Starting XI
over 17 years
Black Plague may be able to correct me on this but my understanding is that in Brazil diving, feigning injury etc is all considered to be part of the skill of the game. Being able to gain any kind of advantage is seen as admirable and they don't really see it as "cheating" in the same way that your average uptight, po-faced, W.A.S.P does.
I think we all need to help normalise this behaviour in our culture so that it becomes more generally accepted and our Brazilians are free to express themselves fully on the football pitch without criticism.
From now on I will be over-acting and generally trying to get other people in trouble in all aspects of my life.
Perhaps a new innovation in the stands could be a variation on the Mexican wave called the Brazilian dive. In support of our boys the entire crowd occasionally throws themselves on the ground, writhes around a bit holding their ankle and then jumps up quickly.
Ha love it, great suggestion. . . . It's a shame we don't have terraces cos rolling around with them seats is gonna cause some serious injuries. ..
Starting XI
over 17 years
phil_style wrote:
Black Plague may be able to correct me on this but my understanding is that in Brazil diving, feigning injury etc is all considered to be part of the skill of the game. Being able to gain any kind of advantage is seen as admirable and they don't really see it as "cheating" in the same way that your average uptight, po-faced, W.A.S.P does.
I think we all need to help normalise this behaviour in our culture so that it becomes more generally accepted and our Brazilians are free to express themselves fully on the football pitch without criticism.
From now on I will be over-acting and generally trying to get other people in trouble in all aspects of my life.
Perhaps a new innovation in the stands could be a variation on the Mexican wave called the Brazilian dive. In support of our boys the entire crowd occasionally throws themselves on the ground, writhes around a bit holding their ankle and then jumps up quickly.
Ha love it, great suggestion. . . . It's a shame we don't have terraces cos rolling around with them seats is gonna cause some serious injuries. ..

At least you could claim you got injured feigning injury!
Starting XI
about 17 years
phil_style wrote:
I hard the interview with Irving, it was on Andrew Dewhursts show on Sunday night. I think the intervew itself was pretty good, Irving seems quite enthusiastc about the Phoenix. . .  I take issue with who-ever summarised that interview becasue it wasn't a negative interview as the article suggests

 I'm listening to a replay now  with the Ceo from the phoenix seems a good guy knows his footy and stuff pretty level headed,i will listen on and check out the Iriving interview
about 17 years
phil_style wrote:
I've emailed RadioSport (lines were busy).
Here's the conversation so far: (in reverse order, copied from the emails)
Thanks for endeavouring to find out for me.

There are some inaccuracies in it, and it is getting a hammering on the yellow fever website � see here:

I may draft a response to the author and those who printed it .

Phillip Smith

From: Radio Sport [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Tuesday, 24 July 2007 10:50 a.m.
To: Phillip Smith
Subject: RE: Articel source

im not sure, i shall ask the news desk and come back to you, why do you ask?


From: Phillip Smith [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Tuesday, 24 July 2007 10:42 a.m.
To: Radio Sport
Subject: Articel source

Can someone please tell me where this article on your website was sourced from:


Have you or anyone else managed to find out if the result/game got mentioned at all on Vietch's Breakfast show on Monday ?? or when it actually got featured if ever on Radio Rugby/Sport ??
I just about smashed the telly up when the little f*****g dwarf said nothing on TV1 news on the Sunday.
I was going to drop him a line but i tend to get a bit fired up and would have got banned .
Just curious.
Even Deaker who only talks about f****g BioMags managed a decent conversation/interview with RH after the game which was great.
BTW, whilst i totally agree Telfer is a complete c**t, his poor son at least has a bit of class, being a Chelsea fan
Tourets2007-07-24 18:25:22
First Team Squad
about 17 years
Yeah I was wondering that too - before I send an abusive email to radiosport.
Starting XI
about 17 years
man three hours of andrew dewhurst and i ain't heard no interview with gordon irving  and i missed home and away

First Team Squad
about 17 years
Well to give you the Brazilian perspective, they call it Valorizar which means: to make the most of, it is part of the culture in every facet. Jeitinho ( to find a way round something) ie. to get ahead in the line at the bank...this can be translated onto the football field when a player "valoriza" by diving he sees it as a possibiltiy of a goal not as cheating. To the player it is a legitimate form of attack. Robinho is very accomplished at this!!
Phoenix Academy
about 17 years
I like the idea of James Dean...i rang TVNZ and TV3 on sunday nite to ask:

A) Why there was no coverage of the Phoenix game
B) Why it didnt even get mentioned at all!
C) Will there be more coverage in future

If they can show the goals of the Phoenix game at Masterton vs the -20s, why didnt they bother to show the awesome win vs Sydney???

I wasnt abusive to them but stern and just sought a straight up answer (which is what I didnt get, surprise, surprise). Basically the ppl i needed to talk to were not there, and I should call back on Monday. Got a nice South African woman for TV3, who was quite interested and took my details and told me someone would call me the next day which didnt happen. TVNZ were a bit more rude and evaded the question as much as possible.

I call on u guys to give them a call and tell them what you think:

TV3: (09) 377 9730
TVNZ: (09) 916 7000

They better not screw up there chance to cover it at QE2 this fri nite!!
over 17 years
TVNZ on the whole are a pack of cnuts in my experience when it comes to anything football related. You would think that the dwarf would have some idea about it considering he is mates with Hollywood... Cnut2007-07-25 23:04:08
Starting XI
over 17 years
UPDATE on Radiosport article:
I recived the followign from Brenton Vannisselroy:
"I've read there are a few concerns about the story that I've written in which Gordon Irving expresses a few concerns about the Brazilians at the Phoenix. I've had a look over it and I can seee one clear inaccuracy that I should have picked up. If you could detail what you think is wrong with the story it would be a great help. Feel free to ring me at the office on (09) 367 4751 to clear things up, otherwise I could give you a bell."

My reply was the following:

"Thanks for the reply Brenton,

I guess you have spotted the factual error with respect to Adelaide results in the preseason cup/ league. That is fine, and is an easy mistake to make.

Some of the lads have taken issue with the tone of the article, and while we understand that it is a journalists role to find an interesting able to news, it is considered that putting a negative spin on the interview with Mr Irving (which I listened to) does not do the code, the interview or the Phoenix any justice. I also recognise that "tone" is not something that can be objectively discredited but is determined based on one�s own subjective reading of the article. I would stress however, that this merely highlights the need to ensure that criticism is also tempered with positivity.

There was certainly enough room in the article to focus on the positive comments of Mr. Irving which I heard him make during the interview. It seems odd to me that the 1st, 2nd, 5th and 6th sentences of the article are essentially paraphrases of the same single negative comment. While the only positive quote is at the start of the final paragraph, which is caveated by a negative clause. If your writer was struggling for space to make positive comments, then it�s easy to see (by condensing 1, 2 5 and 6) where the extra space could be found.

The article makes two unfounded claims about what Phoenix fans may or may not like, without any reference to comments from the fans themselves. The first line "The South American theatrics by the Brazilians playing for the Phoenix are not likely to win over the fans" is not quoted as coming from Irving, and I therefore assume it is placed in the article by the author. In fact, the yellow fever forums are full of comment from Phoenix fans, almost all of which have praised the efforts of the Brazilian import players. The theatrics were also well enjoyed by all at the game, and the crowd got behind these players when they were "rolling around on the ground". 

For the benefit of the unaware, there is also a brief discussion on the forums about why Brazilian players behave the way they do. In fact, YF have some members who live in Brazil, and support the team from there. These members have offered great insight into the Brazilian sporting culture.

Perhaps it would be best to avoid speaking on behalf of the fans, or making claims about what is likely/ unlikely to win us over. It's easy to find out what we thought of the game and whether or not we are won over, all your journalists have to do is jump on the YF website, introduce themselves and ask us.

Kind Regards,"



over 17 years
about 17 years
super stuff Phil.  Let us know about any response that you get
Still Believin'
over 17 years
Well to give you the Brazilian perspective, they call it Valorizar which means: to make the most of, it is part of the culture in every facet. Jeitinho ( to find a way round something) ie. to get ahead in the line at the bank...this can be translated onto the football field when a player "valoriza" by diving he sees it as a possibiltiy of a goal not as cheating. To the player it is a legitimate form of attack. Robinho is very accomplished at this!!
Excellent explanation Black Plague.
So the next time I cut somebody off on the road or sneak in front of a queue I am going to simply shrug my shoulders, smile and say "valorizar!!".
Still Believin'
over 17 years

Yeah, great stuff Phil.

Yellow Fever aka The Institute of Brazilian Cultural Studies


First Team Squad
about 17 years
Muito Obrigado Thanks man. haha Institute of Brazilian studies is pretty funny!!
over 17 years
I hope you're all this phlisophical if the Victory's new Brazillian signing, Dr Love, face-plants in the box and earns the penalty which crushes your finals hopes...somehow I doubt you will be!
First Team Squad
about 17 years
Don't worry KP...Cleberson would have face-planted him into the penalty box without the need to feign an injury. And we will be cheering in full voice at that. I mean, when we're up 4-0 what does it matter to concede a penalty?
First Team Squad
about 17 years

Here's TVNZs response to my email sent on Tuesday...(I don't think they got the point).

Sent: Tuesday, 24 July 2007 11:05 p.m.
To: Sport
Subject: Sunday night sports

I would like to register my belated disappointment that the Sunday night sports news did not include anything regarding the Wellington Phoenix who had upset the A-Leagues glamour side Sydney FC 3-0. While I understand that it was a preseason match, the fact that it was the teams first competitive home game and their first ever win surely meant that it was deserving of a mention. 

The most upsetting aspect was listening to the newsreader run through the great sports results of the weekend (rugby, netball and league) but not a word on the Phoenix. 

Come on TV One. Lift your game.


Their reply:
We are sorry you feel we should lift our game.  However we do not have the rights to show this at all.

Coverage of the Phoenix in the A-League will be on Sky as they have the rights to that competition. They did not cover that match as it was in a pre season competition.

Thanks for your email and feedback.

Kind regards

Christine Wilton

Communications Executive


First Team Squad
about 17 years
P.S. Good work Phil. You have officially become the YF Media Liaison Officer. Hammer Head2007-07-26 11:39:09
about 17 years
Nice work Phil, can you remember what time the Irving interview was on? I tried to get radio sport to put it in the audio bank but no cigar.
Starting XI
over 17 years
Hmm, sunday night at about 9pm. You'll have to check through a few around that time until you hear Dewhurst.
Starting XI
over 17 years

Here's TVNZs response to my email sent on Tuesday...(I don't think they got the point).

Sent: Tuesday, 24 July 2007 11:05 p.m.
To: Sport
Subject: Sunday night sports

I would like to register my belated disappointment that the Sunday night sports news did not include anything regarding the Wellington Phoenix who had upset the A-Leagues glamour side Sydney FC 3-0. While I understand that it was a preseason match, the fact that it was the teams first competitive home game and their first ever win surely meant that it was deserving of a mention. 

The most upsetting aspect was listening to the newsreader run through the great sports results of the weekend (rugby, netball and league) but not a word on the Phoenix. 

Come on TV One. Lift your game.


Their reply:
We are sorry you feel we should lift our game.  However we do not have the rights to show this at all.

Coverage of the Phoenix in the A-League will be on Sky as they have the rights to that competition. They did not cover that match as it was in a pre season competition.

Thanks for your email and feedback.

Kind regards

Christine Wilton

Communications Executive
WAHT A PATHEITC RESPONSE!!! You didn't ask them to show footage, only to mention the game. Are TVNZ so dumb as to think they cannot mention the results of a game for which they don't have broadcast rights?
AND furthermore, preseason games in other codes get mentioned. The loss to CCM was noted by numerous broadcasters the week beforehand. Why omit a win?
Chrsitine Wilson is talking crap here. And she thinks her feeble answer is sufficent! She has not addressed the issue at hand, which was not about showing footage at all. In fact the complaint explicity mentioned the words "listening" to the results being read out.
TVNZ, this is really really poor, and is not an excuse at all. Your cheap apologetics have completely avoided the complaint. To be honest, I'm glad TVNZ don't have the broadcast rights to the A-League, cos they'd surely cock it up.
phil_style2007-07-26 12:02:51
about 17 years

just cos they don't have the rights to show it doesn't make it any less newsworthy
First Team Squad
about 17 years
I've emailed her back, will post her reply here (if I get one).

Sent: Thursday, 26 July 2007 12:23 PM
To: 'ViewerCorrespondence'
Subject: RE: Sunday night sports




Thanks very much for your response to my email.


Unfortunately though, I don�t think you addressed the issue.


My problem was not so much that you did not have pictures from the game. I am led to believe that Sky TV had cameras there but no-one (including Sky) have used the footage as yet.


The problem I had was that your newsreader did not even say that the Phoenix had won. Your newsreader made a comment at the end of the news about what a great sporting weekend it had been for NZ with wins to the All Blacks, Silver Ferns and Warriors. How hard would it have been to mention the Phoenix as well? Only a week earlier, when the Phoenix lost 2-0 away to the Central Coast Mariners, you felt it necessary to report the Phoenix score then. Why? What was the difference? Surely it is more newsworthy to the NZ public when we win games?


Your reply to my email mentioned that you do not have rights to the games. This suggests to me that you are unable to mention the results of a game if you don�t have the rights to broadcast them. I am confused by this I note that you don�t have the rights to broadcast the All Blacks games, yet they are reported almost constantly on the sports news.    


This issue has been raised a lot this week by fans of the Wellington Phoenix, through their supporters website


I invite you to have a look on the forum to see the amount of animosity felt by football fans towards TVNZ and the other national news networks.

Hammer Head2007-07-26 12:26:44
Starting XI
over 17 years
I've put a post on my blog about it here:
Top reply Hammerhead. I'm honestly surprised at the glib response from Wilton.She's supposed to be a communications manager. . .
Wish I had more readership so other folks could hear how rubbish these people are.
phil_style2007-07-26 12:32:10
Phoenix Academy
about 17 years
Communications 101. Comprehension.1.  The action of understanding. 2 The ability to understand.
Communications executive me a*se.
over 17 years
Don't worry KP...Cleberson would have face-planted him into the penalty box without the need to feign an injury. And we will be cheering in full voice at that. I mean, when we're up 4-0 what does it matter to concede a penalty?
We shall see, Mr Hammer for a Head, we shall see...
Personally I hate diving, and I don't care what you call it in whatever language, it's a weak, dog act. I hated it when I was playing for Island Bay juniors and I hate it now.
over 17 years
I think the explanations given above may explain why Brazilian's are more likely to dive.  In my mind, it doesn't make it ok. 
At the same time, and to take it back to Gordon Irving's article, I think it's unlikely that any of us will stop supporting the Phoenix or the players concerned because of it.
Phoenix Academy
about 17 years
If you condone diving you are not a true football fan or sports fan as far as I am concerned. It's not within the spirit of the game at all, in fact it has almost become an accepted form of cheating. I know it is second nature to alot of South American players, but that does not make it right. We should applaud our Brazilian players for their technical abilities, not for gaining us unfair advantages. It is one of the most frustrating things about watching or playing a game of football, when your team is on the receiving end of such gamesmanship. Although I don't condone diving, it won't stop me supporting the Phoenix. Support our team, Don't support cheating...
Starting XI
over 17 years
This topic seems to have become a debate on the issue of diving. . . . . . I thnik we all agree that diving per se is not needed or wanted in the game. However, when the media single this out as the sole subject of their reporting then I think we need to rally.
about 17 years
Chiefy wrote:
If you condone diving you are not a true football fan or sports fan as far as I am concerned. 
Oh well, you are entitled to your opinion.
Woof Woof
almost 17 years
I find it funny that many posters seem to suggest that diving is endemic among South Americans...anyone remember Michael Owen vs. Argentina in 2002 World Cup or Wayne Rooney against Arsenal a couple of years back?

The reality is that players at the top level try to gain any competetive advantage that they can over their opponents. As the game stands at the moment, the advantages of diving outweigh the disadvantages; ie. potential for a game-deciding goal against a possible yellow card as the worst case scenario. This will remain a no-brainer unless the referees change their approach. How that can happen, I don't know.

ps. I remember that there was a footy game on old PS1, maybe FIFA 99, in which you could take dives. I remember playing in World Cup semi-final against my mate, 1-1 in extra time, when I burst into the box, took a dive, got a penalty and scored to win the game. I think my mate's still fuming about that, sorry bro...
Still Believin'
over 17 years
Chiefy wrote:
If you condone diving you are not a true football fan or sports fan as far as I am concerned. 
Oh well, you are entitled to your opinion.
No he's not. He's being a sanctimonious dick!
Black Plague's post explains really well how this sort of behaviour needs to viewed in a wider cultural context. To just dismiss it out of hand is to show a complete lack of regard or understanding about someone else's culture.
Chiefy's comment has its roots in an isidious form of xenophobia that is too often tolerated in the imperialist west.
There, I've said it.
Phoenix Academy
over 17 years
Hey Gentleman (& Ladies)
There is also the "Broadcasting Standards Authority" who oversee "balanced Journalism"...if Mabel from Manawatu can complain about her pet ferrit getting a raw deal when Ritchie McClaw didn't sign her Autograph book , you can complain about anything ,then it may be worth a punt!
over 17 years
Chiefy wrote:
If you condone diving you are not a true football fan or sports fan as far as I am concerned. 
Oh well, you are entitled to your opinion.
No he's not. He's being a sanctimonious dick!
Black Plague's post explains really well how this sort of behaviour needs to viewed in a wider cultural context. To just dismiss it out of hand is to show a complete lack of regard or understanding about someone else's culture.
Chiefy's comment has its roots in an isidious form of xenophobia that is too often tolerated in the imperialist west.
There, I've said it.
 I love it! We're all nazis because we hate diving cheats. Cultural context? It's the same game we all grew up playing, innit?
Phoenix Academy
about 17 years
So are some of you suggesting that we should change the rules of the game because it's part of the Brazilian culture?? I have Brazilian friends and have played football with a number of Brazilian players who don't dive, as well as a few that have. I have respect for Black Plagues comments, and the Brazilian culture, the point I was making was that diving is against the rules of the game, and we should not applaud people who break those rules. If everyone goes breaking the rules we might as well just abolish them. I can understand why top level sportsman would want to gain any advantage they can find, the point is it should not be done illegally. The Brazilian players we have seem to be talented, they don't need to dive. I agree with el grapadura that diving is not symptomatic to just South American players, there are players from every country I'm sure that do it. My comments had nothing to do with any kind of bias, I would rather just watch the Phoenix without the dives. I also agree with Phil that the Media should not target the Phoenix for diving because that is unfair and unecessary. Hopefully with some good performances on the field the media will be left with no choice but to portray the Phoenix as the quality football team we know they are. 
Still Believin'
over 17 years
kiwi pie wrote:
 I love it! We're all nazis because we hate diving cheats. Cultural context? It's the same game we all grew up playing, innit?

Yes, the game is the same  but the point is that you are interpreting the Brazilian concept of valorizar within the cultural norms that you grew up with and understand so of course it does not make sense to you.

To quote Cashmore (1990) in sociological terms ruling groups within many societies see value in sport because of its power "in drawing subordinate groups toward an acceptance of ideas that are fundamental to their control". Cashmore points out that this is particularly true in colonial situations where "by participating in sports, populations who came under American and British influences were taught teamwork, the value of obeying authority, courage in the face of adversity, loyalty to fellow team members (especially the captain) and, perhaps most importantly, respect for the rules".

To put it in a way which is more relevant to me and my own career Boyd (1999) points out that "America loves their black entertainers when they behave "properly" and stay in their place... These entertainers are constantly held to the expectations of a mainstream society that has no understanding for the fact that not everyone shares the same world view".

The point here is that the Brazilian concept of valorizar is neither "right" nor "wrong" it's just different.

I realise that it can be difficult to confront ones own prejudices and accept the need to change but I hope you have taken one small step on that journey today.

terminator_x2007-07-26 19:45:49
Starting XI
over 17 years
kiwi pie wrote:
 I love it! We're all nazis because we hate diving cheats. Cultural context? It's the same game we all grew up playing, innit?

Yes, the game is the same  but the point is that you are interpreting the Brazilian concept of valorizar within the cultural norms that you grew up with and understand so of course it does not make sense to you.

To quote Cashmore (1990) in sociological terms ruling groups within many societies see value in sport because of its power "in drawing subordinate groups toward an acceptance of ideas that are fundamental to their control". Cashmore points out that this is particularly true in colonial situations where "by participating in sports, populations who came under American and British influences were taught teamwork, the value of obeying authority, courage in the face of adversity, loyalty to fellow team members (especially the captain) and, perhaps most importantly, respect for the rules".

To put it in a way which is more relevant to me and my own career Boyd (1999) points out that "America loves their black entertainers when they behave "properly" and stay in their place... These entertainers are constantly held to the expectations of a mainstream society that has no understanding for the fact that not everyone shares the same world view".

The point here is that the Brazilian concept of valorizar is neither "right" nor "wrong" it's just different.

I realise that it can be difficult to confront ones own prejudices and accept the need to change but I hope you have taken one small step on that journey today.

How very postmodern.
Phoenix Academy
over 17 years quote that famous Authority on life (Denny Crane)...Postmodernism,It's just PC Poope coop.

Phoenix Academy
about 17 years
Terminator X, nobody has been talking with any prejudices from what I can see. It might be the Brazilian way...Black Plague mentioning it as such is the first time I have ever heard of it, but I can accept it because I have no doubt he has a lot more knowledge on the subject than I do. But the point I was trying to make at least, was that diving is illegal in the game of football and we should not encourage it. I don't say they they shouldn't dive because it's not my culture or because I wasn't brought up to play that way, but purely because it is against the rules, and is quite unfair. I think it would be sad to walk along on a Saturday morning to watch juniors that are concentrated on diving to try and win.  However if they start to play in that Samba style we have come to expect from Brazilians I am sure we will all be pleased. Again, I don't think I'm being prejudicial because I think that players shouldn't dive. Chiefy2007-07-26 21:02:34

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