Contracted Players - Return of the Long Pins

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Bossi Insider
about 16 years
Bossi Insider
about 16 years
"Dom Post" wrote:
Where the players stand

Phoenix players off contract at the end of the season:

Paul Ifill, Manny Muscat, Mark Paston, Chris Greenacre, Vince Lia, Dani Sanchez, Tony Warner, Daniel, Nick Ward, Niko Tsattalios, Brent Griffiths, Cameron Lindsay

On the books for 2012-2013:

Andrew Durante, Ben SigmUnd, Tony Lochhead, Jimmy Downey, Tim Brown, Leo Bertos, Lucas Pantelis, Mirjan Pavlovic

Opinions on who we should keep?
almost 16 years
Smeltz and Rojas.
almost 17 years
Paul Ifill, Manny Muscat, Mark Paston, Chris Greenacre, Vince Lia, Dani Sanchez, Tony Warner, Daniel, Nick Ward, Niko Tsattalios, Brent Griffiths, Cameron Lindsay
need to makle serious efforts to keep these guys, although I'd like to think we'd try to keep them all to avoid any last minute filling of the squad next season.
First Team Squad
over 17 years
Really early in the season aye, any that I'd cull haven't had the chance to prove themselves yet.
Obv keep Moosecat, Iffy, Lia.
Prob keep Daniel, Sanchez.
Poss keep Ward.
Wait and see Lindsay, Griffiths.
Greenache, Pasty, Warner- have to wait and see where their thinking is at, and how much longer they want to keep playing footy.
almost 17 years
Greenie may not stay on as a player but I suspect he'll be kept as a coach at least.
First Team Squad
almost 16 years
bigtobz wrote:
Really early in the season aye, any that I'd cull haven't had the chance to prove themselves yet.

Obv keep Moosecat, Iffy, Lia.

Prob keep Daniel, Sanchez.

Poss keep Ward.

Wait and see Lindsay, Griffiths.


Greenache, Pasty, Warner- have to wait and see where their thinking is at, and how much longer they want to keep playing footy.

Greenacre will likely still be around in a coaching role though wouldn't he?

Be handy to know he could kit up if need be.
almost 15 years
I had posted this in another thread but seems more appropriate here
Will probably get lambasted on this one, but beginning to think Iffy's time is drawing near and I would not want to spend large wads of cash to keep him beyond the end of this year. Keep him by all means but I would not put the house on him. Clealry his first year was the best for us with 13 Goals (2 pens) and 9 assists from 30 matches. Last year he managed 7 Goals (2pens) and 2 assists from 20 games. He spent the last third of the season injured and the remainder of the season he was a shadow of what he was the year before.
He looked a lot fitter at the beginning of this year but injury has struck again and at 32, it is only ever going to get tougher to get over injuries and an injured groin is a very difficult one to get over.
I hope he burns up the rest of the year once he gets fit again (2 more weeks seems to be the indication) but at the moment if I had to spend a good chunk of our salary cap on him, I would be somewhat hesitant.
He is a top bloke, a legend, and close to the best ever A league import in his first season but everyones time comes to an end eventually.
sthn.jeff2011-11-03 13:19:25
Phoenix Academy
about 15 years

sthn.jeff Totally agree with your words regarding Iffy and I am sure that he is not that stupid to know it also.

He has also made comment in the past about staying in NZ so there could be a roll for him to re coaching along with Greenacre.
Chant Savant
over 17 years
uhfan wrote:

sthn.jeff Totally agree with your words regarding Iffy and I am sure that he is not that stupid to know it also.

He has also made comment in the past about staying in NZ so there could be a roll for him to re coaching along with Greenacre.

Save Our Sandwich
about 17 years
If Greenacre is happy to play for another season let him. We can probably offer him a low playing salary topped up with his coaching salary, I assume that Musc**t had this arrangement.
almost 15 years
Bullion wrote:
If Greenacre is happy to play for another season let him. We can probably offer him a low playing salary topped up with his coaching salary, I assume that Musc**t had this arrangement.
So do all of ACFC players i mean coaches
Starting XI
almost 17 years
I'd be looking to sign them in this order personally:
Manny Muscat, Paul Ifill, Dani Sanchez, Mark Paston, Vince Lia, Nick Ward, Niko Tsattalios, Tony Warner,  Daniel, Cameron Lindsay, Brent Griffiths,
Chris Greenacre - not sure he'll keep playing, otherwise somewhere in the middle.
Bossi Insider
about 16 years
Bullion wrote:
If Greenacre is happy to play for another season let him. We can probably offer him a low playing salary topped up with his coaching salary, I assume that Musc**t had this arrangement.
I wouldnt mind keeping him on, but the problem would be if they reduced the import quota as its been suggested.

All our import slots are available for next season. If it goes down to 4, I would keep Ifill, and depending on how the season goes, Sanchez and Smith, and leave us 1 import slot for a new younger striker.

Moving Greenacre to the backroom would be good, if Ifill breaks down he can always be an injury replacement.
about 17 years
hlmphil wrote:
I'd be looking to sign them in this order personally:
Manny Muscat, Paul Ifill, Dani Sanchez, Mark Paston, Vince Lia, Nick Ward, Niko Tsattalios, Tony Warner,  Daniel, Cameron Lindsay, Brent Griffiths,
Chris Greenacre - not sure he'll keep playing, otherwise somewhere in the middle.
I'm happy for the squad to be players from whatever country, but I definitely think that all 3 of the youth players should be New Zealanders.
about 17 years

Bullion wrote:
If Greenacre is happy to play for another season let him. We can probably offer him a low playing salary topped up with his coaching salary, I assume that Musc**t had this arrangement.
I wouldnt mind keeping him on, but the problem would be if they reduced the import quota as its been suggested. All our import slots are available for next season. If it goes down to 4, I would keep Ifill, and depending on how the season goes, Sanchez and Smith, and leave us 1 import slot for a new younger striker.Moving Greenacre to the backroom would be good, if Ifill breaks down he can always be an injury replacement.

Good point. How long until Greenacre and Ifill are eligible for NZ citizenship?
First Team Squad
about 16 years
re-signing Ifill will really depend on how he goes for the rest of the season. He's a top player and if he is any where near top form then another year for certain.
Greenacre will be 35 by the middle of next season. Not sure we want an import slot tied up. Fine as assistant coach but its his last season for me.
Sign Sanchez for another couple of years right now.
We seem to have a reasonably old squad...nothing wrong with that as long as you have a plan to introduce younger players in a sensible way, to bed them into the Nix system. The last thing you want is the squad starting to look old and creaky and then have to go out and recruit a whole bunch of new players in one hit.
The young players recruited to make up the under 20 quota should not be recruited to just make up the numbers. Tsats, Griffiths and Lyndsay should be there to groom, to take over from Locky, Durante/Siggy and Brown one day. I will leave it you guys to decide if thats viable.
First Team Squad
almost 17 years
zinidane wrote:
re-signing Ifill will really depend on how he goes for the rest of the season. He's a top player and if he is any where near top form then another year for certain.
Greenacre will be 35 by the middle of next season. Not sure we want an import slot tied up. Fine as assistant coach but its his last season for me.
Sign Sanchez for another couple of years right now.
We seem to have a reasonably old squad...nothing wrong with that as long as you have a plan to introduce younger players in a sensible way, to bed them into the Nix system. The last thing you want is the squad starting to look old and creaky and then have to go out and recruit a whole bunch of new players in one hit.
The young players recruited to make up the under 20 quota should not be recruited to just make up the numbers. Tsats, Griffiths and Lyndsay should be there to groom, to take over from Locky, Durante/Siggy and Brown one day. I will leave it you guys to decide if thats viable.
Grooming conjours up all sorts of creepy scenarios..and as for bedding them
over 16 years
Three words: KEEP VINCE LIA
You cannot break my heart by letting him go, please.  Willing to beg.
almost 16 years
I <3 Nix wrote:
Three words: KEEP VINCE LIA
You cannot break my heart by letting him go, please.  Willing to beg.
Grooming.... bedding in.....?
Stage Punch
about 17 years
almost 16 years
It's from the DP - good old coalface, high quality journalism.
Bossi Insider
about 16 years
Smithy wrote:
I'm not sure that list is right btw...
What players do you think it is wrong for? The list is almost the same as whats posted on the Sydney Forums.
over 17 years
I'm sure Greenacre and Lia are already on the books for next season.
over 13 years
Have to be a resident first. Thereafter need to reside here for 5 years. Think these guys have a way to go
over 17 years
I don't like the rule allowing you to approach off contract players from now, it's unsettling. Anyone know the justification for it?
Early retirement
over 17 years
It's the same in Europe.
You can approach someone within 6 months of the end of their contract.  Just happens that most contracts here terminate at the end of March rather than June 30th.
Hard News2011-11-03 20:35:31
over 17 years
Cheers, right that makes sense - is that a FIFA rule or just general market practice? i.e could the A-League change it itself if it wanted to?
Early retirement
over 17 years
I think it's what came out of Bosman so as UEFA are forced to operate by it, I think FIFA made everyone operate by it.  Boxey will probably know but he's necking beers at Smithy, Jugs, and Feverish's so it might be a while before he can answer.
about 15 years
theprof wrote:
Paul Ifill, Manny Muscat, Mark Paston, Chris Greenacre, Vince Lia, Dani Sanchez, Tony Warner, Daniel, Nick Ward, Niko Tsattalios, Brent Griffiths, Cameron Lindsay
need to makle serious efforts to keep these guys, although I'd like to think we'd try to keep them all to avoid any last minute filling of the squad next season.

I would probably only want to really keep Muscat, Ward and Ifill. If the other 3 walked, I would not be too cut up.

Incidentally this place went nuts for the Cameron Lindsay signing (a 3rd left back?) but he is not high on anyones list to be re-signed. As I said at the time, not a smart signing in my opinion.
3rd XI
over 14 years
Love ifill and everything but isnt he getting injured too much? i mean we are not gonna rely on him forever are we?
about 15 years
I can see the argument for letting him go but I would guess that he would have realistically have 1 decent season left after this one? Jeff Vader2011-11-03 22:41:22
Early retirement
over 17 years
Big call that.  He's lost weight and looks keen on a big season.  Might pay to give him a chance at redemption when he's back (which could be 4 weeks) before riting him off. 
Imagine the Spanish inquisition if he wasn't contracted, had a great December - January and announced he was off to Gold Coast.
about 15 years
Oh no doubt. Hence why they need to make him year to year.
almost 16 years
Hard News wrote:
Imagine the Spanish inquisition if he wasn't contracted, had a great December - January and announced he was off to Gold Coast.
As long as he doesn't go on about the training facilities
Phoenix Academy
almost 13 years
Manny is a must. You can probably tell what my full user name would be if it wasn't too long.
Generally agree with the sentiment here about Ifill. Depends entirely on this season though, he could get back to his glorious form of two years ago.
Greenie as a coach/backup would be great. If we're doing it on the cheap again next I can see him as a midfielder.
Should offer a contract to Sanchez now, before his hat trick against the CC tomorrow jacks his price up.
Don't see why we shouldn't keep Daniel, he can't be too pricy, none of his game relies on fitness or physicality, he's always been slow. But his set piece taking has been great and anyway i'm sure he's worth his price tag just to chuck him on in the last 20 of games we're winning at Westpac.
Smith is a maybe, if he scores goals.
Pav would be a no.
Not fussed about Lia, that'd be a test of Herbert's sentimentality I guess.
Woof Woof
about 17 years
Hard News wrote:
I think it's what came out of Bosman so as UEFA are forced to operate by it, I think FIFA made everyone operate by it.� Boxey will probably know but he's necking beers at Smithy, Jugs, and Feverish's so it might be a while before he can answer.

News is right, this came out of the Bosman ruling and is now part of the FIFA regulations governing the status and transfers of players.

Article 18 of the said regulations, section 3:

3. A club intending to conclude a contract with a professional must inform the
player�s current club in writing before entering into negotiations with him. A
professional shall only be free to conclude a contract with another club if his
contract with his present club has expired or is due to expire within six months.
Any breach of this provision shall be subject to appropriate sanctions.
Woof Woof
about 17 years
CloneMM wrote:

Pav would be a no.

He's signed for next season at any rate.
First Team Squad
over 16 years
"Dom Post" wrote:
Phoenix players off contract at the end of the season:Paul Ifill, Manny Muscat, Mark Paston, Chris Greenacre, Vince Lia, Dani Sanchez, Tony Warner, Daniel, Nick Ward, Niko Tsattalios, Brent Griffiths, Cameron Lindsay

I Am Not A Football Manager But...

Muscat and Sanchez first.
Paul Ifill, if he can get over injury, next on the list
Then Nick Ward, Vince Lia, and Daniel.
Too early to say on Niko Tsattalios, Brent Griffiths, and Cameron Lindsay.
Paston and Warner... when is Jacob Gleeson off contract?

Greenacre into a coaching role, free up import spot.
First Team Squad
almost 17 years
Ard Righ wrote:
"Dom Post" wrote:
Phoenix players off contract at the end of the season:Paul Ifill, Manny Muscat, Mark Paston, Chris Greenacre, Vince Lia, Dani Sanchez, Tony Warner, Daniel, Nick Ward, Niko Tsattalios, Brent Griffiths, Cameron Lindsay

I Am Not A Football Manager But...

Muscat and Sanchez first.
Paul Ifill, if he can get over injury, next on the list
Then Nick Ward, Vince Lia, and Daniel.
Too early to say on Niko Tsattalios, Brent Griffiths, and Cameron Lindsay.
Paston and Warner... when is Jacob Gleeson off contract?

Greenacre into a coaching role, free up import spot.
also maybe warner into a coaching role
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