R15 vs Sydney FC | Wed 23 Jan | 7.35pm | Westpac Stadium

almost 14 years

Da Silva is a beast. Would not be surprised if they get one more as we're now looking dispirited.

almost 12 years

FFS even when the ball is dribbling along the ground the wind drives it into touch.

almost 14 years

Four minutes extra time.  Sydney are not giving us anything (in fact the referees gave us everything tonight but it was not enough).

about 17 years

Couldn't beat Sydney with twelve tonight unfortunately.

First Team Squad
almost 15 years

Bit of a smash and grab job there by Sydney. Hopefully this won't dissuade supporters from turning up on Saturday. I think the Nix played well considering they were up againt a team content to sit deep and play on the counter. Some good stuff in the midfield, you can see the team put a lot of training into turning over possession quickly but don't put a lot of effort into unlocking a defensive setup. I guess there's never been an expectation that a team will just sit deep and contain against us - I think this shows a lot respect for how dangerous the Nix are this season.

First Team Squad
about 17 years
almost 17 years

ho hum, the run come to an end. I think it was due to us not having the fitness levels/squad to continue it. Could have got something out of it and looked better in the 2nd, but couldnt put it together. 
Bring on the weekend.

Starting XI
over 10 years

Bugger. For a lot of that second half I thought we'd bang one or two in. 

almost 14 years

djtim3000 wrote:

Bit of a smash and grab job there by Sydney. Hopefully this won't dissuade supporters from turning up on Saturday. I think the Nix played well considering they were up againt a team content to sit deep and play on the counter. Some good stuff in the midfield, you can see the team put a lot of training into turning over possession quickly but don't put a lot of effort into unlocking a defensive setup. I guess there's never been an expectation that a team will just sit deep and contain against us - I think this shows a lot respect for how dangerous the Nix are this season.

I wonder if the first half lineup was not our undoing?  

We were not effective, and probably lacked confidence, in an unfamiliar formation.

about 11 years

A mediocre performance. Felt like we could have grabbed a draw, but can't complain with Sydney walking away with all three points.

The lack of intensity and threat in the first half was really disappointing. As soon as Singh came on you saw the difference he made. Don't think Sheridan did enough either - Williams to start the next game.

almost 12 years

aitkenmike wrote:

Couldn't beat Sydney with twelve tonight unfortunately.

Yep, pretty comfortably beaten by a better team tonight. Sydney defended extremely well. 

Sure helps to have a squad where you can bring on players like Brosque and de Silva though.

almost 14 years

All kudos to Cassandra, who as we know from the mythology, "was doomed to see the future accurately, nobody would ever believe her prophecies."

One in a million
over 17 years

Sadly... Sydney deserved the win. Not enough pressing in the first half. Combinations not there yet with Shep. Cacace did well.

First Team Squad
over 5 years

Burns, mandi and sherry not good enough for me tonight. Krishna should have passed a bit earlier or passed a few time tonight. But it looked like we were tired. Agree with the comment that the first half team didn't seem as good as the one with Singh and Williams in it. Hopefully they've been sufficiently rested and they both start on sat. 

Frustrating night, because I never thought we got going, despite a few flashes in the second. A draw would have been fair but fair play to Sydney, they had a small chance and took it. Their fitness told I thought.

U Turning
over 14 years

Deserved win for Sydney - no complaints - was always worried by the schedule and no surprise we lacked sharpness, but good learning curve again.

over 9 years

Starting Burns a mistake. His last game for the Phoenix? Sheridan did nothing wrong and should have played the second half when they finally had some go forward. Krishna look for Sheridan, he looks for you. Rudan needs to understand in these windy conditions you play ugly football. Pump the ball up to a big striker and 50 percent of the time you will get the spoils. We played into Sydney's hand by winning the most passes. Passes don't count for a league points

First Team Squad
over 5 years

Really? I'd argue if you get or keep the ball on the deck you'll get dividends. Pumping the ball up in wind does nothing imo. Quick releasing on the deck is what got us our chances. 

over 5 years

Unlucky tonight but hey all good things come to an end. On to the next one yes.

I was a little closer to the pitch tonight so bit of a different view than from the stands so heres my quick thoughts based on what I saw. Ill try be positive.

- Theres definitely an issue with Mandi, communication barrier maybe, but he looked lost in the first half, didnt look to listen or be aware of his surroundings

- its unfortunate that when Sheridan came off THEN we started putting in proper crosses.

- from my view Fenton had a hell of a game, just unfortunate to run out of gas 

- we defended well in the first really just being caught on the break, the trouble was getting that right pass into the final third.

- dominated the second half yes, but unlucky with placement of passes and execution. 

- did we all know Krishna was gonna shoot the way he did? Because i knew and their keeper knew.

- the pushing up of our defensive line was a little lacking tonight

- there was obviously a game plan we had, shift Sydney to one side then quickly switch. Luck and execution lacking on the finall ball though

- lets remember Sydney arent a joke side. Dont feel disheartened by this. We have games in quick succession coming and playing the top teams.

Without pissing off too many of you already mad from the loss, I just want to say ive often wondered how we sound on the pitch or elsewhere in the stadium, its hard to gauge in the middle of our stand, but kindly, you guys were dead quiet for the first 20 mins, I do admit I have European fantasies of electric stadiums for 90 mins but tonight, maybe cos i wasnt in it, the fever stand didnt feel the same. Hard days at work sure, but if we can keep up the noise I like to think it boosts the players. When it did fire up, it ceased as quickly as it came. Constructive criticism but beat those drums for 90 mins, clap those hands for 90 mins, sing those songs for 90 mins, I leave every game with sore hands and a raspy voice, passion my friends, we've got it so lets show it. I know its easy to sing when youre winning but we're so lucky to have this team and so lucky to be able to go out and do what we do.

As always for me though onto the next one. We've got another top side on sat, lets give them hell. We go back to basics with our expectations, I dont want to hear the groans of oh no here we go, we go out to win the next game and thats it.


over 11 years

Cacace was immense!

First Team Squad
almost 7 years

Honestly felt like this the whole second half

over 17 years

pierre wrote:

Cacace was immense!

When he got involved to much time spent just standing around out wide.

Yep like the players the zone was a little flat tonite think that it will be different Saturday. Think im going to need a respitator if we smash someone and those smoke bombs go off

about 9 years

Soccerway says crowd was 8,961. 

Good effort being midweek & iffy weather.

over 5 years

ballane wrote:

pierre wrote:

Cacace was immense!

When he got involved to much time spent just standing around out wide.

Yep like the players the zone was a little flat tonite think that it will be different Saturday. Think im going to need a respitator if we smash someone and those smoke bombs go off

Im in favour of having the smoke in the stands, however a gusty Wellington Night probably isnt the best time to do it.

almost 17 years

crap- couldn't watch a single minute, that's why maybe!

Starting XI
almost 17 years

OK, let's get the positives out the way first.

Cacace was really impressive. Kurtos judgement in a difficult wind was excellent. 

As for the rest, well it was mostly diabolical. The first half was pathetically and embarrassingly negative. Pedestrian pace, so much back passing, we deserved everything we got and more besides. We'll I praised rufer and mandi in the last game, but tonight they were both pants. Rufer never played the ball forwards until about the hour mark. I thought I'd scream if I saw one more throw in, corner, or general pass played all the way back to Durante. Ludicrous. We were the home team, there is no relegation, we were unbeaten in 9 game. That first half was disgraceful. 

Other points, Burns, well bugger me, I can only assume Burgess was injured and Singh needed a rest. 

Did I say we were too negative? 

Krishna is not a penalty taker, I've said that on here several times. 

And what is the handball rule nowadays cos whatever it is, they aren't applying it consistently even with the help of VAR. They were giving penalties for offences like those two tonight, not long ago in this league. 

Very disappointed tonight, but we didn't deserve anything at all. 

over 17 years

Didn't deserve any points out of that one.

Kopa, Cacace and Kurto can hold their heads high. The rest were well below their best, though I thought Rufer did OK too.

Sheridan was hugely disappointing in a game where we needed him to dominate aerially to get through Sydney's deep backline. Burns should be gone next mutual termination window, as I think Burgess would've offered more tonight.

We should've scored in the 2nd half I thought, but the lack of quality shown all night continued in front of goal.

Nowhere near the worst performance I've seen from us - not even this season - and I think the weariness in some of the legs showed. (especially Krishna, who I think was quite poor - I also could've called that penalty from a mile away. He always goes low to the left (except against MV) and never really very well)

Also, that dive from Taylor was fudgeing embarressing. 

Another big positive - the crowd. Almost 9k on a Wednesday night is fudgeing amazing and well done to all who braved the wind. Considering City got and they're above us..

almost 17 years

sensiblesid wrote:

Starting Burns a mistake. His last game for the Phoenix? Sheridan did nothing wrong and should have played the second half when they finally had some go forward. Krishna look for Sheridan, he looks for you. Rudan needs to understand in these windy conditions you play ugly football. Pump the ball up to a big striker and 50 percent of the time you will get the spoils. We played into Sydney's hand by winning the most passes. Passes don't count for a league points

Did Burns play 10? That's not his natural position.

First Team Squad
almost 15 years

Fenix wrote:

OK, let's get the positives out the way first.

Cacace was really impressive. Kurtos judgement in a difficult wind was excellent. 

As for the rest, well it was mostly diabolical. The first half was pathetically and embarrassingly negative. Pedestrian pace, so much back passing, we deserved everything we got and more besides. We'll I praised rufer and mandi in the last game, but tonight they were both pants. Rufer never played the ball forwards until about the hour mark. I thought I'd scream if I saw one more throw in, corner, or general pass played all the way back to Durante. Ludicrous. We were the home team, there is no relegation, we were unbeaten in 9 game. That first half was disgraceful. 

Other points, Burns, well bugger me, I can only assume Burgess was injured and Singh needed a rest. 

Did I say we were too negative? 

Krishna is not a penalty taker, I've said that on here several times. 

And what is the handball rule nowadays cos whatever it is, they aren't applying it consistently even with the help of VAR. They were giving penalties for offences like those two tonight, not long ago in this league. 

Very disappointed tonight, but we didn't deserve anything at all. 

Let's just ignore he's scored more penalties this season than anyone else in the league.

almost 12 years

coochiee wrote:

Soccerway says crowd was 8,961. 

Good effort being midweek & iffy weather.

Considering Melb City v WSW last night only got 5k on a balmy summer evening in Melbourne that figure is excellent.

Starting XI
about 7 years

djtim3000 wrote:

Fenix wrote:

OK, let's get the positives out the way first.

Cacace was really impressive. Kurtos judgement in a difficult wind was excellent. 

As for the rest, well it was mostly diabolical. The first half was pathetically and embarrassingly negative. Pedestrian pace, so much back passing, we deserved everything we got and more besides. We'll I praised rufer and mandi in the last game, but tonight they were both pants. Rufer never played the ball forwards until about the hour mark. I thought I'd scream if I saw one more throw in, corner, or general pass played all the way back to Durante. Ludicrous. We were the home team, there is no relegation, we were unbeaten in 9 game. That first half was disgraceful. 

Other points, Burns, well bugger me, I can only assume Burgess was injured and Singh needed a rest. 

Did I say we were too negative? 

Krishna is not a penalty taker, I've said that on here several times. 

And what is the handball rule nowadays cos whatever it is, they aren't applying it consistently even with the help of VAR. They were giving penalties for offences like those two tonight, not long ago in this league. 

Very disappointed tonight, but we didn't deserve anything at all. 

Let's just ignore he's scored more penalties this season than anyone else in the league.

We've also had more penalties than anyone else in the league, and he's missed two. Tbh he's not a quality penalty taker

Starting XI
almost 17 years

djtim3000 wrote:

Fenix wrote:

OK, let's get the positives out the way first.

Cacace was really impressive. Kurtos judgement in a difficult wind was excellent. 

As for the rest, well it was mostly diabolical. The first half was pathetically and embarrassingly negative. Pedestrian pace, so much back passing, we deserved everything we got and more besides. We'll I praised rufer and mandi in the last game, but tonight they were both pants. Rufer never played the ball forwards until about the hour mark. I thought I'd scream if I saw one more throw in, corner, or general pass played all the way back to Durante. Ludicrous. We were the home team, there is no relegation, we were unbeaten in 9 game. That first half was disgraceful. 

Other points, Burns, well bugger me, I can only assume Burgess was injured and Singh needed a rest. 

Did I say we were too negative? 

Krishna is not a penalty taker, I've said that on here several times. 

And what is the handball rule nowadays cos whatever it is, they aren't applying it consistently even with the help of VAR. They were giving penalties for offences like those two tonight, not long ago in this league. 

Very disappointed tonight, but we didn't deserve anything at all. 

Let's just ignore he's scored more penalties this season than anyone else in the league.

I'd ignore it. He ain't got good technique. 
over 17 years

Fenix wrote:

djtim3000 wrote:

Fenix wrote:

OK, let's get the positives out the way first.

Cacace was really impressive. Kurtos judgement in a difficult wind was excellent. 

As for the rest, well it was mostly diabolical. The first half was pathetically and embarrassingly negative. Pedestrian pace, so much back passing, we deserved everything we got and more besides. We'll I praised rufer and mandi in the last game, but tonight they were both pants. Rufer never played the ball forwards until about the hour mark. I thought I'd scream if I saw one more throw in, corner, or general pass played all the way back to Durante. Ludicrous. We were the home team, there is no relegation, we were unbeaten in 9 game. That first half was disgraceful. 

Other points, Burns, well bugger me, I can only assume Burgess was injured and Singh needed a rest. 

Did I say we were too negative? 

Krishna is not a penalty taker, I've said that on here several times. 

And what is the handball rule nowadays cos whatever it is, they aren't applying it consistently even with the help of VAR. They were giving penalties for offences like those two tonight, not long ago in this league. 

Very disappointed tonight, but we didn't deserve anything at all. 

Let's just ignore he's scored more penalties this season than anyone else in the league.

I'd ignore it. He ain't got good technique. 

Yep. Have said it from the start. He's never been a good pen taker, I don't care how many he's scored this season.

Good on him for bearing responsibility though.

almost 17 years

lol- did the VAR just press the wrong button on Fenton's pen?

Seems like a good entertaining game. Still school holidays. Hope the crowd had a good time and comes back for a rollicking win on Saturday.

Roy just didn't wana risk lifting the pen in the wind huh?

Didn't see Burns once in the highlights. Sheridan got a shot off. Should Roy be set up closer to him? Not quite sure of our plan there.

almost 11 years

An ugly game, largely dictated by the conditions - the ball was doing all sorts of stuff when it was caught in the wind, nothing stuck for us - absolutely nothing.

Sydney dealt with the conditions much quicker than us and without possession, they very impressively choked us of any meaningful play. Hard to watch, as we ran out of ideas.

Flush the dunny - a game to forget.

Looking forward to getting back on track this weekend.

over 17 years

La9000 wrote:

- from my view Fenton had a hell of a game, just unfortunate to run out of gas 

Fenton was pish again. 

First Team Squad
over 16 years

largely disappointed with last nights game. The endless passing backwards...........Right at the death when we needed the ball pumped forwards we insisted on continuing to pass back , across, in fact anywhere except forward

Starting XI
over 16 years

martinb wrote:

lol- did the VAR just press the wrong button on Fenton's pen?

Seems like a good entertaining game. Still school holidays. Hope the crowd had a good time and comes back for a rollicking win on Saturday.

Roy just didn't wana risk lifting the pen in the wind huh?

Didn't see Burns once in the highlights. Sheridan got a shot off. Should Roy be set up closer to him? Not quite sure of our plan there.

From my understanding, the VAR did tell the ref to look at his decision again. The monitor on halfway wasn't working, so he watched the big screen and stuck by his decision. If this is true, the ref made the wrong call, the VAR said he better take another look, the ref didn't overturn it. 

It was the same for the penalty for the NIx is second half. Not too many refs want to overturn their own decision, although it's happened for us before. 

about 7 years

paullt wrote:

largely disappointed with last nights game. The endless passing backwards...........Right at the death when we needed the ball pumped forwards we insisted on continuing to pass back , across, in fact anywhere except forward

See I don't mind passing back to retain possession, draw players out of position etc; but we should've quickly realised Sydney were happy watching us play it around the back, then make a disastrous long ball forward. It was evident in the first 5 minutes. 

Starting XI
over 8 years

We looked so much better in the second half when the backline, Kopa in particular, started carrying the ball out of defense instead of staying dead still and passing in circles. Sydney did a good job of cutting off passes to the front two which often helps us transition forward. Thought Rufer, Kurto and Kopa were the standouts, Kopa has surely done enough to start over Doyle now.

Krishna had an off night all round - I believe that's the first A-League pen he's taken that hasn't resulted in a goal (some tap ins afterwards) but with the form he's been in I have no doubt he'll come right. Sheridan looked a little lost at times but I thought he did well with what little ball he got, some incisive passes and I liked the passion from him. Burns should now have played his last game in a Nix shirt. He was a passenger for 55 minutes and didn't do shark apart from an accidental nutmeg. Burgess starts at 10 next time Singh isn't.

The difference was simply that Sydney took a chance, we didn't and they made big changes to how they defended us this time around - no space for Krishna or the midfield. Our style of play is getting figured out by the opposition game by game so that improvement Rudes harps on about better be around the corner.

Didn't deserve a point after 2 awful VAR decisions, such a weird feeling to have those in our favour. Was a pity about the muppets behind me yelling "kick it forward" every 2 minutes.

All in all not too upset, a win on the weekend would make for an acceptable week - 4 points in 3 games from Victory, Sydney and City is fine by me. 

Starting XI
over 8 years

martinb wrote:

sensiblesid wrote:

Starting Burns a mistake. His last game for the Phoenix? Sheridan did nothing wrong and should have played the second half when they finally had some go forward. Krishna look for Sheridan, he looks for you. Rudan needs to understand in these windy conditions you play ugly football. Pump the ball up to a big striker and 50 percent of the time you will get the spoils. We played into Sydney's hand by winning the most passes. Passes don't count for a league points

Did Burns play 10? That's not his natural position.

I think we've now confirmed his natural position in somewhere outside of the matchday squad

R15 vs Sydney FC | Wed 23 Jan | 7.35pm | Westpac Stadium

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