over 16 years

Not gonna lie - I teared up a lil

Appiah without the pace
about 17 years
over 16 years
over 13 years

So got this lovely message from the Jo (mother of Micah and Jethro) who were one of the first families to use Fever Dreams.

Hi Matt, this is a bit random but wanted to thank you and Fever Dreams. You guys shouted my family to our first Nix game in 2014 with my older son Micah who was 2.5 at the time. I've just stumbled on your discussion thread and it's made my day. You guys have so much heart and I had no idea how much goes into making the games etc happen for families of RMH. It's awesome. The thing is, I'm sitting at Auckland RMH right now while our little son Jethro is fighting leukaemia in hospital. Remembering that awesome game you guys got us to is making me very happy at a hard time so thanks so much. I think it was the best time Micah has ever had, seriously! Micah will indeed be back enjoying more Nix games in future, I promise! Thanks again! ?


and 8 others
over 17 years

Wow wow thats just awesome got to go have something in my eye.

over 13 years

I've decided to send the family a little present for the boys, got some Nix/Fever gear going to them to hopefully put a smile on their faces and so they can support the Nix from Auckland.

and 4 others
over 14 years

Oh wow... that's... wow.

Starting XI
over 14 years

OMG  Matt that is just awesome, love hearing about the families and just seeing smiles on their faces and knowing we contributed in some small way to giving them a good time.

over 13 years

Sorry this was delayed, they have been manic at RMH.

Jade and Shane were very appreciative of the opportunity to attend a game. They have being going through a bit of a hard time at the moment with their little one over in the neonatal unit. It was a real treat for them and they had a great time together away from the hospital – something they have not had in a few months.

and 2 others
about 17 years

Awesome. This metric has been such a brilliant success.

Starting XI
over 10 years

I wish the most important metric was heart.  because this thread would guarantee us a licence for so long as Matt likes Football.

over 13 years

Yakcall wrote:

I've decided to send the family a little present for the boys, got some Nix/Fever gear going to them to hopefully put a smile on their faces and so they can support the Nix from Auckland.

So message from Jo and a picture of Jethro in his new Nix gear.

Hi Matt, thank you so much for the amazing gear!!! Wow we were blown away! I've been trying to catch a good photo of him wearing the kit but he's too fast and wiley ;)! The puppet has already been a great help, Micahs been talking to Nixie and telling him all about what's happening for him and his brother :) I'll send a better pic when I can catch him but here's a good Fever Dreams pic hehe

and 5 others
over 16 years

Yakcall wrote:

Yakcall wrote:

I've decided to send the family a little present for the boys, got some Nix/Fever gear going to them to hopefully put a smile on their faces and so they can support the Nix from Auckland.

So message from Jo and a picture of Jethro in his new Nix gear.

Hi Matt, thank you so much for the amazing gear!!! Wow we were blown away! I've been trying to catch a good photo of him wearing the kit but he's too fast and wiley ;)! The puppet has already been a great help, Micahs been talking to Nixie and telling him all about what's happening for him and his brother :) I'll send a better pic when I can catch him but here's a good Fever Dreams pic hehe

ONIONS!!!! How the feck did they get in my office.
over 14 years

FeverDreams FTW!

over 13 years

Sorry for lack of updates last two weeks, I dropped off two games of stuff to RMH as I was away myself and now turns out the person I speak with is away. But here is a little update, hopefully can get some photos later.

Hi Matt,

Anthony is currently out of the office and asked me to respond to your email.

Yes we had families attend both and they really enjoyed themselves minus Saturdays loss. We actually put out our first family newsletter and did a word find comp for the Corporate box tickets and it went really well so I though I’d share that with you.

Hopefully the Nix are a bit luckier next time round but hey we got 10 more years so can’t complain to much… yet.

over 17 years

This thread is one of the few things that have cheered me up all season!  Thanks again to all involved, and glad I could be a (very!) small part of it with my donation.

One in a million
over 17 years

haha love the word find. Feint and dummy are goodies.

Head Sleuth
over 17 years

They originally had "Tim Brown" in the word find but nobody could see it. 

and 1 other
One in a million
over 17 years

You'd spot it if it had a head bandage around it

Phoenix Academy
over 13 years

Alex Jones was in there but was removed at the last minute

over 13 years

Unfortunately, the family who were going to attend the game on the weekend, when they were on their way they got an urgent call saying they were needed at the hospital ASAP so were unable to attend. So unfortunately the tickets were not able to be used as Ronald McDonald House didn't find out until after they came back to the house much later that night.

Sad for the family, I have emailed back Ronald McDonald House passes on our well wishes to the family and maybe they will be able to go another time.

over 13 years

This just went out in the Ronald McDonald House E-newsletter, can't find a link to it so posting in full.

House Heroes -Yellow Fever at RMHC Wellington

The guys from Yellow Fever are absolute soccer fanatics and have made it their mission to share this joy with our families. The enthusiastic group fundraises in order to provide our families with the ultimate family sporting experience. For each home game the Phoenix have, Yellow Fever gifts a family in the House with tickets, lounge passed and scarves. This provides our families with a great treat and distraction from their time over in the hospital wards. Thank you so much for all your amazing work, guys. Check out some of our lucky families having a ball at Wellington Stadium.

over 14 years

when do you need the next donation? I will try to dig a little deeper for next season. This is (probably) the best thing in the A League from any club. Well done Matt!

over 13 years

Grandadi wrote:

when do you need the next donation? I will try to dig a little deeper for next season. This is (probably) the best thing in the A League from any club. Well done Matt!

Thank you! Funds are healthy at the moment and only have a couple of games left so save your money now. Closer to the start of the new season I'll do some more fundraising and I think that pub quiz night went quite well, so will try do that again.

about 17 years

How come you never receive a knighthood nomination Matt? You do more for your fellow humans than many lawyers, accountants and politicians...and for nothing. Thanks for doing so much positive stuff on behalf of us fans for good causes.

about 10 years

Still so proud to be a part of this in the little way I can with Donations. 


over 13 years

So today I was at a wedding. I'm not sure how many people know but my connection to Ronald McDonald House was because of my wife's cousins. They had a little boy called Daniel that got diagnosed with cancer, one of the things that stuck with me with was the comment that having a day away from the hospital was special. Daniel unfortunately passed away. When this whole conversation started about doing something to increase the crowd numbers and people mention they would donate to have people attending, that was when I thought of my wife's cousins comment and contacted RMH. Well today I was at the wedding of that couple, they now have another child and are very happy together. Daniel was mentioned and I admit it brought me to tears but what i am able to do here with all of Yellow Fevers help is very special, so I'd like to say thank you to everyone that's offered help, money or anything to allow #FeverDreams to happen. It's very special to me and my wife's family and I thank you a lot for everything that's allowed this to happen!

and 6 others
Appiah without the pace
about 17 years

And here I was thinking you were doing it for the 'thises' 

Chant Savant
over 17 years

Yakcall wrote:

Unfortunately, the family who were going to attend the game on the weekend, when they were on their way they got an urgent call saying they were needed at the hospital ASAP so were unable to attend. So unfortunately the tickets were not able to be used as Ronald McDonald House didn't find out until after they came back to the house much later that night.

Sad for the family, I have emailed back Ronald McDonald House passes on our well wishes to the family and maybe they will be able to go another time.

How is everything with the family? 

Having been the recipient of "The Call" from the hospital on a couple of occasions I know just how scary it is.

over 13 years

C-Diddy wrote:

Yakcall wrote:

Unfortunately, the family who were going to attend the game on the weekend, when they were on their way they got an urgent call saying they were needed at the hospital ASAP so were unable to attend. So unfortunately the tickets were not able to be used as Ronald McDonald House didn't find out until after they came back to the house much later that night.

Sad for the family, I have emailed back Ronald McDonald House passes on our well wishes to the family and maybe they will be able to go another time.

How is everything with the family? 

Having been the recipient of "The Call" from the hospital on a couple of occasions I know just how scary it is.

I'm going into the house today to drop off stuff for this weekend so will see if they have any information. May not want to tell us of course and that is fine too.

over 13 years

Family did attend the game this weekend despite the weather and the way the Nixs have been playing...

Attached is a photo of Arthurs family (our Easter egg muncher below) his Uncle came over the weekend to visit his family they’ve got a little one at the Hospital. Mum did have to babysit cause the game was a little late for the kids but it was a really nice chance for Dad to catch up with his brother and few others over the game!

about 17 years

Cool! It gets distressing to see one so young suffering.

One in a million
over 17 years

This is an ongoing highlight for being a Nix supporter, well done!

about 17 years

Very much so Oi Oi

over 13 years

So a thank you to every person who contributed towards this years #FeverDreams. It allowed 12 families (including one in Auckland and Christchurch) to leave Ronald McDonald House for a few hours to enjoy some family time and some football, I look forward to doing it again next season.

I just dropped off the last passes, scarfs etc for this season to the house and was speaking with the coordinator there. They are actually going to try and use all the volunteer passes they got through Save The Nix to allow more families to attend this weekend and they will shuttle them back and forth to the game, so this weekend there should be a few families that will be able to attend (Though only one has the full VIP experience)

Starting XI
over 10 years

Great stuff Yakcall, as always.

about 17 years

Will they form their own Conga?

over 13 years

Hopefully we will have a good crowd of supporters from Ronald McDonald House on Sunday. This was put up all over their house to get people to come along.

over 13 years

So, last update for the season.

We had a decent turn out of families for the last game but with all the hustle and bustle no one remembered to take photos! Our volunteers in particular really wanted to pass their thanks on to you and team for their season passes, they all really enjoyed the Phoenix atmosphere and felt very appreciated so again thank you so much for thinking of them as well as our families!

Can I have some lungs please miss
almost 17 years

Well done again Matt, and to all those who contributed... all the warm fuzzy feels!!!

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