Crowds - The thread of Australian whining

Head Sleuth
about 17 years

Waiting 3-7 weeks for most home games isn't ideal. 

almost 17 years

It's stupidity at best and I thought better of the club than allowing stunts like that to occur.

almost 11 years
sthn.jeff wrote:

Actually even enjoy a loosing one.... admittedly less so, but still even through the darkest parts of last season it was still a fortnightly highlight. Probably a reflection on my sad pitiful life as much as anything. Maybe I should get a pony.

dont worry dude, one of the highlights of my year is when the nix come down to christchurch, even if they play like crap. You just don't get the same kind of involvement from rugby fans, passion non the less is the same but no ones really chanting anything other than "canterbury" or "its a bloody forward pass ref". I will go to many rugby games each year but not feel the same sense of community as what I have at a nix game.
almost 17 years

Chch do have one other chant. Cruisaaaaaaaadeeeeeerrrssss. Rugby crowds areso boring. Sit down and clap politely. Mind you we had a fathr and son in the Zone at Eden Park just like that. They lasted 37 minutes before they moved.

almost 14 years
Lonegunmen wrote:

Chch do have one other chant. Cruisaaaaaaaadeeeeeerrrssss. Rugby crowds areso boring. Sit down and clap politely. Mind you we had a fathr and son in the Zone at Eden Park just like that. They lasted 37 minutes before they moved.

Could this be forwarded to the stadium security management, so they stop giving the Nix fans hard time? What we have here is a case  of cultural misunderstanding. The sooner someone tells them that football is not like rugby the sooner they maybe even join in the fun (or at least start smiling we start chanting). It's not like we're throwing stuff, or setting off flares, for goodness sake.

almost 17 years
Junior82 wrote:
mjp2 wrote:

Those three Nix homes games.  It just aint worth living without them.

Is that Chesney Hawkes?
over 15 years

Maybe should have linked this @5:15

over 15 years

Eight games, 19 points from a possible 24, 6th on the table with a good run in for the remaining games.

Wellington get behind the team you bunch of lethargic twunts

about 11 years

We will get 10k next week

Head Sleuth
about 17 years

Doubtful. Competing with the cricket. 

Starting XI
almost 17 years

I'll be at the cricket, but all that'll means is I'll arrive in time for kick-off instead of normally earlier.  Hopefully it doesn't dent the crowd too much.  Bit of a shame we didn't get a 7:00pm Saturday game that weekend, might have got a few out of town cricket fans along to the game to make a bigger weekend of it.

over 14 years

I'm thinking along the same lines as you mjp2, catch the first two sessions of the cricket, then head off at tea time in the cricket which will be 3:40, should be enough time to get to westpac and have a beverage or two on the way.

Listen here Fudgeface
over 14 years
JarrodM wrote:

I'm thinking along the same lines as you mjp2, catch the first two sessions of the cricket, then head off at tea time in the cricket which will be 3:40, should be enough time to get to westpac and have a beverage or two on the way.

over 15 years

Hmmm.  Just realised the cricket will be clashing with the Karori Karnival (stupid spelling).

This could work in our favour - KK then Nix.

over 17 years
patrick478 wrote:
JarrodM wrote:

I'm thinking along the same lines as you mjp2, catch the first two sessions of the cricket, then head off at tea time in the cricket which will be 3:40, should be enough time to get to westpac and have a beverage or two on the way.


Casuals will probably only choose one though.

As well as the Nix are playing right now, you would back the cricket.
Starting XI
almost 17 years
patrick478 wrote:
JarrodM wrote:

I'm thinking along the same lines as you mjp2, catch the first two sessions of the cricket, then head off at tea time in the cricket which will be 3:40, should be enough time to get to westpac and have a beverage or two on the way.


For sure - and you can't win $10k at the cricket. 
Head Sleuth
about 17 years
Buffon II wrote:
patrick478 wrote:
JarrodM wrote:

I'm thinking along the same lines as you mjp2, catch the first two sessions of the cricket, then head off at tea time in the cricket which will be 3:40, should be enough time to get to westpac and have a beverage or two on the way.


Casuals will probably only choose one though.

As well as the Nix are playing right now, you would back the cricket.

Yep sadly you might be right. People won't pay for two lots of tickets. It's fairly ideal for nix season ticket holders, but most others will go to one or the other. Plus homegrown the day before doesn't help. 

People can also go to the Phoenix on any one of 10-13 days a year. The black caps only play a test in wellington once a year. We only play India in nz every 4 years. We only beat them here...well...barely ever. 

Opinion Privileges revoked
over 14 years

Wow, I've been out of it for a while. Last time I checked cricket was a dying sport in this country and certainly no-one went to test matches!

over 17 years

Doloras, we are 1-0 up in a series against India. The Basin usually gets good crowds for tests regardless. It should be chocka for this test, especially on the weekend.

Head Sleuth
about 17 years

I remember going to a domestic T20 at the basin and it was full. Before they stupidly moved them to the stadium last season. 

First Team Squad
over 17 years
JarrodM wrote:

I'm thinking along the same lines as you mjp2, catch the first two sessions of the cricket, then head off at tea time in the cricket which will be 3:40, should be enough time to get to westpac and have a beverage or two on the way.

Exactly what we're doing. 8 of us up from Ch-Ch for the cricket (sun and mon) and the Nix on Sunday. Yes a Sat night wouldve been preferable but we've made it work... cant' wait...

almost 17 years

Good stuff Doug, best of both worlds. Cricket in a Sunday should get a decent crowd unless it's raining.

almost 17 years

The cricket will be over by Sunday afternoon. NZ win inside 3 days :)

over 15 years

The few games I've been to at the Basin it's usually the visitors winning after three days!

(a gazillion years ago BK: Before Kids)

Starting XI
almost 17 years

The cricket will be over by Sunday afternoon. NZ win inside 3 days :)

Could be.  A wet period leading in could make for one spice-y pitch.
almost 14 years
mjp2 wrote:

The cricket will be over by Sunday afternoon. NZ win inside 3 days :)

Could be.  A wet period leading in could make for one spice-y pitch.

And disconcert the Heart players unaccustomed to a wet pitch in summer.
U Turning
over 14 years

Be Part of the Revolution, Wellington. Then you can tell your grandkids one day, that you were there !!

Can I have some lungs please miss
almost 17 years
tonya wrote:

Be Part of the Rieralution, Wellington. Then you can tell your grandkids one day, that you were there !!

almost 17 years

Heard an advert for the game on radio new zealand sports a short time ago.

almost 17 years

They need to promote the Huawei $10k for 10k promotion.

First Team Squad
over 17 years

They need to promote the Huawei $10k for 10k promotion.

Hmm - I'm not convinced about that promotion, I mean good on them I guess, but is there really people sitting at home thinking 'gee I must now spend $30 to go and watch a game with the minute chance I could win $10k'.

It works as part of of an overall promotion but shouldn't be the sole promotional activity for this game...

They should be pushing...

Charity Game - support Surf Lifesaving
Nix on a roll
Attractive football
Playing the bottom team (should be goals?)
Cross promote to cricket and Laneway crowds

over 17 years
Dougie Rydal wrote:

They need to promote the Huawei $10k for 10k promotion.

Hmm - I'm not convinced about that promotion, I mean good on them I guess, but is there really people sitting at home thinking 'gee I must now spend $30 to go and watch a game with the minute chance I could win $10k'.

Opinion Privileges revoked
over 14 years

This is something I've seen for as long as I've been on this board - the broad consensus of YF is that the Nix have never done enough marketing/promotion. I would really love an interview with Domey or someone to put this on the line against a bevy of our home-grown marketing experts who can always think up a million things that should be done.

over 17 years

Just like how you thought Merrick was the wrong manager for the job, right Doloras?

almost 17 years
Dougie Rydal wrote:

They need to promote the Huawei $10k for 10k promotion.

Hmm - I'm not convinced about that promotion, I mean good on them I guess, but is there really people sitting at home thinking 'gee I must now spend $30 to go and watch a game with the minute chance I could win $10k'.

It works as part of of an overall promotion but shouldn't be the sole promotional activity for this game...

They should be pushing...

Charity Game - support Surf Lifesaving
Nix on a roll
Attractive football
Playing the bottom team (should be goals?)
Cross promote to cricket and Laneway crowds

I'm not saying it should be the sole promotional activity for this game and yes, it should be pushed along with the other things you mentioned but it is an extra incentive to get the casual non-football fan to come along as they will be thinking "whats in it for me?"
The guy who won the 2nd $100,000 catch at the cricket admitted that he wouldn't have gone to the game if it wasn't for the Tui promotion.

First Team Squad
over 17 years
Dougie Rydal wrote:

They need to promote the Huawei $10k for 10k promotion.

Hmm - I'm not convinced about that promotion, I mean good on them I guess, but is there really people sitting at home thinking 'gee I must now spend $30 to go and watch a game with the minute chance I could win $10k'.

It works as part of of an overall promotion but shouldn't be the sole promotional activity for this game...

They should be pushing...

Charity Game - support Surf Lifesaving
Nix on a roll
Attractive football
Playing the bottom team (should be goals?)
Cross promote to cricket and Laneway crowds

I'm not saying it should be the sole promotional activity for this game and yes, it should be pushed along with the other things you mentioned but it is an extra incentive to get the casual non-football fan to come along as they will be thinking "whats in it for me?"
The guy who won the 2nd $100,000 catch at the cricket admitted that he wouldn't have gone to the game if it wasn't for the Tui promotion.

I think that promotion was a completely unique one. $100k is a considerably bigger incentive than $10k, however in saying that it's also twice (roughly) the cost to enter ($40 a ticket and $30 for a t-shirt), but I'm sure there were people sitting at home watching the first one, thinking 'Shit I can catch one handed, I might go along, I could win that'.

I work in Marketing and have been a Marketing Manager for a Domestic Sporting Franchise and the promo's that involve 'be in to win' don't really pull the casual punter.

Marketing anything sport related other than say the AB's and a select few one-off events is hard yakka. I assume in the years the Nix have been around someone somewhere has done some analysis of the marketing done and its effectiveness.

Often when budgets are being tightened Marketing people are some of the first to go as someone up the chain (CEO/Boards) in the organisation thinks someone else can do it in a dual role, for example 'Ops and Mktg Mgr' or 'CEO/Marketing Mgr'. Or they hire an outside company but often that is done in the form of a sponsorship or contra. Either way it means it often plays 2nd fiddle in someone's day-to-day role and comes off as a kind of 'half-arsed' effort.

I haven't live in WLG while the Nix were an entity so aren't too clued up as to what kind of marketing activity takes place in and around a game.

First Team Squad
over 11 years

Catch one of Brockie's shots in the stands win a $100k

One in a million
over 17 years
Sackofspuds wrote:

Catch one of Brockie's shots in the stands win a $100k

lol, though on last week's goals, the boys are now only shooting for the corner's of the goals, so that's why Jeremy is on the bench

over 15 years

2 for 1 deals:

"Buy one pottle of cold, sh!t chips, get another"

about 17 years
Buffon II wrote:

Just like how you thought Merrick was the wrong manager for the job, right Doloras?

Or how Hernandez is crap now.

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