over 17 years
How does Alex Paulsen finish first equal for first place for young player of the year, and 6th equal with someone else for overall best player with Irankunda beneath him?
about 10 years
How does Alex Paulsen finish first equal for first place for young player of the year, and 6th equal with someone else for overall best player with Irankunda beneath him?

I don't make the rules. 😂

Almost feels like a bit of a throwaway award this year anyway - No pomp, no ceremony. I know there is no money floating around to do this thing, but it's just cheapened what should be a great night for players and their families/friends etc.
Bossi Insider
about 16 years
How does Alex Paulsen finish first equal for first place for young player of the year, and 6th equal with someone else for overall best player with Irankunda beneath him?
Different methodology of voting for them.  

In the Johnny Warren Medal, votes are cast after each game (on a 3-2-1 basis) by four experts: a former professional player, a technical expert (including Socceroos coaches), the match officials from that game, and finally a senior member of the Australian football media.  

Young Footballer of the Year is drawn from the monthly nominees voted on by technical experts and the media, with the overall winner selected by them and a fan vote.
over 17 years
Fair enough, that makes sense. Of course even if it was the same methodology for both it's still possible for it to have gone the way it did. I'm just outraged on behalf of our man is all.
Bossi Insider
about 16 years
Fair enough, that makes sense. Of course even if it was the same methodology for both it's still possible for it to have gone the way it did. I'm just outraged on behalf of our man is all.
At least they didn't disrespect him as much as they did Libby!
over 9 years
Proud moment for Kosta yesterday no doubt captaining his country for the first time, and topping it off with a goal. Only his 5th in 55 AWs matches. 4 against OFC teams.

I was swearing at him 2 years, when he was sent off against Costa Rica (a hugely frustrating game all round), and like many thought his AWs career was over. But full credit to him he's had a great resurgence the last 12 months or so.

Can he keep it going for 24 more months to the 2026 WC, when he will be 36. Lots of competition, won't be easy.

almost 14 years
How does Alex Paulsen finish first equal for first place for young player of the year, and 6th equal with someone else for overall best player with Irankunda beneath him?

I don't make the rules. 😂

Almost feels like a bit of a throwaway award this year anyway - No pomp, no ceremony. I know there is no money floating around to do this thing, but it's just cheapened what should be a great night for players and their families/friends etc.
wonder if Davilla was originally on the list.

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