'The Scoop'
almost 16 years

Scottishbhoy wrote:

playwithFire wrote:

Yeah, I'm just trying to say I think money could be spent in far better ways.

Also, I won't accept the "money is tight" line again anytime soon.

TBH what the fever do with their own money is their business. So if they want to match dollar for dollar then good on them. If you're unhappy about it then you don't have to donate. Simple. 

I won't be donating, mainly because I think Dura himself will probably admit to being guilty of wrongdoing. If he gets a fine, I imagine he will reject the fever's money anyway.
I was just always under the impression that the money that goes to the fever all went back to the development of yellow fever. Whether it be through the site, the signage or production costs. 
Its just my impression that we often hear that YF doesn't have much funding for certain things. I'm not trying to persuade people to not pledge money to Durante. 
I don't like hearing when YF people end up paying out of their own pocket for things, so I question why they do the dollar for dollar?
about 17 years

Donating to the Fred Hollows Foundation - that would be genius! It would be making a very clear statement  - causing more than a few grins all round - and at the same time backing a thoroughly worthy cause. 

Head Sleuth
over 17 years

Gordinho wrote:

Donating to the Fred Hollows Foundation - that would be genius! It would be making a very clear statement  - causing more than a few grins all round - and at the same time backing a thoroughly worthy cause. 

We'd have to get playwithfires permission first before making such a move though. 

Starting XI
over 17 years
Starting XI
over 17 years

I'm not sure whose idea it might have been that YF itself would match dollar for dollar, (in fact has that been confirmed ??) but it was possibly done in the heat of the moment and not well thought through.

I'm with PWF. Save the YF money for better causes...

Early retirement
over 17 years

It was in the original announcement and press release we put out that we'd match it to 1k.

We're unlikely to go back on that.

'The Scoop'
almost 16 years

Tegal wrote:

Gordinho wrote:

Donating to the Fred Hollows Foundation - that would be genius! It would be making a very clear statement  - causing more than a few grins all round - and at the same time backing a thoroughly worthy cause. 

We'd have to get playwithfires permission first before making such a move though. 

I think the Fred Hollows Foundation is a far better choice. Matching dollar for dollar is still questionable though, but sure
over 17 years

im for fred hollows too... 

Head Sleuth
over 17 years

I think you'll find dura will give it to Fred hollows tbh. 

First Team Squad
almost 14 years

+1 for Fred Hollows. An excellent cheeky way to make a statement.

about 17 years

Just a wee bit seriously, if the Fred Hollows option was a goer, I'd advise contacting them first about it so they would know what the background was and that they'd be OK with that.  We wouldn't want to get accused of taking the mickey out of people with real visual impairments in any way. 

'The Scoop'
almost 16 years

Hard News wrote:

It was in the original announcement and press release we put out that we'd match it to 1k.

We're unlikely to go back on that.

Yeah I never saw it on the original release, only on the banner. I'm not expecting that you will go back on it either, just thought I'd put it out there that there are better places that the money could go.
However I can tell my opinion isnt shared by many others so i will go quiet
Moar stars
over 12 years

Gordinho wrote:

Just a wee bit seriously, if the Fred Hollows option was a goer, I'd advise contacting them first about it so they would know what the background was and that they'd be OK with that.  We wouldn't want to get accused of taking the mickey out of people with real visual impairments in any way. 

I agree.

Starting XI
over 12 years

playwithFire wrote:

Hard News wrote:

It was in the original announcement and press release we put out that we'd match it to 1k.

We're unlikely to go back on that.

Yeah I never saw it on the original release, only on the banner. I'm not expecting that you will go back on it either, just thought I'd put it out there that there are better places that the money could go.
However I can tell my opinion isnt shared by many others so i will go quiet

Your expert opinion is unlikely to be substantially helpful (s25(1)) to the fact-finder, and whether or not you are an expert is dubious in any case. Therefore s23 applies and your statement is inadmissible. There you go champ, two birds with one stone.

about 15 years

nufc_nz wrote:

Gordinho wrote:

Just a wee bit seriously, if the Fred Hollows option was a goer, I'd advise contacting them first about it so they would know what the background was and that they'd be OK with that.  We wouldn't want to get accused of taking the mickey out of people with real visual impairments in any way. 

I agree.

Thats good common sense there. With the PC brigade in this day and age, someone is likely to go ape over it if they don't get a heads up.
over 12 years
Early retirement
over 17 years

 Slide tackle on the keeper.  Yellow. Off.

Listen here Fudgeface
over 14 years

So Jeronimo wasn't lying to us after all. He didn't dive, he was just attempting a slide tackle. All is forgiven.

Head Sleuth
over 17 years

Did dura an ricki em up not getting fined then? Or do we find out on a certain date? 

almost 15 years

Tegal wrote:

Did dura an ricki em up not getting fined then? Or do we find out on a certain date? 

As far as I know they have been given the "please explain", but unsure of dates of any hearing etc. FFA will probably make them fly back to Sydney this Friday afternoon to appear in person!
'The Scoop'
almost 16 years
'The Scoop'
almost 16 years

Andrew Durante sends his thanks to fans who have supported him with donations towards his 'Fine Fund'. And reveals where the money will be going to.

Starting XI
over 12 years

Onya Dura. Good Cause. Top Bloke. 

over 17 years

playwithFire wrote:

Andrew Durante sends his thanks to fans who have supported him with donations towards his 'Fine Fund'. And reveals where the money will be going to.

[clapping emoticon]
about 17 years

The only person whom came out of that game with integrity, honesty and the moral high ground - Our Captain. 

Can't wait for the "submarine" to visit the ROF. He'll be getting instructions to "Dive dive dive" every time he receives the ball. He's a cheat! & The FFA have shown they are balless and not sincere about their campaign to stamp diving from the game.

I see last night we got yet another novice referee - His second A League game. Do they use the Phoenix as some sort of test team? And he had a shit game too. Didn't help with the way the lads played but that's for another thread.

Well done Andy Durante - telling the truth! 

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