$40-45 Million Soccer Specific Stadium - Petone Phoenix

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Stage Punch
about 17 years
Christo wrote:
brumbys wrote:

Question for the YF: is this an opportunity for us to show our community spirit and fill the consultative gap and go on a bit of a PR road show if it get's to the next stage?

Or is it more the case that if YF can do a better job than the Welnix and the Council then this thing is doomed anyway...

The latter for mine. The original pitch from Welnix didnt do this thing any favours. It shouldn't be our job to appease the locals, that should be done by Welnix/HCC.

If you've popped on to the Don't wreck our Rec facebook page you'll see that there's no real reasoning with these people, and I think bridges were burned before they were crossed.

From the Don't Wreck our Rec facebook page.

Stage Punch
about 17 years
austin10 wrote:
james dean wrote:

Sadly, this thing is looking dead in the water


I am afraid you are right. Which could have some dire consequences for the Nix in the long term. If my reading of the situation is correct there was a distinct possibility, that if the new stadium was built , the Nix could financially come lose to breaking even every year, allowing for an average crowd of 6000 to 8000. In other words the club playing in Petone would become viable.....and would still be around in 20 years time without having to be propped up by rich benefactors.

Because I don't think Welnix will be around in 10 years time.....I know for a fact that some of the Welnix guys feel they have done their bit for the Nix, so I would not count on them dipping their hand in their pocket beyond their stated 5 year commitment. A lot will depend on Gareth but I don't think his constant talk of "pulling the pin" is idle chatter. These guys lost $2 mill in their first year and will lose $1 mill this year and they are not the sort of people who continually put money into loss making businesses.

The Petone Arena was one plan to set the Nix model up as self sustaining. Without an alternative option the long term future for the Nix is not that bright.

unless they are doing some heavy lobbying behind the scenes, that we don't know about, they are doing a piss poor job in getting themselves a new stadium....

They aren't. And you're right.
Stage Punch
about 17 years
austin10 wrote:
james dean wrote:

Sadly, this thing is looking dead in the water


I am afraid you are right. Which could have some dire consequences for the Nix in the long term. If my reading of the situation is correct there was a distinct possibility, that if the new stadium was built , the Nix could financially come lose to breaking even every year, allowing for an average crowd of 6000 to 8000. In other words the club playing in Petone would become viable.....and would still be around in 20 years time without having to be propped up by rich benefactors.

Because I don't think Welnix will be around in 10 years time.....I know for a fact that some of the Welnix guys feel they have done their bit for the Nix, so I would not count on them dipping their hand in their pocket beyond their stated 5 year commitment. A lot will depend on Gareth but I don't think his constant talk of "pulling the pin" is idle chatter. These guys lost $2 mill in their first year and will lose $1 mill this year and they are not the sort of people who continually put money into loss making businesses.

The Petone Arena was one plan to set the Nix model up as self sustaining. Without an alternative option the long term future for the Nix is not that bright.


This is all accurate.

Such a lost opportunity.
The Special One
over 17 years
Smithy wrote:
Christo wrote:
brumbys wrote:

Question for the YF: is this an opportunity for us to show our community spirit and fill the consultative gap and go on a bit of a PR road show if it get's to the next stage?

Or is it more the case that if YF can do a better job than the Welnix and the Council then this thing is doomed anyway...

The latter for mine. The original pitch from Welnix didnt do this thing any favours. It shouldn't be our job to appease the locals, that should be done by Welnix/HCC.

If you've popped on to the Don't wreck our Rec facebook page you'll see that there's no real reasoning with these people, and I think bridges were burned before they were crossed.

From the Don't Wreck our Rec facebook page.


hrmm wasn't the overall tone I took from Petone FC's submission. Also I like how they signed off that post: Thank You from a 'Proud Nimby'
Can I have some lungs please miss
almost 17 years
Stage Punch
about 17 years
SurgeQld wrote:

The submission and what he said privately aren't quite the same - hence he very clearly separated his personal opinion from that of the club/board.


I know Craig pretty well and he tells me that the post isn't accurate at all. He had some concerns about grounds, but is otherwise generally in favour of the Arena.

Dirty NIMBYs playing dirty again.
Can I have some lungs please miss
almost 17 years

I find it difficult to believe (or perhaps I'm just being blindly optimistic) that people as clued up as Welnix have allowed this to play out as it has without additional knowledge or options that we (mere fans) aren't aware of. Whether that's with HCC, Westpac, or something completely different who knows.

This issue directly impacts the future financial viability of the club.


2+2+4=We're doomed.

Not good.

Early retirement
over 17 years

Lets be honest.  The only person leading the pro-campaign in any media has been Smithy and as sickened as I feel saying it he's done a great job.  The problem is that effectively it's Yellow Fever's stadium because apart from Gareth's trite comments and fait accompli attitude on opening day, he and the Phoenix have done fuck all.

On opening day people here made it clear what needed to happen to make this work and none of it was done before or has been done since.  Apart from Smith there has been a complete vacuum of alternative viewpoints so the Nimbys and the tabloid media just keep shooting it down.

Quite frankly I expect the Phoenix and WellNix have burnt bridges with the Hutt council and can give up on any support for activities at any grounds in the Lower Hutt Valley and have made themselves look incompetent.  When a bunch of perpetually hammered, disorganised numpties like the Fever can do a better PR job for a multi-million dollar project than they can, you have to wonder how the Phoenix will ever become a decent brand again.

and 3 others
Can I have some lungs please miss
almost 17 years
Hard News wrote:

...you have to wonder how the Phoenix will ever become a decent brand again.

Early retirement
over 17 years

Yep.  Signing Roy Krishna to a two year deal doesn't leave me holding great hope for that one either.

about 17 years

Sorry HN but if I could give you a second this point, I would. Thanks Welnix and the Phoenix for your encouraging support. Fans having to fight your battles for you. Pretty much like it is on the pitch as well so to speak.

about 15 years
Hard News wrote:

Lets be honest.  The only person leading the pro-campaign in any media has been Smithy and as sickened as I feel saying it he's done a great job.  The problem is that effectively it's Yellow Fever's stadium because apart from Gareth's trite comments and fait accompli attitude on opening day, he and the Phoenix have done fuck all.

On opening day people here made it clear what needed to happen to make this work and none of it was done before or has been done since.  Apart from Smith there has been a complete vacuum of alternative viewpoints so the Nimbys and the tabloid media just keep shooting it down.

Quite frankly I expect the Phoenix and WellNix have burnt bridges with the Hutt council and can give up on any support for activities at any grounds in the Lower Hutt Valley and have made themselves look incompetent.  When a bunch of perpetually hammered, disorganised numpties like the Fever can do a better PR job for a multi-million dollar project than they can, you have to wonder how the Phoenix will ever become a decent brand again.

Could not have summed this up better and its why I have said from day 1 "This will not happen"
Starting XI
almost 15 years
Are Welnix's thinking "why build it if the fans don't show any interest in it".  What else can we do as fans to help? - March with sign post around the rec area forming a massive Phallus?.

Head Sleuth
over 17 years

Get drunk, taxi to petone and attempt to build the arena ourselves. 

almost 17 years
Tegal wrote:

Get drunk, taxi to petone and attempt to build the arena ourselves. 

Now that's an end of year function worth being involved in!
Early retirement
over 17 years

Nimby's arrive to find 6 small holes dug and 30 people coma'd in the grass.

Listen here Fudgeface
over 14 years
Tegal wrote:

Get drunk, taxi to petone and attempt to build the arena ourselves. 

about 15 years
patrick478 wrote:
Tegal wrote:

Get drunk, taxi to petone and attempt to build the arena ourselves. 

Ha ha ha where is that?
Appiah without the pace
about 17 years

That was Honiara for the Nation's cup. During the first game, the locals lay the planks of wood across the existing frame and stood on it.

over 11 years
2ndBest wrote:

That was Honiara for the Nation's cup. During the first game, the locals lay the planks of wood across the existing frame and stood on it.

Brilliant. Waitakere should be informed.

Appiah without the pace
about 17 years
Early retirement
over 17 years
about 17 years

People power!

almost 15 years


"The council's draft annual plan has drawn 1710 submissions, the highest number ever.

About 400 came in on deadline day, last Friday.

Councillors have set aside Wednesday and Thursday next week to hear from those who want to put their views in person.

Key issues include the Petone Arena, the potential demolition of the Town and Horticultural Halls and an increase in borrowing.

Community feedback suggests strong opposition to the idea of a "boutique" stadium on Petone Rec, despite the council setting tough conditions that would have to be met for the project to get legs.

Last week a majority on the Petone Community Board voted against any further work on the Arena being done, with chairman Mike Fisher telling Hutt News it was an "unwelcome distraction".

Mr Fisher said board members had "listened dispassionately" at two public meetings, and had taken on board the message that the stadium was just at discussion stage.

But the board's submission says:

"It is our view alternative sites, particularly Hutt Park, have not been adequately considered, and while much has been made of 'the fan's experience' the Arena hopes to provide, the experience of local residents and sporting clubs would be irrevocably and negatively affected. It is their concerns that are paramount, in our view."

Early retirement
over 17 years

...and that one line says it all.

'Hutt Park'.  You may as well build it at Newtown if you are going to build it at Hutt Park or the Hutt Rec.


First Team Squad
over 16 years

So who thinks the Kapiti Coast District Coucil would be keen to build a stadium?

Some spots between Raumati, Paraparaumu, Waikane, and Otaki that would fit a stadium nicely.

a.k.a AJ13
over 14 years

Makes you wonder what football is doing so horribly wrong when we don't even support our own sport. There's no reason why every club in wellington couldnt have got behind this and got their players, members, parents of kids etc... to make submissions numbering in the thousands. Instead nobody gives a shit and the only people concerned are a few hundred nimbys who now have the majority voice. Anyone else get the feeling that Petone FC are more concerned about playing the role of happy neighbours instead of making a genuine push for this? Something tells me I don't think rugby would ever be so kind in return. Who cares if rugby lose two grounds, they can move onto the numerous artificials around the city. Meh. Sadly I think one day it'll all be gone, and it'll be the fault of football supporters for not turning up as often and backing initiatives like this.

about 17 years

For some selfish reason, football in NZ has always been political and self centered. Hence they keep on shooting themselves in the foot time and time again. The aftermath of 1982 where a chance was squandered to really make the game take off. 2010, the aftermath where although we were told that lessons were learned from 1982, the same friggen mistakes were made. And now this. How many football administrators does it take to change a lightbulb? 2000. One to do the job and 1999 to all run around and make like they are doing it.

about 17 years
AJ13 wrote:

Makes you wonder what football is doing so horribly wrong when we don't even support our own sport. There's no reason why every club in wellington couldnt have got behind this and got their players, members, parents of kids etc... to make submissions numbering in the thousands. Instead nobody gives a shit and the only people concerned are a few hundred nimbys who now have the majority voice. Anyone else get the feeling that Petone FC are more concerned about playing the role of happy neighbours instead of making a genuine push for this? Something tells me I don't think rugby would ever be so kind in return. Who cares if rugby lose two grounds, they can move onto the numerous artificials around the city. Meh. Sadly I think one day it'll all be gone, and it'll be the fault of football supporters for not turning up as often and backing initiatives like this.

It's all well and good to say football people should have got out and supported it, but what incentive did they have from Welnix to do that.  Smithy has been doing a great job, but this has been a lost cause from the moment after Welnix/Morgan announced it and they seemingly stopped giving a shit.  People require leadership to unite behind a cause and Welnix/Phoenix haven't provided it.
Groundskeeper Willie
over 16 years
Yeah exactly. Maybe football people had no reason to believe it was ever more than a bargaining chip or pipe dream because Welnix disappeared after a couple of weeks of headlines?
Starting XI
over 17 years
Smithy wrote:
.unless they are doing some heavy lobbying behind the scenes, that we don't know about, they are doing a piss poor job in getting themselves a new stadium....

They aren't. And you're right.

They are ..........and you are wrong!
That's the word I've had from my local representatives on the council (not Petone).
Starting XI
over 17 years
austin10 wrote:

Because I don't think Welnix will be around in 10 years time.....I know for a fact that some of the Welnix guys feel they have done their bit for the Nix, so I would not count on them dipping their hand in their pocket beyond their stated 5 year commitment. A lot will depend on Gareth but I don't think his constant talk of "pulling the pin" is idle chatter. These guys lost $2 mill in their first year and will lose $1 mill this year and they are not the sort of people who continually put money into loss making businesses.


Who would run a football team and not expect to lose money? 
about 17 years
nightz wrote:
austin10 wrote:

Because I don't think Welnix will be around in 10 years time.....I know for a fact that some of the Welnix guys feel they have done their bit for the Nix, so I would not count on them dipping their hand in their pocket beyond their stated 5 year commitment. A lot will depend on Gareth but I don't think his constant talk of "pulling the pin" is idle chatter. These guys lost $2 mill in their first year and will lose $1 mill this year and they are not the sort of people who continually put money into loss making businesses.


Who would run a football team and not expect to lose money? 

Someone with no experience in this field. Although Welnix are packed with guys that do have an idea, I do wonder if it something like the rest of the Football administration around. Petty politics and agendas.

First Team Squad
over 11 years

I think Welnix have decided to keep a low public profile but that does not mean they are not doing stuff behind the scene.  Smart move IMO....other wise the papers would have been full of "that bloody Gareth Morgan is trying to ram his stadium idea down our throats". There has been almost no public comment about Gareths imput at all. He  tends to polarise people so keeping out of the public debate may have been a good idea.

The public debate has gone on as you would expect it to.....those people who feel passionately about the issue will make their views clear. If lots of football people have not come out and supported the Arena its because they don't feel sufficiently passionate about the proposal...you can't change that. Lots of football people may have decided...."Petone Arena or Westpac.....whatever, I will still go and see the Nix"

Blaming Welnix for not driving the public debate is slightly unfair. If they had got heavily involved in the public debate they may have risked a public backlash......people hate being told whats best for them, especially by rich people.

Early retirement
over 17 years

I don't want them to drive the public debate. 

I wanted them to have done the work before there was any debate to get the key stakeholders on board and to have answers to the obvious questions the anti brigade were going to raise and it is spectacularly obvious that the two most important things required for this project to proceed never even crossed their minds.

Minimal effort tasks, requiring no public profile and they couldn't bothered doing those.

Head Sleuth
over 17 years

Not that the NIMBYs would've listened even if they gave answers of course. But at the very least you should be getting sports clubs etc on board. But unfortunately it seems as though those groups are basing their stance on the same misinformation that the NIMBYs are presenting them. This is where welnix have failed miserably, and you're right it wouldn't have been hard to do at all. 

over 17 years
Hard News wrote:

I don't want them to drive the public debate. 

I wanted them to have done the work before there was any debate to get the key stakeholders on board and to have answers to the obvious questions the anti brigade were going to raise and it is spectacularly obvious that the two most important things required for this project to proceed never even crossed their minds.

Minimal effort tasks, requiring no public profile and they couldn't bothered doing those.

If you do it correctly i.e. get others on board first, you get them to fight your battles in the media.  Instead you have what has become council vs the ratepayers, and the council is always going to listen to the voters in the end because they can't be seen to override the wishes of a majority of residents.  They were naive if they thought that the council would bring this home for them - perhaps they underestimated the opposition.

Perhaps the strategy was always to get it to consultation and then step things up, but the PR battle seems to have been lost

Domey is claiming that the Football United tour will drive recruitment of players etc (which personally I am sceptical about, but hey), but this is the kind of project that should be dominating his time - because this is about long term stability for the club.  Weird priorities
Head Sleuth
over 17 years

NIMBY Facebook saying that all but 1 pitch will be taken up by the arena. They are also saying that all sports clubs will have to move from the rec as a result. 

This is absolutely not what the information that has come out about the arena states (which is 1-2 pitches) so they're clearly just making this up. They also have a bit of a dig at the CFT which is interesting 

about 17 years

Oh dear, more misinformation. Have another herbal tea before the next tweet.

Head Sleuth
over 17 years

Reading that page is doing my head in. So think I might have to stop. 

The Phoenix play AFL apparently by the way. No wonder we nearly finished bottom - we've been playing the wrong game!

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$40-45 Million Soccer Specific Stadium - Petone Phoenix