"Unruly comments letting Yellow Fever down"

about 17 years
I had to laugh at the comment directed at us about being gutless because we use pseudonyms. Get with the times, mate - every single forum on the internet has members that solely use pseudonyms. I'm sure anyone that criticizes you, your paper or the media at large will gladly disclose their real name. Not that it matters. Free speech and all that..

If you look at somewhere like gpforums - the largest forum in New Zealand - everyone posts under pseudonyms. A lot of content has been lifted straight off that site and gone onto the news, also.

James28 wrote:
Some of you guys are way too over-sensitive. jamie raised some very good points in his article, which was extremely well-balanced I thought. In fact, his praise of YF was the underlying theme in my opinion. So what if some of you don't agree with him, doesn't mean you have to sl*g him off. I think it was great for YF and long may it continue.
By the way, when it comes to Phoenix stuff the Dom (and the local radio) is leading the way, so instead of laying into guys like Jamie Douglas and John Chanter, we should be praising them and focussing our demands on the likes of the pathetic coverage TV stations are giving the team and certain other papers - eg, auckland herald, which never has anything in it up here

Who's sl*gging him off? So we are not allowed to reply to criticism now?

Props to him for the praise, though. Credit where credit is due.

valeo2007-07-28 23:49:49
about 17 years
James28 wrote:
Some of you guys are way too over-sensitive. jamie raised some very good points in his article, which was extremely well-balanced I thought. In fact, his praise of YF was the underlying theme in my opinion. So what if some of you don't agree with him, doesn't mean you have to sl*g him off. I think it was great for YF and long may it continue.
By the way, when it comes to Phoenix stuff the Dom (and the local radio) is leading the way, so instead of laying into guys like Jamie Douglas and John Chanter, we should be praising them and focussing our demands on the likes of the pathetic coverage TV stations are giving the team and certain other papers - eg, auckland herald, which never has anything in it up here
I wouldn't say the  headlines "Yellow Fever Fall Short" and "Unruly comments letting Yellow Fever down" are praising.
The Dom Post have the countries best mainstream print media man in Fred Woodcock - and long have we been singing his praises - we just wish there were many more like him.
Phoenix Academy
almost 17 years
what i find absolutely hilarious is that we are being reffered to as "vocal " suppporters - hahahahaha you aint seen nothing yet my fellow wellingtonians, our efforts were good for a first try/get-to-gether but we like wine will improve with age. My hopes are we get a good solid 700 fans chanting and build up from day one and eventually fill both gates/ailes 21-22 with chanting die hard fans.
Also good on us for not comforming with the rugby fan code of conduct, we are footy fans not "boom boom boom haricanes!!!!!!!!" fans.
i really wonder how the media would react if my above dreams come true and 2000 YF members turn up and chant the stadio caketinnos down.
Phoenix Academy
about 17 years

Wow. It would appear everyone has an opinion about opinions. Not much I can write that someone hasn't already, but I'll put my bit in, for the same reason everyone else did - the whole issue has a "take a side" feel to it.

The article (and yes I did read it, had it scanned and sent to me!) was by and large fair, but then the headline and a bunch of comments got everyone thinking "wtf mate"... "Unruly comments" surely weren't the real point of the article.
As for criticism...noone ever said a parent didn't love their kid just because they got annoyed at them sometimes. They're tough guys, I'm sure a few harsh words shouldn't have them crying into their bootlaces. Besides, if you read the praise heaped on the guys after the Sydney game, you could hardly say this is a cold and heartless forum. Unruly? Maybe. Passionate? Definitely.
In the end, Jamie's entitled to his opinion, but with great journalism comes great responsibility. Here's hoping most people don't take everything at face value and assume Phoenix supporters are hooligans without actually coming to check out the site. Or maybe that's what we'd like. It keeps the faint of heart at bay.
almost 17 years
Hello folks, it�s Jamie Douglas here.

There is no doubt YF are passionate about their football, especially given the response to my comment piece in Saturday�s Dominion Post. I am glad it is giving the sport � and website � exposure as shown on Newstalk ZB yesterday afternoon.

There have been some excellent points raised regarding the use of pseudonyms. I agree that the nature of football forum sites � and all sports, including rugby � are robust and at times critical. Of course I accept that, but I still hold firm in saying that using real names gives added credibility to the comment. I guess here we can agree to disagree.

For the record I am also passionate about football, and sincerely wish YF and Wellington Phoenix FC to be successful. I had hoped that would come through with what I said in my article before I listed my gripe.

In response to Michael J Greene, yes, rugby is my preferred sport of choice. That said, I have played football since I was at primary school, though that has lapsed in recent years given the expanding size of my gut and family commitments. I covered football extensively for The Evening Post in Wellington in the 1990s, when the likes of Ken Dugdale was at Wanganui, Barrie Truman at Petone, Costa Leonidas at Olympic and Jacques Vercauteren at Wellington United.

I�m also, for my sins, a Liverpool fan since 1977. I�m still trying to erase Manchester United�s treble last century from my memory but having great difficulty. They were a great side though.

I remain available for selection to the Phoenix and the All Whites should they ever be in the market for a fat and slow 39-year-old with very little football skills apart from a decent left foot.

Thanks for giving me the opportunity to post a response on your forum.

about 17 years
Jamie, thanks for taking the time to wade through all of this and for coming back with a response, it would be easy to sit outside the debate.  I think we've all made variuos points here but one of the main ones is that the Dom Post is doing a ripper job of covering the Phoenix and long may it continue.
Starting XI
almost 17 years

"In response to Michael J Greene, yes, rugby is my preferred sport of choice. That said, I have played football since I was at primary school, though that has lapsed in recent years given the expanding size of my gut"

Maybe get a pseudonym then big man!
Cheers for the reply though

Kiwi Jambo2007-07-29 10:21:24
about 17 years
wow - he singled me out - I feel honoured
about 17 years
Jamie wrote:

I remain available for selection to the Phoenix and the All Whites should they ever be in the market for a fat and slow 39-year-old with very little football skills apart from a decent left foot.

What a shameless plug for the last spot on the roster...haha
Thanks for the note Jamie
In regard to criticising players on the forum, as I have said on a couple of other occasions, please make sure that any criticism is constructive and with a sound basis. Make an argument. Give examples. Give analysis. Dont just start a topic saying Mossy is crap - beacuse it will get pulled (as we have done many times). Over.
Feverish2007-07-29 10:32:12
Starting XI
almost 17 years
Originally posted by Jamie

"I remain available for selection to the Phoenix and the All Whites should they ever be in the market for a fat and slow 39-year-old with very little football skills apart from a decent left foot."

Theres always a place in the Island Bay masters for you mate ,( Masters Div 1 Champs this season)
Kiwi Jambo2007-07-29 10:34:10
almost 17 years
I'll only resume playing so long as there is always a St John ambulance nearby with the ability to get the heart beating again.
Starting XI
almost 17 years
Mate we have the works defibulaters ,Viagra , wheelchairs !!
Phoenix Academy
about 17 years
Under all YF pseudomon names the brave have listed thier true identity, some have not, but I beleive all posts should be tracable for the long safe life of the site and in the best interests of Football. 
about 17 years
Daikiwi wrote:

Was there any news on TVNZ last night, I saw the goals on TV3, which was good, but I was flicking over and didn't see anything on ONE.
Dai, wee veitchie was as good as his word. "We don`t cover pre season matches". I always hold out hopes that tv1 will cover more football. But my advice to all football fans is forget tv1 for all your news/sport and watch tv3. Let them know as well.
First Team Squad
about 17 years
Jamie wrote:

I remain available for selection to the Phoenix and the All Whites should they ever be in the market for a fat and slow 39-year-old with very little football skills apart from a decent left foot.

Sorry, Sean Devine already has that spot taken.
Phoenix Academy
about 17 years
Cheers Sanday.
I won't miss much then, since I switched from watching TV One news 10 years agos sick of the mother of the nation emoting over every piece and oor April stuffing up every second story. Since she is gone her replacements, Ken and Barbie haven't the gravitas to bring me back and this will at least allow me to watch the sports news without constantly flicking.
Starting XI
about 17 years
Thanks for popping by Jamie.
You demonstated some real creditbility by coming here and potentially opening yourself up to some harsh critics.
Welcome along. There are a few other journo's floating about, and we welcome all comers to this whether ad-hoc venue for discussion on all things football!
It would actually be nice to have some "Resident journos" floating about to offer some insight from the media point of view, as you can tell, we can get carried away at time!
Phoenix Academy
about 17 years
It's a bit rich Douglas complaining about moderating the boards - post a comment on one of Stuff's blogs and you'll see that is posted straight away without any moderation.

Check the third comment here for example: http://www.stuff.co.nz/blogs/shouldhaveworn/2007/07/27/hes-the-bosch/wp-comments-post.php

Moderation is a very touchy subject - at least it was in the UK. I used to work for BBC Sport website in a previous life and we had to pre-moderate the 606 messageboards and even the cricket messageboards because of potentially defamatory material.
Lively banter is fine, but when it starts getting nasty I'm sure us YF members can post-moderate ourselves.
HeySeus2007-07-29 13:34:02
about 17 years
On that, remember you can report a comment at any time by hitting the "report" button.  We'll then take a look at it and delete if necessary
about 17 years

we're a good buncha geezers anyhow (although apparently 5% of the population are psychopaths...so there might be a few around, lurking)
about 17 years
First Team Squad
about 17 years
Righty ho, its after 2, shouldn't you all be at a footie match.
Early retirement
about 17 years
Jamie wrote:
I'll only resume playing so long as there is always a St John ambulance nearby with the ability to get the heart beating again.

You'll want Masters 4 then.

Jamie, were you at the Stadium this morning with a junior Douglas ?
almost 17 years
Yes I was - excellent turnout. Shows the depth of support for Phoenix in Wellington.
Early retirement
about 17 years
You were walking up from the car park just in front of me.  Thought it was you.

It was an excellent turnout.
almost 17 years
It made up weather wise for the freezing conditions at the Hutt Rec in the 6-1 win a while back and the cold of last Sunday against Sydney. All good stuff though.
Starting XI
about 17 years
While we have you on the line Jamie, I just noticed that the Stuff website has now substituted "soccer" for "football". Well played. Bonus points for Fairfax. The Herald yet to catch up.

"Unruly comments letting Yellow Fever down"

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