First Team Squad
almost 17 years
How can you mistake Paston for Moss? If Moss was on, it would not have been 4-1.
Early retirement
about 17 years
tigers wrote:
yep at the time i was booing cobi jones when ever he got the ball after that, - little yankee weasel!!

I thought it was Pavon ?
Early retirement
about 17 years
The one thing missing from the weekend ?

TW at home today, how nice would it be to get a couple of thousand lounging in the sun at Newtown winding down from the previous two nights as Team Welly run around....

Having said that, there will be a fair bit of travel today, I saw Canterbury and Waikato staff and Players at the match as well as all the usual TW suspects.
almost 17 years

Jones retired last year and is assistant coach to Guillett.

almost 17 years
Hard News wrote:
tigers wrote:
yep at the time i was booing cobi jones when ever he got the ball after that, - little yankee weasel!!

I thought it was Pavon ?

i saw somwhere on here that the media said Pavon, but it looked like cobi to me at the time, and hence my reaction, I'm still inclined to think it was cobi, but if anyones sen it from that end or on tv then I'll happily 'rewrite' that memory. but i wouldn't put it past some on tv 1 to get the name wrong!!

(though cobi's such a midget, they might get it right with a good camera angle and a minute to look at their notes!)
tigers2007-12-02 13:25:41
almost 17 years
How can you mistake Paston for Moss? If Moss was on, it would not have been 4-1.
 Erm well my excuse was a large part of the first half was spent fending off stewards and a lot watching the crowd,(the family in the row in front, watching them starting off horrified at the fever and slowly getting into it, dad's face when the crowd started singing "what the f*cking hell was that!"),  drinking beer, singing etc....I must admit I was not at my best yesterday. What are other peoples excuses?
almost 17 years
Lonegunmen wrote:

Jones retired last year and is assistant coach to Guillett.

aye but, in that case the lad who came on wearing a shirt with Cobi on the back and got announced as cobi jones must have a funny sense of humour or an identity crisis
Head Sleuth
about 17 years
Id just like to say, that it was clear there was a lot of rugby converts at the galaxy game on satrurday. Which has to be a good thing. Its also a funny thing...I was sitting in front of a couple, who were sitting there talking to each other trying to analyse the game, some of the sh*t they came out with was just strange...clearly didnt know what they were talking about. What really gave them away was when they kept calling the 'linesman' a 'touch judge'
Phoenix Academy
over 16 years
I liked the absurd numbers of hot women.
but the cheering for Beckham thing really ***ed me off especially when that 'penalty' was awarded, I swear I was the only one in Aisle 33 booing him when he took the kick.

And those ****ing annoying sticks.
I had a woman fresh from the world netball champs behind me who just banged them incessantly for the entire game.

Funniest thing I heard was someone saying "there's 2 minutes to go" at the 78 minute mark.

And really, I don't think Stupor 14 Rugby Jersey is the best thing to wear to a football game, maybe you can get away with a Hurricanes one, but wearing a Canterbury Crusader shirt to a Nix game, that's just wrong.
almost 17 years
Tegal wrote:
Id just like to say, that it was clear there was a lot of rugby converts at the galaxy game on satrurday. Which has to be a good thing. Its also a funny thing...I was sitting in front of a couple, who were sitting there talking to each other trying to analyse the game, some of the sh*t they came out with was just strange...clearly didnt know what they were talking about. What really gave them away was when they kept calling the 'linesman' a 'touch judge'
Yes but ain't I handsome and the wife beautiful!
I'm kidding obviously,
(I'm not handsome at all)
Head Sleuth
about 17 years
It was cool seeing beckham score a goal though. But yeah, there were cheers whenever LA Galaxy scored...that pissed me off quite a bit. Didnt really get into the beckham chants so much, but then thought about it, and it was only a friendly, and people were there to see beckham really, and they did join in the "phoenix" chants also, so it was fair enough.
But yeah...cheering when the Galaxy scored annoyed me a hell of a lot...was so wrong.
TonyP, PLEASE for the love of god, do away with those sticks! I hate them with a passion, i also had some woman next to me banging them the entire time, she even managed to constantly hit me with them...Ive found they drown out chants when they are first started, its very had to start u a chant when there is a constant banging drowning you out...but most of all theyre just so damn annoying...this is football, not netball. rant over on that
The rugby heads were funny, there were many of them, and heaps of people did treat the game like the sevens...which was disapointing, since that then meant there were a lot of drunken idiots not even there for the football. But it was a sort of festival game after all, so im over that, and it did create a fun atmosphere at times. Having people turn up who support other sports is awesome, since im sure we would have converted many of them!
Tegal2007-12-02 13:50:42
First Team Squad
about 17 years
tigers wrote:
Teza wrote:
Great for football in NZ but probably the worst performance by our team this season.
Yes it was only an exhibition but LA Galaxy are hardly the great team we made them look like. I enjoyed the night out but never want to see us play like that again, we were poor and are so much beter than the 1/2 pie effort we put in tonight.
And before people say 'but we played yesterday', fitness should not really come into it, our guys are supposed to be professionals which means they are fit, they only played 180 minutes over two days for goodness sake, hell Ive gone out and biked for 8 hours then run an hour one day then backed it up with another hour run the next day and felt fine.
 Sorry to rant I want us to win every game we play and am just very dissapointed at the result (not the occasion) 

agreed about the result being disappointing and that the quality of our football was below our usual but Teza you really have displayed a lack of understanding in your post

I note that you didn't go for an 8 hour bike ride followed by another 8 hour bike ride -
and riding a bike is an activity that is frequently repeated on a next day basis

professional football teams are never expected to repeat a match activity within a 24 hour period- not least because the recovery times from (even minor) contact injuries are longer than those for DOMS (delayed onset muscle soreness), also minor tearing of muscle fibre is going to happen far more often in football than when you are on your bike

finally, i would suggest you are under less mental stress riding your bike than professional footballers are during a match - not all tiredness is physical

in a nutshell, riding your bike then go for a run the next day doesn't equate to what the Nix players were expected to do last night!! (it might make you feel good about your fitness, but it's got naff all to do with your central point  -the allegation that fitness wasn't a factor last night)

Thanks for your expert  exercise physiology and sports psychology lesson but maybe you should learn to read, I said an 8 hour bike ride  plus an hour run straight after (a brick). I would postulate that this  does take it out of you as much (if not more) than 90 minutes of football. they are different forms of exercise I know but a professional footballer should have the endurance  to perform, if they haven't then they have problems. Minor muscle tearing  happens with most exercise (running especialy), its party how your muscles adapt.  As for mental stress, that long on a bike plus running straight after are very stressful i.e. traffic, concentration,nutrition it all adds up.
Its got nothing to do with making me feel good about my fitness I mentioned I was disapointed how we played and that professional athletes should be able to back up a performance.
Phoenix Academy
over 16 years
thank you terry and tony.supurb work.becks is a different gravy.great night.
Starting XI
almost 17 years
I think the 2 types of exercise are not comparable actually.

The biking/running is pretty much one paced. Start and then maintain a steady pace.

Wheras playing football is all about stop / start, accelerate, move backwards, sideways and control the ball at the same time. Plus there is the physical attack that can hit you from anywhere, at any time, and the emotional intensity with a win or a loss on the line.

From having a tough game on Friday night I thought they did pretty well

over 16 years
I am actually quite proud of the way the guys played against the Galaxy the did play well especially since the the galaxy started and finished with 12 player on the pitch. Yes this was a exhibition match but NZ soccer showed just how poor referees are in this country. !st the keepers handling outside the box by the Galaxy 2nd the 2 not 1 but 2 hand balls by galaxy players in the box and 3rd the BS penalty ( yes yes i know good to see Beckham score whoop-d-do) That was a poor exhibition from the ref and hope he didn't get payed for it.
 Go the Phoenix glad to see you play a hell of alot better then the jafas ever played!
First Team Squad
about 17 years
hepatitis wrote:
I think the 2 types of exercise are not comparable actually.

The biking/running is pretty much one paced. Start and then maintain a steady pace.

Wheras playing football is all about stop / start, accelerate, move backwards, sideways and control the ball at the same time. Plus there is the physical attack that can hit you from anywhere, at any time, and the emotional intensity with a win or a loss on the line.

From having a tough game on Friday night I thought they did pretty well

True they are different sports but do use some of the same components of exercise i.e. endurance (muscular and aerobic), speed, power etc.
Endurance is the basis for all three and in football you get more rest time i.e. you are not sprinting non stop (and of course it depends on the posisition you play, some positions run more than others). I disagree that biking and running are one paced, it depends on the situation i.e a sprint race, pursuit, 800,m 5k, 10  etc.
Emotional intensity plays a part in all sports so we can probably discount that.
All in all I wanted them to win and I thought they could, it just seemed to me that the will wasn't quite there. In the long run not an important game but hopefully we will take lessons from it and spank Perths arsenext week

Starting XI
almost 17 years
"All in all I wanted them to win and I thought they could, it just seemed to me that the will wasn't quite there. In the long run not an important game but hopefully we will take lessons from it and spank Perths arsenext week"

Same page there!

almost 17 years
How can you mistake Paston for Moss? If Moss was on, it would not have been 4-1.
 Erm well my excuse was a large part of the first half was spent fending off stewards and a lot watching the crowd,(the family in the row in front, watching them starting off horrified at the fever and slowly getting into it, dad's face when the crowd started singing "what the f*cking hell was that!"),  drinking beer, singing etc....I must admit I was not at my best yesterday. What are other peoples excuses?

Well for a start the lineup that was announced said Moss not Paston... it really was a shame we didn't have mossy in goal, especially after a lot of people were backing Moss to save a Becks free kick were that to have happened.  Strange call but perhaps Ricky was scared that Galaxy might sign him if he had another blinder ;)
almost 17 years
those bangers look good, but they  certainly are annoying as hell
Phoenix Academy
almost 17 years
The bloody stadium security made me feel like i was in flippin prison, despite me probably feeling like that on purpose for being in the fever zone instead of aisle 26, they were just frustratingly annoying constantly asking for tickets etc, i finally got kicked out of where i was when i was standing out of the seats bit. I must say the fever zone was much better than any other zones where its quiet as hell with the only chant being that Bangers mix "clap clap clap PHOENIX"
Phoenix Academy
almost 17 years
Awsome weekend.
15,000 school kids on Friday morning, 18,300 Phoenix/Adelaide Friday night and then 31,800 Saturday night for Beckham.... all adds up to 65,000 people watching football over two days in Wellington...who would have thought it.

I stood and looked around at the huge crowd on Saturday night and wondered how far football has moved ahead in such a short time.....GO THE PHOENIX!!!!

Only negative the whole weekend was those spoil sports security guys who did'nt let that well endowed streaker run across the field and tackle Beckham.....That would have made the front page of every newspaper on the planet.
about 17 years

The stewards came to my seat in the 92nd minute asking me and my crew to sit down so the people behind us could see....who were a good 3-4 rows behind us.

Haha i laughed for about 45 seconds and then the referee blew full time.
Well done stewards!
over 16 years
I've really enjoyed this forum, bantering with you all, and the game. This is a great forum and you all are great supporters!


I know I'm new here, but I wanted to share this with you all. I am very surprised, pleasantly so, about the very enthusiastic and admiring response to this game the Yellow Fever fans have had, in fact all the Wellington fans. I've also seen a little bit of consternation about an elitist turn some have seen popping up.

[gordon gekko] Elitism is good.[/gordon gekko]

Seriously, for a supporters group, being elitist is fine!

Being an a-hole isn't OK (not saying anyone was, just sayin').

Anyway, I don't think it's your job to get people to become A-League/ Phoenix fans by being sweet and polite, but it is your responsibility as a supporters group to grow your own ranks, have a great time and support the Phoenix.

Demand your rights as a supporters group and flout those perks in front of the elite.

You have the right to stand in your section without little Johnny's mum & dad moaning about you doing so.

You have the right to yell "who are ya" at your opposition.

You have the right to yell worse things at the opposition.

You have the right to demand the Phoenix players acknowledge you when they score, when you win, and when you lose.

You have the right to entertain and annoy the casual fan with inane, lewd, insulting or just plain obscene chants.

You have the right to takeover your local pub on away game days.

You have the right to see Yellow Fever scarves around the neck of your team members.

I think you have some other elitist rights, but frankly I am too drunk to remember them now.

You tell me what they are!

By the way, where is old Zealand? I'm sure you've never heard that before.
Starting XI
about 17 years
Lonegunmen wrote:
err this is the first time I have said anything about the YFZ in this context. my only other critisms were when those few persons were spraying beer and threw a few empty bottles. Perhaps you should re-read all of my threads.
yeah sorry,  just feeling a little precious
about 17 years
Starting XI
almost 17 years
Have I been late to every game this season, innatentive, or what?...beacuse last night was the first time I heard the Skatellities get an airing. When did this start?
So much better than Johnny Cash, I have to say.
almost 17 years
Have I been late to every game this season, innatentive, or what?...beacuse last night was the first time I heard the Skatellities get an airing. When did this start?
So much better than Johnny Cash, I have to say.
nah its been played before, I'm sure its at least 3 times. Don't diss Johnny though.
almost 17 years
giddyup wrote:
Lonegunmen wrote:
err this is the first time I have said anything about the YFZ in this context. my only other critisms were when those few persons were spraying beer and threw a few empty bottles. Perhaps you should re-read all of my threads.
yeah sorry,  just feeling a little precious
All good mate. When I realised that the regular YFZ attendees had been all split up I was actually gutted. Here was the chance to hear them at their best and get the crowd going. What I have said on here upon reflection, doesn't quite come across as what I wanted to say - IE it's ok for other parts of the ground to start up singing etc and for the YFZ to join in.
Whatever the result the occassion was good. One thing that really made me laugh was when Borat showed up at the front of the YFZ  and the fans there started up - Borat clap clap clap, Borat clap clap clap. I stuck a photo up of him on my website and one too of Becks & also the samba crew. If anyone wants a perve visit the site and if you want to see some other pics, et me know.
Lastly, As this was such a success, I wonder if Terry Serepisos is already scheming up something for next year?? The man is a legend. I'd throw my coat down on the puddle and assist him to walk across it - Walter Raleigh style.
Starting XI
about 17 years
Sec138 wrote:
By the way, where is old Zealand? I'm sure you've never heard that before.

Denmark. Some of us call the country by it's Maori name, Aotearoa, instead.

No guesses what my username is on the LARS forum btw
robbwatson2007-12-02 20:19:19
Not Elite enough
about 17 years
robbwatson wrote:
Sec138 wrote:
By the way, where is old Zealand? I'm sure you've never heard that before.

Denmark. Some of us call the country by it's Maori name, Aotearoa, instead.

No guesses what my username is on the LARS forum btw

Ahem!! Zeeland is in Holland. Been there, it's a sh*thole! 

It's all here:
Auckland Jag2007-12-02 20:27:57
Starting XI
about 17 years
Haha just checked - I always thought the same, but doubted myself on account of an Australian education. So I wiki'd - Zealand is in Denmark. HOWEVER, NZ is named after Zeeland, in the Netherlands. Zea...Zee... same diff. The new one is better anyway 
Not Elite enough
about 17 years
over 16 years

I'm still drinking, now watching Star Trek, and getting ready to play some FIFA 06.
Phoenix Academy
over 16 years
Another here that had their first 'Nix game. Always planned to manage a few, but work, finances and local football here in Palmy conspired against me!! But the Beckham game was the best thing for me to hit NZ for a long time.
Whether we like it or not Beckham is most kids first introduction to football. For my son it was my DVD of Bend it like Beckham that (somehow!) first hooked him. From then on he liked Real as Beckham was there, wanted the same boots etc etc etc. Last night was my chance to show him and my wife my version of football.
 Having gone rain, snow and sunshine to the Madejski Stadium to watch my beloved Reading for the 3 years i was there - my first game was what is now known as a League 1 game vs Oxford - they could now see what i was so passionate about - and it didnt disappoint. But I think my son's mind blew twice - Once he saw the man he considers to be an idol, and the second when he realised that the Phoenix play regularly and this was not necessarily a one-off event. The biggest shame is that the season is so short (why is that??) and there are not enough home games left where we are able to attend.
So thank you Terry for re-igniting my passion and addiction for live football, NZFC is great, but not like this. Maybe next year you could get the mighty Royals out here? Hint hint!
My final thoughts - those bangers need to go..what's wrong with hands? Great to see the photographers pick up their gear and leg it over then the streaker came on, and thanks to the QPR fan who stopped me with my Reading top on and proudly told me who the REAL hoops are!! But just like England  - you may have started it, but everyone else perfected it!
Reading132007-12-02 20:41:49
Starting XI
about 17 years
Reading13 wrote:
Whether we like it or not Beckham is most kids first introduction to football...

His influence is the main reason I have respect for him. Glad to hear it helped get your son into the sport, sounds like a success story!

(Is it sad that when you said Reading and Royals, I instantly thought of the minor league ice hockey team in the USA named Reading Royals? I know too much about sport haha)
almost 17 years
I loved that opening dream scene with the girl playing fir Man United. Not a United fan but that was so well done - brilliant. I wonder how many kids (& Adults) have the same dream?
A man who's stayed clear of booze and drugs and is living the dream and making dreams for others.
Phoenix Academy
almost 17 years
Zealand - Netherlands. But heyyy my names Lars
And god blessed me to be half dutch. And gave me a danish name? Zealand where ever you may be... Stuff it NZL's good for me.

Mind you amsterdam...
almost 17 years
I also saw a guy there with a QPR  Binatone top on. Ther's only on real hoops. Sadly, Reading's can't be called hoops, they don't go right around the jersey. They're just blue & white lines!
But good to have met you. I'm pleased to see your club surviving in the Premier League. Coppell for England Manager??
Starting XI
almost 17 years
Death to all bangers. The chant they ruin the most is "stand up for the phoenix" coz all the people stand and start wacking them and drown out the chant so no one else starts standing.
First Team Squad
almost 17 years
Season ticket holders had the option to get Fever Zone tickets before anyone else.
Or are most YF members not season ticket holders?

Better change that next year!

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