Starting XI
over 10 years

ballane wrote:

Mmmm i thought being a club member should give us some of those things.So they are looking for other ways of getting even more money out of those same people who have supported them so far. Because thats about the only people likely to take part in this,cant really see Joe Bloggs being interested. sorry not one of their good ideas. They want to raise money let the fans take part in ownership that might raise some.

That question was raised when the Welnix consortium took over i.e. could you see a day when the fans share the ownership? That's the way companies' work; they increase the shareholders and dilute the ownership of the stock. Asking for donations as a contribution towards winning the A League seems to be a token gesture. If you were to raise an average of $25 from 3,000 die-hards that might pay for a few flights over the ditch but that's it. Becoming more competitive needs major investment aside from youth development. When you weigh it all up, they're moving in the right direction; the key is to secure the franchise and TV rights, then a few decent players to replace the ageing back line, maybe a midfield or two. Oh and a striker.    

If any TV rights over here paid them more than chump change then that would make sense.

Reading the latest posts makes me sad, they aren't trying to fleece extra money out of current club members, they are giving kiwis NZ wide a chance to throw a few bucks in if they want to.  If they were fleecing the current members they would put the ticket prices up.

over 10 years

Kyle1502 wrote:

I don't get the angst. If you don't want to pay more money, then don't. No need to get all offended about something you can choose to ignore.

No angst, just commentary and observation on the situation. I believe the forum is there for that i.e. to air one's views?  

The better Barnes
almost 13 years

Kyle1502 wrote:

I don't get the angst. If you don't want to pay more money, then don't. No need to get all offended about something you can choose to ignore.

No angst, just commentary and observation on the situation. I believe the forum is there for that i.e. to air one's views?  

And I'm just airing my view. The Nix have brought out a new initiative to try and get more people 'connected' to the club, and it seems that all people have done is taken offense or ripped into the idea. Why not look at it in a positive way? Worst case scenario would be no-one putting anything into the fund, and even if that happens no party involved is worse off. So why be all negative about something that effectively can't have a negative outcome?
almost 16 years

whatever wrote:

I'm sorry, I don't buy this 'owning the club as a form of charity' stuff. It is a business and by and large they run it like one. These guys didn't get rich through making too many poor deals, they are hanging in there in the hope that they turn their investment into a profit. What will be next? "if we don't get another couple of thousand people pledging $5, the club will have to move or the owners will bail out" sheeeez

The owners know that very few Football Clubs operate as a profit, and their stated aim has always  been that any profits will be ploughed back into the club.

I see the owners as being people of integrity and I take your comments as being a slur against them

And you sir are a cad and a bounder, I will meet you at dawn, pistols at 6 paces.

Egads NP.  Stout fellow that you are I must in this instance, proffer my services as second to the esteemed whatever, who though I know not in corporeal or indeed in literal form, nevertheless has espoused a position of principles that I find myself more closely aligned to my own.

I will take no pleasure in informing your family of the sad and inevitable outcome of such contest, and as an alternative I would strongly urge your honourable self and the upstanding whatever to engage in the less brutal, but no less noble contest of cock fighting. Much less harmful and mostly able to be treated at a hospital post duel.

I have the pleasure to remain

Your humble and obediant servant


over 10 years

Kyle1502 wrote:

Kyle1502 wrote:

I don't get the angst. If you don't want to pay more money, then don't. No need to get all offended about something you can choose to ignore.

No angst, just commentary and observation on the situation. I believe the forum is there for that i.e. to air one's views?  

And I'm just airing my view. The Nix have brought out a new initiative to try and get more people 'connected' to the club, and it seems that all people have done is taken offense or ripped into the idea. Why not look at it in a positive way? Worst case scenario would be no-one putting anything into the fund, and even if that happens no party involved is worse off. So why be all negative about something that effectively can't have a negative outcome?

I'm all for new marketing initiatives, my perspective concerned the wider context of the franchise and the ambition to win the A League. All in all these guys have done a wonderful job just to keep professional football in NZ and applaud them for that. Absolutely positively.....         
Starting XI
over 10 years

I stopped being salty about it as now I see it as similar to kickstarter.

If you want to put in some money you can to help them.

If you want to put in 100 bucks then buy a jersey or a nix six.  If you want to put in 200 bucks buy a season pass.

So if you want tangible rewards there are those options.  If you just want to pitch in a few bucks you can.   but they will only take the money when the team actually wins.

While I know it's not EXACTLY like kickstarter in that they aren't bring kick-started, it seems like a good analogy.

Kickstarters also are trying to make money, and if you only chip in a couple of bucks then you don't get any reward except knowing you did your best to help.

I reckon the $100 tier should allow a business to put up a sign saying "proud supporters of the Phoenix" or something, would probably help get some moneys.

almost 13 years

My problem was with the way it was framed - it seemed kind of slapped together and the press release was poorly written which gave the whole thing an air of desperation which I'm sure wasn't intended.

Having had a bit of a think about it, I still feel it could have been done a bit differently. As it is, the money is just going into a black hole effectively - I assume it's absorbed into operating costs for the organisation as a whole. I think it would have been better to do it for a specific aspect of the club's operations: the WeeNix for instance, and to keep a running total of the amount raised. The net result is the same but I think people feel more connected and thus more willing to contribute if they know exactly where the cash is going. Alternatively, they could separate out the two streams - collect cash from fans for the WeeNix, and collect cash from corporate sponsors for say the training facilities, or something like that.

Overall, it's not a bad idea, but it could have been done a lot better.


Starting XI
over 10 years

Completely agree ConanTroutman.

I was salty but turned, if they had done something like you said and worded and announced it better there would have been no salt.

Starting XI
about 12 years

Good idea, badly executed. I put some money in to be in the loop. The Thank You! email I got back said Football Fun instead of Fund.

Nothing wrong withe general idea some more incentives would be nice. To make it really good and exciting you spend more on website and videos than you actually get from the money.

Next year version will be better, they have to start somewhere, they learn and iterate.

almost 16 years

Only one more sleep until real life begins but strong in this forum is the angst.

In terms of my dosh I'm with Hatter:  

  • Got the season pass (club)
  • A small amount to fever dreams (YF)
  • Will get the Shortland Street tees (YF)
  • Nephew coming over from the US in Jan - will be taking him to the RoF and getting him some (revolting) Nix gear or maybe a nice Nix hoodie (club)

So these are all tangible investments in the club (directly or indirectly)

Now, as whatever's second I need to go and warm up my cock fighting skills before dawn...

Head Sleuth
over 17 years

which is great. They're not belittling that investment by offering another way for people to give to the club. 

almost 16 years

I didn't imply anything about the owners belittling those investment options.

I demand a duel.

over 17 years

Yay! I'm loving all the duels lately. Culls the herd.

over 17 years

My problem was with the way it was framed - it seemed kind of slapped together and the press release was poorly written which gave the whole thing an air of desperation which I'm sure wasn't intended.

Having had a bit of a think about it, I still feel it could have been done a bit differently. As it is, the money is just going into a black hole effectively - I assume it's absorbed into operating costs for the organisation as a whole. I think it would have been better to do it for a specific aspect of the club's operations: the WeeNix for instance, and to keep a running total of the amount raised. The net result is the same but I think people feel more connected and thus more willing to contribute if they know exactly where the cash is going. Alternatively, they could separate out the two streams - collect cash from fans for the WeeNix, and collect cash from corporate sponsors for say the training facilities, or something like that.

Overall, it's not a bad idea, but it could have been done a lot better.


Like you i initially felt it was done badly and expressed this to the club.They said it was an over sight that members and season ticket holders wernt mentioned and that would be rectified.

Dont think the money is going into a black hole its apparently 100% going to be used by Ernie for what they termed high performance i think.The idea was that it can be used by Ernie on things related to the top team.May have it wrong.

On that basis they are getting even more money out of me. Buggered if i know how im going to hide this if we go on a winning streak.

over 10 years

Junior82 wrote:

I didn't imply anything about the owners belittling those investment options.

I demand a duel.

You'll need a tray

over 17 years

Drunk_Monk wrote:

I think it is pretty poor this fund thing. I expect better from a privately owned professional club.

A good point was brought up on the pod.  Because they lose money on the club every year its more or less a charity for the owners.  Give away some money so Wellington can have their very own football club.  So expecting them to stump up more money is a bit of a hefty ask unless they can see a way that will see the Phoenix being profitable.

and there may be people who wish they could flick the club a few bucks here and there and this is a good way to do it.

I think we are all just being a little grumpy.

It's just a cheap grab for money with NOTHING TANGIBLE to show for it.  If it was buying shears or a small percentage of the club like teams such as Exeter City FC have done then fair enough.  Currently it's money for nothing. 

Life and death
over 17 years

Junior82 wrote:

whatever wrote:

I'm sorry, I don't buy this 'owning the club as a form of charity' stuff. It is a business and by and large they run it like one. These guys didn't get rich through making too many poor deals, they are hanging in there in the hope that they turn their investment into a profit. What will be next? "if we don't get another couple of thousand people pledging $5, the club will have to move or the owners will bail out" sheeeez

The owners know that very few Football Clubs operate as a profit, and their stated aim has always  been that any profits will be ploughed back into the club.

I see the owners as being people of integrity and I take your comments as being a slur against them

And you sir are a cad and a bounder, I will meet you at dawn, pistols at 6 paces.

Egads NP.  Stout fellow that you are I must in this instance, proffer my services as second to the esteemed whatever, who though I know not in corporeal or indeed in literal form, nevertheless has espoused a position of principles that I find myself more closely aligned to my own.

I will take no pleasure in informing your family of the sad and inevitable outcome of such contest, and as an alternative I would strongly urge your honourable self and the upstanding whatever to engage in the less brutal, but no less noble contest of cock fighting. Much less harmful and mostly able to be treated at a hospital post duel.

I have the pleasure to remain

Your humble and obediant servant


That being the case, I call upon my second, Auckland Phoenix to use his cock instead of mine. While his is much smaller than my own, any injury caused to it will be mourned less than any to my own.
almost 16 years

Knaves and scallywags the lot of you!

I turned up at dawn with my cock suitably prepared, but your absences made for a disappointing and one-sided contest.


Starting XI
about 12 years

Gamefication. For each win you spend forward something the club needs. And with each win you come closer to the goal. Example I would sponsor a right boot for a young player and for each win I they get a few dollars, at the end of the season you may fell short and get the chance to donate the outstanding dollars and have the chance to win the big prize.

There are many things they can 'sell'. You may sponsor a wee Nix kids education, Siggy motivation talk for your company, dinner with Lia for your wife or a training session with Ernie for your local club. It's all about open up a bit and let people understand for what they need the money put a price on it.

almost 16 years

How much for a Nix club sandwich? *looks at c diddy*

over 17 years

"All funds will be re-invested in to the continued growth of the Club's elite football programme, helping our players and coaches develop a sustainable competitive advantage in areas such as sports science technology, data analysis systems, medical support, and world-class equipment and facilities."

Life and death
over 17 years

Junior82 wrote:

Knaves and scallywags the lot of you!

I turned up at dawn with my cock suitably prepared, but your absences made for a disappointing and one-sided contest.


I was up and ready, alas we were at different locations....
One in a million
over 17 years

The players managed to react to the Fund disquiet by not winning. That's a noble effort.

Starting XI
about 17 years

The players managed to react to the Fund disquiet by not winning. That's a noble effort.

I think they have made a bit of a mistake arranging to get paid nought for losing.

over 10 years

Well they can spend it on better dugouts - bigger, with those expensive racing car seats. cause the current ones look so old  and cheap. 

Starting XI
about 17 years

Hows the fund doing ?

about 13 years

Take a look at the membership options here Crows

Last trip to Melbourne I was talking (Not ease dropping) to a fan of an AFL club who had just found out he was going to be a father.

He was returning from buying a membership for this little one so they get an advantage when it comes to get a seat in their stadium.

He beleive they over sold seated memberships by between 20-30%

Football Fund has nothing on them.

Starting XI
over 10 years

Oversold memverships as in there are less seats than there are people with tickets to those seats?  Surely that only works if they use GA.

Not Elite enough
over 17 years

Drunk_Monk wrote:

Oversold memverships as in there are less seats than there are people with tickets to those seats?  Surely that only works if they use GA.

Airlines and hotels do it all the time. Why not sports clubs.

about 13 years

Marto wrote:

Drunk_Monk wrote:

I think it is pretty poor this fund thing. I expect better from a privately owned professional club.

A good point was brought up on the pod.  Because they lose money on the club every year its more or less a charity for the owners.  Give away some money so Wellington can have their very own football club.  So expecting them to stump up more money is a bit of a hefty ask unless they can see a way that will see the Phoenix being profitable.

and there may be people who wish they could flick the club a few bucks here and there and this is a good way to do it.

I think we are all just being a little grumpy.

It's just a cheap grab for money with NOTHING TANGIBLE to show for it.  If it was buying shears or a small percentage of the club like teams such as Exeter City FC have done then fair enough.  Currently it's money for nothing. 

Money for Nothing and your 'Nix for a fee 
I want my 'Nix TV! 

Starting XI
about 17 years

cough up you tight bastards.

First Team Squad
almost 12 years

Take me $5 you champions

over 13 years

I treat these great victories as merely pay back for all the shocking losses I have endured as a loyal fan.

When our win loss ratio is positive then I will consider contributing.

I am however paying for SKY TV, so that is helping to keep the Phoenix in the league apparently

about 11 years

I treat these great victories as merely pay back for all the shocking losses I have endured as a loyal fan.

When our win loss ratio is positive then I will consider contributing.

I am however paying for SKY TV, so that is helping to keep the Phoenix in the league apparently

Or not apparently :(

Starting XI
about 17 years

Hows the fund going?

almost 13 years
over 17 years

More than happy to place more into the fund.

over 13 years

ballane wrote:

More than happy to place more into the fund.

Wait, I have to start paying into this again...

over 17 years

Yakcall wrote:

ballane wrote:

More than happy to place more into the fund.

Wait, I have to start paying into this again...

Was starting to just get my fund up there with not having to contribute.Thought with the run we were on there might be enough for next years membership.
Starting XI
about 17 years

Was it all spent on donuts at the end of season bash?

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