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almost 14 years

Feverish wrote:

Ryan wrote:

As someone that is a Wellington City rate payer I also approve of the facilities, the Phoenix are a paying tenant and like any good land lord the city council is refitting the facilities to meet their needs. No different than if I rent a floor in an office building.

What do the Nix pay in rent?

No idea. Does it matter? 

I'm convinced that a lot of the nimybism that has come out in Wellington recently has been from non Wellington residents.

over 17 years

Ryan wrote:

Feverish wrote:

Ryan wrote:

As someone that is a Wellington City rate payer I also approve of the facilities, the Phoenix are a paying tenant and like any good land lord the city council is refitting the facilities to meet their needs. No different than if I rent a floor in an office building.

What do the Nix pay in rent?

No idea. Does it matter? 

I'm convinced that a lot of the nimybism that has come out in Wellington recently has been from non Wellington residents.

kinda helps your argument don't you think?

almost 14 years

Not really, I guess I could ask the council if I was concerned, or the nix, but most likely it will be said to be commercially sensitive. 

People will always find a reason not to want it to happen, even if the nix were paying market rates, which I'm sure they aren't.

over 17 years

Bullion wrote:

RR wrote:

Would be nice to have a proper #10, I like Wee Mac but I prefer him in a wider role. Hope he turns out better than the last Victory #10 we had!

Though, 2ndbest posted a link charting chances created and assits over the last few hal seasons and that #10 was the best for a 'Nix player

Yeah, Carlos created and scored goals but what did his laziness on defence and off the ball cost us?

Finkler not much different in that regard!

over 17 years

Bullion wrote:

RR wrote:

Would be nice to have a proper #10, I like Wee Mac but I prefer him in a wider role. Hope he turns out better than the last Victory #10 we had!

Though, 2ndbest posted a link charting chances created and assits over the last few hal seasons and that #10 was the best for a 'Nix player

Yeah, Carlos created and scored goals but what did his laziness on defence and off the ball cost us?

Finkler not much different in that regard!

over 17 years

Ryan wrote:

Not really, I guess I could ask the council if I was concerned, or the nix, but most likely it will be said to be commercially sensitive. 

People will always find a reason not to want it to happen, even if the nix were paying market rates, which I'm sure they aren't.

probably park your argument fella

almost 14 years

Wasn't arguing I just stated my opinion. I clearly said as a Wellington rate payer I... You were the one who started arguing.

First Team Squad
over 13 years

Interesting to see that the article says we are in similar negotiations with players of similar caliber

Nothing like some good ol' import speculation to make the time between game days shorter

over 17 years

I like how Finkler would be leaving MV because he's been unsettled by not being selected for the ACL - only to come to a club who can literally not ever get into that competition. Has anyone told him?

Starting XI
over 10 years

valeo wrote:

I like how Finkler would be leaving MV because he's been unsettled by not being selected for the ACL - only to come to a club who can literally not ever get into that competition. Has anyone told him?

Well his quote uses the word valued.

So being eligible and snubbed might be more upsetting than not eligible.  Maybe.  (also deal isnt done, we don't know if hes even considering us)

about 17 years

Bullion wrote:

RR wrote:

Would be nice to have a proper #10, I like Wee Mac but I prefer him in a wider role. Hope he turns out better than the last Victory #10 we had!

Though, 2ndbest posted a link charting chances created and assits over the last few hal seasons and that #10 was the best for a 'Nix player

Yeah, Carlos created and scored goals but what did his laziness on defence and off the ball cost us?

In that team, yes. We have signed up hard working attacking players that could compensate more so than when he was with us, his touch and strength/weight (basically tough to push off the ball) are decent attributes to have in that AM/False nine that Ernie has said he is looking for.

over 17 years

If this comes off could it mean Roly dropping back into the position he came to us to play as in DM.

over 17 years

Roly and A-Rod are our new CB's

almost 13 years

ballane wrote:

If this comes off could it mean Roly dropping back into the position he came to us to play as in DM.

Or even centre back - he played there in Holland a few times!
over 17 years

ballane wrote:

If this comes off could it mean Roly dropping back into the position he came to us to play as in DM.

Or even centre back - he played there in Holland a few times!

Failing memory but when his signing was first announced wasnt he desribed as a DM.
almost 14 years

Thought one of the reasons he liked it here, well at least before the current rumours, was that he was given the freedom to play.

almost 14 years

Whether Finkler signs or not, it would be so good to get all our transfer business done early.

about 14 years

valeo wrote:

I like how Finkler would be leaving MV because he's been unsettled by not being selected for the ACL - only to come to a club who can literally not ever get into that competition. Has anyone told him?

Maybe he just hates the uncertainty at MV.

In contrast, with us he can sleep soundly all night, not worrying about ACL selection.

almost 14 years

He doesn't need to worry about it at MV either, he's not in the squad. There's no changing the squads until finals time.

about 15 years

Ryan wrote:

Jeff Vader wrote:

I find this to be a really odd rumoured signing unless there is more information to come.

How do you fit in Moss, plus a back 4 and then  A-Rod, Reira, Roly. Finkler, McGlinchey, Krishna and Kosta = 12. 

I do not believe in putting imports on the bench as they are the point of difference and should be starters. Otherwise you are wasting an import slot on not improving team performance and every other team has the hop on you.

Just odd.

I don't see why people think your imports need to be your best players or your point of difference. Your five best players should be your five best players, your imports are no different. There is a salary cap so you just get the best players you can fit under it, if that means you have a team of amazing kiwis and a bench of mediocre imports so be it.

Riera is also 32 and potentially has international duty if he gets NZ citizenship, Bonevacia turned down playing for Curacao but may play for them in the future, we also loose WeeMac to international duty which may also take Ridenton and Rufer if they put in good spells, so we need midfield cover. It seems to me though that Lia is out of the picture as we have way too many midfielders.

I've said this before, and despite what some people think of him, I hope if he leaves the club we find out about it before the end of the season so we can fairwell him, he is the only player (and perhaps employee of the club?) to have been here non stop since the start.

I will explain my logic and you can chose to refute as you see fit. There will be holes in it but I think it makes sense

The pool of footballers that are classified as non-import and can to play in the HAL is finite. Within that pool are differing grades of those that can hack it down to those that will only ever watch it on TV. 

The pool that are imports is infinitely bigger thanthe above. Not all of those want to play in the HAL however because as the career of a footballer is short and most of them are money whores (and I don't have too much of an issue with that) they wont come here.

Its fair to say that in terms of quality, the pool of imports is going to be better in talent than those that are not imports. I think that part is not in dispute As an example, Lionel Messi could be an import in the HAL. Its not going to happen but he could be. Compare that to Burns, Oar etc, the difference in class is there for anyone to see. Occasionally you get a guy that wants a different way of life - no media, 1 game a week and playing in the sun but its fair to say that for imports, its probably going to be an different set of drivers that has them coming here vs staying in Europe.

When you take into account that you only have 5 spots on your team to recruit from the pool that would be considered to be better in terms of talent, why would you then deliberately recruit someone that is a step down from someone in the pool of talent that is not as good. As an example, as school many years ago, when you were picked team, you picked the best kids 1st. In this case, pick the best imports you can because if you do come across that Paul Ifill that wants to come to the HAL, do you want him going to CCM, or to NIX?

I disagree with a bench of mediocre imports because then you are over paying for mediocrity when you can get that from the non-import pool in term of talent and their will always be Australians just below that level that will want a gig for the minimum. When you consider that Kiwis are classified as imports for the other sides, then we do not need to bid against ourselves for their services ala Doyles 1 year only deal because there will always be a special pool just for us that will come dirty cheap.

Starting XI
about 12 years

Can't believe people have a problem with a potential Finkler signing. I don't have stats but each time I think about that guy, I think about match winning goals, either assists or some insane free kicks. We may even score more than once from a corner with his delivery.

Roly more defensive instead of Lia/ARod, both are good enough for squad depth.

over 13 years

anyone on this site who applauded a-rods signing had better not dare critiizise a finkler signing

almost 13 years

Jeff Vader wrote:

Ryan wrote:

Jeff Vader wrote:

I find this to be a really odd rumoured signing unless there is more information to come.

How do you fit in Moss, plus a back 4 and then  A-Rod, Reira, Roly. Finkler, McGlinchey, Krishna and Kosta = 12. 

I do not believe in putting imports on the bench as they are the point of difference and should be starters. Otherwise you are wasting an import slot on not improving team performance and every other team has the hop on you.

Just odd.

I don't see why people think your imports need to be your best players or your point of difference. Your five best players should be your five best players, your imports are no different. There is a salary cap so you just get the best players you can fit under it, if that means you have a team of amazing kiwis and a bench of mediocre imports so be it.

Riera is also 32 and potentially has international duty if he gets NZ citizenship, Bonevacia turned down playing for Curacao but may play for them in the future, we also loose WeeMac to international duty which may also take Ridenton and Rufer if they put in good spells, so we need midfield cover. It seems to me though that Lia is out of the picture as we have way too many midfielders.

I've said this before, and despite what some people think of him, I hope if he leaves the club we find out about it before the end of the season so we can fairwell him, he is the only player (and perhaps employee of the club?) to have been here non stop since the start.

I will explain my logic and you can chose to refute as you see fit. There will be holes in it but I think it makes sense

The pool of footballers that are classified as non-import and can to play in the HAL is finite. Within that pool are differing grades of those that can hack it down to those that will only ever watch it on TV. 

The pool that are imports is infinitely bigger thanthe above. Not all of those want to play in the HAL however because as the career of a footballer is short and most of them are money whores (and I don't have too much of an issue with that) they wont come here.

Its fair to say that in terms of quality, the pool of imports is going to be better in talent than those that are not imports. I think that part is not in dispute As an example, Lionel Messi could be an import in the HAL. Its not going to happen but he could be. Compare that to Burns, Oar etc, the difference in class is there for anyone to see. Occasionally you get a guy that wants a different way of life - no media, 1 game a week and playing in the sun but its fair to say that for imports, its probably going to be an different set of drivers that has them coming here vs staying in Europe.

When you take into account that you only have 5 spots on your team to recruit from the pool that would be considered to be better in terms of talent, why would you then deliberately recruit someone that is a step down from someone in the pool of talent that is not as good. As an example, as school many years ago, when you were picked team, you picked the best kids 1st. In this case, pick the best imports you can because if you do come across that Paul Ifill that wants to come to the HAL, do you want him going to CCM, or to NIX?

I disagree with a bench of mediocre imports because then you are over paying for mediocrity when you can get that from the non-import pool in term of talent and their will always be Australians just below that level that will want a gig for the minimum. When you consider that Kiwis are classified as imports for the other sides, then we do not need to bid against ourselves for their services ala Doyles 1 year only deal because there will always be a special pool just for us that will come dirty cheap.

Your argument assumes that club's don't have a restriction on how much they can spend and how many players they can sign though. And it assumes that players who are good enough to be star imports in the A League and who would be keen to play here are easy to come across, but they're no - look how many come here and flop, or at least are bog average.

With a salary cap and a maximum squad size the money you spend on any player means money you can't spend on another. Likewise, anyone who takes up a spot means one less player you can sign to cover other spots.

So if you spend heaps of cap space on 5 star imports you then have less money to spend on local squad players. As an extreme example you could have 5 imports on max dollars and 18 squad players on the A League minimum salary. 

Basically, you have a squad to fill and finite money to spend on it. You should aim to have the best, most balanced squad you can get. That might mean using an import slot for a squad player, if you have quality locals using up more of the cap.

about 11 years

very interesting. An older experienced midfielder coming in, does this kick out some younger guys and leave lia in or does lia go? also we need central defenders, u feel me fam

almost 13 years

anyone on this site who applauded a-rods signing had better not dare critiizise a finkler signing

Except we already have A-Rod. If we hadn't re-signed him and then signed Finkler I wouldn't have minded. But why use our last import slot on get another mid when we are obviously desperately short at the back?
about 15 years

anyone on this site who applauded a-rods signing had better not dare critiizise a finkler signing

Except we already have A-Rod. If we hadn't re-signed him and then signed Finkler I wouldn't have minded. But why use our last import slot on get another mid when we are obviously desperately short at the back?

Even odder when we have 3 import midfielders and now make it 4 + McGlinchey. Midfield is not our weakness. Its our ability to defend goals and magnfied with a retirement and a player moving on.
Appiah without the pace
about 17 years

Surely you can't judge that until we finish our recruitment though?

almost 13 years

2ndBest wrote:

Surely you can't judge that until we finish our recruitment though?

True, but it seems odd at this stage.

Would be very happy to be proven wrong.

Head Sleuth
over 17 years

It could mean they've had positive indications regarding a couple of import players becoming locals? 

about 14 years

Well, while I respect Ray Gatt hugely, I have not seen any formal announcements. However, I agree with many that our most pressing issue at the moment is our defence. Manny moving on leaves a gap, especially with Siggy retiring and Dura being slower to the ball nowadays.

And no, I am really not interested in seeing "Louie Fenton, the Sequel: Right Fullback Reborn".  It flopped at the box office last time.

about 11 years

So to take a different tack, if we hadn't seen Piovaccari play this season and it had been us rather than the Wanderers that had signed him would we have been lauding him as a wonderful signing?  Surely he ticks the boxes that people are putting up for an import?

Fast forward to now and he has unquestionably been one of the most disappointing imports to play in the league.  Me, I'd much rather take a (quality) known quantity in Finkler than to be in the situation where we took a punt and got a donkey like Piovaccari or dare I say it - Sarpong.

about 17 years

Yep- think of how the sages (of which I was one) were reacting to the imbalance in the squad when we had not-a-striker and that was our best/equal best season ever. 

This smacks of a negotiating ploy from Finkler perhaps-as does the quote that there are others lined up too. Perhaps aimed at Melbourne to give him more dosh to stay?

Opinion Privileges revoked
almost 15 years

I am thinking back to KFC Carlos, and thinking: "Just because someone was knocking them in for fun at the Tards means that they will fit in or do a job here". Re: both Kosta and Finkler.

over 17 years

Ernie and his systems have done enough with the likes of burns, roly, krishna and powell to make me think he'll get plenty out of kosta and finkler

Head Sleuth
over 17 years

except KFC Carlos was quite productive for us in terms of assists etc. he just didn't really fit in with the squad, threw constant tantrums, and had to be carried defensively - which didn't really fit with the structure. 

Chant Savant
over 17 years

Finkler would be a great addition to the team if rumour is true.

All those people babbling on about needing defenders I hate to say it but you are wrong. If we can score more goals than we concede chances are we will win a lot of matches!

about 14 years

Doloras wrote:

I am thinking back to KFC Carlos, and thinking: "Just because someone was knocking them in for fun at the Tards means that they will fit in or do a job here". Re: both Kosta and Finkler.

You are right, in the sense that not only players age (and their fitness may be compromised by injuries) but also coaches may use them differently and not use their best potential. Kosta struggled with game time for us but was scoring for Roar very soon after.

about 17 years
football is simple..score more than the other team and u win. So what players do we need to score 50 plus goals in a season?
Starting XI
over 10 years

Doloras wrote:

I am thinking back to KFC Carlos, and thinking: "Just because someone was knocking them in for fun at the Tards means that they will fit in or do a job here". Re: both Kosta and Finkler.

Except last time we didn't buy the whole Victory team like we've started doing this year.

almost 14 years

Doloras wrote:

I am thinking back to KFC Carlos, and thinking: "Just because someone was knocking them in for fun at the Tards means that they will fit in or do a job here". Re: both Kosta and Finkler.

Well you can't compare players, Carlos had the KFC nickname well before he came to the nix. Gui seems fitter, ACL aside. Carlos also came from a year in the IPL rather than the victory.

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