Phoenix Academy
about 16 years
about 17 years
They make it out, as though they are doing this great job for Football in NZ. People who don't understand will read that article and think that SKY is doing really well. 
Phoenix Academy
almost 17 years
If they prefer to screen 'live' sport - how on earlth do they justify all the pregame and chat shows that surround a minority sport here in NZ - Rugby League
Starting XI
over 17 years
Reading13 wrote:
If they prefer to screen 'live' sport - how on earlth do they justify all the pregame and chat shows that surround a minority sport here in NZ - Rugby League
In NZ participants doesn't equal profile.
How many kiwis sail 30 foot yachts in regattas for a sport, yet sailing gets good air time due to recreational interest.
League is the same, Auckland has most of NZ's population, and a large portion of that is of pacific and Polynesian extraction. huge market of consumers for their rugby league product, hence a large amount of sponsorship. there isn't enough time in halftime to sell all the advertising that is demanded, so they create post & pre game shows to squeeze it in.
Anyone who has switched on the TV to watch a champions league match on ESPN at the advertised start time and then watched 15 solid minutes of Sony and Heineken adverts knows what I'm talking about.
Starting XI
over 17 years

i think that sky are missing a trick in respect to the likes of Smeltz and Moss playing at other A-League clubs. THey had an opportunity to build a broader interest in the A-League based on their presence (and that of other Kiwis) at Aussie clubs. Smeltz in particular would be an asset if they actually made an effort to market him - but they're not even showing his first game for GC the derby, live.

Phoenix Academy
over 17 years
valeo wrote:
Terrific news. Shows what can happen when the football fanbase speaks up (with a little help from the best CEO in the league)

Anyone who wrote in should write in again thanking them for opening their eyes.

did message thanking them and got the following from Mia which looks like it's not a stock reply (??)

Hello Paul

Thank you for your email and positive comments regarding our scheduling of the A-League. I have registered your comments with our sports department who I'm sure will be pleased to hear of this.

With kind regards,


over 17 years
Though they spun it better than it actually is in reality...

Biggest game of the first few rounds - GC v Brisbane - not being played live? i'd be pissed.
Head Sleuth
over 17 years
Yeah its still rubbish. I dont mind games being put off being live if there is say live rugby on at the time,and they genuinely cant fit it in. They do however have THREE sport channels,that means for an A league game to be genuinely not shown live,there has to be 3 live sporting events on at the exact same time.
Me thinks this is not the case on the most part? It seems more of a small gesture to keep Mias inbox down,while still downing football. As people have mentioned theyve missed a genuine opportunity to grow the fanbase of football and the A league in NZ,problem being they have no interest in doing so.
Showing rugby replays over live football is NOT good form,as HN pointed out,it takes time to build the fanbase the oval ball codes have accumulated so of course their viewer numbers will be higher,the A league is not being given this chance. To go purely by viewer numbers and only showing rugby is pissing on those who follow other sports and lessening the diversity of live sport our only main sport broadcaster is showing. This makes for a poor service,unless your a rugby-head of course.
Better,but not good enough
Phoenix Academy
about 15 years
Maybe sky need to watch that A-League ad again, you know, "Be part of something bigger"? 
Starting XI
over 16 years
At least Fred got an answer from them that wasn't the usual stock standard reply, but nonetheless means the same.
What they are saying is correct, that replays of rugby games rate highher than live non-Nix games. But does that justify the other crap we get on 3 sports channels? Keep the rugby replays, just spare us from the other sh*te
Early retirement
over 17 years
It's a good reminder to return your Sky decoder to the Food Channel (or similar) when you have finished watching Sport.  Otherwise if you leave yourself on Sky Sport 1 it probably tags you as watching a Rugby replay.
Starting XI
over 16 years
exactly. Make sure you 'book' the football when you are out, and book something else at the end of it. They go entirely off what channel your decoder is on, even when you are out or asleep with your telly off
Royal2009-08-04 11:52:18
Head Sleuth
over 17 years
Royal wrote:
At least Fred got an answer from them that wasn't the usual stock standard reply, but nonetheless means the same.
What they are saying is correct, that replays of rugby games rate highher than live non-Nix games. But does that justify the other crap we get on 3 sports channels? Keep the rugby replays, just spare us from the other sh*te
As a paying sky customer who subscribes to a sports channel,you would be happy with them showing rugby replays over a live sporting event? Im going to be pissed if they do this...surely live sport takes priority over a replayed game,especially if they have the rights and ability to show that game live. To say it pulls more viewers so we're going to show it is rubbish,if that were the case itd be rugby and league 24/7. Surely they can show the replays some other time,there are 24 hours in a day after all.
To not show live A league football in favour of replayed shows/games is an insult,and is sky not wanting to grow their A league following. Id imagine the FFA wouldnt be too impressed either...may result in us losing our license...if Sky arent going to show A league why should they bother with a NZ team? I imagine the whole reason we have a NZ side is to bring the A league to a wider market...if sky arent willing to participate in this,then the FFA have no market for the A league over here and may as well pull out.
A bit of an extreme view,but a tempting one for the FFA if sky get any worse than this
Starting XI
over 16 years
Tegal wrote:
Royal wrote:
At least Fred got an answer from them that wasn't the usual stock standard reply, but nonetheless means the same.
What they are saying is correct, that replays of rugby games rate highher than live non-Nix games. But does that justify the other crap we get on 3 sports channels? Keep the rugby replays, just spare us from the other sh*te
As a paying sky customer who subscribes to a sports channel,you would be happy with them showing rugby replays over a live sporting event? Im going to be pissed if they do this...surely live sport takes priority over a replayed game,especially if they have the rights and ability to show that game live. To say it pulls more viewers so we're going to show it is rubbish,if that were the case itd be rugby and league 24/7. Surely they can show the replays some other time,there are 24 hours in a day after all.
To not show live A league football in favour of replayed shows/games is an insult,and is sky not wanting to grow their A league following. Id imagine the FFA wouldnt be too impressed either...may result in us losing our license...if Sky arent going to show A league why should they bother with a NZ team? I imagine the whole reason we have a NZ side is to bring the A league to a wider market...if sky arent willing to participate in this,then the FFA have no market for the A league over here and may as well pull out.
A bit of an extreme view,but a tempting one for the FFA if sky get any worse than this

Of course I'd be upset as a paying customer.
But If I ran the business and put football that rated below a rugby replay I'd be an idiot. It's a commercial decision. If it was an emotional one they would have less customers, that's what they are saying and it makes perfect sense. Doesn't mean we'll like it
Starting XI
over 17 years
Just in case people forgot -Hyundai are the broadcasting sponsors of the All Blacks, so Sky and Hyundai are already doing business in this country. You would think they could spare a bit of coin to get more of the league they sponsor shown in this country to its full potential UberGunner2009-08-04 14:19:15
Starting XI
over 16 years
Don't for get that the A-League want a NZ team so their league is spread far and wide and seen on TV giving more impact for sponsors, it isn't the sponsors resonsibility to go and spend more coin to get coverage back up when they've already paid for a decent amount of exposure anyway.
 As mentioned elsewhere on here, Sky's decision to cut back can only be detrimental to NZ teams in the A-League. The impact could be well more damaging that just us not getting to see certain games. That's why Tony P is upset.

Just thinking that when Asia zone wants NZ teams out of Aussie, this has gotta hurt.
Royal2009-08-04 14:55:38
about 17 years
Reading13 wrote:
If they prefer to screen 'live' sport - how on earlth do they justify all the pregame and chat shows that surround a minority sport here in NZ - Rugby League
Sorry I will have you know that Rugby League on the International Arena is performed by three main countries (Even if "Great Britain" isn't really an individual country.) and to a lesser extent two more. The world is craving for Rugby League almost as much as it is Rugby Union - if one can tell the difference between the two anymore.
Ps: How often do they show "Live" Rugby Union on 1 Sky sports channel and "Live" Rugby League on another Sky sports channel?? Try evry weekend during their respective and matching seasons. Yes, Saturdays and Sundays and even on Friday nights from time to time. So why not have "Live" Football on the 3rd channel as well??
Lonegunmen2009-08-04 15:01:07
First Team Squad
over 16 years
LG its easy to tell the difference between the two codes - league is the hard and fast game with simple rules and where New Zealand are world champions... rugby is that (often) boring spectacle where theres a lot of kicking boring stoppages, and where New Zealand havn't been world champions for a long time.
about 17 years
Paulinho wrote:
LG its easy to tell the difference between the two codes - league is the hard and fast game with simple rules and where New Zealand are world champions... rugby is that (often) boring spectacle where theres a lot of kicking boring stoppages, and where New Zealand havn't been world champions for 22 Years .
 And Fixed!
Starting XI
over 16 years
and if you think this year is hard for coverage, wait til 2011 when we'll have rugby force fed to us - probably on the food channel as well
about 17 years
Starting XI
over 17 years
Lonegunmen wrote:
Reading13 wrote:
If they prefer to screen 'live' sport - how on earlth do they justify all the pregame and chat shows that surround a minority sport here in NZ - Rugby League
Sorry I will have you know that Rugby League on the International Arena is performed by three main countries (Even if "Great Britain" isn't really an individual country.) and to a lesser extent two more. The world is craving for Rugby League almost as much as it is Rugby Union - if one can tell the difference between the two anymore.
Got to say, I have never have known how to tell the two apart. My wife is a Kiwi, so unlike me was  raised with rugby, and she often says "don't know" if I ask which one it is when I flick past on the channels - so I've got no chance of distinguishing them. From what I can tell, the difference is so minor as to make its classification as a separate sport laughable - basically they're as different as American Gridiron and Canadian Gridiron, same overall game i.e. carry the ball to the other end of the pitch and don't throw forward, but with a different number of tackles (or downs with the gridiron distinction).
over 17 years
SiNZ wrote:
Lonegunmen wrote:
Reading13 wrote:
If they prefer to screen 'live' sport - how on earlth do they justify all the pregame and chat shows that surround a minority sport here in NZ - Rugby League
Sorry I will have you know that Rugby League on the International Arena is performed by three main countries (Even if "Great Britain" isn't really an individual country.) and to a lesser extent two more. The world is craving for Rugby League almost as much as it is Rugby Union - if one can tell the difference between the two anymore.
Got to say, I have never have known how to tell the two apart. My wife is a Kiwi, so unlike me was  raised with rugby, and she often says "don't know" if I ask which one it is when I flick past on the channels - so I've got no chance of distinguishing them. From what I can tell, the difference is so minor as to make its classification as a separate sport laughable - basically they're as different as American Gridiron and Canadian Gridiron, same overall game i.e. carry the ball to the other end of the pitch and don't throw forward, but with a different number of tackles (or downs with the gridiron distinction).

They are very, very different games. No scrums in league, the tackle count, no rucking, no mauls, less players etc.

Off topic though and I don't really care much about either so eh
valeo2009-08-04 16:49:37
Phoenix Academy
about 15 years
I don't know why they cant even replace the replay of the NQF game with coverage of a previously uncovered game. Seems logical to me, in that situation they arnt even losing precious rugby time
Heaven knows I'm miserable now
about 16 years
At the end of the day, who is actually going to watch the Brisbane v Gold Coast game on Tuesday, unless it finishes about 5-5? I would probably watch it live but I am not going to watch it 3 days later when I will already know the score. Ironically, the highlights will have been on on Monday night won't they?? Go figure!
Early retirement
over 17 years
Just make sure you have your decoder programmed for it.
almost 16 years
Hey doess anyone know if the A League is broadcast into Asia? I am going to be in china this weekend and want to catch the first nix game
about 17 years
Come on league and Union are completely Different. (League is 100 times better)

But yeah, I'm not going to watch the games on a Tuesday (don't worry ill record them anyway)

A couple hours delayed would be fine, just got to be tempted not to go on yellowfever for a few hours. What else is on Midnight Saturday?

about 17 years

Mark Elrick, Harry Ngata and Dennis Katsanos have all been dumped for the upcoming season, but former All White Fred De Jong remains, and will be joined for Wellington Phoenix home matches by radio commentator Andrew Dewhurst.

Thank f**k I'll be at the matches, otherwise I would either fall alseep, mute the TV and listen to Piney  or sit at home picking up on their monotone boring commentaries. And if they read this, guys, look in a mirror and say, "Am I really that bad?" - YES!
PS: I'll still be listening to Piney on my FM/MP3 player at the Games!!

"We can't always get them away live because of time constraints and replays of rugby," Sky chief executive John Fellet said.

"The Phoenix represents about 95 per cent of the viewer hours that the A-League gets so the rest of the games are pretty minimal."

Fellet said it was Sky's preference to show live sport but rugby replays rated higher than live, non-Phoenix A-League matches.

Lonegunmen2009-08-04 20:59:15
Phoenix Academy
about 17 years
What an absolute crock! Talk about a contradiction in terms from sky. "Live sport, LIVE sport, Sky sport" and all that..??
Its funny that with this whole debacle that was beginning to generate a bit of media interest (an also a gentle word from Tony P) that suddenley sky managed to find the spaces for a few more live a-league games than what was originally planned.
Can anyone at sky tell their ass from their elbow?
almost 16 years
richierich8 wrote:
Can anyone at sky tell their ass from their elbow?
Would make for an interesting spectacle if they couldn't!
Phoenix Academy
over 17 years
Sky replied to a grumpy email re the lack of the opening A League  on Thursday game being televised with a confirmation that it now will be.
Ironically I will miss it as I will be in hospital. But that's the breaks.
over 17 years
Daikiwi wrote:
Sky replied to a grumpy email re the lack of the opening A League  on Thursday game being televised with a confirmation that it now will be.
Ironically I will miss it as I will be in hospital. But that's the breaks.
So after all the bitching and moaning on here, I expect that viewing figures will be high for this game.
Phoenix Academy
over 17 years
It's the principle in my case, since I won't be able to see it. They made a fuss about only dropping the A League games because they clashed with rugby and then weren't going to play live a game for fecking golf replays and 10 year old rugby league - and a replay of a FOOTBALL preview in the opening game of the season.
That was just contempt
Starting XI
over 16 years
Daikiwi wrote:
Sky replied to a grumpy email re the lack of the opening A League  on Thursday game being televised with a confirmation that it now will be.
Ironically I will miss it as I will be in hospital. But that's the breaks.

Yep. Either watch it or book your decoder to swap channels and back again

10pm - 12am Tomorrow night, Melbourne v Central Coast
Sky Sport 3 (channel 32)
Royal2009-08-05 13:49:48
over 17 years
Lonegunmen wrote:

Mark Elrick, Harry Ngata and Dennis Katsanos have all been dumped for the upcoming season, but former All White Fred De Jong remains, and will be joined for Wellington Phoenix home matches by radio commentator Andrew Dewhurst.

Fred's complete lack of a personality makes him terrible.  I didn't like Elrick but he was better than Fred.  Katsanos was alright and Harry Ngata knew what he was talking about.  Trust SkyTv aye.  Andrew Dewhurst is good in my opinion, though.

over 17 years
First Team Squad
over 16 years
Royal wrote:

Daikiwi wrote:
Sky replied to a grumpy email re the lack of the opening A League� on Thursday game being televised with a confirmation that it now will be.

Ironically I will miss it as I will be in hospital. But that's the breaks.

Yep. Either watch it or book your decoder to swap channels and back again10pm - 12am Tomorrow night, Melbourne v Central CoastSky Sport 3 (channel 32)

Just to quote this again.... book the channel to switch for the game, record if you can, then switch back to another channel.

I am not sure if TCL InHome cable TV stats go back to Sky, but I'll be watching/recording as many matches as I can :)
about 17 years
Let's start a "Bring back Harry" campaign now!!
over 17 years
I like Ngata but he doesn't cut it as a commentator - can't speak clearly enough

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