First Team Squad
about 17 years
HarryHotspur wrote:
Go for it, wobbly belly was aired to the nation by Sky TV - I didn't hassle them for rights either!
When you buy a ticket to the game, as part of ticketek's terms and conditions you agre for your image to be used when you're at the event.
"14. Image Release - Patrons grant FFA and Clubs the non-exclusive right to use their image and likeness in any form or medium, as part of any broadcast or recording of the match and for any other commercial purposes (including in advertising and promotional materials)."
Edit - the "you lot" sledging someone are the people calling Rory Fallon a t**ser, a c..., all about the cash etc.  The agent...different story, but again, without knowing the full story these half-baked thoughts shouldn't be publicly aired.
Addicks2009-12-15 22:11:59
Starting XI
almost 17 years
Addicks wrote:
HarryHotspur wrote:
Go for it, wobbly belly was aired to the nation by Sky TV - I didn't hassle them for rights either!


When you buy a ticket to the game, as part of ticketek's terms and conditions you agre for your image to be used when you're at the event.


"14. Image Release - Patrons grant FFA and Clubs the non-exclusive right to use their image and likeness in any form or medium, as part of any broadcast or recording of the match and for any other commercial purposes (including in advertising and promotional materials)."


Edit - the "you lot" sledging someone are the people calling Rory Fallon a t**ser, a c..., all about the cash�etc.� The agent...different story, but again, without knowing the full story these half-baked thoughts shouldn't be publicly aired.

I wonder if Fallon's agent has such extensive small print covering his client?

Half baked (well, maybe one tenth baked as it currently stands) and publically aired was great copy about Tiger Woods though, eh?
First Team Squad
about 17 years
Good for the media...A YF vs Fallon stuch less cool.  Though I reckon at least one of of the 14 on the "Tiger list" will turn out to be plugging $20,000 interviews on a tissue of lies.
I'm sure Fallon's agens has much, much more. I'm not trying to pick a fight, but would like people to think before typing (bit of an ask for teh interwebs!), and judge whether Fallon deserves the abuse - I for one agree that it seems petty to complain about th t-shirts, but I accept there are likely to be greater considerations that I'm not aware of.  If everyone used his likeness for free, it becomes devalued.  It's fair enough to protect that.  How you go about doing that, and what you consider a threat to your commercial sanctity...well that's perhaps where this agent has gone too far.
Addicks2009-12-15 22:33:59
Starting XI
almost 17 years
Happy medium may be to say to YF - go with what you've got, but no more in the future, perhaps?
Appiah without the pace
almost 17 years
terminator_x wrote:
So I take it no-one gives a f**k if I start making my own range of Yellow Fever t-shirts and selling them around town then?

Quite few of you have photos in the galleries on this website. I think I'll use those. Don't worry, I won't make any money out of it, just cover my costs.

I'll mock some up over the next few days and post them hear first. Not that I need your permission of course.

You think Obama gets to sue for these t-shirts?  Of course he doesn't.  His face or name is trademarked.

And as many have pointed out, we have NO idea whether Fallon knows about this at all.  So lay of the fallon slagging.
Starting XI
almost 17 years
Hmmm...not sure it's a great choice of comparison. Political candidates tend to like T-Shirts, mugs, key rings etc.

Not Elite enough
about 17 years
Jeez, some people need to lighten up. A few people, myself included, make up some silly chants and have a bit of a laugh at the situation and suddenly the Fun Police have stormed the building. FFS.
Appiah without the pace
almost 17 years
There are plenty of anti-Obama tees too
over 15 years
Jag wrote:
Jeez, some people need to lighten up. A few people, myself included, make up some silly chants and have a bit of a laugh at the situation and suddenly the FPun PFolice have stormed the building. FFS.
Starting XI
almost 17 years
2ndBest wrote:
There are plenty of anti-Obama tees too

Which raises his profile further?

Edit - and I'm sure his party wouldn't want to get embroiled in a 5th (?) ammendment debate...HarryHotspur2009-12-15 22:55:49
Not Elite enough
about 17 years
Junior82 wrote:
Jag wrote:
Jeez, some people need to lighten up. A few people, myself included, make up some silly chants and have a bit of a laugh at the situation and suddenly the FPun PFolice have stormed the building. FFS.

Appiah without the pace
almost 17 years
Starting XI
almost 17 years
Clever use of negative space, no more than that

Appiah without the pace
almost 17 years
over 17 years

I'm with Terms.  The "Moment of Rory" at precisely 44:05 (1st half) on 14 November (around 19:45 NZ time) is forever etched into my heart.  If Rory wants the cash - give.

over 17 years

As my old man said:

Money doesn't grow on trees. 
Starting XI
almost 17 years
FFS, they'll be wanting money to play for their country next...oh, wait.
over 15 years
Stevo wrote:

As my old man said:

Money doesn't grow on trees. 
Eucalyptus polyanthemos
Google it.
over 17 years
"Eh-ya?   Pretty f**king scary moment here - a corner to New Zealand to be taken by Leo's the delivery...Leooooo!  Haggis.  Haggis.  Haggis eater Rory Fallon.  Haggis eater Rory Fallon has just f**ked up Bahrain.  Haggis eater Rory Fallon has just really f**ked up Bahrain.  Crowd going f**king ape.  hahghajkhjkhgghhjahtarzmsifjajlkjghhg Muhammad."
over 15 years
Did you get Rory's agent's prmission for that link?
over 17 years
Head Sleuth
about 17 years
What about the elrich shirts? Got pie? I mean cmon.
I actually like to believe that if he knew anything about this then he wouldnt be taking such actions. Surely its his agent? If not,then as i said...respect for him gone way downhill.
Phoenix Academy
almost 17 years
There could be a blackmarket for Big Bad tee's.
Stage Punch
almost 17 years
terminator_x wrote:
So I take it no-one gives a f**k if I start making my own range of Yellow Fever t-shirts and selling them around town then?Quite few of you have photos in the galleries on this website. I think I'll use those. Don't worry, I won't make any money out of it, just cover my costs.I'll mock some up over the next few days and post them hear first. Not that I need your permission of course.

Big difference Term_X.

We have licensed the photo we used for the Big Bad from a photographer. So we have the right to use it.

The fact that it happens to be a picture of Rory is irrelevant. Do you think every sports star gets a payment every time a photo of them is used in a magazine, or one a poster?

And it's completely different to using the Yellow Fever or Wellington Phoenix logos. The author of those logos owns the copyright, and in the WPX case I think it's also a reg'd trade mark. And in either case you would be "passing off" under the Fair Trading Act.

Smithy2009-12-16 02:01:50
over 17 years
My god some of the reactionson here are so naive, poor Rory, inmagin his big bad agent doing something so shocking and all behind his back and without his knowledge.  Good Rory would never do something like that, bad agent, bad agent. 
Let's all grow up eh?
Terminator X, even if he does have a leg to stand on legally is this really a good idea?  I understand your point to some extent but it's not as if this competes with something he would be doing himself (like official vs unofficial merchandise for the Phoenix), this is just him and his Mr 10% trying to cash in on someone else's initiative, getting some extra cash can be the ONLY motivation.  It's entirely positive for him, raises his profile, and it's not using his image to reflect or promote another organisation which he might not want to be associated with, other than the national team and NZ Football fans.   
I just don't agree with the idea that because it's your picture on it you should benefit personally.
First Team Squad
over 14 years
Far as I can see neither Fallon, nor his agent have a leg to stand on.

The Photo was licensed and was not, and still is not, and has never been, the property of Rory Fallon.

And The Chant is copyrighted to Tom, who has given the fever permission to use it.
Still Believin'
over 17 years
Smithy wrote:
We have licensed the photo we used for the Big Bad from a photographer. So we have the right to use it.

So what's the problem then? Obviously there is one, and obviously it could have been avoided.

I just think the rush here to condemn Fallon is a little unfair when some simple f**king courtesy and common sense at the YF end would have been appropriate. Maybe someone at YF could simply take some responsibility for making a mistake rather than allowing Fallon's reputation to be further tainted here?

I'm with Stevo. What Rory Fallon did on 14 November is what's really important to me, not this YF-is-holier-than-thou bullsh*t.

over 17 years
almost 15 years
Starting XI
about 17 years
All whites kit and merchandise makers Nike may have planned a range of t-shirts for the upcoming world cup to sell in NZ. the "Big Bad" t-shirt would be in direct competition to a NZF or Nike licenced product so maybe they are the ones pushing this issue through his agent.
This is speculation, but I'm guessing someone bigger than Rory or his agent are pulling the strings.
Which goes back to the original question. Who made this a problem in the first place? who is the grass?
UberGunner2009-12-16 09:10:41
Starting XI
almost 17 years
As the UberG says, follow the money.

"White is the new Black"  ...(unless the sponsor sees Red.)
RedGed2009-12-16 09:36:32
Stage Punch
almost 17 years
terminator_x wrote:
Smithy wrote:
We have licensed the photo we used for the Big Bad from a photographer. So we have the right to use it.

So what's the problem then? Obviously there is one, and obviously it could have been avoided.

I just think the rush here to condemn Fallon is a little unfair when some simple f**king courtesy and common sense at the YF end would have been appropriate. Maybe someone at YF could simply take some responsibility for making a mistake rather than allowing Fallon's reputation to be further tainted here?

I'm with Stevo. What Rory Fallon did on 14 November is what's really important to me, not this YF-is-holier-than-thou bullsh*t.

Sorry, run that past me again?
The problem is that Rory's agent doesn't understand what Rory's rights are.
I'm not sure what our mistake was though?  We have done everything legally and above board, as we always strive to.
We have been courteous by removing the t shirts from sale while Rory's agent works through his concerns with us.  Those discussions are ongoing. 
As I said from the outset, we don't want to get Rory off side with us, so in the interests of keeping the peace we might stop selling the t shirt altogether.
Starting XI
about 17 years
Well Nike have done a pretty sh*t job in capitalising on the success, I went into the Nike Shop last week looking to buy a White is the New Black poster but they didn't have any. Hardly had any AW merchandise at all, I realise they got hammered that weekend but I would have thought coming into Xmas they would want plenty of stock in that they should have no trouble shifting on!
Stage Punch
almost 17 years
UberGunner wrote:
All whites kit and merchandise makers Nike may have planned a range of t-shirts for the upcoming world cup to sell in NZ. the "Big Bad" t-shirt would be in direct competition to a NZF or Nike licenced product so maybe they are the ones pushing this issue through his agent.
This is speculation, but I'm guessing someone bigger than Rory or his agent are pulling the strings.
Which goes back to the original question. Who made this a problem in the first place? who is the grass?
If NZF wanted us to stop selling t shirts I think they'd ask us directly.
If Nike did I'm sure they wouldn't have sponsored our Freestyle Football Nationals.
We have good relations with both organisations.
Starting XI
almost 17 years
bopman wrote:
Well Nike have done a pretty sh*t job in capitalising on the success, I went into the Nike Shop last week looking to buy a White is the New Black poster but they didn't have any. Hardly had any AW merchandise at all, I realise they got hammered that weekend but I would have thought coming into Xmas they would want plenty of stock in that they should have no trouble shifting on!

Perhaps all eyes are on another of their 'bigger' sponsorship deals at the moment
Starting XI
about 17 years
HarryHotspur wrote:
bopman wrote:
Well Nike have done a pretty sh*t job in capitalising on the success, I went into the Nike Shop last week looking to buy a White is the New Black poster but they didn't have any. Hardly had any AW merchandise at all, I realise they got hammered that weekend but I would have thought coming into Xmas they would want plenty of stock in that they should have no trouble shifting on!

Perhaps all eyes are on another of their 'bigger' sponsorship deals at the moment
I'd have thought Nike would have had everyone chipping in to try and make a bit of wedge out of the AWs success
First Team Squad
over 14 years
Has anybody contacted Rory directly, if it isnt possible to contact him without going through his agent, then maybe try through Kevin Fallon to hopefully give us his number. Then we can sweet talk Rory and ask if he minds.

Edit:That whole comment is based on the fact that he knows nothing about it.tomrewi2009-12-16 10:25:25
Still Believin'
over 17 years
Smithy wrote:
The problem is that Rory's agent doesn't understand what Rory's rights are.
You seem to think that the only issue here is around legal and commercial rights to the image.
I disagree. It would have been both courteous and proactive to check with Fallon and his management first. It would also have been courteous to not make your post of the 14th, re-name this thread, and then allow it to be used to vilify Fallon over an issue that Yellow Fever instigated!!
over 17 years
terminator_x wrote:
Smithy wrote:
The problem is that Rory's agent doesn't understand what Rory's rights are.
You seem to think that the only issue here is around legal and commercial rights to the image.
I disagree. It would have been both courteous and proactive to check with Fallon and his management first. It would also have been courteous to not make your post of the 14th, re-name this thread, and then allow it to be used to vilify Fallon over an issue that Yellow Fever instigated!!

Back to your Phoenix City thread please

Stage Punch
almost 17 years
terminator_x wrote:
Smithy wrote:
The problem is that Rory's agent doesn't understand what Rory's rights are.
You seem to think that the only issue here is around legal and commercial rights to the image.
I disagree. It would have been both courteous and proactive to check with Fallon and his management first. It would also have been courteous to not make your post of the 14th, re-name this thread, and then allow it to be used to vilify Fallon over an issue that Yellow Fever instigated!!
The only issure here is about legal and commercial rights.
If it had been easy to check with Rory we would have.  We spoke to Steve Sumner and Ricki Herbert about those t shirts because we know them.  We didn't speak to George Paladini or Ahmed Elrich because we don't know them.
I agree it's a nice thing to do, but that's all it is.
My post in here, and the renaming of the thread, was only in response to the repeat enquiries that we were getting about whether the t shirts were still available. 

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