Crowds - The thread of Australian whining

Stage Punch
about 17 years

I've fucked up so often in life LG that it's become second nature ;) Thanks though.

about 17 years

Smithy wrote:

I've fucked up so often in life LG that it's become second nature ;) Thanks though.

You are not alone. Wlecome to our world. At least you are honest about it. Still let's look ahead to the next game and an improved performance on and off the pitch.

over 12 years

Lonegunmen wrote:

I challenge you all to sing more, sing louder and sing longer. And in response, I promise to sing along and alone over in Aisle 12 where they still all look at me as being a right dick but at least I will be trying to gee the team along. I just wish others would join in with me.

Just out of interest, why is it that you sit in aisle 12 and not in the zone?  You've probably answered this before but I've kind of always wondered as you've mentioned a few times on various threads that no-one joins you over there.

Starting XI
almost 17 years

Having a chant sheet and passing that out at the start of matches on the concourse might sound naff, but it is a good idea.

I think a lot of people need to just get over whatever problem they have with song sheets if they want new people to get involved. There were a couple of blokes just in front of the 'core' of the zone who clearly didn't know most, if any, of the chants but wanted to get stuck in. At one point in the second half they wanted to start a chant and pulled out a song sheet they had with them, as soon as they started some people to my right started shouting "song sheet! song sheet!" at them. They immediately stopped their chant and looked rather upset. Patrick and I encouraged them to start the chant again and it got going, but I don't think either of those blokes were really into it after that.

What is pulling out your phone and looking up the chants on the app? It's using a song sheet. Having the chants on the website? Song sheet. If someone doesn't know the words, we should want them to learn them then and there on the spot, not later on so they can do it next time we have a home game. If they need a handy piece of paper to do that, then more power to them.

In fact, if we are going to start handing them out, I'll gladly volunteer.

over 12 years

As the chants get more well known, I'm sure more people will join in and this will hopefully become less of an issue.  For those at the pre-season get together, the Canty game and the BB on Sunday, the game was effectively our fourth run through some of those chants.  Others who don't read the forums much/at all, wouldn't have heard them before.

I didn't notice at the game, but have the Nix/Westpac allowed YF to advertise the chant app on the big screen?

over 13 years
At what stage of the match did you make the mistake Smithy? I mean if it was just after their second goal, then along with the alcohol I think there may truely be mitigating circumstances
over 13 years

Having a chant sheet and passing that out at the start of matches on the concourse might sound naff, but it is a good idea.

What is pulling out your phone and looking up the chants on the app? It's using a song sheet. Having the chants on the website? Song sheet. If someone doesn't know the words, we should want them to learn them then and there on the spot, not later on so they can do it next time we have a home game. If they need a handy piece of paper to do that, then more power to them.

In fact, if we are going to start handing them out, I'll gladly volunteer.

This, I would give up an hour or two at the bencher to gladly hand out song sheets at the next home game against Newcastle. Be really good to try encourage more to learn the words and I think we put a line on them about the yellowfever app too. I'd talk to people as I was handing them out and tell them all to download it too.

about 17 years

Lonegunmen wrote:

Let's hang, draw and quarter Smithy why don't we? The man apologised on here and wishes to apologise to the guys he offended. That should be the end of it.

I admire you standing up to be counted Guy. Total respect for coughing up to an error of judgement. The message may have been right, just delivered the wrong way. We all make mistakes, I certainly have made my own fair share.

Time for us all to move on and try and improve our efforts at the next home game. Anyone up for that?

I challenge you all to sing more, sing louder and sing longer. And in response, I promise to sing along and alone over in Aisle 12 where they still all look at me as being a right dick but at least I will be trying to gee the team along. I just wish others would join in with me.

No one is having a go at Smithy, my message is that we should only be telling people what to do if someone is being a dick. We should not be dictating what people are doing. 

What I've noticed since 2007 is the folk that don't sing in the zone are not regular YF Zone attendees. They are Zone "guests". All the regular folk around me where I stand between Turf and Cully sing. Not everyone starts chants but everyone pretty much joins in. 

If you are standing next to someone you don't know, then strike up a conversation. We have a few change in personal over the years on our row but by the middle of the season we know them enough to say hello and have a chat. 

I really don't think people are going to want to stand in the zone match after match and not participate - Ive not met anyone who does this.

So we are left with guests and as guests should be treated a tad more gently. 

Regulars who don't sing are just having an off match as I've said before, feeling tired, sober, jaded, sick, personal sh*t  whatever and I'd rather not have someone pissed up telling me to sing if I'm feeling like that. 

almost 13 years
Stage Punch
about 17 years

Actually the only people having a go at me today are TV3's Simon Hampton and Andrew Gourdie. But, they are employees of a network who give more airtime to sheep that play football than actual football so I probably shouldn't be too distressed.

almost 13 years

That sheep was pretty impressive though

First Team Squad
almost 17 years

For anyone interested in a bit of Schadenfreude the Lions average crowd this season was 2,930 - it's even worse when you remember they admit bullshiting attendence figures by including stadium pass and season ticket holders irrespective of whether they actually turn up.

It's their worst ever average attendence and 90% down on the year 2000 average of 28,200.

Our average last season was 6,625 so Sunday's attendence (7,452) was at least an improvement.

Tegal Fan Club Member #3
over 17 years

At what stage of the match did you make the mistake Smithy? I mean if it was just after their second goal, then along with the alcohol I think there may truely be mitigating circumstances

71st minute. 19 seconds. 

Tegal Fan Club Member #3
over 17 years
Smithy wrote:

Actually the only people having a go at me today are TV3's Simon Hampton and Andrew Gourdie. But, they are employees of a network who give more airtime to sheep that play football than actual football so I probably shouldn't be too distressed.

Aren't they both ex fever forum users on here? 

Tegal Fan Club Member #3
over 17 years

Tegal wrote:

There has been some very constructive discussion gone on in this thread, we should keep that up. I'm feeling positive about things moving forward despite the odd mishap. 

Glad to be of assistance in generating this discussion again which seems to be more constructive than destructive. 

over 17 years

Having a chant sheet and passing that out at the start of matches on the concourse might sound naff, but it is a good idea.

I think a lot of people need to just get over whatever problem they have with song sheets if they want new people to get involved. There were a couple of blokes just in front of the 'core' of the zone who clearly didn't know most, if any, of the chants but wanted to get stuck in. At one point in the second half they wanted to start a chant and pulled out a song sheet they had with them, as soon as they started some people to my right started shouting "song sheet! song sheet!" at them. They immediately stopped their chant and looked rather upset. Patrick and I encouraged them to start the chant again and it got going, but I don't think either of those blokes were really into it after that.

What is pulling out your phone and looking up the chants on the app? It's using a song sheet. Having the chants on the website? Song sheet. If someone doesn't know the words, we should want them to learn them then and there on the spot, not later on so they can do it next time we have a home game. If they need a handy piece of paper to do that, then more power to them.

In fact, if we are going to start handing them out, I'll gladly volunteer.

Yep pretty pissed of at that as i had spoken to those guys at the Backbencher as i had noticed in past seasons they had started chants.So i told them what we were trying to do and gave them a song sheet that incidentally were at the Backbencher end result we got this.FKN annoying
Appiah without the pace
about 17 years

Yeah I had printed 30 odd out and left them around the bencher. 

over 17 years

I have stayed out of this as I have my views on the Fever Zone but I think that they have been pretty well aired over the years, and I am in no way close enough to have any idea of what it is actually like anymore. Having said that, it seems that the whole thing is starting to get a bit precious - Smithy told someone to fuck off, which is not the cleverest thing to do, but I am sure that it is not the first time that these people have been told to fuck off in their adult life, and I am sure it will not be last. I don't imagine that it was said in a particularly threatening way, as I am not sure that Smith can be threatening. Then there are the guys who got their songsheets out and then put them away sheepishly when some people made a joke about them - if that stops them from starting/joining chants then I suggest that they need to grow a pair.  They could have responded by chanting something humorous back ("you've got no songsheets cause you can't read", "no sheets no songs, no sheets no songs"), waived thier sheets in the air (like they just don't care), made darts out of them and launched them at the people mocking them. Basically anything apart from going into a little sulk.

the other side of it is that the zone is supposed to be fun - have a couple of drinks, sing some songs, and generally have a laugh. People forcing others to join in does seem a little heavy handed and completely opposite the culture of having a laugh.

I guess that I am trying to say that everyone needs to chill out a bit.

about 17 years

Can we just flush the dunnie and move on!

Whip dee shit if someone ain't chanting. Sooner or later people will start to join in again.

Stage Punch
about 17 years

I reckon the zone on Sunday was better than any zone last season at the stadium. So progress has been made. Let's keep going, and I'll lay off the laughing juice a bit more next time.

about 17 years

Lonegunmen wrote:

I challenge you all to sing more, sing louder and sing longer. And in response, I promise to sing along and alone over in Aisle 12 where they still all look at me as being a right dick but at least I will be trying to gee the team along. I just wish others would join in with me.

Just out of interest, why is it that you sit in aisle 12 and not in the zone?  You've probably answered this before but I've kind of always wondered as you've mentioned a few times on various threads that no-one joins you over there.

I used to be in the zone, still have my st for in there but since the former Daniel official fan club and now the official Siggy fan club, the other two members sit there with the banner. I sit there with them and try to start a few songs etc, spreading the YF culture to no avail. The view behind the subs bench isn't too bad either and in summer one doesn't cook in the heat or spend the game with your hand up shading your view. Also listening to the YF almost front on gives me a greater appreciation of when you are all in full voice. It sounded bloody good in the first half, i have to tell you!

Listen here Fudgeface
over 14 years

Bobobalde wrote:

Tegal wrote:

There has been some very constructive discussion gone on in this thread, we should keep that up. I'm feeling positive about things moving forward despite the odd mishap. 

Glad to be of assistance in generating this discussion again which seems to be more constructive than destructive. 

Hey mate - I wrote a little message for you asking for your help a few pages back. Would appreciate it if you could read it and get back to be, cheers!
Listen here Fudgeface
over 14 years

patrick478 wrote:

Bobobalde wrote:

Tegal wrote:

There has been some very constructive discussion gone on in this thread, we should keep that up. I'm feeling positive about things moving forward despite the odd mishap. 

Glad to be of assistance in generating this discussion again which seems to be more constructive than destructive. 

Hey mate - I wrote a little message for you asking for your help a few pages back. Would appreciate it if you could read it and get back to be, cheers!

Back to *me.

No editing in the app. Sack Patrick.

Head Sleuth
over 17 years

Bobobalde wrote:

Tegal wrote:

There has been some very constructive discussion gone on in this thread, we should keep that up. I'm feeling positive about things moving forward despite the odd mishap. 

Glad to be of assistance in generating this discussion again which seems to be more constructive than destructive. 

Actually you didn't generate the discussion. It has been going on long before you posted through a lot of hard work from various YF members through chant meetings, hard work and after match discussions. 

about 13 years

Chants vs Songs. You go to a football game to chant,  you go to the shower, karaoke, church to sing songs :-)

Stage Punch
about 17 years

Warwick Hunt wrote:

Chants vs Songs. You go to a football game to chant,  you go to the shower, karaoke, church to sing songs :-)


The Zone is my church.

over 14 years

Warwick Hunt wrote:

Chants vs Songs. You go to a football game to chant,  you go to the shower, karaoke, church to sing songs :-)

Who is this "you" you are speaking of?

Don't you mean to say "I go to..."?

Or do you speak for everyone else?

Or if they go for a different reason than the one you do, are they not proper football fans?

about 13 years

I am a Foundation Member of the Phoenix. I take no credit in being there from the beginning. I was reluctantly dragged along to the second pre-season game by two friends who were respectively a Pompey fan and a Gers fan. Since then I've met and made friends with football fans from many countries including Chile, Germany, Russia, Australia and even the United Republic of Manchester. This continues in the new season, when we  welcomed a Polish fan to our group, for one game at least

The Fever Zone has always been a place of welcome, if we chant they will come 

about 13 years

bwtcf wrote:

Warwick Hunt wrote:

Chants vs Songs. You go to a football game to chant,  you go to the shower, karaoke, church to sing songs :-)

Who is this "you" you are speaking of?

Don't you mean to say "I go to..."?

Or do you speak for everyone else?

Or if they go for a different reason than the one you do, are they not proper football fans?

'You' can be personal or collective.OMG! I must be French or Geordie...Are you'se c&nts taking the pronoun?  
Starting XI
about 17 years

Whitby boy wrote:

For anyone interested in a bit of Schadenfreude the Lions average crowd this season was 2,930 - it's even worse when you remember they admit bullshiting attendence figures by including stadium pass and season ticket holders irrespective of whether they actually turn up.

It's their worst ever average attendence and 90% down on the year 2000 average of 28,200.

Shit, egg chasing has some serious problems hasn't it. No seems to give a stuff at all.

Starting XI
about 17 years

terminator_x wrote:

I don't think the chanting always needs to be about volume and everybody joining in either.

The thing I've always liked about the chants that rely on constant repetition (I'm thinking mainly of "Ernie Merricks Yellow Army" and "Twist and Shout") is that they don't actually have to be that loud, they just need to go on for a while, so they can be kept going by a relatively small but determined bunch. Perfect for filling in those lulls when not much is happening in the game to get excited about.

At the Football United game "Twist and Shout" was kept going by a group of maybe 100 West Ham fans, so not incredibly loud, and it ebbed and flowed a bit, but it really added to the overall atmosphere.

I'll have my 2 cents.

Personally, I think T&S is completely pointless and uninspirational. And will not be copied around the ground.

What was VERY obvious to me on Sunday was that a "Phoenix, ta, ta, ta" chant was started around aisle 26 by a particular individual and it was picked up right around the stadium (so it seemed to me) and we scored within a minute.

over 17 years

We all just need a win don't we?

Starting XI
about 17 years

There was a fair bit of chuckling around aisle 23 when people slowly caught onto the "I will drink responsibly" line.

about 15 years

Tegal wrote:

Bobobalde wrote:

Tegal wrote:

There has been some very constructive discussion gone on in this thread, we should keep that up. I'm feeling positive about things moving forward despite the odd mishap. 

Glad to be of assistance in generating this discussion again which seems to be more constructive than destructive. 

Actually you didn't generate the discussion. It has been going on long before you posted through a lot of hard work from various YF members through chant meetings, hard work and after match discussions. 

How is this a helpful comment in light of the last 36 hours? All you do is perpetuate his view of 'YF elitism' The conversation was around the weekends events of which he was a starter (along with KG19?)
Head Sleuth
over 17 years

how is it elitist when anyone can join these meetings and discussions? And many have. 

In fact, I didn't go to the chant meetings that were held, So I'm not even personally being elitist. 

But can take the point that it wasn't a particularly constructive comment in itself. 

about 17 years

To the best of my knowledge the preseaon singing/chant practice at the back bencher had an open invitation to anyone whom wished to attend. It was well advertised on here and I saw nothing elitist about it, just an open invite. Sadly, I missed it because of work which pissed me off but then work does pay my bills.

about 15 years

Tegal wrote:

how is it elitist when anyone can join these meetings and discussions? And many have.

In fact, I didn't go to the chant meetings that were held, So I'm not even personally being elitist.

But can take the point that it wasn't a particularly constructive comment in itself.

The issue was raised by two people or which Bobobalde was one. One of his comments he made was around elitism initially. Patrick, has reached out to him in an effort to show him thats not the case and he has rounded this off by saying that he was glad to help fuel the positive commentary this time around (or the word 'again' as he used). You then slam him by effectively dismissing his contribution by saying that he didn't start the conversation and this was going on long before he was around and any contribution, regardless of what little it is, is nothing. Considering you post a lot and one of the larger contributors to this place, would it not have hurt to have left it or said something positive rather than slam him and have him thinking 'here we go again'. You tend to fly off the handle more than I do yet I am the grumpy one....
about 17 years

Trying to do some qual research on twitter, price stills seems an issue for some (considering the product on offer :p ) - parking, food and walkup ticket prices. Nix need to push the empty water bottle and the food allowed to brought in, mainly for families (esp for 5pm kickoffs). parking was brought up as that time on a sunday want to get home asap so parking at stadium is preferential rather than free parking in surrounding area with added walking time. Still think that all public transport into Wgtn station a few hours before kickoff should be free for all ticket holders and all public transport away from the station after the game free too.

First Team Squad
over 17 years

I wrote this back on page 159 6 weeks ago and believe it's relevant. 


The answer to this is simple - WIN!

I would imagine that if the Nix have a great start to the year, by playing good football, scoring goals, and in the top 3, then the crowds will come. I believe that a sustained winning run would see crowds to regularly top 10k and then if the Nix are in contention, the last few home games of the season may see crowds of up to 15k depending on weather etc.

Nix mgmt have said they believe regular home marketing pushes does little towards increasing crowd sizes, so i guess we need to take them at their word on this as i assume they will have done some analysis of their marketing spend and subsequent outcomes.

They are better off putting their marketing dollar in their pocket and use it for the really big games (say Mel City with Villa) and then when the team is doing well to help further fuel the buzz that will have naturally been created.

To me it's about winning. We've all been to games and know the fantastic atmosphere and most of us have raved about it to our friends, work colleagues etc until we're blue in the face, but I would say that avenue is done and dusted now in terms of increasing the numbers on a regular sustainable basis. As mentioned the club have tried marketing and believe it doesn't work.

Crowds are static, the only thing we haven't really done is a sustained winning streak, other than perhaps the tailend of the season in which we played Newcastle and Perth in the playoffs.


There is quite good debate on that page -

Although the starting point to a season is an interesting one and I admit i thought the crowd would have been around the 8.5-9.5k on Saturday given the new signings, EPL games, nice day etc etc...

I also said this a few posts down on that page...


I have worked in Sports Marketing at domestic sports franchise so I guess have some idea. I suspect the Nix have tried as much as they can, remember they've been doing this since 2007 now. I am loathe to say to them 'don't bother its too hard' as plenty of people told me that too when I was working in the industry but I believe their marketing and promotions dept because they're on a limited budget are best left to capitalise on momentum...

It's a good debate, but sometimes practicalities win through.

The only real thing we haven't 'tried' is winning...

over 17 years

Think we've already missed the early bandwagon boat with the opening loss, honestly.

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