Huawei Wellington United Phoenix Academy Football School of Excellence - WeeNix

Must try harder
over 17 years
Christo wrote:
Or is NZF still broke even tho ACFC did so well and filled everyones wallets?

Seriously Id trust a baby with a razor before Id trust the self serving , glory hunting , useless , incompetent jobsworths in that ( NZF ) lot , and Im mellow as,  me.... 
Must try harder
over 17 years
Hard News wrote:
See what you have done there is state that your knitting circle is the pre-eminent view among NZFC supporters when it's not even the pre-eminent view of many Auckland fans.  There are just as many City fans on these forums that travel to support the Phoenix and have no issues with the impact on the NZFC.

You - and others - never had this problem when it was the Knights and the Kingz, but now it's in Wellington it's killing the game ?  The Auckland coverage of the NZFC is no better or worse now than it's ever been under any of the Australian sides influence.  It's not better or worse than when there were other nationa leagues.  So it's odd that your problem comes out now the team is in Wellington, or more likely now it's not a flop and the articles aren't treating it as a long running joke.

Luckily the addition of a Phoenix side in the NZFC  kills two birds with one stone doesn't it?  The NZFC gets to piggy-bag on the Phoenix coverage when they come to town, and the Phoenix get to develop a pathway for New Zealand players.  It's fantastic that the concept gets your support.

No NZFC in first years , that I can recall but dont let facts impede a good rant...I never do...
almost 15 years
Some cool and interesting raves..
I think we all agree the best option would be for us to be treated like the other A league teams and have a youth team playing.... we need to think alternatives as this may not happen (not to say we can't try but it fell short last attempt)

So what is best for game in NZ?
1: We have the biggest junior winter sport playing numbers - we need to ensure those kids continue into senior levels.
2: We are probably a slightly distant 3rd in respect NZ popularity - we need to build success to increase popularity and increase the sponsorship money coming into the game.

How do we get more $$ of sponsorship money (which will occur at all levels ie junior, NZFC teams, and rep level) - more media coverage to entice the sponsors who want return for their sponsorship.

We need to lift the profile - get more people engaged in the game - lift the standard - the NZFC overlaps the A league so once the A league finishes I would suggest if people had been watching when they played against the Nix reserves they may continue to do so after the nix A league finished.

Worst case nothing happens (assume we can overcome the issues Smithy notes re US unis, and access to charity funds) but likely the profile will go up across all of NZ - everyone becomes a winner.

A lot of discussion suggests we are all getting upset because it will reduce the amount of money being divied up to respective NZFC clubs - I reckon it will grow the amount of money being available to be divied up!!!

The way it seems to be going, if some change does not occur then there will not be a NZFC anyway and then no Club champs anway or, we go and get thrashed because we don't have a comp that improves us and then FIFA stops us going - supposedly was on the cards till the last results went well (well done Auckland!!)

The Special One
over 17 years
3rds pushing it imo. you mean spectating popularity yeah?

You'd need to get people with money who have a passion for the game on board to help sponsor teams/players/divisions. I'd love to do so if I had the spare dosh. Can i borrow a tenner?

If someone fronted with the cash i'd like to see what happens, I think it all comes back to the dollar bill y'all
Early retirement
over 17 years
Bluemagic wrote:
Pop into the ACFC forum again soon DC, we don't lock threads or threaten bans there, everyone is welcome to present their views.

Have you been banned ?  No.

Your threads were locked because you had broken forum rules, as was - civilly - explained.  We have rules because it is different running a forum with 5000 members and hundreds of posters and a forum with 30 members and ten posters.

If you were from another A-League club you would have been banned by now.
Hard News2010-02-16 20:10:30
Must try harder
over 17 years
Phoenix Academy
about 15 years
uncloz wrote:
You just dont like Australians....

who does?
almost 16 years
S.O.N wrote:
uncloz wrote:
You just dont like Australians....

who does?
Please stop using such offensive language.  The correct term is West Islander.
Blue Cod
over 14 years
Some cool and interesting raves..
I think we all agree the best option would be for us to be treated like the other A league teams and have a youth team playing.... we need to think alternatives as this may not happen (not to say we can't try but it fell short last attempt)

So what is best for game in NZ?
1: We have the biggest junior winter sport playing numbers - we need to ensure those kids continue into senior levels.
2: We are probably a slightly distant 3rd in respect NZ popularity - we need to build success to increase popularity and increase the sponsorship money coming into the game.

How do we get more $$ of sponsorship money (which will occur at all levels ie junior, NZFC teams, and rep level) - more media coverage to entice the sponsors who want return for their sponsorship.

We need to lift the profile - get more people engaged in the game - lift the standard - the NZFC overlaps the A league so once the A league finishes I would suggest if people had been watching when they played against the Nix reserves they may continue to do so after the nix A league finished.

Worst case nothing happens (assume we can overcome the issues Smithy notes re US unis, and access to charity funds) but likely the profile will go up across all of NZ - everyone becomes a winner.

A lot of discussion suggests we are all getting upset because it will reduce the amount of money being divied up to respective NZFC clubs - I reckon it will grow the amount of money being available to be divied up!!!

The way it seems to be going, if some change does not occur then there will not be a NZFC anyway and then no Club champs anway or, we go and get thrashed because we don't have a comp that improves us and then FIFA stops us going - supposedly was on the cards till the last results went well (well done Auckland!!)

Wish I could agree with you that everyone is a winner, but clearly based on crowd figures and lack of sponsors, the NZFC is not winning. It's going backwards. City have bought the NZFC a respite with the prizemoney from the recent CWC, without this I don't think we would have a NZFC next year. I can only go on interest in the NZFC as my guide, and it is falling away at the same time the Phoenix are soaring.
My argument is the NZFC is the lifeblood of NZ football. But fans are turning their backs on it because a more high profile product is on offer. Ricky has done an amazing job this season turning the Nix into a successful outfit on the field, but he has done it largely by bringing in proven imports. Not by developing NZ players (Brown and Lockhead aside). I don't see more than 3 or 4 Kiwis figuring in the Phoenix first 11 in future because Ricky now has to keep delivering this success. I think even Paston is going to struggle to get game time with the form of Reddy.
Meanwhile without any chance of a Nix youth/reserve team in either competition the best NZ players have only a declining NZFC to play in.
I truly fear for the future of the NZFC. I think that pitiful crowd at Newtown park only two days after 14,000 plus were at the Caketin was something of a watershed. If the success of the Nix is meant to be sweeping all NZ football along, isn't that proof that the opposite is happening. Stu and TW are a good team to watch so it's not the product.
I don't have an answer, I'm just voicing the concerns of a NZFC supporter.
Thanks for not banning me Dave, I feel very humble. I promise, I've only ever been once to Australia on holiday. Wait a minute, twice actually. But I didn't inhale, honest!
By way of example I'd like to mention Buffon II aka Syd (sorry I spelt your name wrong before). I remember when you were a happy curly headed City supporter for the first three seasons. Now I'm afraid you've been tempted away by a more glamorous hussey and have turned your back on dowdy ol' us, even though you still Live in Auckland I gather. I even have a photo of you singing along with the supporters club at the 2005 Finals at Kiwitea Street. I'll have a rummage around and see if I can post it up. Oh, the pain of rejected love.
over 17 years

take this rant to the NZFC thread. It is not the Phoenixs fault if the NZFC is crap. Bluemagic commenting on football in Wellington is ridiculous. He has obviously never been here and doesnt have a clue about what has driven TDub crowds. Your comment about Buffon, an Aklder is valid if he has turned his back on City for the Nix (although the A-League team was up there before) - but perhaps it is just cos he's sick of sharing the stands with 'football fans' like you and Happy Ted?

Woof Woof
about 17 years
Bluemagic wrote:
My argument is the NZFC is the lifeblood of NZ football. But fans are turning their backs on it because a more high profile product is on offer. Ricky has done an amazing job this season turning the Nix into a successful outfit on the field, but he has done it largely by bringing in proven imports. Not by developing NZ players (Brown and Lockhead aside). I don't see more than 3 or 4 Kiwis figuring in the Phoenix first 11 in future because Ricky now has to keep delivering this success. I think even Paston is going to struggle to get game time with the form of Reddy.


Meanwhile without any chance of a Nix youth/reserve team in either competition the best NZ players have only a declining NZFC to play in.


I truly fear for the future of the NZFC. I think that pitiful crowd at Newtown park only two days after 14,000 plus were at the Caketin was something of a watershed. If the success of the Nix is meant to be sweeping all NZ football along, isn't that proof that the opposite is happening. Stu and TW are a good team to watch so it's not the product.


I don't have an answer, I'm just voicing the concerns of a NZFC supporter.



Come on. The problems with the NZFC run way, way deeper than that, and I'm sure you're well aware of it. While I agree that the crowd we got for TWs on Sunday was pitiful, that needs to be tempered with the fact that the team has simply not been performing at home this season. And what the Phoenix have to do with declining fortunes of clubs outside of Wellington is beyond me. You seem to be one of the three people in the world who see a causal link there.

And by the way, Reddy's gone at the end of the season, so Paston will get plenty of game time.
almost 17 years
Some cool and interesting raves..
I think we all agree the best option would be for us to be treated like the other A league teams and have a youth team playing.... we need to think alternatives as this may not happen (not to say we can't try but it fell short last attempt)

So what is best for game in NZ?
1: We have the biggest junior winter sport playing numbers - we need to ensure those kids continue into senior levels.

More pics of Ifill's, Lochhead's and Galeckovic's missuses on the football recruitment posters...
over 17 years
I haven't turned my back on City for the Nix. I support both equally. I haven't been to many City games recently but that doesn't mean i've turned my back on them at all. Sometimes other commitments in life get in the way. I don't feel the need to justify myself either.
Life and death
over 17 years
Buffon II wrote:
  I don't feel the need to justify myself either.
But you just have....
over 17 years
Starting XI
almost 15 years
So... Bluemagic I take it you will be at North Harbour stadium for tonights game?
over 17 years
We really need to get into the Australian Youth League.  When I spoke to Tony two months ago he only really mentioned getting into the NZFC.  Then again it's not like he's shearing all the info with me but I got the impression if that's all he's talking about then that's what the Phoenix will be trying to do.

I think they really, really need to give the FFA a kick in the backside.  Point out to the them why a youth side is necessary and then tell them all of the significant hurdles in having one in the NZFC.  That or Terry just needs to finance it but we can't ask much more of him can we?  Maybe he does need another man with money in alongside him - though I seem to recall him saying he wants to be the sole owner.  Though if we did get a squad in the Australian competition we would surely not play at Westpac Stadium and then we'd save a fair amount of dosh.
almost 16 years
Hard News wrote:
AC/DC on a pitch that's been a paddock for years anyway ?

It'll be like a mid-winter game at Karori for the finals.

HN, we worked out on Monday night that there were close to 30,000 people on the pitch along during the concert.

You have 30,000 people on the pitch at 3 hours per night at 3 shows at Etihad, and that equals to me a f..ked pitch.

Melbourne TV reported yesterday that 'staff at Etihad were working frantically to get the surface ready for Thursday night after the recent AC/DC concerts at the stadium. Then some dude from the stadium said 'we'll have it safe for the Victory'..."

In saying all that, ACDC were OK, but not as top notch as I thought, Angus Young makes that band tick.

almost 16 years
Smithy wrote:
diego's son wrote:

Now I will throw a deliberate comment here! I raised elsewhere the idea of Oceania (or NZ) if it wishes joining CONCACAF. It's left field, but may solve the confederational issues for all.

If NZ and the US work so well in soccer terms, what is stopping NZ (and Oceania) getting US Soccer Federation support for a move to CONCACAF?

It's an option.
Would be wonderful but hardly likely in the short/medium term.

Boys, I don't want to harp on (and I don't want to raise this after tonight, as I've raised it elsewhere on this website), BUT look at this article which I found originally in the Melbourne Herald Sun newspaper today, it talks about NZ cricket assisting US cricket. With what I've read about on here about a lot of NZ blokes going to US colleges for sport and all that, there if there are strong NZ/US sporting ties, I again ask - What's stopping NZ from getting US assistance to join CONCACAF?

Australia had Japan's support when it went to Asia, and also a lot of these 'sporting alliances' have come off with Australia since it joined Asia.

I don't see why NZ (or greater Oceania) for that matter should not look into this, at least at a feasibility study level.

Rant over, I'll go back to my little hut now!

diego's son2010-02-17 23:06:19
First Team Squad
over 16 years
loyalgunner wrote:
We really need to get into the Australian Youth League.  When I spoke to Tony two months ago he only really mentioned getting into the NZFC.  Then again it's not like he's shearing all the info with me but I got the impression if that's all he's talking about then that's what the Phoenix will be trying to do.

I think they really, really need to give the FFA a kick in the backside.  Point out to the them why a youth side is necessary and then tell them all of the significant hurdles in having one in the NZFC.  That or Terry just needs to finance it but we can't ask much more of him can we?  Maybe he does need another man with money in alongside him - though I seem to recall him saying he wants to be the sole owner.  Though if we did get a squad in the Australian competition we would surely not play at Westpac Stadium and then we'd save a fair amount of dosh.

At one point the idea of basing a youth team in Canberra was mooted, before AIS got a team. Bluetragic would be horrified but what chance a youth team based somewhere in Australia with a combination of NZ and Australian players? Would need to be affiliated with some sort of academy I guess, besides AIS is there anything else to link with?
Blue Cod
over 14 years
CboZ wrote:
So... Bluemagic I take it you will be at North Harbour stadium for tonights game?
If you mean the women's international against Australia, yes I was there. Thought the Aussies were much sharper and more skillful and deserved to win.
And I have been to Newtown Park four times over the past three years to see TW, twice flying down specifically for the game. So I do have a bit of an idea what's going on there.
Buffon II, you haven't been to Kiwitea Street for at least two years, I checked with Control.
over 16 years
Bluemagic wrote:
CboZ wrote:
So... Bluemagic I take it you will be at North Harbour stadium for tonights game?
And I have been to Newtown Park four times over the past three years to see TW, twice flying down specifically for the game. So I do have a bit of an idea what's going on there.
That's more times than Wharfies played on Karori Park last year!
Park Life2010-02-18 12:11:47
about 17 years
Blue Cod
over 14 years
loyalgunner wrote:
We really need to get into the Australian Youth League.  When I spoke to Tony two months ago he only really mentioned getting into the NZFC.  Then again it's not like he's shearing all the info with me but I got the impression if that's all he's talking about then that's what the Phoenix will be trying to do.

I think they really, really need to give the FFA a kick in the backside.  Point out to the them why a youth side is necessary and then tell them all of the significant hurdles in having one in the NZFC.  That or Terry just needs to finance it but we can't ask much more of him can we?  Maybe he does need another man with money in alongside him - though I seem to recall him saying he wants to be the sole owner.  Though if we did get a squad in the Australian competition we would surely not play at Westpac Stadium and then we'd save a fair amount of dosh.
I think we have to forget about a Nix youth side in the NZFC, there's just too much against it. The only option is one playing in Australia as you rightly point out.
Bravo for someone finally suggesting giving the FFA a kick in the backside. I still say they're taking the piss. You are an Australian team playing in an Australian competition, demand the same rules as the other teams! I'm sure if you need extra finance for the youth team then NZ Soccer will help, after all it's in their interest to have a professional pathway for our best young players. Many of the players will be Australian anyway, so the FFA should cut you some slack on that if they're going to bar the Phoenix from the Asian competition.
See this is what I don't understand about all this. The Phoenix are not a NZ team, they are a NZ-based Australian team. The players registrations are with the FFA. So why do the FFA impose restrictions on them for being an allegedly NZ team? Sure NZ is in Oceania, but that should have no bearing on the Phoenix, because they are not a NZ team. So why does Terry accept these arbitary FFA penalties?
Blue Cod
over 14 years
S.O.N wrote:
uncloz wrote:
You just dont like Australians....

who does?
 Just a minute, isn't the Phoenix full of Australian players? In fact you're an Australian registered club. A bit of a disconnect isn't there?
Blue Cod
over 14 years
Feverish wrote:

take this rant to the NZFC thread. It is not the Phoenixs fault if the NZFC is crap. Bluemagic commenting on football in Wellington is ridiculous. He has obviously never been here and doesnt have a clue about what has driven TDub crowds. Your comment about Buffon, an Aklder is valid if he has turned his back on City for the Nix (although the A-League team was up there before) - but perhaps it is just cos he's sick of sharing the stands with 'football fans' like you and Happy Ted?

  Oh, we were nice to Syd, honest. He was once a happy Kiwitea Street camper. And for your information the NZFC is not crap, but unfortunately your attitude is too typical now. It is in decline I'll grant you (except for City), but it's still the lifeblood of NZ football. We're just not glamorous enough to compete anymore.
over 17 years
For your information I dont think the NZFC is crap. I was just saying if it is percieved as crap (which you were partially saying to try and get your 'point' across) then its not the Nixs fault.
Head Sleuth
over 17 years
You never were. Dont blame the A league or the phoenix for that. You cannot blame declining attendances in the NZFC on a wellington team (except for TW).
But one thing everyone agrees on is that we need a youth side,preferably in the australian competition. It is rubbish that the FFA wont give us one. So your only gripe is the NZFC attendances dropping being blamed on the phoenix,and im sorry but that does reek of bias,and typical of your sh*te attitude that takes NZF nowhere.
More people watching football is a good thing (20k this weekend = 20k more football fans). There is no way you can blame declining mational NZFC attendances on a team based in wellington,and you have no evidence to show this other than timing.
over 17 years
Is there anyone at the FFA we can write to about this?  If we all do it then something could happen*.

*Wishful thinking, yes, but worth a shot.
loyalgunner2010-02-18 13:54:32
Not Elite enough
over 17 years

loyalgunner wrote:
Is there anyone at the FFA we can write to about this?  If we all do it then something could happen*.

*Wishful thinking, yes, but worth a shot.

I take it you mean write a letter about our Reserves, as opposed to writing "Dear FFA, our National League is sh*thouse, nobody watches it  and the ACFC supporters are blaming the 'Nix for it. Can you help" 

Phoenix Academy
about 15 years
Bluemagic wrote:
S.O.N wrote:
uncloz wrote:
You just dont like Australians....

who does?
 Just a minute, isn't the Phoenix full of Australian players? In fact you're an Australian registered club. A bit of a disconnect isn't there?

They are honorary Kiwis of course
over 17 years
Jag wrote:

loyalgunner wrote:
Is there anyone at the FFA we can write to about this?  If we all do it then something could happen*.

*Wishful thinking, yes, but worth a shot.

I take it you mean write a letter about our Reserves, as opposed to writing "Dear FFA, our National League is sh*thouse, nobody watches it  and the ACFC supporters are blaming the 'Nix for it. Can you help" 

I did indeed mean youth team.  However, if you think asking them to improve our NZFC is worth a go, Jag, then I reckon we should team up and pen a very persuasive letter.
Not Elite enough
over 17 years
I hear that.
You'd better write it though. I've only got crayons, they don't let me use anything sharp in here....
almost 16 years
Bluemagic wrote:
See this is what I don't understand about all this. The Phoenix are not a NZ team, they are a NZ-based Australian team. The players registrations are with the FFA...

That's the best way to put it. One of the betetr ways I've heard of late. And as for writing to the FFA, I'm sure Tony P has done this before.
over 17 years
Speaking of that man I'd love for him to give us an update on the situation.
Blue Cod
over 14 years

 Thanks for letting me have my say, I've appreciated it. Good luck against Perth. In fact win the A league then give the FFA a good kicking for not playing fair.

City vs Canterbury this weekend - can't wait!   
almost 16 years
Bluemagic wrote:

 Thanks for letting me have my say, I've appreciated it. Good luck against Perth. In fact win the A league then give the FFA a good kicking for not playing fair.

City vs Canterbury this weekend - can't wait!   

hmmmmm. I'll shut up.
First Team Squad
over 16 years
I am sure Tony P is talking to the FFA about a youth team all the time, or at a minimum gave it a very loud shout.

What is the deal with banners at Westpac stadiums and other A-League venues? Perhaps make a couple of banners "Youth team please FFA" and one directed towards the AFC perhaps? If it is public it might raise it in the media. Perhaps also a good idea to get Tony P's response first though in case it would be counter productive.
First Team Squad
almost 15 years

I think there's one other reason why we should look to the Aussie NYL for a reserve team, and I won't be popular for saying this (especially given my national origins) - our squad needs more Aussies.

There's a chance we could earn an ACL spot. In that case, we have to field a team including no more than four non-Aussies, and one of those four must be from an AFC country. Right now, we don't have the numbers to do that. Even including likely leavers in Reddy, Caceres and Ferrante. Now, if we're going to keep a good amount of Kiwis in the roster as well as quality imports like Ifill and Greenacre, we'd probably not have enough roster space to sign enough Aussies to field a full ACL team. I'll be honest, I don't know the full story regarding movement between the yoof teams and the senior squad, but if Nix U20 players can be used to supplement the Australian senior players (plus 3-4 NZers/imports), having Aussies in the juniors could be important. And considering they'd be more likely to be spotted by other A-League coaches/scouts in the Australian NYL, Aussie U20 players may be more keen to sign for a NYL Phoenix U20 than an NZFC Phoenix U20.
And then have a Phoenix U17 team in the NZFC NYL to help demonstrate a commitment to developing NZ talent
I don't know all the details so feel free to correct me if I have the wrong idea. It's just something that popped up in my mind and thought I'd bnring it up.
over 17 years
A worthy contribution Robb.  Would be a hell of a lot easier if AFC weren't fussed about our Kiwi's.  Not going to happen, though.

Huawei Wellington United Phoenix Academy Football School of Excellence - WeeNix

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