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almost 14 years

mjp2 wrote:

Lonegunmen wrote:

Why wasn't anything done, as far as we know, on Tuesday?

As far as we can tell from the media, someone at NZF didn't get to the Nix email that day.

Which is why a number of us are asking why were the Nix, as it appears, not making phone calls and chasing this up on the Tuesday and why, as it would seem, the Nix had not rung the right people at NZF beforehand to say it was coming and would be urgent.

There has been three messages, they may contradict each other or not.

The first is that for whatever reason no one at NZF actioned it on Tuesday.

The second is that the person in charge of finalising transfers was out of cell phone range.

The third is that the process was started in the FIFA system but never completed. 

It could be that the Phoenix started the process and NZF didn't finish it, or it could be that NZF started the process but no one in the office on Tuesday had  the authority to sign off on it, and the fact that they couldn't raise the person who did have the authority meant that they just didn't do it / passed the buck along.

Starting XI
over 12 years

Mainland FC wrote:

chopah wrote:
valeo wrote:

If the Nix sent it through on a public holiday expecting it to be actioned, it's certainly our fault.

Back to my point about NZF not having staff on when a transfer window is about to close - NZ public holidays don't exist in an international business world, so they should have had staff on. And no I'm not washing the nix's hands in all of this - I simply don't know what they did or didn't do - but like I say above I know that NZF were not open on Auckland Anniversary and that's just plain stupid.

And it was only a "local" (regional) holiday. Wellington was open for business, yet nobody clicked that NZF (which looks after the whole of the country) was not open for business. Looks like the person at NZF took a long weekend and was "out of broadband range" on Tuesday as well - to me, this clearly looks like both NZF and the Nix having to share the blame for this debacle.

maybe they did and were told we will look at it on Tuesday that's plenty of time - there can be lots of theories about this but at the moment I still don't see any reason why NZF closed over Auckland Anniversay (at the very least the transfer person or team should have been on deck).

Appiah without the pace
about 17 years

Ryan wrote:

There has been three messages, they may contradict each other or not.

The first is that for whatever reason no one at NZF actioned it on Tuesday.

The second is that the person in charge of finalising transfers was out of cell phone range.

The third is that the process was started in the FIFA system but never completed. 

It could be that the Phoenix started the process and NZF didn't finish it, or it could be that NZF started the process but no one in the office on Tuesday had  the authority to sign off on it, and the fact that they couldn't raise the person who did have the authority meant that they just didn't do it / passed the buck along.

They don't contradict each other. NZF didn't action it because the person wasn't contactable, and thus the FIFA system wasn't complete. All NZF have to do is tick a box and hit submit.

I don't the argument that it was a long weekend. Professional sport is a 24/7 operation. The press guy doesn't get weekend's off. Either does the competition manager. NZF should have someone on call for transfer, especially in the week leading up to end of transfer period.

and 2 others
almost 14 years

Yes, so one guess is that NZF knew that they had the application and were actioning it but couldn't complete the process because of bureaucracy and poor management. If the Phoenix rang to check on it then NZF would have said that it's being done. They probably never expected that the guy who has to sign off on it wouldn't get back to them. In this scenario nothing the Phoenix could have done, short of hiring a fleet of helicopters and tracker dogs to find the NZF person on vacation could have made NZF do their job because it was internal resourcing / procedures that were in the way.

If the Phoenix went up to Auckland then short of forcing someone at gun point to go against procedures and orders the thing would never have been done.

over 8 years
Like everybody I am very disappointed that we may not see Alex play, but the reality is that this season was over weeks ago. The only silver lining to this dark cloud is that the younger guys will now get more of a run which will hopefully benefit us in years to come.
over 17 years

Ryan wrote:

Yes, so one guess is that NZF knew that they had the application and were actioning it but couldn't complete the process because of bureaucracy and poor management. If the Phoenix rang to check on it then NZF would have said that it's being done. They probably never expected that the guy who has to sign off on it wouldn't get back to them. In this scenario nothing the Phoenix could have done, short of hiring a fleet of helicopters and tracker dogs to find the NZF person on vacation could have made NZF do their job because it was internal resourcing / procedures that were in the way.

If the Phoenix went up to Auckland then short of forcing someone at gun point to go against procedures and orders the thing would never have been done.

almost 14 years

Don't be facetious the supposition that I put up was just an extreme example obviously but it is based on more information than the belief that the Phoenix sent an email and didn't follow up on it. No one has said anywhere that the Phoenix did or did not follow up on an email but they have said that NZF recieved the information, that the process was begun, and that the person who was in charge with doing the transfer was out of cell phone range.

With the facts above that have been stated in the media and if you put two and two together to get that outcome then nothing the Phoenix could do would have been able to rectify the situation, so we don't know if they did or did not try to do anything. 

You are assuming that they did nothing because no one has said that they did anything, but no one has also said that they did nothing either.

over 17 years

Toonieboy wrote:
Like everybody I am very disappointed that we may not see Alex play, but the reality is that this season was over weeks ago. The only silver lining to this dark cloud is that the younger guys will now get more of a run which will hopefully benefit us in years to come.

The bigger concern is that this will inevitably taint our brand overseas (obviously doesn't matter if we don't get a licence renewal but..) - if you were another championship club in England looking to loan a player out for game time, would you ever, ever go with us now? Not in a million years.

It's just embarrassing, plain and simple. Feel sorry for Alex after the very long journey.

over 17 years

Ryan wrote:

Don't be facetious the supposition that I put up was just an extreme example obviously but it is based on more information than the belief that the Phoenix sent an email and didn't follow up on it. No one has said anywhere that the Phoenix did or did not follow up on an email but they have said that NZF recieved the information, that the process was begun, and that the person who was in charge with doing the transfer was out of cell phone range.

With the facts above that have been stated in the media and if you put two and two together to get that outcome then nothing the Phoenix could do would have been able to rectify the situation, so we don't know if they did or did not try to do anything. 

You are assuming that they did nothing because no one has said that they did anything, but no one has also said that they did nothing either.

Storytime: If I sign up Gazza at 3am to be my probable match winner in our big cup game at midday - I'm probably going to ensure my success by rocking up to his hotel and escorting his hungover ass to the ground. If it was Messi at 7pm at the shopping centre then a phone call might suffice.

about 14 years

2ndBest wrote:


They don't contradict each other. NZF didn't action it because the person wasn't contactable, and thus the FIFA system wasn't complete. All NZF have to do is tick a box and hit submit.

I don't the argument that it was a long weekend. Professional sport is a 24/7 operation. The press guy doesn't get weekend's off. Either does the competition manager. NZF should have someone on call for transfer, especially in the week leading up to end of transfer period.

Why don't we just sublet the management of NZ football matters to Vanuatu Football Federation? 

On the plus side:

1 - they understand the FIFA rules;

2 - they work hard (can send a fax overnight, even if they are away from their offices);

3- they might be cheaper per hour.

almost 14 years

Feverish wrote:

Ryan wrote:

Don't be facetious the supposition that I put up was just an extreme example obviously but it is based on more information than the belief that the Phoenix sent an email and didn't follow up on it. No one has said anywhere that the Phoenix did or did not follow up on an email but they have said that NZF recieved the information, that the process was begun, and that the person who was in charge with doing the transfer was out of cell phone range.

With the facts above that have been stated in the media and if you put two and two together to get that outcome then nothing the Phoenix could do would have been able to rectify the situation, so we don't know if they did or did not try to do anything. 

You are assuming that they did nothing because no one has said that they did anything, but no one has also said that they did nothing either.

Storytime: If I sign up Gazza at 3am to be my probable match winner in our big cup game at midday - I'm probably going to ensure my success by rocking up to his hotel and escorting his hungover ass to the ground. If it was Messi at 7pm at the shopping centre then a phone call might suffice.

What on earth are you on about? You talk some shark with no evidence to back it up, and then when other people try and qualify why you don't make any sense you just turn into a troll.

Nice, really.

First Team Squad
over 17 years

Ryan wrote:

Yes, so one guess is that NZF knew that they had the application and were actioning it but couldn't complete the process because of bureaucracy and poor management. If the Phoenix rang to check on it then NZF would have said that it's being done. They probably never expected that the guy who has to sign off on it wouldn't get back to them. In this scenario nothing the Phoenix could have done, short of hiring a fleet of helicopters and tracker dogs to find the NZF person on vacation could have made NZF do their job because it was internal resourcing / procedures that were in the way.

If the Phoenix went up to Auckland then short of forcing someone at gun point to go against procedures and orders the thing would never have been done.


If NZF are so incompetent that the transfer guy is on holiday at the end of transfer window and there is no replacement transfer guy then that is clearly not the fault of the Phoenix.

Not Boyd
over 16 years
Sorry if I've missed something b
Not Boyd
over 16 years long can he not play for?
over 17 years

Ryan wrote:

Feverish wrote:

Ryan wrote:

Don't be facetious the supposition that I put up was just an extreme example obviously but it is based on more information than the belief that the Phoenix sent an email and didn't follow up on it. No one has said anywhere that the Phoenix did or did not follow up on an email but they have said that NZF recieved the information, that the process was begun, and that the person who was in charge with doing the transfer was out of cell phone range.

With the facts above that have been stated in the media and if you put two and two together to get that outcome then nothing the Phoenix could do would have been able to rectify the situation, so we don't know if they did or did not try to do anything. 

You are assuming that they did nothing because no one has said that they did anything, but no one has also said that they did nothing either.

Storytime: If I sign up Gazza at 3am to be my probable match winner in our big cup game at midday - I'm probably going to ensure my success by rocking up to his hotel and escorting his hungover ass to the ground. If it was Messi at 7pm at the shopping centre then a phone call might suffice.

What on earth are you on about? You talk some shark with no evidence to back it up, and then when other people try and qualify why you don't make any sense you just turn into a troll.

Nice, really.

haha jog on kid

almost 14 years

Feverish wrote:

Ryan wrote:

Feverish wrote:

Ryan wrote:

Don't be facetious the supposition that I put up was just an extreme example obviously but it is based on more information than the belief that the Phoenix sent an email and didn't follow up on it. No one has said anywhere that the Phoenix did or did not follow up on an email but they have said that NZF recieved the information, that the process was begun, and that the person who was in charge with doing the transfer was out of cell phone range.

With the facts above that have been stated in the media and if you put two and two together to get that outcome then nothing the Phoenix could do would have been able to rectify the situation, so we don't know if they did or did not try to do anything.

You are assuming that they did nothing because no one has said that they did anything, but no one has also said that they did nothing either.

Storytime: If I sign up Gazza at 3am to be my probable match winner in our big cup game at midday - I'm probably going to ensure my success by rocking up to his hotel and escorting his hungover ass to the ground. If it was Messi at 7pm at the shopping centre then a phone call might suffice.

What on earth are you on about? You talk some shark with no evidence to back it up, and then when other people try and qualify why you don't make any sense you just turn into a troll.

Nice, really.

haha jog on kid

Great come back, well thought out rebuttals that put me in my place and clear and concise arguments that really drove the reasoning behind your assumptions home.

I salute your foruming.

about 15 years

valeo wrote:

Toonieboy wrote:
Like everybody I am very disappointed that we may not see Alex play, but the reality is that this season was over weeks ago. The only silver lining to this dark cloud is that the younger guys will now get more of a run which will hopefully benefit us in years to come.

The bigger concern is that this will inevitably taint our brand overseas (obviously won't matter when we don't get a licence renewal but..) - if you were another championship club in England looking to loan a player out for game time, would you ever, ever go with us now? Not in a million years.

It's just embarrassing, plain and simple. Feel sorry for Alex after the very long journey.

ftfy v
Can I have some lungs please miss
almost 17 years

I can't wait for the (potentially endless) off season.

Starting XI
over 17 years

Why doesn't everyone just chill? Yeah its a fudge up but seriously the season is well and truly over

about 11 years

feel bad for him. He has to endure the pain of watching nix football this week and last. NZF is a joke well beyond this, arguably the most talented players we've had in years have been wasted by their incompetence. Icing on the cake really...

Appiah without the pace
about 17 years

Think Roly might have something to say about that.

about 15 years

I hope he stays - mad skills

over 13 years

I wish NZ football would stand up and outline clearly to the NZ public what happened here. Until they do so this reeks of a typical cover up.

I'm sorry but saying the guy who does this was out of Internet range/coverage is not the full story.

Was he on an extended long weekend on leave? If so why didn't one of his colleague check his emails to make sure there no bombs or urgent shark that needed to be actioned. That happens at any other organisation that gives a fudge about their clients/customers.

So until someone actually explains what happened here then the blame rests solely on the CEO.

If I was the Nix I would be sending the CEO the bills for this mess including a business class flight home for this young kid.

The invoice would read "For being shark at your job"

First Team Squad
over 12 years

HZA wrote:

I hope he stays - mad skills

Who are we talking about?

about 15 years

Roly - the man can play

Starting XI
over 17 years

The Phoenix sent the required paperwork to NZF's Auckland offices on Saturday January 30, three days before the transfer deadline of midnight on Tuesday February 2.

Sent on Saturday, needs following up on Monday, whoops no response, follow up on Tuesday


almost 14 years

hepatitis wrote:

The Phoenix sent the required paperwork to NZF's Auckland offices on Saturday January 30, three days before the transfer deadline of midnight on Tuesday February 2.

Sent on Saturday, needs following up on Monday, whoops no response, follow up on Tuesday


how  you know there was no response or no follow up though? Your just assuming that's the case.
over 17 years

Ryan wrote:

hepatitis wrote:

The Phoenix sent the required paperwork to NZF's Auckland offices on Saturday January 30, three days before the transfer deadline of midnight on Tuesday February 2.

Sent on Saturday, needs following up on Monday, whoops no response, follow up on Tuesday


how  you know there was no response or no follow up though? Your just assuming that's the case.

 Um because the transfer hasn't happened yet

almost 14 years

Feverish wrote:

Ryan wrote:

hepatitis wrote:

The Phoenix sent the required paperwork to NZF's Auckland offices on Saturday January 30, three days before the transfer deadline of midnight on Tuesday February 2.

Sent on Saturday, needs following up on Monday, whoops no response, follow up on Tuesday


how  you know there was no response or no follow up though? Your just assuming that's the case.

 Um because the transfer hasn't happened yet

but it's an assumption the only facts that we were told was that the process was started and that the person at nzf who needed to do it was out of cell phone range.

No amount of Phoenix following up would magically make that person contactable.

Nowhere was it stated that the Phoenix did or did not follow up.

about 17 years

Now this is what you call speculation about a transfer

over 17 years

Ryan wrote:

Feverish wrote:

Ryan wrote:

hepatitis wrote:

The Phoenix sent the required paperwork to NZF's Auckland offices on Saturday January 30, three days before the transfer deadline of midnight on Tuesday February 2.

Sent on Saturday, needs following up on Monday, whoops no response, follow up on Tuesday


how  you know there was no response or no follow up though? Your just assuming that's the case.

 Um because the transfer hasn't happened yet

but it's an assumption the only facts that we were told was that the process was started and that the person at nzf who needed to do it was out of cell phone range.

No amount of Phoenix following up would magically make that person contactable.

Nowhere was it stated that the Phoenix did or did not follow up.

So the phoenix contact NZF regarding not hearing about the transfer and they say 'oh daves out of Internet range, he's back on Wednesday'. 

'Ok sweet he's obviously got this under control then'

Starting XI
about 12 years

We will never find out. Nobody want's to talk about this.

almost 14 years

Feverish wrote:

Ryan wrote:

Feverish wrote:

Ryan wrote:

hepatitis wrote:

The Phoenix sent the required paperwork to NZF's Auckland offices on Saturday January 30, three days before the transfer deadline of midnight on Tuesday February 2.

Sent on Saturday, needs following up on Monday, whoops no response, follow up on Tuesday


how  you know there was no response or no follow up though? Your just assuming that's the case.

 Um because the transfer hasn't happened yet

but it's an assumption the only facts that we were told was that the process was started and that the person at nzf who needed to do it was out of cell phone range.

No amount of Phoenix following up would magically make that person contactable.

Nowhere was it stated that the Phoenix did or did not follow up.

So the phoenix contact NZF regarding not hearing about the transfer and they say 'oh daves out of Internet range, he's back on Wednesday'. 

'Ok sweet he's obviously got this under control then'

they said the data was entered into FIFA's system but not completed so nzf new it was there, but if they can't do anything because of procedures then they can't do anything.

The point to this is yes, the Phoenix might be partially to blame, but there is no evidence of this the only information that we have lays the blame squarely on nzf. Any accusations against the phoenix are 100% made up and have no evidence supporting then at this point.

over 17 years

Ryan wrote:

Feverish wrote:

Ryan wrote:

Feverish wrote:

Ryan wrote:

hepatitis wrote:

The Phoenix sent the required paperwork to NZF's Auckland offices on Saturday January 30, three days before the transfer deadline of midnight on Tuesday February 2.

Sent on Saturday, needs following up on Monday, whoops no response, follow up on Tuesday


how  you know there was no response or no follow up though? Your just assuming that's the case.

 Um because the transfer hasn't happened yet

but it's an assumption the only facts that we were told was that the process was started and that the person at nzf who needed to do it was out of cell phone range.

No amount of Phoenix following up would magically make that person contactable.

Nowhere was it stated that the Phoenix did or did not follow up.

So the phoenix contact NZF regarding not hearing about the transfer and they say 'oh daves out of Internet range, he's back on Wednesday'. 

'Ok sweet he's obviously got this under control then'

they said the data was entered into FIFA's system it not completed so nzf new it was there, but of they can't do anything because of procedures then they can't do anything.

The point to this is yes, the Phoenix might be partially to blame, but there is no evidence of this the only information that we have lays the blame squarely on nzf. Any accusations against the phoenix are 100% made up and have no evidence supporting then at this point.

Ok David Dome

almost 14 years

Well think about it, your reasons for laying the blame on the nix is because the nzf didn't do their job when they had a number of days to get it done. You are guessing that the nix weren't putting pressure on them  but have absolutely no idea of the truthfulness of that comment. They could have been on the phone every hour as far as we know.

Your supporting evidence is that the nix haven't come out in social media talking shark about nzf which they have no history of doing, ever.

The media have said that the Phoenix are furious but are towing the line publicly.

Starting XI
over 17 years

Ryan wrote:

Well think about it, your reasons for laying the blame on the nix is because the nzf didn't do their job when they had a number of days to get it done. You are guessing that the nix weren't putting pressure on them  but have absolutely no idea of the truthfulness of that comment. They could have been on the phone every hour as far as we know.

Your supporting evidence is that the nix haven't come out in social media talking shark about nzf which they have no history of doing, ever.

The media have said that the Phoenix are furious but are towing the line publicly.

Oh come on, if they were on the phone every hour it would have happened. And someone stated on here it was not a big deal to do.

It is a cluster fudge, the Nix were part of it

almost 14 years
hepatitis wrote:
Ryan wrote:

Well think about it, your reasons for laying the blame on the nix is because the nzf didn't do their job when they had a number of days to get it done. You are guessing that the nix weren't putting pressure on them  but have absolutely no idea of the truthfulness of that comment. They could have been on the phone every hour as far as we know.

Your supporting evidence is that the nix haven't come out in social media talking shark about nzf which they have no history of doing, ever.

The media have said that the Phoenix are furious but are towing the line publicly.

Oh come on, if they were on the phone every hour it would have happened. And someone stated on here it was not a big deal to do.

It is a cluster fudge, the Nix were part of it

not if the person with the authority to do it wasn't contactable.
over 17 years

Ryan wrote:

Well think about it, your reasons for laying the blame on the nix is because the nzf didn't do their job when they had a number of days to get it done. You are guessing that the nix weren't putting pressure on them  but have absolutely no idea of the truthfulness of that comment. They could have been on the phone every hour as far as we know.

Your supporting evidence is that the nix haven't come out in social media talking shark about nzf which they have no history of doing, ever.

The media have said that the Phoenix are furious but are towing the line publicly.

Where was I putting the blame on the nix? That wasn't my point at all if you read back. My point was we know NZF have shady admin and you need to follow through. I have had to get quick international transfers a few times in the past and I have been calling international FA's as well as NZF until the transfer came through. Hell they could have even called the FIFA TMS line ie don't get to Wed and go oh well we did all we can - because if they had then we wouldn't be where we are. You even said it yourself. Stop being so naive. Submitting the transfer the time they did was possibly going to be problematic - but not impossible with suitable diligence. The fact it didn't happen is proof because at the end of the day it is their responsibility - a part of which NZF have a responsibility. Whilst Nix Ops are currently hating on NZF even more, they will also be kicking themselves - and if they aren't they then need to be. Every football administrator who deals with NZF has said the same thing (of which you are clearly not one). And it's toe the line not tow.

over 11 years

The problem as I see with NZF, since Glyn has vacated the office, the dodo’s in Auck are only interested in eating their lunch and collecting their highly over paid salaries. Until one of the criteria that one must have on a CV to be employed by NZF (INCOMPETENCE) is removed, the problems will never change.

The crap that an employee was not available, got lost in the fog, or the office is close, just shows how well that office knows what is happing in the world of football, be it local or international.

In all mine and Sole’s time in admin, one of us would make it our responsibility to action inter fed and or international transfers when the office was close even if it was over the Christmas holidays.

These dicks at NZF don’t seem to accept that just because their office is closed the rest of the world may not be.

about 15 years
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