$40-45 Million Soccer Specific Stadium - Petone Phoenix

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Stage Punch
about 17 years

Neither option is any good because everyone would have to take more than 1 form of transport to get to the games.........


Head Sleuth
over 17 years
AJ13 wrote:
JonoNewton wrote:
Tegal wrote:

How many times have we played other A league clubs over and over? We play them 3 times a year. 

How many times have Rangers played Celtic? Man that must get boring, guess their fans were glad of a break.

I said international, not club.

Same point stands does it not? 
Life and death
over 17 years
Smithy wrote:

Neither option is any good because everyone would have to take more than 1 form of transport to get to the games.........



It was sarcasm in its most hidden form sorry Smithy.
a.k.a AJ13
almost 15 years
Tegal wrote:
AJ13 wrote:
JonoNewton wrote:
Tegal wrote:

How many times have we played other A league clubs over and over? We play them 3 times a year. 

How many times have Rangers played Celtic? Man that must get boring, guess their fans were glad of a break.

I said international, not club.

Same point stands does it not? 

Not really. ABs have played Australia 149 times since 1903. By comparison with 2 strong footballing nations who are geographically close to each other and who play A LOT of international football, Germany have only played Netherlands 40 times since 1910.
over 17 years
AJ13 wrote:
Tegal wrote:
AJ13 wrote:
JonoNewton wrote:
Tegal wrote:

How many times have we played other A league clubs over and over? We play them 3 times a year. 

How many times have Rangers played Celtic? Man that must get boring, guess their fans were glad of a break.

I said international, not club.

Same point stands does it not? 

Not really. ABs have played Australia 149 times since 1903. By comparison with 2 strong footballing nations who are geographically close to each other and who play A LOT of international football, Germany have only played Netherlands 40 times since 1910.

Are you trying to tell me international rugby is not like international football?
Head Sleuth
over 17 years
AJ13 wrote:
Tegal wrote:
AJ13 wrote:
JonoNewton wrote:
Tegal wrote:

How many times have we played other A league clubs over and over? We play them 3 times a year. 

How many times have Rangers played Celtic? Man that must get boring, guess their fans were glad of a break.

I said international, not club.

Same point stands does it not? 

Not really. ABs have played Australia 149 times since 1903. By comparison with 2 strong footballing nations who are geographically close to each other and who play A LOT of international football, Germany have only played Netherlands 40 times since 1910.

Your issue is it that it'd be boring watching the same teams play each other over and over. When that is exactly what we do with the nix. The fact that it is club or international should hardly change the argument. 
about 17 years

Not much point in having a nice new stadium though, if you are going to continue to take home games on the road.

almost 15 years

Maybe this is what they meant as a new stadium and they will take it from town to town, touring the Nix the length and breadth of the country.
almost 16 years

That is Nix-tastic.

So jealous.

Still Believin'
over 17 years

Beautiful weather up in Newlands this afternoon.

almost 16 years

Once you break through the cloud cover on the way up.

(actually it could be like our own purpose-built Azteca)

almost 15 years

Statistically more likely to be murdered in Newlands than Mexico City.

NB May contain large elements of bullshit

almost 13 years

Looks like its growing some legs,  I think its a brilliant idea


almost 16 years

Lower Hutt ratepayers would be happy to foot a big chunk of the $30 mill?

Still Believin'
over 17 years

Councillors love this shit. It means lots of extra afternoon teas over the next couple of years, and maybe even going on a "fact-finding mission" to check out similar stadiums overseas.

First Team Squad
almost 17 years
sthn.jeff wrote:

Maybe this is what they meant as a new stadium and they will take it from town to town, touring the Nix the length and breadth of the country.

I remember my subuteo being set up like this....great memories

N.B might have to fetch it out of the cupboard and resurrect it

Life and death
over 17 years

Also something in the Dom today about a new motorway link from Grenada to Petone which would cut travel time from the west coast.

almost 16 years

Could also cut time from hutt valley to newlands.

about 17 years

They could put another shortcut between Kelson and Waitangirua and whilst at it one from Wainui and Naenae and one from Wainui to Stokes Valley. But I digress. However if it makes it easier for the coast fans to get to a stadium out in the Hutt, I am all for it.

Stage Punch
about 17 years

Bring on the Hutt Throb!

almost 16 years


"count your hub caps"

a.k.a AJ13
almost 15 years
Tegal wrote:
AJ13 wrote:
Tegal wrote:
AJ13 wrote:
JonoNewton wrote:
Tegal wrote:

How many times have we played other A league clubs over and over? We play them 3 times a year. 

How many times have Rangers played Celtic? Man that must get boring, guess their fans were glad of a break.

I said international, not club.

Same point stands does it not? 

Not really. ABs have played Australia 149 times since 1903. By comparison with 2 strong footballing nations who are geographically close to each other and who play A LOT of international football, Germany have only played Netherlands 40 times since 1910.

Your issue is it that it'd be boring watching the same teams play each other over and over. When that is exactly what we do with the nix. The fact that it is club or international should hardly change the argument. 

Well no that's not my issue at all. International footy, we get to see all our boys come home, so it's not like club stuff at all. Unless you're talking rugby, then ABs vs. Wallabies is essentially 10 Super 15 teams piled into 2. For me the two codes just don't compare. Until NZRU let the best go overseas and chase the big bucks and only coming back to play internationally, then for me there's nothing totally exclusive with what I'm seeing. Its also why I'm not a fan of the ASB Prem, I can walk down to Endeavour most saturdays and see the same Team Wellington players play. Watching the Nix it's new again, as is watching the AWs. It's just the same old story with Rugby, big fish in a small pond etc etc... I'm sorry if you're a rugby fan butthurt with what I'm saying, but to be fair I'm not really telling you you're wrong, unlike what you're telling me.
Tegal Fan Club Member #1.5
almost 17 years

Just on the ROF ... interesting they are placing expressions of interest to upgrade Homebush...


Youtube on the development http://www.youtube.com/watch?list=UUSi8saYFVWW_T6FRenHP_8Q&v=UEBQcHSqtBU

In part it says """ 

“Looking beyond the sporting field, we understand that the event experience for the fans is no longer purely about what happens in the hour and a half that the main event consumes attention on the arena.

“The exciting developments proposed for the Stadia precinct will help take that event experience to the next level."""

Even if you don't build the new stadium I hope they upgrade the ROF.. 

Head Sleuth
over 17 years

Fair enough actually AJ13. I didn't get that at all from what you originally said, but I see where you're coming from now. 

over 17 years
Junior82 wrote:

Lower Hutt ratepayers would be happy to foot a big chunk of the $30 mill?

$30mn seem very cheap to me
about 17 years
james dean wrote:
Junior82 wrote:

Lower Hutt ratepayers would be happy to foot a big chunk of the $30 mill?

$30mn seem very cheap to me

So what does that mean?
Appiah without the pace
about 17 years

Christchurch's stadium cost $30m and that is pretty basic. Facilities are almost non-exsistent for media and players. Stands are practicaly on scaffolding.

First Team Squad
almost 14 years
2ndBest wrote:

Christchurch's stadium cost $30m and that is pretty basic. Facilities are almost non-exsistent for media and players. Stands are practicaly on scaffolding.

It does hold 18,000 but yes, I would be surprised if they could build a good stadium for 30 million. However westpac stadium receives more than 5 million per year just for sponsorship and advertising which does not include the naming rights. Surely one of the banks wouldn't mind undermining westpac a bit? Even if it was 40 million, and was only used for Phoenix and Lions games, I still think that would be quite cheap for what it would offer the region.
almost 15 years

I have mentioned this before... There is absolutely no way that a modern stadium with the required infrastructure for Players, Fans, Media, Corporates etc can be built for $30m. Yes ChCh cost about that, but that was on the site of an existing ground and as 2Best has said is basically scaffolding  and plastic with shit facilities. 

AAMI park while  bigger with 29,000 capacity and probably way more asthetically pleasing than anything that would be built in NZ, cost $268m AUD.  Dunedins stadium seating 30,000 is alledged to have cost $200m, but that is probably under estimated as there have been all sorts of costs hidden within the Dunedin City Council.

San Jose Earthquakes planning an 18000 seat stadium at a projected cost of $60m USD.

 If the Nix and Hutt cty council think they can do it for $25 to $30m they are sadly misguided and it will end in tears.

Appiah without the pace
about 17 years

And there isn't any carparking around Petone Rec. Wouldn't be surprised if they had to buy some adjacent properties too.

almost 16 years

So that just leaves Newlands as the only viable site.

I exclude Karori Park as development would ruin its heritage character as Wgtn's sh!thole sports venue.

Stage Punch
about 17 years
james dean wrote:
Junior82 wrote:

Lower Hutt ratepayers would be happy to foot a big chunk of the $30 mill?

$30mn seem very cheap to me


We're not all high rollers like you JD :) 

It's a lot of money to us poor antipodean folk.

First Team Squad
almost 14 years
2ndBest wrote:

And there isn't any carparking around Petone Rec. Wouldn't be surprised if they had to buy some adjacent properties too.

The Petone rec itself is bigger than you would need if you were prepared to use all the space.
Stage Punch
about 17 years
2ndBest wrote:

And there isn't any carparking around Petone Rec. Wouldn't be surprised if they had to buy some adjacent properties too.


That wouldn't be a big prob I wouldn't think. The other side of Udy Street is lots of hardly-used light commercial lots. I'd say acquiring a bit extra for carparking on the northern end would be fairly straight forward.

After match venue the Petone Workies?
Life and death
over 17 years

Keepmoat Stadium  cost 21million pounds in 2007

Life and death
over 17 years

Keepmoat Stadium  cost 21million pounds in 2007

Actually 32 mil and 2006 but this si the type of place you'd want isn't it. 20 million NZD - dreaming!!!!
almost 15 years

Keepmoat Stadium  cost 21million pounds in 2007

Actually 32 mil and 2006 but this si the type of place you'd want isn't it. 20 million NZD - dreaming!!!!

Exactly, so 64m NZD plus say 15% inflation over those years so now getting up to $75m.  Building costs also a shit load higher in NZ than the UK with earthquake requirements etc.
almost 16 years
sthn.jeff wrote:

If the Nix and Hutt cty council think they can do it for $25 to $30m they are sadly misguided and it will end in tears.

To some councils that just sounds like a dare.

Anyway I think I have a deal clincher: Lower Hutt council could establish a stand alone catering company (Junior82's lasagne emporium) which would specialise in ethnic cuisine to offer at the stadium (and possibly council meetings).  I am sure that the massive profit from the huge turnover and popularity will help offset the construction costs and allow the annual costs to be kept low enough to support Nix and other Wgtn-based teams (like the Pulse).

A sample menu:

Drinks - 50c a cup, another 50c for the actual beverage:

- Tea with milk

- Weak tea with milk

- Hot water (with milk)

- Bovril (without milk)


- Chip butty ($1)

- Chip butty without crusts ($1.50)

- Wagon Wheels ($1)

- Deep fried mars bars ($1)

- Deep fried mars bars with Wgtn Free Ambulance service ($100)

- Vindaloo ($5), a crowd favourite, we all love them

- A packet of crisps ($1)

- A packet of crisps that aren't smashed up ($1.50)

- Lasagne (free to anyone wearing a Woolwich or Hammers shirt)

First Team Squad
almost 14 years

According to Bob Clarkson, Baypark stadium in Tauranga was originally built for 24 million. There has been 13 years of inflation but at the same time it is quite a bit bigger than what is proposed here. I'v never actually been there so I don't know what the facilities are like but we don't need anything too fancy. I would scrap corporate boxes altogether. The press only need a few small cubicles etc. The real big advantage here is it sounds like the land is free when that would usually be half the cost.

Appiah without the pace
about 17 years
sthn.jeff wrote:

I have mentioned this before... There is absolutely no way that a modern stadium with the required infrastructure for Players, Fans, Media, Corporates etc can be built for $30m. Yes ChCh cost about that, but that was on the site of an existing ground and as 2Best has said is basically scaffolding  and plastic with shit facilities. 

Two stands aren't covered as well.

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$40-45 Million Soccer Specific Stadium - Petone Phoenix