Huawei Wellington United Phoenix Academy Football School of Excellence - WeeNix

Head Sleuth
over 17 years
Bluemagic wrote:
Tegal wrote:
Yeah attendances need to be up. See the thread for ideas on how to do so (I see you're to busy complaining about the phoenix to notice that).
Perhaps the phoenix can promote TW games during their home games at the stadium? Advertising to 24k people would be priceless,and am sure itll increase attendance at TW games somewhat.
Still disagree that the phoenix is in any way the reason for a declining crowd across the whole country.
I'd have thought TW would have been handing out flyers at the ground.
I'm trying to argue things from another angle, however unpopular. Sure the NZFC needs to lift its game in terms of promotion, but I'm trying to understand what's going on here. I genuinely fear for the survival of the NZFC while seeing the Phoenix penned in by arbitary FFA/AFC rules preventing NZ players coming through the ranks.
I feel a bit like a financial pudit warning of a credit bubble during a house price boom.
Thats a good idea. More promo of the NZFC at phoenix games would be a win. At least you have encouraged this kind of thinking.
Smithy is right,this is the mode i actually like and stick up for you for. Its when you say other rubbish that i then wonder why i had done so.
Early retirement
over 17 years
Because the FFA ran the match day so Terry never had the money.

Clapham has already been to the VPL and played in the winning side.  It didn't get him an A-League deal last time.  He's since spent time with the Phoenix who identified areas they felt he needed to work on to become an A-League player.

You, of course will spin that as the Phoenix ignoring New Zealand players which is quite patently untrue.
Head Sleuth
over 17 years
Bluemagic wrote:
Tegal wrote:
Via the NZFC? It does get watched you know,and we are constantly includign them in trial games and trainings. having the phoenix is more good than harm surely,the NZFC is being looked at more closely than by any aussie A league club now.
But yeah best case scenario is most definetly a youth side in the australian competition. Hopefully the cash we've earned the FFA in the playoffs can help push our case for this. Itll help pay the bills for it anyway.
 Why doesn't Terry withhold the play-off cash from the FFA until they provide a level playing field and allow a Phoenix youth team in the A League? Your upcoming bumper crowd income against Newcastle alone would probably pay for a youth team's costs.  
Aaron Clapham says would I'm sure love to play for the Phoenix but where would you put him? Instead he's going to the Victorian state league hoping to get noticed by other A League clubs.
 Good plan. It has to be the way the phoenix management should be pitching it (the fact that the playoff cash would pay for it,not witholding it!).
over 17 years
this thread is duller than an Akld City supporter
Stage Punch
about 17 years
Feverish wrote:
this thread is duller than an Akld City supporter
Early retirement
over 17 years
See, if you believed wayward and Phil you would have the impression that all City fans felt the same way as them about the Nix.  The image above, Riccardo and others at Sundays game would suggest they are just a grey and bitter minority.
Blue Cod
over 14 years
Smithy wrote:

I'll go out on a limb here seeing as you sound like you're in "reasonable" mode rather than "poke-sticks-and-run" mode.

It's actually quite good having someone argue the counter argument here, because it keeps us on our toes.  It's easy to get swept along with the WPX without thinking about it.
I don't think the WPX has had a negative impact on the NZFC, but the question for me is how can we use the profile generated by the WPX to spin into support for the NZFC.  How can we (in Wellington) get crowds along to Team Wellington.  Just 1% of last Sunday's crowd would be a record TW crowd for this season!  How do we get them there?
Sorry Smithy, I'll try and restrain my "poke sticks and run" mode. It just pops into my head when I'm having a really busy day and I need some light entertainment.
The point I'm trying to make, and I know I'm repeating it but I think it's worth it, is I don't see any evidence of heightened interest in the success of the Phoenix translating into increasing interest in the NZFC. I only wish it was true, but I see the opposite. Who are all these thousands of extra 'fans' turning out for the play-off games? My fear is that this will be the level that's needed to get so-called fans to bother to attend games, which means they won't want to know a much less glamorous local competition like the NZFC.
You're so right, just 1% of the Perth game crowd at TW would be fanastic. But what's the reality. Heavens, you must have asked yourself at the last game at Newtown Park - "where is everybody?"
I can tell you, the powers that be at ACFC are asking the same question.
over 17 years
Early retirement
over 17 years
Compared to the first year, yes in some places, compared to three years ago not particularly.  

The last Team Wellington game was a disaster, which is a shame as the game was a cracker, but there are a few circumstances as to why.
Blue Cod
over 14 years
Hard News wrote:
See, if you believed wayward and Phil you would have the impression that all City fans felt the same way as them about the Nix.  The image above, Riccardo and others at Sundays game would suggest they are just a grey and bitter minority.
Blue and bitter - please!
Actually Dave this is a silly put-down. Perhaps I am in a minority but I think this is a valid thread being discussed here. You keep saying I just have it in for the Nix when I'm really trying to look at a big complex picture from the point of view of NZ football.
My loyalty is to ACFC and I've never denied that, but that doesn't mean I don't appreciate other teams in the country or the Nix. I'm just not swept up in Nix euphoria given the restrictions placed on the Nix and the state of the NZFC. I don't think it is all good quite frankly but at the moment raising any issues is a bit like trying to fire a warning flare during the Rio carnival.
Stage Punch
about 17 years

Yep I wish I had the magic formula to get people to come along to TW.

I think what undermines the "Phoenix sucking away interest" theory (and it's a valid theory) is that there have never been big crowds at TW games.  TW has never succeeded in capturing the interest of the Wellington football community.

I think that is true of NZFC franchises generally where they have not been borne of existing clubs.  So Waikato, Canterbury, Otago, Wellington and YHM all struggle to draw crowds while Napier, Auckland and Waitakere do better.

As I said above the question we should all be asking is how do we make the people at the WPX games aware of the fact that there is a good product in their backyard every week that they should be getting along to watch. 

TW does nothing to promote itself, nothing, and I say that knowing that I will upset News and Chairman Dow and Marius who are all involved.  But honestly there is no effective promotion of the game to clubs, or to the general public.
NZF does nothing to promote the league at all.  And again I say that knowing that Michael and Glyn will be reading this, and they are good guys like the TW guys, but there are small things that can be done that don't cost loads of money that get the word out there.  YF is a shining example of that I think.  We haven't spent a bean on marketing, but we've managed to grow into a fairly popular website.
NZFC has a lot going for it.  The quality of the game is good.  The stadiums are (mostly) of a reasonable standard for watching.  The price is low.  The question is how to hook people in to come to see at least one game, get a taste for it, try and get people into the habit.
I'm actually quite passionate about NZFC football, which is why it's so galling when you come on here and blame us for its demise.
The Special One
over 17 years
If you want some cheap/free creative thinking on how you could promote the NZFC drop by one of the design schools.

This may be more for someone within the franchises.

I'd love to discus the NZFC product and how it could be marketed better or differently but within a limited budget. I think it'd be interesting to see what comes from that.
Blue Cod
over 14 years
Arsenal wrote:
Have NZFC crowds dropped?
 I guess you wouldn't know Syd, you haven't been to Kiwitea Street for a few years.
First Team Squad
over 16 years
Linking the Phoenix and the NZFC is missing the point, and promoting the NZFC at Phoenix game's wouldn't work, simply because the NZFC's competition is more the following:

1. Sitting home and watching TV.
2. Going shopping
3. Visiting friends
4. Sitting at a cafe chatting

etc etc.

You cannot view sport in general, or any specific sport in isolation. As years go by there are more and more entertainment options and ways for people to spend their time. The Phoenix is succeeding in the entertainment market because besides usually being a cracking game of football it is also good entertainment, with a good atmosphere and sense of occasion.

Is the NZFC an entertainment product?
The Special One
over 17 years
Of course it is. obviously a lot of people get entertained by it. 
over 17 years
Hard News wrote:
Compared to the first year, yes in some places, compared to three years ago not particularly.�� The last Team Wellington game was a disaster, which is a shame as the game was a cracker, but there are a few circumstances as to why.

Yes, perhaps my question wasn't particularly well worded. While it's hard to apportion 'blame', I meant was the rise of the Nix in any way correlated to a fall in NZFC crowds (as sporting attendances have been steadily dropping overall recently)?
over 17 years
Bluemagic wrote:
Arsenal wrote:
Have NZFC crowds dropped?


�I guess you wouldn't know Syd, you haven't been to Kiwitea Street for a few years.

about 15 years
Smithy wrote:

Yep I wish I had the magic formula to get people to come along to TW.

Go back to what they were doing for the first few seasons. Pretty easy stuff really.
Why they ever changed a working formula has me beat.
The Special One
over 17 years
there just seems to be some disconnect between the clubs and their support base.
money does prohibit some things but surely with a bit of clever thinking the profile of the NZFC could be raised by first looking at those who are likely to go. It's no use promoting it to everyone because not everyone would be interested.
Head Sleuth
over 17 years
How could something on the big screen every game be a bad thing. If it works to getting 1% along,itd be worth it. We advertised the next hurricanes game,but have never advertised the NZFC.
Its worth a go at the very least isnt it?
Early retirement
over 17 years
Wayward, Arsenal isn't Syd.

Arsenal wrote:
Yes, perhaps my question wasn't particularly well worded. While it's hard to apportion 'blame', I meant was the rise of the Nix in any way correlated to a fall in NZFC crowds (as sporting attendances have been steadily dropping overall recently)?

Many clubs dropped off in the first three years of the NZFC from big highs, and hit what what could be called a base level of support.  Sometimes they pitch higher, sometimes a little lower.

Certainly numbers here are much lower, although the model of engagement and various other things have changed as well as the Phoenix coming to town.
Early retirement
over 17 years
It's tricky to promote at the stadium. 

Even on the concourse we have to jump through hoops to get the sub there and handing out flyers is a no no (we got in big trouble on AW's night.  The stadium will happily promote events being held there because there is revenue in it for them, but there is nothing in it for them to promote a game at Farrington field.
Opinion Privileges revoked
almost 15 years
Smithy wrote:
As I said above the question we should all be asking is how do we make the people at the WPX games aware of the fact that there is a good product in their backyard every week that they should be getting along to watch.[/quote]

I think someone said before that TW games as curtain raisers to Nix games are not a goer. If so, how about a post-season friendly in Auckland - Nix vs some quality international club opposition, curtain-raised by ACFC vs Waitak?

[quote]but there are small things that can be done that don't cost loads of money that get the word out there.  YF is a shining example of that I think.

Hmmm. The logic of this would put the onus on the ACFC fan base to promote their own team, as I think the success of the Nix has been Ricki + Terry's $$$ + YF as a phenomenon (and ACFC don't have a millionaire backer or a supercoach... yet!) And as I've said before, organised online ACFC fandom aren't helping their cause with what seems to be a negative, blaming attitude. (Compare this to the Perth Glory fans, who really can blame the Nix for their club's problems!) But I'm sure bluemagic and happyjordy are clever lads and they can think of a way to motivate the people of Auckland along to Kiwitea St. As someone who would be a big supporter of ACFC if I wasn't busy on Sunday arvos, I will try to help as well.

over 17 years
FFS this is like being in groundhog day.Bloody sure many of these same views were expressed on here before we even played our first game.

Then again many of them are also those excuses/views brought out at various times in the last 30 years,many of them  are the reason why our game here has shot itself in the foot so many times over the FKN years.

Speaking to some people its also the reason they prefer the Phoenix over so called local football,none of this self centred parochial rubbish that has infested the game here for to many FKN years.
Must try harder
over 17 years
Oh no and  you were  already our best blood donor , damn shame about the haemophilia and your fear of needles....

You make me laugh, you really do...
Stage Punch
about 17 years
SC03 wrote:
Linking the Phoenix and the NZFC is missing the point, and promoting the NZFC at Phoenix game's wouldn't work, simply because the NZFC's competition is more the following:

1. Sitting home and watching TV.
2. Going shopping
3. Visiting friends
4. Sitting at a cafe chatting

etc etc.
Ummm, that's the same competition the Phoenix are up against mate. 
Linking the Phoenix to the NZFC is exactly the point because at the Phoenix you have a large captive audience of people who clearly like football.  And the NZFC is a football product.
You're saying that advertising cocaine at a rehab clinic would be a bad idea because the competition is:
1. Eating mangos
2. Watching a movie
3. Taking a walk on the beach.
Complete bollocks.
Contribute something positive for a change.  If advertising at the Phoenix isn't the way to go (which you say) then what is the way to go?
Stage Punch
about 17 years
ballane wrote:
FFS this is like being in groundhog day.Bloody sure many of these same views were expressed on here before we even played our first game.

Then again many of them are also those excuses/views brought out at various times in the last 30 years,many of them  are the reason why our game here has shot itself in the foot so many times over the FKN years.

Speaking to some people its also the reason they prefer the Phoenix over so called local football,none of this self centred parochial rubbish that has infested the game here for to many FKN years.
Well that's helpful.  Thanks for writing.
Stage Punch
about 17 years
Hard News wrote:
It's tricky to promote at the stadium. 

Even on the concourse we have to jump through hoops to get the sub there and handing out flyers is a no no (we got in big trouble on AW's night.  The stadium will happily promote events being held there because there is revenue in it for them, but there is nothing in it for them to promote a game at Farrington field.
We gave away nearly 10,000 song sheets on All Whites night without permission News.  And we got into trouble because we did not have approval from the Stadium hirer (NZF) to hand things out on the concourse.
I have no doubt we could get authorisation from the stadium hirer (Phoenix) to hand out NZFC flyers. 
I have no doubt TW could do this too and they have an employed General Manager (Renee) who does f*ck all as far as I can tell.  So maybe she should ask around.
Must try harder
over 17 years
She"d certainly have time game days....

your right tho its time we { the clubs /Franchises } did what NZF have been paid to do ,for the last 5 years 

Lets fight for a free  NZFC   ...!

Shove off Glyn [yes your a nice guy but your sh*t at your job , so Byeee...]
Stage Punch
about 17 years
uncloz wrote:

Lets fight for a free  NZFC   ...!
Not what you meant I know but...why is their a gate charge for the NZFC?
If not enough people are going, any third form economics student will tell you that you can test the elasticity of market demand by varying the price.
Why not just open the gates for nothing and see how many turn up?  Then work on keeping them and convincing them that it's worth paying for.
Starting XI
almost 15 years
I will be honest here, As a student $10 to watch NZFC is too high, if it was free I would suspect the crowds would at least triple where low crowds turn up. What really needs to happen is have a couple of games per season where its free entry one at the start one mid season doing this = more people coming next week and paying the $10 which isn't that much for a good afternoon out. Make the NZFC matches an event rather than just football have other stuff happening.
Must try harder
over 17 years
Oh god no, that way lies , any large stadium with some some witless MC , and a desire for you not even to think bin any sort of break..
Is 10 bucks too much ? I dont think so,
 get a season pass its cheap as !

Or be like doloras , choose a reason and dont go because of that; some good ones still not used;

the grass is too green

the suns too yellow

the teams strip reminds me of work  [actually a valid excuse for road workers not to follow Waikato ]

My cat looks at me if I leave home during the weekend

There must be heaps more...
Woof Woof
about 17 years
Bluemagic wrote:

Last weekend's Auckland City vs Canterbury United match was a cracker. Aaron Clapham had a stand-out game and should be in the Phoenix.


There you go again - he was training with with the Phoenix only a few weeks back. I watched that same player play for the Phoenix in a reserve game not so long ago, and he got a full 90. Played out of position in the first half, and struggled mightily. Looked a bit better in the second half (when wholesale changes were made on both sides), but my overall impression was well short of A-league standard at this stage.

Starting XI
almost 15 years
uncloz wrote:
Oh god no, that way lies , any large stadium with some some witless MC , and a desire for you not even to think bin any sort of break..Is 10 bucks too much ? I dont think so,�get a season pass its cheap as !Or be like doloras , choose a reason and dont go because of that; some good ones still not used;the grass is too greenthe suns too yellow the teams strip reminds me of work� [actually a valid excuse for road workers not to follow Waikato ]My cat looks at me if I leave home during the weekendThere must be heaps more...

I'm pretty sure Team Wellington didn't offer season passes this season.
Opinion Privileges revoked
almost 15 years
uncloz wrote:
Or be like doloras , choose a reason and dont go because of that;

Very sorry that I prefer to play football than watch it. Also very sorry that you and bluemagic think that ridiculing fringe supporters will make them (or others watching) more likely to come along. If the YF had that attitude, what kind of a crowd do you think they would get?

I'll most probably make it to the NZFC final if ACFC are in it, but will be trying to stay away from you guys.Doloras2010-02-24 11:19:06
Woof Woof
about 17 years
CboZ wrote:

I'm pretty sure Team Wellington didn't offer season passes this season.

Of course there are TW season passes.
almost 15 years

cool to see we are looking at ways to lift the image and patronism of the NZFC and without it our talented players would find it almost impossible to progress in the game... HOWEVER

It has always been suggested that having the Nix made it great for NZ talent to have a better opportunity and path into professional football - I agree and think most do.
My concern in starting the thread was that if they made it to the Nix and never got good game time to develop it just became the next barrier to their success and they were reliant on being picked up by another professional club to get game time ie Costa. We have some good youth coming into the Nix and it would be an injustice if their professional football careers were halted there either because :
1: FFA do not treat Nix equally allowing us to have a youth team in the comp with the other A leagure teams, or failing this
2: Our own NZF (and other so called NZ football supporters) prevent other opportunities due to their own self interest ie Nix reserves playing in NZFC (under certain agreed conditions) to give these guys visibility, development and game time to help them progress.
We need to have the Rojas and others playing not just training .. and I for one would like to see more of the talent coming through but not as benchwarmers or worse, only at training.
Should we out an open letter to NZF to get their thinking on this - it was noted a chairmans report was being written - does this include any comments re this. Surely more of us want a good outcome other than the couple of 'idea killers' seen in this forum who are protecting their patches.
How do we move from talk to action - any ideas ?
Must try harder
over 17 years
Doloras wrote:
uncloz wrote:
Or be like doloras , choose a reason and dont go because of that;

Very sorry that I prefer to play football than watch it. Also very sorry that you and bluemagic think that ridiculing fringe supporters will make them (or others watching) more likely to come along. If the YF had that attitude, what kind of a crowd do you think they would get?

I'll most probably make it to the NZFC final if ACFC are in it, but will be trying to stay away from you guys.

Please , you know its on a weekend , also , and Ill bow to brighter people  [most are ] but shouldnt you turn up , well at least once to be any sort of supporter ?

And have you considered Waitakere ? Travels not a problem [as you dont actually go to any games ] ,price ditto , and as theyve no fans theres less chance that your sad spoutings will get any reaction , hell Ill get Rexs contact details if it makes it easier...

Please join Emblems pale white army...
almost 16 years
Doloras - just move down to Wgtn.

You can go to the nix, TW, one or none and no-one will really question your personal choice.

Must try harder
over 17 years

Huawei Wellington United Phoenix Academy Football School of Excellence - WeeNix

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