R11 vs Sydney FC | Sunday 21st Dec | 7:00pm | SS2

almost 16 years

C-Diddy wrote:

Junior82 wrote:

You silver-tongued flatterer you JV!

Apart from when we occasionally descend into the bottomless pit of numptiness (most of this thread post-match), this forum is full of erudite and humorus posters.  Everyone playing their part like a well-crafted Noh theatre or Beijing opera.

Or a cracking pantomime with widow twankeys in truck-loads.

Oh no we're not!

He's behind you!

He's - oh no he's gone now!

over 14 years

this thread is mostly sharke. Especially the last 2-3 pages. If you criticise me that's ageist so fark off

Chant Savant
over 17 years

Junior82 wrote:

C-Diddy wrote:

Junior82 wrote:

You silver-tongued flatterer you JV!

Apart from when we occasionally descend into the bottomless pit of numptiness (most of this thread post-match), this forum is full of erudite and humorus posters.  Everyone playing their part like a well-crafted Noh theatre or Beijing opera.

Or a cracking pantomime with widow twankeys in truck-loads.

Oh no we're not!

He's behind you!

He's - oh no he's gone now!

Was he ruled offside by a female assistant referee?

over 17 years

Grandadi wrote:

this thread is mostly sharke. Especially the last 2-3 pages. If you criticise me that's ageist so fark off

I've been really ageist towards Leggy then. Sorry Leggy.

over 14 years

.....then you are a man, my son........

about 10 years

Tegal wrote:

you do realise most chants from fan groups around the world are taken from other fan groups around the world right? 

Edit: (This isn't aimed at you mr Stevens, I agree with both you and bwtcf - just to clear up potential confusion)

hence my use of "quotation". Twist n shout is also sung by Coventry fans and no doubt by a few others but what makes it individual to any group of supporters is whether it has take up, and people enjoy it. When I see the Celtic....the list goes on.
almost 15 years

Long off-season this

about 13 years

Mr Stevens wrote:

Warwick Hunt wrote:

Let's stick to the thread... Away win! 4th place! COYN! Fudge Christmas! I can't wait til the 28th!

Happy to have a discussion on appropriate fan behaviour on a different thread

Personally my bug bear on inappropriate Phoenix fan behaviour is the chanting of 'Twist & Shout'.

That's a West Ham chant that has been promoted by Hammers' fans after the FU NZ Tour

My objection to Twist & Shout being chanted is not anti-Hammers it's just not a Nix/YF Chant (in my opinion)   

I'm curious...twist n shout is clean, upbeat and celebratory. What is it about using it for the Phoenix that makes it inappropriate? The fact that it "belongs" to another set of fans?

I think this discussion is taking place in the wrong thread. 
I did attempt to get the thread back on track by a previous comment
Very few songs/chants belong to a club, so I'm not being precious about ownership of a song/chant
My objection to 'Twist & Shout" is purely based on being a Phoenix fan 
The West Ham fans were brilliant on the Football United tour and sang this song continuously
This chant had never been heard on a regular basis before the Football United Tour, it's a Hammers fans song, not a Nix fans song.
That's it!


Head Sleuth
over 17 years

so we shlould never start any new chants purely on the basis that we've never done them before? It has to start somewhere. 

Man City only started doing the Poznan after seeing it in Europe (and making fun of it at the time) 

I think hearing west ham fans sing it on a preseason tour here, liking it and adopting it as something we sing is actually one of the better reasons to be chanting something. Better than "I heard this on tv/YouTube lets sing that" (which is also fine). 

about 13 years

Tegal wrote:

so we shlould never start any new chants purely on the basis that we've never done them before? It has to start somewhere. 

Man City only started doing the Poznan after seeing it in Europe (and making fun of it at the time) 

I think hearing west ham fans sing it on a preseason tour here, liking it and adopting it as something we sing is actually one of the better reasons to be chanting something. Better than "I heard this on tv/YouTube lets sing that" (which is also fine). 

Not sure how to reply to this, as I agree with your comment 
In defence of my post 
- I did say "my objection" 
- I then changed my opinion to a group statement about the Nix 
- I've let my dislike of a chant influence my comments

Therefore I'm sure you'll agree that the 'Durante' chant is inferior to 'Twist & Shout'  as it an obvious example of a chant originating from "I heard this on tv/YouTube lets sing that" (which is also fine) 

about 15 years

Warwick Hunt wrote:

Jeff Vader wrote:

Warwick Hunt wrote:

2ndBest wrote:

Lots of embarrassing posts in here. Let's move on.  Clearly there are some people who still have beliefs stuck back in the 50s.

For the record, misogynistic, racist, homophobic posts aren't acceptable here. Just because you think something is acceptable, doesn't mean it is.  Those who posted such earlier should take that as a warning.

Dangerous ground! Humour and especially terrace humour is based on subjecting someone/something  to ridicule! 

Banter is the most ruthless form of humour, but is usually accepted/borne because it's done to friends/mates/peers.

Good banter should be acknowledged and ideally returned with interest 

Are we not Phoenix? We are Fever!   

Not sure about your call to arms at the end there but if its all about good banter then leave it to J82. He is the funniest fish cod here (next to Steve-O. I find his personality really amusing)

My god, after your  comment  I feel extremely old! 

My call to arms/irony exposes a huge gap in difference in age and musical tastes 

Are we not old men? We are Devo!  

er.... Not sure if serious or sarcastic
about 13 years

Jeff Vader wrote:

Warwick Hunt wrote:

Jeff Vader wrote:

Warwick Hunt wrote:

2ndBest wrote:

Lots of embarrassing posts in here. Let's move on.  Clearly there are some people who still have beliefs stuck back in the 50s.

For the record, misogynistic, racist, homophobic posts aren't acceptable here. Just because you think something is acceptable, doesn't mean it is.  Those who posted such earlier should take that as a warning.

Dangerous ground! Humour and especially terrace humour is based on subjecting someone/something  to ridicule! 

Banter is the most ruthless form of humour, but is usually accepted/borne because it's done to friends/mates/peers.

Good banter should be acknowledged and ideally returned with interest 

Are we not Phoenix? We are Fever!   

Not sure about your call to arms at the end there but if its all about good banter then leave it to J82. He is the funniest fish cod here (next to Steve-O. I find his personality really amusing)

My god, after your  comment  I feel extremely old! 

My call to arms/irony exposes a huge gap in difference in age and musical tastes 

Are we not old men? We are Devo!  

er.... Not sure if serious or sarcastic

Obviously misunderstood your comment regarding  'call to arms'

However, if you're going to object to a statement in my post at least object to what I stated, not part of it, otherwise you're no better than a Dompost sub-editor
exposes a huge gap in difference in age and musical tastes

about 15 years

Warwick Hunt wrote:

Jeff Vader wrote:

Warwick Hunt wrote:

Jeff Vader wrote:

Warwick Hunt wrote:

2ndBest wrote:

Lots of embarrassing posts in here. Let's move on.  Clearly there are some people who still have beliefs stuck back in the 50s.

For the record, misogynistic, racist, homophobic posts aren't acceptable here. Just because you think something is acceptable, doesn't mean it is.  Those who posted such earlier should take that as a warning.

Dangerous ground! Humour and especially terrace humour is based on subjecting someone/something  to ridicule! 

Banter is the most ruthless form of humour, but is usually accepted/borne because it's done to friends/mates/peers.

Good banter should be acknowledged and ideally returned with interest 

Are we not Phoenix? We are Fever!   

Not sure about your call to arms at the end there but if its all about good banter then leave it to J82. He is the funniest fish cod here (next to Steve-O. I find his personality really amusing)

My god, after your  comment  I feel extremely old! 

My call to arms/irony exposes a huge gap in difference in age and musical tastes 

Are we not old men? We are Devo!  

er.... Not sure if serious or sarcastic

Obviously misunderstood your comment regarding  'call to arms'

However, if you're going to object to a statement in my post at least object to what I stated, not part of it, otherwise you're no better than a Dompost sub-editor
exposes a huge gap in difference in age and musical tastes

uh... The part about musical tastes is not in dispute. Hence it is not highlighted. 

How old do you think I am?

about 17 years

I dont mean to bring football discussion into this thread, but for the 2nd goal. Was roys touch/ leave for burns on purpose?? I've only watched 1 replay and i couldn't tell.

almost 17 years
I would say yes. It took a deflection of Roy right to Burns' feet. Intentional is the word I would use.
Starting XI
almost 12 years

Before the minute of silence did they played the beginning of "Hells Bells"?

Appiah without the pace
about 17 years

kwlap wrote:

I dont mean to bring football discussion into this thread, but for the 2nd goal. Was roys touch/ leave for burns on purpose?? I've only watched 1 replay and i couldn't tell.

was off Roy. Definitely not on purpose. Just a poor touch we got away with
Phoenix Academy
over 10 years

Thought Moss had an awesome game. I realise the MoM kind of has to go to the guy who scored both goals, but a lesser keeper would have conceded one at least there.Well done Mossy.

a.k.a AJ13
over 14 years

Steph1000 wrote:

Thought Moss had an awesome game. I realise the MoM kind of has to go to the guy who scored both goals, but a lesser keeper would have conceded one at least there.Well done Mossy.

Yeah he really threw himself around out there. He actually came over to us at the St John yesterday evening to meet my dog with his son, had a bit of a chat about the game, a real humble guy. Great game from a great dude.

First Team Squad
almost 12 years

The way Roy reacted immediately afterwards gave it away. Poor touch.

over 14 years

Steph1000 wrote:

Thought Moss had an awesome game. I realise the MoM kind of has to go to the guy who scored both goals, but a lesser keeper would have conceded one at least there.Well done Mossy.

So much this. 

We've seen repeatedly this season how going 1 up or 1 down has changed the game dramatically (both in our favour, and against us). If we were not 0 - 0 when Siggy's wonderball to Burns' laces was played to put him in with a chance he converted to the opening goal we could have had a very different result.

Mossy in particular kept us at 0 - 0 - Siggy and Durra were immense too.

Opinion Privileges revoked
almost 15 years

Warwick Hunt wrote:

Therefore I'm sure you'll agree that the 'Durante' chant is inferior to 'Twist & Shout'

Of course not, becase Depeche Mode are better than the Isley Brothers.

Life and death
over 17 years
number8 wrote:

Before the minute of silence did they played the beginning of "Hells Bells"?

Yes, I heard that too.
almost 17 years

Junior82 wrote:

Must be a generational thing.

I find Gray highly offensive, while Gillard makes a lot of sense.

Length of time in Queensland perhaps? 

After a bit of time in the sun "don't you worry about that, son!"

Must be getting hot as all heck in Brisbane right now. I remember being on a bus there without air conditioning around this time...dunno how you can walk to the dairy there, let alone play football in the heat

almost 17 years

Fenix wrote:

foal30 wrote:

69:42. Doyle completes a pass. 

It couldn't have been a forward pass, shark me

He wasn't getting a lot of good options too. I noticed in the second half that Roly started to drop in when he had the ball to give him a square option. 

almost 17 years

foamy wrote:

Leggy wrote:

Junior82 wrote:

Sorry if I've forgot to take my humour pills, but these comments about Alison Flyn are outright misogynistic (previous page) and rather dodgy on this page.  

Pull your heads in lads please.

You sound like Julia Gillard

"outright misogynistic" - laughable. I suggest you look up the definition of misogyny.

  1. Misogyny (/mɪˈsɒdʒɪni/) is the hatred or dislike of women or girls.Misogyny can be manifested in numerous ways, including sexual discrimination, denigration of women, violence against women, and sexual objectification of women.

So for example if an A-league lino makes a call and you use offensive slurs based on sex, post pictures that suggest females places are in the kitchen a la 1950s domesticity, and then respond to getting called on it, by posting a picture of wife-beating Jake the Mus. To give it some perspective, imagine the trouble you could get in for using a racial slur against say, Paul Ifill. Same dolphin. 

Also, Banzai, though a long-standing forum member and a great drawer of Daddi penos, has got priors IIRC he was the guy behind the parrot sketch.

almost 17 years

valeo wrote:

Chris Kerr wrote:

I'm quite an opinionated person and I struggle to keep my mouth shut because when I open it, it usually gets me in trouble but on this topic, I can't resist. 


A very low day and I actually feel very dirty wearing a yellow t shirt.

Great post.

Though, I judge her on her performance - and she was shark.

now that wasn't too difficult was it? The lino was crap all day and we should have been 1-0 after 30 etc etc...

almost 17 years

Far out. This makes me a sad panda. Respect to Chris. Met him in Auckland and seems like a really nice guy. It's not a crusade to state your principles. It's fairly damn necessary. 

But on the up side I've had two days of going large on that Sydney win!!!

We own Sydney, we own Sydney, we own Sydney once again!! Been having Felipe and Tim Brown flashbacks

Burns converts a one-on-one and Moss was damn damn damn immense! Doyle was like a guy who hasn't played for a while playing in a crunch match- cautious, and fair enough. He might have passed back, but we held possession and eventually did something with it. I think the goal came from the attrition of wearing them down. Sure it might have given us fewer outlets, but that's on the coaching staff to figure out.

Well done to the Yellow Fever in Sydney as well. Good show

almost 14 years

Can we just enjoy the win and forget all this bloody crap.

over 14 years

Ryan wrote:

Can we just enjoy the win and forget all this bloody crap.

This may not be what you mean, but it is the message I hear when I read that you want us to "forget" it: 

Let's and sweep it under the carpet and pretend it never happened.

Unfortunately to me that is indistinguishable from condoning it. 

It's not okay. 

Defending it is not okay. 

Asking us to "forget it" is not okay.

Asking us to "move on" - well, that's different. That's not dismissing it, minimising it or forgetting it. It's accepting it happened, acknowledging it was not okay, and implicitly stating that if it happens again, it will get jumped on.

Forgetting it, on the other hand, implies that if/when it happens again the fact that it has happened before will be ignored.

So my vote at least is that we do NOT forget it.

Move on, as Dale suggested, by all means... but don't forget it.

And yes, enjoy the win - absolutely. I've been doing that all along...

Head Sleuth
over 17 years

Ryan wrote:

Can we just enjoy the win and move on from all this bloody crap.


almost 16 years

Just out of curiosity:

Chris Kerr or Allyson Flynn

Would you?

Starting XI
almost 17 years

Warwick Hunt wrote:

Mr Stevens wrote:

Warwick Hunt wrote:

Let's stick to the thread... Away win! 4th place! COYN! Fudge Christmas! I can't wait til the 28th!

Happy to have a discussion on appropriate fan behaviour on a different thread

Personally my bug bear on inappropriate Phoenix fan behaviour is the chanting of 'Twist & Shout'.

That's a West Ham chant that has been promoted by Hammers' fans after the FU NZ Tour

My objection to Twist & Shout being chanted is not anti-Hammers it's just not a Nix/YF Chant (in my opinion)   

I'm curious...twist n shout is clean, upbeat and celebratory. What is it about using it for the Phoenix that makes it inappropriate? The fact that it "belongs" to another set of fans?

I think this discussion is taking place in the wrong thread. 
I did attempt to get the thread back on track by a previous comment
Very few songs/chants belong to a club, so I'm not being precious about ownership of a song/chant
My objection to 'Twist & Shout" is purely based on being a Phoenix fan 
The West Ham fans were brilliant on the Football United tour and sang this song continuously
This chant had never been heard on a regular basis before the Football United Tour, it's a Hammers fans song, not a Nix fans song.
That's it!


I find it annoying cos its not a football song and has no football content at all.

You might as well sing something like "Im forever blowing bubbles".

Wait a minute...

almost 14 years

bwtcf wrote:

Ryan wrote:

Can we just enjoy the win and forget all this bloody crap.

This may not be what you mean, but it is the message I hear when I read that you want us to "forget" it: 

Let's and sweep it under the carpet and pretend it never happened.

Unfortunately to me that is indistinguishable from condoning it. 

It's not okay. 

Defending it is not okay. 

Asking us to "forget it" is not okay.

Asking us to "move on" - well, that's different. That's not dismissing it, minimising it or forgetting it. It's accepting it happened, acknowledging it was not okay, and implicitly stating that if it happens again, it will get jumped on.

Forgetting it, on the other hand, implies that if/when it happens again the fact that it has happened before will be ignored.

So my vote at least is that we do NOT forget it.

Move on, as Dale suggested, by all means... but don't forget it.

And yes, enjoy the win - absolutely. I've been doing that all along...


I'm not saying sweep it under the table, but enough has been made of this - everyone knows its wrong, everyone knows that people are upset.  There is no point continuing with it because the point has been made.

And to be honest there have been far worse posts on here in recent times that have warranted less comments.

Woof Woof
about 17 years

Junior82 wrote:

Just out of curiosity:

Chris Kerr

Would you?

Already have.

almost 16 years

Would you consider that you were careless, reckless or used excessive force?

Not Elite enough
over 17 years

el grapadura wrote:

Junior82 wrote:

Just out of curiosity:

Chris Kerr

Would you?

Already have.

Ah. That explains why he was out injured for a while then...

Woof Woof
about 17 years

Junior82 wrote:

Would you consider that you were careless, reckless or used excessive force?

I'm a gentle soul J82.

about 15 years
As Angela said of Evald: Ooohhh he's rather good isn't he.
a.k.a AJ13
over 14 years

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