensive midfield.

Know what  you mean about Tzimopoulos, but born in Greece and spent all his life there does  not really make him a kiwi. Does he speak English? I have no idea.

Who the hell are you to decide who is feels like a kiwi and who doesn't?

Feels like a kiwi.  Are you on drugs? Explain what feeling like a kiwi means?

Ok Leggy I'll bite. Also because this kind of thing is very interesting to me.

Do you feel like an Aussie or a Kiwi? I'm going to suspect you identify mostly Kiwi, but also somewhat Aussie.  What makes you feel that way? Is it down to length of time lived? Place of birth? Your network of friends and family? Where you really want to be? Does it matter if you have a passport or not?

For example I had a friend who went grew up in and went to school in NZ, played club rugby in NZ and has lived in NZ his whole life since he was very young, but has never applied for an NZ passport. He keeps his Samoan one. Not sure how he identifies, but he would have the right to feel as Kiwi as many.

Many migrants talk about 'feeling like a....' from their new homeland. Often the people with the biggest NZ flags are the most recent, the rest of us being reticent to show patriotic feeling, particularly in that way. 

Sometimes it is most real when coming home to your new country from your old or from overseas travel, you have the feeling of coming to somewhere that you belong, not somewhere that is foreign, but where your home and future is.

As for needing a study- I'm sure there has been a lot done already...

this is kinda interesting, haven't really read al lthe way through it yet...

This started out I thought as pretty simple. All I wanted to know how a person who was born and brought up in Greece ( and I assume never been to NZ) could possibly feel like a kiwi.

As to your first question. I spent most of my life in NZ, and my best friends etc are still there. As far as I know I'm still a kiwi, but not as biased as most on here.

Played for Wellington Olympic Juniors according to 'Da Boss'

Cheers  for that Ryan.

First Team Squad
about 17 years

energy24.7 wrote:

Who's off contract at other A-League clubs this season that we'd want? I feel like we're in a good position to do a bit of cherry picking of quality players who want to play in a good system with a good coach and top blokes.

One I'd quite like is Castalen from WSW.

Fairly accurate list:

ADL - Elsey, Izzo, Palanca, Sanchez, Watson

BRI - Danning, Kaluderovic, Lambadaridis, Stefanutto

CCM - Anderson, Bosnar, Cernak, B Griffiths, Major, Morton, Nash, Simon

MCY - Baharudin, Dugandzic, Germano, Jaliens, Kisnorbo, Murdocca, Novillo, Ramsey, Retre, Velaphi, Wielaert

MVC - Coe, Delpierre, Georgievski, Ben Khalfallah, Makarounas, Nabbout, Thomas, Thompson

NEW - Alivodic, Caravella, Gallagher, Mullen, Regan, Virgili

PER - Duncan, Edwards, R Griffiths, Kramar, Maclaren, Paljic

SYD - Carle, Dimitrijevic, Faty, Gamiero, Gligor, Janko, Jurman, Necevski, Ognenovski, Smeltz, Stambolziev, Tavares, Triantis

WSW - Bulut, Covic, Gallaway, Golec, Hamill, Juric, Kalmar, La Rocca, Madaschi, Perkatis, Rukavytsya, Sotirio, Takahagi, Tanaka, J Trifiro

Thanks mate. Very interesting list. Sydney teams  need to get signing players aye! Few from Victory may be after more cash. Can they afford to keep FBK and Delpierre?
Dimitrijevic would be handy as would Tanaka.
And maybe Georgievski from MVC?

about 17 years

Hope it's not the last we've seen of Joel. Looked like a nasty injury. Do we bring in one of the kids? Maybe even de Vries?

Bossi Insider
about 16 years

Luis Garcia wrote:

Hope it's not the last we've seen of Joel. Looked like a nasty injury. Do we bring in one of the kids? Maybe even de Vries?

It looked really bad, at his age you are probably talking about career ending. If it is as serious as it looked, you would think Joel Stevens would be the most obvious call up if we were to get a replacement.
about 17 years

But he's out with a dislocated shoulder..

Bossi Insider
about 16 years

Luis Garcia wrote:

But he's out with a dislocated shoulder..

Whoops, that had slipped my mind.
about 15 years

How much do the fans love Boyd now?

over 17 years

Jeff Vader wrote:

How much do the fans love Boyd now?

He warmed up with the team last nite so cant be that much on the outer.
about 15 years

ballane wrote:

Jeff Vader wrote:

How much do the fans love Boyd now?

He warmed up with the team last nite so cant be that much on the outer.

The cynical part of me says that he was probably told by his handlers to try harder to fit in until he leaves.
One in a million
over 17 years

was boyd named on the sub bench?

about 17 years
about 10 years

Time for a marquee time for Janko?

Starting XI
almost 17 years

I wouldn't mind at all us spending some cash on Georgievski. Melbourne are going to really struggle to keep everyone under the cap, especially if they try to keep BFK, so we might be in with a shot.

Manny has really started to worry me recently at FB, Fenton is possibly our best but still inconsistent defensively, Boxall appears to be gone at the end of the season and a bit of a makeshift option anyway, and Doyle & Shermy are both works in progress. We could definitely do with an upgrade there.

Starting XI
about 16 years

Leggy wrote:

If Boxall decides to move on at the end of the season for more opportunity then I hope we look at this new Greek kiwi. Greek football is not awash with money at the moment and I would think we would be in the ball park terms wise. I think next season will be Siggys last and this guy has a lot going for him being a kiwi and also being able to play defensive midfield.

Know what  you mean about Tzimopoulos, but born in Greece and spent all his life there does  not really make him a kiwi. Does he speak English? I have no idea.

Definitely has close ties to NZ from a young age.

His mother was born and grew up in Wellington in a Greek family and she went off to live in Greece after high school.

Tzimopolous has been back to Wellington over the years to stay with relatives (has grandparents, uncles etc. there)

He even played a season for Wellington Olympic juniors as a kid. So he must have spent time at school in Wellington and speak pretty good English. 

See this Fever thread under "Kiwi players Overseas":

That post is by a guy from Wellington Olympic who knows him and his family:

"Now the history...he played for the Olympic juniors for a season (obviously quite a few years yia we are claiming him...!!)...and his uncle was the probably one of the best defenders in the old days for Olympic..( he even played for the Olympic masters recently when they won the national title....( Baz your 5 min of fame starts now...!!!)."

NZ Football were told about Tzimopolous during Ricki Herbert's time but did nothing about it according to this guy.

The other debutant against Korea, Clayton Lewis is also from Wellington Olympic (not from a Greek family though - NZ u-20 rep).

about 17 years

hlmphil wrote:

I wouldn't mind at all us spending some cash on Georgievski. Melbourne are going to really struggle to keep everyone under the cap, especially if they try to keep BFK, so we might be in with a shot.

Manny has really started to worry me recently at FB, Fenton is possibly our best but still inconsistent defensively, Boxall appears to be gone at the end of the season and a bit of a makeshift option anyway, and Doyle & Shermy are both works in progress. We could definitely do with an upgrade there.

After the last game I would say the no dicks policy should kick in to that suggestion

First Team Squad
over 17 years

I think fullback is definitely the position where we are in most need.

about 15 years

martinb wrote:

hlmphil wrote:

I wouldn't mind at all us spending some cash on Georgievski. Melbourne are going to really struggle to keep everyone under the cap, especially if they try to keep BFK, so we might be in with a shot.

Manny has really started to worry me recently at FB, Fenton is possibly our best but still inconsistent defensively, Boxall appears to be gone at the end of the season and a bit of a makeshift option anyway, and Doyle & Shermy are both works in progress. We could definitely do with an upgrade there.

After the last game I would say the no dicks policy should kick in to that suggestion

What did Georgirvski do that puts him in the 'dicks' category - fouled Fenton and got away with it?!? Fire Manny now then cause he is worse.
about 17 years

Jeff Vader wrote:

martinb wrote:

hlmphil wrote:

I wouldn't mind at all us spending some cash on Georgievski. Melbourne are going to really struggle to keep everyone under the cap, especially if they try to keep BFK, so we might be in with a shot.

Manny has really started to worry me recently at FB, Fenton is possibly our best but still inconsistent defensively, Boxall appears to be gone at the end of the season and a bit of a makeshift option anyway, and Doyle & Shermy are both works in progress. We could definitely do with an upgrade there.

After the last game I would say the no dicks policy should kick in to that suggestion

What did Georgirvski do that puts him in the 'dicks' category - fouled Fenton and got away with it?!? Fire Manny now then cause he is worse.

This season? He lined Fenton up, a player with shoulder dislocation injury history, then put a hit on him. It was very cynical and dangerous play.

Manny certainly hasn't been worse this season. At times in the past he has done some rash things and been guilty of some dirty play, but I think in the past it has been a temperament issue, rather than a tactic. This looked like Georgievski got an opportunity to smash his opponent so he did so. 

Starting XI
over 17 years

martinb wrote:

Jeff Vader wrote:

martinb wrote:

hlmphil wrote:

I wouldn't mind at all us spending some cash on Georgievski. Melbourne are going to really struggle to keep everyone under the cap, especially if they try to keep BFK, so we might be in with a shot.

Manny has really started to worry me recently at FB, Fenton is possibly our best but still inconsistent defensively, Boxall appears to be gone at the end of the season and a bit of a makeshift option anyway, and Doyle & Shermy are both works in progress. We could definitely do with an upgrade there.

After the last game I would say the no dicks policy should kick in to that suggestion

What did Georgirvski do that puts him in the 'dicks' category - fouled Fenton and got away with it?!? Fire Manny now then cause he is worse.

This season? He lined Fenton up, a player with shoulder dislocation injury history, then put a hit on him. It was very cynical and dangerous play.

Manny certainly hasn't been worse this season. At times in the past he has done some rash things and been guilty of some dirty play, but I think in the past it has been a temperament issue, rather than a tactic. This looked like Georgievski got an opportunity to smash his opponent so he did so. 

So now you have to have a look and see what injuries a player has had and be nice to him ???.. Dont think so

over 17 years

ballane wrote:

Jeff Vader wrote:

How much do the fans love Boyd now?

He warmed up with the team last nite so cant be that much on the outer.

He will be a big player for the rest of the season, I hope both sides can be mature about it and use him until he goes

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