First Team Squad
about 15 years
Starting XI
about 15 years
I'm very tempted to buy a ticket to see where we're at. someone must have an update, Horus where are you when we need you
Starting XI
about 15 years
I'm now convinced that PAX now declines in our hearts and minds until the very last believer delivers PAX #1, ie. the Second Coming.
about 17 years
Starting XI
about 15 years
Stefan wrote:
There will still be heaps of walk ups.

Starting XI
over 17 years
almost 16 years
For one brief, shining moment, PAX was king of our worlds ...
One PAX to rule them all
One PAX to find them
One PAX to bring them all
And on March the 7th bind them
So let us remember the good times that were PAX  and move forward now ...
cronus2010-02-28 15:32:35
First Team Squad
over 14 years
It's strange... the ticketek site keeps changing whats available

Gold Limited seats only Silver Single seats only Family Zone Alloc. Exhausted Yellow Fever Zone Alloc. Exhausted Away Supporters Area Single seats only Phoenix Lounge Available

A day or so ago Gold was Alloc. Exhausted and Phoenix Lounge  was also closed but then went to limited seats available and is now back to available
First Team Squad
about 15 years
Yeah that always happens. Don't know why. Happened last one too
First Team Squad
about 15 years
I doubt it will sell out unless more Newcastle people come over. Who wants to sit in the away section?
First Team Squad
over 14 years
arnies wrote:
I doubt it will sell out unless more Newcastle people come over. Who wants to sit in the away section?

Rugby fans who cant sing/chant and who don't want to be caught watching the so called lessor sport
Head Sleuth
over 17 years
anyone who wants to see the game at this point.
First Team Squad
about 15 years
Yeah true. I'm in isle 6. Hardly ideal but will be awesome all the same
Head Sleuth
over 17 years
Whats the phoenix lounge @ $65?
And has the game been officially declared as sold out yet?
over 14 years
arnies wrote:
Yeah true. I'm in isle 6. Hardly ideal but will be awesome all the same

don't worry arnies.  i was in aisle 8 for the new zealand v bahrain fixture and it was great - specially since all the action was down our end! 

i do sometimes wonder why the fever don't migrate down the other end when we are attacking the north given that the usual crowd size is more like 8000 than 34,500. logistics i guess.  and stadium wouldn't be too happy for a stampede of fans in the concourse at h/t. 

 i guess if we ever get big enough for a second/subsidiary group to form, they could sit down there and provide noise from that end.  the Paxmen perhaps?  then the two groups could do that barmy army chant where they sing to each other:  "here we are we at the north"  "here we are we're fever down the south" or however it goes.....
Heaven knows I'm miserable now
about 16 years
eddetchon wrote:
arnies wrote:
Yeah true. I'm in isle 6. Hardly ideal but will be awesome all the same

don't worry arnies.  i was in aisle 8 for the new zealand v bahrain fixture and it was great - specially since all the action was down our end! 

i do sometimes wonder why the fever don't migrate down the other end when we are attacking the north given that the usual crowd size is more like 8000 than 34,500. logistics i guess.  and stadium wouldn't be too happy for a stampede of fans in the concourse at h/t. 

 i guess if we ever get big enough for a second/subsidiary group to form, they could sit down there and provide noise from that end.  the Paxmen perhaps?  then the two groups could do that barmy army chant where they sing to each other:  "here we are we at the north"  "here we are we're fever down the south" or however it goes.....
This used to happen back in the days of standing. Less easy to do in these days of all seater stadiums, although it would be possible at Westpac. I guess people just can't be bothered moving!
Starting XI
over 17 years
Steve-O wrote:
eddetchon wrote:
arnies wrote:
Yeah true. I'm in isle 6. Hardly ideal but will be awesome all the same

don't worry arnies.  i was in aisle 8 for the new zealand v bahrain fixture and it was great - specially since all the action was down our end! 

i do sometimes wonder why the fever don't migrate down the other end when we are attacking the north given that the usual crowd size is more like 8000 than 34,500. logistics i guess.  and stadium wouldn't be too happy for a stampede of fans in the concourse at h/t. 

 i guess if we ever get big enough for a second/subsidiary group to form, they could sit down there and provide noise from that end.  the Paxmen perhaps?  then the two groups could do that barmy army chant where they sing to each other:  "here we are we at the north"  "here we are we're fever down the south" or however it goes.....
This used to happen back in the days of standing. Less easy to do in these days of all seater stadiums, although it would be possible at Westpac. I guess people just can't be bothered moving!

Largest disincentive is lack of open beer stalls at that end of the stadium
Early retirement
over 17 years
Largest disincentive is that Melbourne do it.
Heaven knows I'm miserable now
about 16 years
I thought Melbourne just had 2 groups at either end of the stadium?
Early retirement
over 17 years
That was the part I was responding too, people suggesting doing 'North end -South end' chanting.

First Team Squad
almost 17 years
Oceanic6 wrote:
I'm very tempted to buy a ticket to see where we're at. someone must have an update, Horus where are you when we need you[/QUOTE]

[QUOTE=mikecj]from my ticket.

over 17 years
the only time I remember the crowd shifting en masse at half time was the AW - ?Vanuatu game; there seemed a higher likelihood of goals at the ?Vanuatu end.
Or maybe it was because the crowd of 3k would look bigger if it kept moving around the stadium ? 
phoenix rising2010-02-28 19:23:11
almost 16 years
I thought the corner directly opposite the Fever Zone was closed (as in roped/taped off)?
Of course nothing to stop people walking around to it via other ailse entrances.
First Team Squad
almost 17 years
I remember the crowd moving enmass many times - when the rain drives in, people move on up.
Heaven knows I'm miserable now
about 16 years
Hard News wrote:
That was the part I was responding too, people suggesting doing 'North end -South end' chanting.

Looked like you were replying to eejit's post by saying 'disincentive'.
about 17 years
Hard News wrote:
That was the part I was responding too, people suggesting doing 'North end -South end' chanting.

a.k.a AJ13
almost 15 years
arnies wrote:
I doubt it will sell out unless more Newcastle people come over. Who wants to sit in the away section?

at this stage with over 31,000 sold its all but guaranteed to sell out. keep in mind theres another whole week to go, and there will be well over 3000 more walk ups on the day. people will no doubt be turned away
Starting XI
about 15 years
AJ13 wrote:
arnies wrote:
I doubt it will sell out unless more Newcastle people come over. Who wants to sit in the away section?

at this stage with over 31,000 sold its all but guaranteed to sell out. keep in mind theres another whole week to go, and there will be well over 3000 more walk ups on the day. people will no doubt be turned away

I don't get it. People walk up to a sold out game without tickets??
First Team Squad
almost 17 years
Phoenix Academy
almost 17 years
I bought 4 tix Mond and 8 more Tues but haven't picked them up yet so willl be interesting to see what PAX I get??
Starting XI
over 17 years
Aye curumba, the recent bearing witness to PAX in Wellington, has reinvigorated the Church of PAX in Sydney, where recent attempts have been made to decipher the mystery of PAX, see below:

*Warning: Long Post*

In order to increase the understanding of the divine mystery that is PAX, I have performed an analysis of PAX against the crowd numbers for this seasons home games using simple linear regression. However, in no way do I claim this to be a comprehensive or accurate analysis of the figures as it is only a sample of 14 observations and I couldn�t be bothered to double check the figures or calculations.

Working only from the highest reported PAX numbers offered by PAX acolytes in the affiliated threads and attendances of each home game, I obtained the following data:

These figures include the PAX numbers listed prior to and after the matches. I then plotted the regression data as follows:

From the regression line a correlation coefficient of 0.8874 was obtained (r2 of 0.7875), that was much higher than I expected but still pretty crappy. Furthermore, the slope and intercept of the plot were 1.138 and 1960 (walk up crowd and SCG trust members), respectively. Next, I performed a two-tailed t-test on the correlation coefficient to determine whether there is significant correlation between PAX and Attendance:

� Ho: There is no correlation between PAX and Attendance.
� Ha: There is a significant correlation between PAX and Attendance.
� Test statistic:

where, r is the correlation coefficient, and n is the number of observations
� The critical value for a two-sided t test for 2 degrees of freedom is 2.18 at the 5% significance level.
� Decision: Since 6.67 is greater than the critical value of 2.18, Ho is rejected.
� Conclusion: there is a significant correlation between PAX and attendance.

From the graph above, the equation of the line was Attendance = 1.138 x PAX No + 1960. Using the equation of the regression line, predictions of match attendances could then be made from a given PAX no. For a PAX no of 5000 the predicted attendance was determined in the following way:

Further attendance estimates were obtained for a higher PAX number using a similar method to above. Attendance predictions from PAX numbers of 20K and above were determined with the assumption that the relationship of PAX with attendance continues to be linear past the observed range. This gave the following results:

Note: I also calculated the errors for these figures, however, they were really, really, crap so I left them out to make it look better. Hence, it is a pretty sh*te analysis. Can show them if anyone really wants.

In addition to the predicted crowd estimates using the regression data, I have also concluded that:
A) I�ve lost the plot and I need a job
B) I would like the time back that I took to do this (not that it took long, had old spreadsheets and lab reports) and I am sure you would like the time back it took to read it as well
C) However, the most important thing that I observed is that based on this analysis, there does appear to be statistically significant correlation between the highest observed PAX number and match attendance, that contradicts the information from ticketek that there is no relationship. So any non-believers should take note.
D) I would not expect this to predict any crowd numbers, especially for the coming finals match. I just thought it should be done for the benefit of all PAX followers.
Starting XI
about 15 years
Phoenix Academy
over 17 years

Availability: Gold Alloc. Exhausted Silver Alloc. Exhausted Family Zone Alloc. Exhausted Yellow Fever Zone Alloc. Exhausted Away Supporters Area Alloc. Exhausted Phoenix Lounge Available
Starting XI
about 15 years
What is the Phoenix lounge and why is it available? And is it actually?
almost 16 years
"From the regression line a correlation coefficient of 0.8874 was obtained (r2 of 0.7875), that was much higher than I expected but still pretty crappy. Furthermore, the slope and intercept of the plot were 1.138 and 1960 (walk up crowd and SCG trust members), respectively."
That's a fecking good r^2 value for a biological system.
Needs to force the line through an expected trust membership level (or corporates for Westpac).
More research is required.  Give him some more funds please.
Starting XI
over 17 years
over 17 years
mykey wrote:

Availability: Gold Alloc. Exhausted Silver Alloc. Exhausted Family Zone Alloc. Exhausted Yellow Fever Zone Alloc. Exhausted Away Supporters Area Alloc. Exhausted Phoenix Lounge Available
was just about to post that, beat me to it
but still
Starting XI
over 17 years
Tried ordering 8 Phoenix Lounge tickets and got this

Unable to obtain the tickets you requested.Other customers may be in the process of completing their transaction on all remaining tickets, or the number of tickets requested is greater than the maximum available adjacent seats. Please try reducing the number of tickets you have selected, or try again. When tickets are no longer available the event will be displayed as Allocation Exhausted. More information

So we're less than 8 seats from a confirmed sellout!
about 17 years
the only time I remember the crowd shifting en masse at half time was the AW - ?Vanuatu game; there seemed a higher likelihood of goals at the ?Vanuatu end.
Or maybe it was because the crowd of 3k�would look bigger if it kept moving around the stadium ?�

yep, vanuatu had a wee walk about at h-t

also the Perth game in season in at night (4-1 win from memory)

a bunch of us trotted down the far end - good fun at the time!!

about 17 years

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