Huawei Wellington United Phoenix Academy Football School of Excellence - WeeNix

Starting XI
about 17 years
Feverish wrote:
Great surface (possibly best in Wellington) but no stands or pitch surround and they are unlikely as the park is used for cricket during summer. What about Kenepuru?
Starting XI
about 17 years
Hard News wrote:
Scottishbhoy wrote:
How is it decided who plays where? Do the teams pay rent?

I would think so, unless there is an engagement with the council where they operate as sponsors of the side.

Toffee, I imagine they'll both play out of Newtown and just do week about.  Think Bubbles and United.

Ground share in NZFC? What about all the requirements around the ground. Isn't one of them the fact you need your own, single use ground? I even think Newtown being used for athletics was an exception. Could be wrong though.
Starting XI
about 17 years
Basin = cricket block during summer which overlaps playing area by a fair bit. Cant see Wellington Cricket being happy with football being played on 1/2 their precious wicket every other week.
over 17 years
Still think that a team in the A-League youth competition is the way to go. If we are confirmed in the league for 10 years, then surely a youth team would get the same treatment?
Transferring players (technically) between two different countrieis sure to cause headaches.
valeo2010-03-01 14:30:57
Early retirement
over 17 years
There are some issues with the NZFC option as well.  A-League NYL should be the preferred option, but cost makes it prohibitive.

Toffeeman, Waitakere play at Fred Taylor and Waikato in Ngaruawahia, we could play at Waihora and still be more in line with the league requirements than them (not quite true).
Stage Punch
almost 17 years
I think Memorial would be the shout - probably wouldn't quite meet the covered seating criteria but I'm sure Ngaruawahia doesn't either and at least Memorial is accessible.
But...pitch isn't as good as Newtown.
almost 15 years
if the Nix are playing in the weekend why not as a curtain raiser to the Nix at the ROF ? If Nix playing Fri they play sunday as current.
What do the other A league reserve teams do - I thought they played as teh curtain raiser.
almost 17 years
Surely it'd be Porirua. That's where they played most of their pre-season games and it's got the best stadium of all the options.
Early retirement
over 17 years
I'd say unlikely.  All the training set-up and everything is at Newtown.  Would either be Newtown or curtain raisers.
almost 15 years
Sad when you have someone who is obviously so committed to their local club but talking a load of cr..p and obviously so one eyed.
As I noted on another site...AUCKLAND AFC is NOT full of NZer's, in fact (sory to burst his buble and this is gleaned from teh AFC website):
of the 30 players noted on the website:
only 9 are from Auckland !!!
8 are NZ but not Auckland and,
13 are not born in NZ at all !!!!! (40 per cent)
Whose the true NZ team and does it matter realy - most would say not but sadly Bluemagic thinks it does - even if he is wrong about his own club being a NZ team.
most important, as Ricki says, we need to have a path for our potentials players and it is no good getting them into the Nix if they are only going to be training under-studys and not develop with game time (ie Costa).
about 17 years
What's wrong with them playing at Newtown?  How many seats are there?  People could just stand around the pitch if all seats are taken anyway.

What's Newtown's capacity and at least it'd be way cheaper than RoF.
almost 15 years
Nothing wrong with Newtown but i would imagine if the Nix playing already at ROF there wouldn't be much extra cost and another factor was it would get more people along as people would be prepared to come earlier and therefore giving up extra 2 - 3 hours to see NZFC curtain raiser rather than intruding on 2 days in the weekend.

when Nix away hmmm - maybe the ROF may be an issue ad suggest Newtown though that is TW home ground - but since is the training park fo Nix maybe also appropriate. Would mean some good planning to work around both teams having as home ground (but only for Nix when Nix away)

Blue Cod
over 14 years
Doloras wrote:
Interesting that Ricki seems to be losing patience with NZF on this matter:

Phoenix coach Ricki Herbert has called for New Zealand Football to do everything possible to ensure the club has a reserve team ready for the next New Zealand Football Championship season.

It needed to push the issue of a reserve team with Fifa, to ensure young Kiwis were not forced to go overseas to play professionally.

A prime example is New Zealand age-group star Costa Barbarouses, who after three seasons with the Phoenix has signed for Brisbane because of a lack of game time.

"I can't help but feel extremely disappointed that, internally, we're not doing anything as far as an invitation of a second team into the NZFC," Herbert said. "I just think it's incredibly disappointing that we have a player like Costa who has to leave our shores because we can't play him anywhere.

"That's just wrong, in anybody's mind. It's wrong. What's the point of me signing young New Zealand players?"

Wooh, just a minute here! The FFA holds the registrations of the Phoenix players so how can an Australian team play in the NZFC, besides all the other issues on the playing side? It seems to me you're asking the NZFC to do what the FFA should be doing, allowing a Phoenix reserve team in the A League.
You are just about to hand over an estimated $1.5 million from the playoffs to the FFA, so how can the cost of a Phoenix youth team in the A League be a financial issue?  
If Ricki can't see a point in signing young NZ players in the current set-up, and Jesus I've been saying this from the start, then the blame lies with the FFA, not New Zealand Football. They've allowed the Phoenix in the A League but taken away the vital stepping stone of a youth team.  Why isn't Ricki demanding this right from the FFA, not looking to the NZFC as a way out?
Blue Cod
over 14 years
Sad when you have someone who is obviously so committed to their local club but talking a load of cr..p and obviously so one eyed.
As I noted on another site...AUCKLAND AFC is NOT full of NZer's, in fact (sory to burst his buble and this is gleaned from teh AFC website):
of the 30 players noted on the website:
only 9 are from Auckland !!!
8 are NZ but not Auckland and,
13 are not born in NZ at all !!!!! (40 per cent)
Whose the true NZ team and does it matter realy - most would say not but sadly Bluemagic thinks it does - even if he is wrong about his own club being a NZ team.
most important, as Ricki says, we need to have a path for our potentials players and it is no good getting them into the Nix if they are only going to be training under-studys and not develop with game time (ie Costa).
  ACFC are a NZ team because all the players are registered with New Zealand football and they play in the domestic NZ competition you plonker. The Wellington Phoenix are an Australian team because the players registrations are held by the FFA and they play in an Australian competition.
As for City's NZ/import ratio of the current first team, plus regular subs, the ratio is 11 NZers and four imports. The reverse of the Phoenix. I wouldn't go down that road, if I was you.
Nice to see Ricki has included Chad Coombes and Jason Hayne in the All Whites to play Mexico. Funnily enough I suggested them in an earlier thread for the Phoenix and was howled down.
Blue Cod
over 14 years
Hard News wrote:
There are some issues with the NZFC option as well.  A-League NYL should be the preferred option, but cost makes it prohibitive.

Toffeeman, Waitakere play at Fred Taylor and Waikato in Ngaruawahia, we could play at Waihora and still be more in line with the league requirements than them (not quite true).
Why does cost make a Phoenix youth team in the A League NYL prohibitive? How do the other A League clubs afford it? Is there a subsidy from the FFA or Australian government? Well the Phoenix are allowing the FFA to trouser some $1.5 million in playoff cash from the Caketin, wouldn't that more than cover the cost of a Nix youth team in the ALNYL? Then all issues solved and Ricki can start signing up some of the best local talent.
 You know what I think. The reason the FFA/AFC won't allow a Nix youth team in the A League is because they don't want NZ football getting too strong. It's political. I might be wrong but somehow I smell a rat.
Blue Cod
over 14 years
valeo wrote:
Still think that a team in the A-League youth competition is the way to go. If we are confirmed in the league for 10 years, then surely a youth team would get the same treatment?
Transferring players (technically) between two different countrieis sure to cause headaches.
Spot on Valeo. The Phoenix are the success story of this year's A League. They can't not give the Nix a ten year licence now (unless the AFC holds more sway behind the scenes than is apparent).
So ask yourself why the FFA won't allow a Nix youth team? It's not like they've offered and you've turned it down because of cost. I'm sure NZ Football would be glad to help and plenty of the players would be young Australians as well, so OZ football would also benefit.
This is a good thread and I appreciate being allowed to contribute.
Appiah without the pace
almost 17 years
Bluemagic wrote:
Hard News wrote:
There are some issues with the NZFC option as well.  A-League NYL should be the preferred option, but cost makes it prohibitive.

Toffeeman, Waitakere play at Fred Taylor and Waikato in Ngaruawahia, we could play at Waihora and still be more in line with the league requirements than them (not quite true).
Why does cost make a Phoenix youth team in the A League NYL prohibitive? How do the other A League clubs afford it? Is there a subsidy from the FFA or Australian government? Well the Phoenix are allowing the FFA to trouser some $1.5 million in playoff cash from the Caketin, wouldn't that more than cover the cost of a Nix youth team in the ALNYL? Then all issues solved and Ricki can start signing up some of the best local talent.
 You know what I think. The reason the FFA/AFC won't allow a Nix youth team in the A League is because they don't want NZ football getting too strong. It's political. I might be wrong but somehow I smell a rat.

They don't have a choice in the matter.
Starting XI
about 17 years
The FFA are fine with the Nix having a youth team in the NZFC because they are looking after their own youth teams and want to develop it differently and at the same time put off AFC worries that they are developing New Zealand Youth Football. We have our own pathway and having an Nix team in the A-league is very well accepted as it is. They don't have to include our nix youth team with their national youth system. It's really our problem not theirs.

Also, it's not hard for FIFA to accept our special situation as the only professional club in the OFC to allow the cross-confederation transfers between the leagues as an special exemption.

It only come down to the NZFC clubs and with the new conditions to the new NZFC licence with needing only a majority (not unanimous as before) of the clubs voting in favour, then the sad Auckland naysayers from last years vote would have to concede with protest. Almost everyone else was happy to have the Nix youth team.
almost 17 years
It only come down to the NZFC clubs and with the new conditions to the new NZFC licence with needing only a majority (not unanimous as before) of the clubs voting in favour, then the sad Auckland naysayers from last years vote would have to concede with protest. Almost everyone else was happy to have the Nix youth team.

If that's true (about only a majority needed) then surely it's done and dusted and that's the angle that Ricky is taking with his recent comments in the media?
Early retirement
over 17 years
I wouldn' t think so.

Would need NZF approval and even the supporting NZFC sides would need an understanding of the implications of it on players and funding.
First Team Squad
about 17 years
NZF will give its ok... it'd be stupid not to, its the best path way to pro football in NZ. Even magic would agree with that, otherwise Hayne and Coombes would of atleast got trials after their performances ath the club world cup.
Also, having a nix reserve team arguebly would lead to better crowds at NZFC (in my opinion)games which inturn would lead to better gate returns etc etc.
I do not think it would create too much of a player drain either, as the numbers would be made up of pros and aussies aswell.
Starting XI
about 17 years
Well NZF places the new licence conditions on the vote so they are happy with the Nix youth team in the NZFC if the NZFC franchises are happy to vote that way.

The only real threat to this is the change of status for young players in the NZFC when applying for US colleges to play in the NCCA system. Admittedly, it is a bit grey when looking at the NCCA rules concerning Professional and Amateur if playing against Professionals while being an Amateur in a league is somehow an advantage but yet allow certain players to train with professional sides in the off-season is not a problem. Go figures. Anyway that is the question that is on their lips. NCAA clarity on their policy is need before the NZFC franchise will be happy to allow the go ahead. So NZF should check with the NCAA what is allow and not allowed before informing everyone else to vote on this. We all don't want to lose that player pathway.
almost 15 years
Opps seems me as the 'plonker' touched a nerve with you BlueMagic.

Sorry was picking up on YOUR words that ACFC is (as you put it):
"real New Zealand club, full of honest New Zealand players who did manage to beat the champions of Africa at the CWC. The Wellington Phoenix are a bunch of Australian and British mercenaries..."

Obviously I did not realise that the British in your ACFC were exempt from your mercenary status and qualified as 'honest New Zealand players' because they were registered NZ players...yep can see how that makes a difference.

your more precious about it than me mate.. I think we need both clubs to do well for the good of NZ football and, to ensure we can progress our youth we have some means to have the Nix youth team (or reserves as secondary option) playing regular football.

Lets play out the 2 options-
From what I can see the NZFC sadly need a revival to lift numbers or the league will not survive much longer as teams withdraw (Bluemagic go figure what this means if ACFC have no league to play in!!).
Yep lotta ideas  /marketing and the best leverage you have to do so at the moment is the Nix and all whites. I suggest the Nix become more longer term and have more media than the All whites.

Nix reserves in the FFA youth is consistent with what the other A league teams are doing but does that make it best for us ? I don't think it would help on many other fronts except for giving the reserves playing time - as I recall the team was possibly going to be based out of Canberra so that helps NZ public viewing even less.

I think playing in the NZFC gives more interest to the NZ game and may spin more finances for distribution to help some of the less profitable clubs stay in the league and also better visibility of the Nix reserve opponents (those honest NZ players as Bluemagic suggests).

I realise there are challenges as mentioned in this topic but non have been insurmountable as some good suggestions have flowed through in replies.
Head Sleuth
about 17 years
I actually agree with the newtown park comment,it is completely a pain for any neutral to even consider going to,and same for the casual football fan. Obviously the sport would attract more attention at the ROF,but its just not viable financially. So newtown it is.
Blue Cod
over 14 years
The FFA are fine with the Nix having a youth team in the NZFC because they are looking after their own youth teams and want to develop it differently and at the same time put off AFC worries that they are developing New Zealand Youth Football. We have our own pathway and having an Nix team in the A-league is very well accepted as it is. They don't have to include our nix youth team with their national youth system. It's really our problem not theirs.

Also, it's not hard for FIFA to accept our special situation as the only professional club in the OFC to allow the cross-confederation transfers between the leagues as an special exemption.

It only come down to the NZFC clubs and with the new conditions to the new NZFC licence with needing only a majority (not unanimous as before) of the clubs voting in favour, then the sad Auckland naysayers from last years vote would have to concede with protest. Almost everyone else was happy to have the Nix youth team.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but The Phoenix are not in Oceania, they are a FFA registered team and the FFA A-League is in the Asian Confederation.
The issue of the Phoenix youth team is nothing to do with the NZFC or Oceania, it's an issue for an Australian registered club which just happens to play out of Wellington.
See I find it odd that you all talk of the Phoenix and the NZFC as NZ outfits, surely one is an Australian entity and one is a New Zealand entity. The Phoenix is not a NZ team playing in the Australian A League, you are an Australian team playing out of Wellington (from a legal point of view). Isn't that the case?
Therefore, why should the NZFC be providing the Nix with an outlet for a youth team? I know there are some grey areas to all of this, but Ricky demanding the NZFC provide for a Nix youth team doesn't seem right. It only lets the FFA off the hook, however much of a crowd puller it would be and God knows the NZFC needs that. You would have a professional side with probably half Australians playing in an amateur competition where they can't win anything.
over 17 years
Opps seems me as the 'plonker' touched a nerve with you BlueMagic.

Sorry was picking up on YOUR words that ACFC is (as you put it):
"real New Zealand club, full of honest New Zealand players who did manage to beat the champions of Africa at the CWC. The Wellington Phoenix are a bunch of Australian and British mercenaries..."

Obviously I did not realise that the British in your ACFC were exempt from your mercenary status and qualified as 'honest New Zealand players' because they were registered NZ players...yep can see how that makes a difference.

i dont think he knows his club very well..
Blue Cod
over 14 years
Opps seems me as the 'plonker' touched a nerve with you BlueMagic.

Sorry was picking up on YOUR words that ACFC is (as you put it):
"real New Zealand club, full of honest New Zealand players who did manage to beat the champions of Africa at the CWC. The Wellington Phoenix are a bunch of Australian and British mercenaries..."

Obviously I did not realise that the British in your ACFC were exempt from your mercenary status and qualified as 'honest New Zealand players' because they were registered NZ players...yep can see how that makes a difference.

your more precious about it than me mate.. I think we need both clubs to do well for the good of NZ football and, to ensure we can progress our youth we have some means to have the Nix youth team (or reserves as secondary option) playing regular football.

Lets play out the 2 options-
From what I can see the NZFC sadly need a revival to lift numbers or the league will not survive much longer as teams withdraw (Bluemagic go figure what this means if ACFC have no league to play in!!).
Yep lotta ideas  /marketing and the best leverage you have to do so at the moment is the Nix and all whites. I suggest the Nix become more longer term and have more media than the All whites.

Nix reserves in the FFA youth is consistent with what the other A league teams are doing but does that make it best for us ? I don't think it would help on many other fronts except for giving the reserves playing time - as I recall the team was possibly going to be based out of Canberra so that helps NZ public viewing even less.

I think playing in the NZFC gives more interest to the NZ game and may spin more finances for distribution to help some of the less profitable clubs stay in the league and also better visibility of the Nix reserve opponents (those honest NZ players as Bluemagic suggests).

I realise there are challenges as mentioned in this topic but non have been insurmountable as some good suggestions have flowed through in replies.
Bit of poetic license I admit, but spoken from the heart. Personally I do feel like ACFC is more of a New Zealand team than the Phoenix, but that's the point of view I'm coming from. I feel the same way about Team Wellington.
Anyway you raise some good points. But couldn't a Nix reserve/youth team play out of Wellington at Newtown park against other A-League youth teams. Why would it have to be based in Australia? Surely the biggest cost for the Phoenix is the wages for the best players, not the cost of travel.
Any Nix youth team could play say three games on the road in Oz over a ten-day tour then come back to Wellington for three home games, that would cut costs.
If the Nix are going to have a youth team in the NZFC how on earth would that work? Are the players going to be paid only expenses? Is the team going to be mainly NZ players? Why would the NZFC clubs want their best players playing in a Nix youth team against them?
You're right, without the NZFC then City is marooned and I conceed the Nix reserves would bring much needed attention to a struggling NZFC. But I just can't see how it would work?
Stage Punch
almost 17 years
All valid issues (except the one about players - the Nix have stated that they have no intention of poaching current NZFC regulars), but look at it another way - if it can be made to work legally then why not?
almost 15 years
I agree this confed issue and fact Nix players are registered to FFA and therefore Asia federation whereas our local and national team are NZF through Oceania federation is a pain - how much of an issue I am not sure in regards Nix reserves.
In priority order:
1: Getting game time.
2: Getting visibilty by team management
3: Getting visibility by fans
4: Develops NZ game
I suppose over arching all that for Terry is most cost effective way of achieving it. The players salaries are already 'sunk' in as much as they must have a certain number of players / youth and be paying them. Therefore if they base a team outside NZ (Canberra suggested) I suspect this was to placate the other Aussie teams as far as their costs of travel / accom but would also cost the Nix a lot more to base them there and would be the least best result (ie versus being in NZFC) for options 2 and 3 above as it would be hard for Ricky or others to get over to see them, return for our trainnig / games and we in NZ would not see much of them.
If they can play out of NZ - all good and to a degree we can tick all above except it does not maybe provide as much visibility to the NZ game (note 4) as perhaps playing against NZFC however may give visibiilty to otehr A league clubs to pick them up if we aren't playing them (ie Costa).
Not sure if anyone has a sense as to which would provide the higher quality opposition - given the excellent results of the ACFC I suspect several of the NZFC games would give excellent work out (and even give the Nix a very good run).
I rememba (nostalgia time) the days when we had the basin reserve full house and I recall curtain raisers I played there as a kid - be great to get that enthusiasm and support flowing again. A lot of teams / people have done wonders this year to give football in NZ  a great profile ie ACFC results in World Club, Nix, All Whites, Ferns, Juniors ..etc lets not lose the momentum.
Neither option is 'clean' and I do get annoyed that we are given equal rights by the FFA but then maybe it does give us more flexibility to make the choice that works best for us kiwi's. Thats when we need to consider all the pros/cons - I think the 4 points above are the key considerations as long as it does not detract on another side of the ledger (ie lost US scholarships, financials for existing NZFC or other entry qualifications etc).
I-C-Red Devils2010-03-02 12:37:16
Stage Punch
almost 17 years
I'll go one step further.  I am certain that the NZFC is a much stronger competition than the Australia NYL.
almost 15 years
well that would work even better for Nix and NZ football!!!
Possibly getting a 'good to go' in the NZFC and FFa knowing Nix are getting better competition and therefore development may force their thinking a bit. At least it stops Nix missing out all together as they currently are.
I think I agree though that is without having seen an A league youth game but have watched many NZFC games.
Blue Cod
over 14 years
I guess if the FFA/AFC won't budge and allow a Nix reserve team then some way has to be found to get one in the NZFC. Otherwise NZ players are going to get few chances to break through into professional ranks with the A league.
But the obstacles are enormous and I'm not sure they can be overcome. I know there's a lot of resistence within the NZFC for valid reasons, even though it would do good things for the profile of the competition.
One possible way to solve it is if South Auckland do get a team in next season, that creates an odd number of teams in the NZFC. So each week the odd team out plays a friendly against the Nix reserves at Newtown Park. Nothing at stake but bragging rights and visibility for the players. If Terry would pay for it, that might interest the NZFC clubs.
Early retirement
over 17 years
A friendly isn't going to be competitive enough.  It needs to be for points to be meaningful for those competing in it, otherwise clubs will play weakened sides and that isn't any use to anyone.

It's about trying to make competitive opportunities for NZ youngsters, not offering them a kick-around
almost 15 years
HN - you were hopeful of some positive comments coming from a NZFC chairmans meeting back in early Feb - are we aware of this matter even being discussed?

I would prefer the games bing competitive too but BlueMagics idea still is an opportunity to break down the barriers... lets keep all options open. Despite being called a friendly, no-one plays to lose and it would be hard fought I suspect.
Starting XI
over 17 years
Hard News wrote:
A friendly isn't going to be competitive enough.� It needs to be for points to be meaningful for those competing in it, otherwise clubs will play weakened sides and that isn't any use to anyone.It's about trying to make competitive opportunities for NZ youngsters, not offering them a kick-around
Yes, but what if Phoenix reserves ended up with more points than ACFC? That would be terrible.
Starting XI
about 17 years
The plan, I understood, was that there would be points available for the both teams so that it is NZFC teams' interest to grab the points to win the NZFC minor premiership (and hence meaningful practice for the Nix reserve team) but the Nix reserves cannot be in the play-offs because they are not a NZF registered team but an invited team to the competition.

This also means that the Nix reserve are not for the O-league competition. The OFC is OK for the Nix Reserve team to be in the NZFC as I understand but can't be in the O-league since FIFA rule that the Phoenix club is an AFC team being in the A-league.
Blue Cod
over 14 years
Hard News wrote:
A friendly isn't going to be competitive enough.  It needs to be for points to be meaningful for those competing in it, otherwise clubs will play weakened sides and that isn't any use to anyone.

It's about trying to make competitive opportunities for NZ youngsters, not offering them a kick-around
It can't be about points on the NZC table, you've got professional players against amateurs. The Nix top the table, then what? That would be absurd.
You could maybe have a challenge cup put up by the Nix, but they can't be a competitive team in the NZFC for so many reasons, not least the Fifa 30-day stand-down between professional and amateur setups.
You'd have to figure out a way to make it competitive, but the Nix can't be part of the NZFC. 
Blue Cod
over 14 years

I remember when Kevin Fallon was coach of the Kingz during their death rattle he used to play weekly friendly but competitive games against what were Superclub teams like North Shore United and Napier City Rovers which then made up the national league.

Surely any Phoenix players in a reserve team playing a friendly against a NZFC club will want to impress Ricki so they get first II game time and would try their hardest. Likewise the NZFC team would not want to be trounced by the Nix. But it would have to be an invitation friendly. 
Early retirement
over 17 years
Why would that be absurd ? 

You're happy to be a club with a budget 10 times every other clubs and lead the league, and to go out and pick up the best players from every other club, why would that be wrong for the Phoenix ?

You're also talking like it will be the Phoenix first team playing each week.  With a squad of 22, 15 are involved with the first team each week, usually a couple injured means you would be playing 5 or 6 professionals and every chance two or three of them would be the U21 players.  The other 8 or so would be youngsters in an Academy.  That too scarey for City's players ?

According to you the Phoenix are too chicken to play ACFC because they might  lose, but now Auckland wouldn't want to play a Phoenix academy because they are professional ?

Once again, cake and eat it to.  The Nix have to be part of the NZFC or it's pointless.

Huawei Wellington United Phoenix Academy Football School of Excellence - WeeNix

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