Phoenix Academy
about 17 years
Happy with any football on telly. as long as nix games are live, will be happy with highlights of the rest. Used to watch all the games, then came new job, new baby boy, increased nagging from partner about staying up late, so had to cut back to keep sanity in the family.
Starting XI
over 17 years
Top effort LF1    and Sky to I guess they could've easily dumped the lot so thanks, I'm one who doesn't get bored watching the other teams in the league,Ii'll  just need to convince "the other half" that we should get MYsky I'll try using the old "you could record all of the Hills and sex in the city or Whatever other crap it is you need to watch three repeats of "
Starting XI
about 17 years
crewemad wrote:
Happy with any football on telly. as long as nix games are live, will be happy with highlights of the rest. Used to watch all the games, then came new job, new baby boy, increased nagging from partner about staying up late, so had to cut back to keep sanity in the family.

Ah yes... thank goodness for grown-up kids mate. My wife
tends to be a bit like that least they still care enough to say something though, eh??
Phoenix Academy
about 17 years
True......but talking during the football
Starting XI
about 17 years
'The Scoop'
almost 16 years
Lol - my partner will constantly look at what else is on, using the menus on sky to make it blatantly obvious what she wants haha. I don't often give in
First Team Squad
almost 17 years
Royal wrote:
Hey - even if you don't watch the games, make sure your decoder is set to the channel showing them.
Sky figures go completely off what channel you are watching - that's how they keep track of viewer numbers. If you go out, make sure the decoder is on the correct channel. They don't know if your tv is on or off.
Better still, 'book' the games so the channel switches at game time. That way they see figures change.
That's the better way of doing it. Sky's computers will note that you were not just watching any old programme, but tuned in especially to watch an A-League game. A much stronger statement of interest.
If all Nix fans did that this year, and got their friends to do the same, Sky's "viewing figures" for A-League games would shoot up. 
That would get their attention!
First Team Squad
over 15 years
i knew 'hardnews' was talking sh*t. 
Early retirement
over 17 years
That seems awfully brave to slag the person who can ban you... and where exactly was I wrong ?

As far as I'm concerened non-live coverage of most A-League matches is a cut in the coverage.  They have removed the match introduction show and as yet we have no idea if the commentators team has been changed.
Tegal Fan Club Member #3
over 17 years
whooooooo wrote:
i knew 'hardnews' was talking sh*t. 
ffs, are you really 29?
over 17 years
Hard News wrote:
I'm not entirely convinced that a 3:00 AM delayed coverage of a match is the way to grow the following of the league or assist it.  Seems to me a way of justifying a 'no one watches it' campaign for the future.

Exactly the same thing happens to the Warriors in Aussie. Almost every Warriors game is on at 3 am delayed or not even played at all

But I agree with you. This is just their way of slowly cutting it down until it disappears imo.
valeo2009-07-28 19:14:27
Tegal Fan Club Member #3
over 17 years

How hard would it be to get a satelite that broadcasts Aus tv? I knwo people who have done it with China/Japan Tv.

Phoenix Academy
over 15 years
removed the match intro show? it was always pretty short anyway.... Unfortunately the way the games were aired last season is like they couldn't give a toss anyway - no prematch rant, no post game analysis, straight to the adverts as soon as they'd shown four or five highlights.

Definitely good news that they are showing every game, but to be honest I was hoping for something more in keeping with BBC-type coverage, especially considering for the first time in nz professional football history we actually HAVE A DECENT TEAM

(he says, thinking about match of the day') 
Starting XI
over 17 years
its not hard to get fox and sbs in NZ, just illegal.
Tegal Fan Club Member #3
over 17 years
UberGunner wrote:
its not hard to get fox and sbs in NZ, just illegal.
Starting XI
over 17 years
basically you just need a bloody big dish pointed at the optus satellite and a chipped custom satellite decoder.
about 17 years
Have to say. i did expect it to be much worse.

I'm pretty happy with the coverage. only would like the pre game show to be back. gives much more atmosphere than just cutting to at kickoff.

Ah well.
Heaven knows I'm miserable now
about 16 years
Pretty poor really - I don't like watching delayed coverage of games, it just isn't the same. The temptation to check whether you are about to sit through a 90 minute 0-0 piece of crap is too tempting IMO.
Better after November I guess.
First Team Squad
over 16 years
UberGunner wrote:
basically you just need a bloody big dish pointed at the optus satellite and a chipped custom satellite decoder.

sounds easy as pie.
Starting XI
over 17 years
UberGunner wrote:
basically you just need a bloody big dish pointed at the optus satellite and a chipped custom satellite decoder.
Ohh hell I threw a chipped custom satellite decoder out just the other day darn it, bloody murphy and his law was right
First Team Squad
over 15 years
First Team Squad
over 15 years
Scottishbhoy wrote:
whooooooo wrote:
i knew 'hardnews' was talking sh*t. 
ffs, are you really 29?

where did you get THAT from ?
First Team Squad
almost 17 years
UberGunner wrote:
basically you just need a bloody big dish pointed at the optus satellite and a chipped custom satellite decoder.
I think they're doing a special on that stuff this week at Dick Smith. 
Where Everyone Gets A Bargain.
Or is it Liquor King? Queen? Jack?
First Team Squad
over 15 years
scribbler wrote:
UberGunner wrote:
basically you just need a bloody big dish pointed at the optus satellite and a chipped custom satellite decoder.
I think they're doing a special on that stuff this week at Dick Smith. 
Where Everyone Gets A Bargain.
Or is it Liquor King? Queen? Jack?

Isn't that THE WAREHOUSE ?
First Team Squad
over 17 years
In a way yes if people just see them scoring freekicks and goals and the "nice" highlights they might be incline to watch the nix more just like the way people that don't stay up for EPL games just see the highlights and all of a sudden have an EPL team.
Damn that is a stupid thing to say
over 17 years
Hard News wrote:
I'm not entirely convinced that a 3:00 AM delayed coverage of a match is the way to grow the following of the league or assist it.  Seems to me a way of justifying a 'no one watches it' campaign for the future.
Decent news in general but I agree with your point Dave.  I struggle to understand how with 3 sports channels you can not find a way to show a match live, and if you've paid for it, why not make every effort to show it live?
over 17 years
crewemad wrote:
Happy with any football on telly. as long as nix games are live, will be happy with highlights of the rest. Used to watch all the games, then came new job, new baby boy, increased nagging from partner about staying up late, so had to cut back to keep sanity in the family.
Starting XI
over 17 years
I get it- Whiskies cat food?
Am i right...
about 17 years
Starting XI
over 17 years
Oh I get it.  P___ W____.  Tis a bit harsh I thought...
First Team Squad
about 16 years
Good news on the coverage.
extra motivation to watch non Phoenix A-League games is to see the other kiwis playing....Smeltz, Moss, Brockie....and the scots kiwi mckinchley???
smeltz for golden boot....moss for best A-league keeper
about 17 years
zinidane wrote:
Good news on the coverage.
extra motivation to watch non Phoenix A-League games is to see the other kiwis playing....Smeltz, Moss, Brockie....and the scots kiwi mckinchley???
smeltz Greenacre for golden boot....moss Paston for best A-league keeper
about 17 years
Might get around to subscribing now...
Stage Punch
about 17 years
Boro4eva wrote:
beaten by the cat?

I think it's a Bevan joke, but I don't quite get it...
First Team Squad
over 16 years
 I am going to watch as many games as the Missus will let me  on the telly... and record the others to watch later :)
over 17 years
'The Scoop'
almost 16 years
Scottishbhoy wrote:

How hard would it be to get a satelite that broadcasts Aus tv? I knwo people who have done it with China/Japan Tv.

My parents have got the international dish - but im pretty sure it only picks up European channels (mum's dutch).  Its just a one off payment though, so if you could get Auz channels then would be oh so cheap.

Dont think itd work though because I think they would be the free to air channels. The footy is on FOX over there right?
Starting XI
almost 17 years
So for the first half of the season you only get two live games per round? If I had Sky I would be very pissed off with that. I doubt Sky viewers will even get the delayed game in full either; probably they'll be truncated to fit into precise 90 minute time slots as the replays are here on Fox. If so then this amounts to a reduction of coverage anyway.
And even if it isn't it's still unacceptable in my book. What's to stop Sky reducing live matches for the entirety of next season, based on the reasoning that no one said boo last time round and in fact some people actually thanked  them?
StopOut2009-07-28 23:31:08
First Team Squad
over 16 years
we were going to get sky last night but then we didn't.

True stroy.

First Team Squad
almost 17 years
whooooooo wrote:
scribbler wrote:
UberGunner wrote:
basically you just need a bloody big dish pointed at the optus satellite and a chipped custom satellite decoder.
I think they're doing a special on that stuff this week at Dick Smith. 
Where Everyone Gets A Bargain.
Or is it Liquor King? Queen? Jack?

Isn't that THE WAREHOUSE ?
Could be. Maybe everyone's got them on special.
But if the satellite decoders are chipped, they might be seconds.

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