Not Elite enough
over 17 years
Stevo wrote:
The feeling of urethane compressing solidly against the club face and watching the ball sail in its intended line is a feeling that cannot be described.
It certainly can't be described by me 
Jag2009-08-10 15:08:15
Phoenix Academy
about 16 years
Not trying to rub salt into your wounds regarding the poor coverage that Sky are giving you all.
But just read this in the Australian.
Fox Sports Director Soames Treffry likens soccer as a 800 pound gorilla sitting in the corner of the Australian  Sporting landscape.If he has his way the gorilla will grow into a life size King Kong.
So what Fox Sport are starting from this weekend is 11 hours of non stop live FOOTBALL.
At 1630hrs it will be the A-League games then flow onto the English Football.
Remember this doesn't include the Thursday, Friday and Sunday A -League pre- game, the game and the post game.
Plus we get ALL the Socceroos games LIVE.
Oh ,I forgot, Fox Sports FC has gone from a 60 minute show to 90 minutes
No-One stuff's football like SKY.
It reminds me when Channel 7 brougt the rights to Australian footbaal for $10 million for ten years then went out of it way to kill the sport off by not broadcasting games. 
Phoenix Academy
about 15 years
So, having a look at next weekend... Fridays game is shown, neither of saturdays games are although about 5 EPL games are as well as a replay of the first one shown at the end of it all. The nix game on sunday is shown however the other sunday game is not... Sky sports clearly doesn't hold anything against football.... it holds something against NEW ZEALAND football!!!!!
about 17 years
about 17 years
This isn't going to make you guys feel any happier:
Saturday�s Queensland derby went live into the Americas, parts of the Middle East and Asia, plus the UK.
over 17 years
ozespri wrote:
This isn't going to make you guys feel any happier:
Saturday�s Queensland derby went live into the Americas, parts of the Middle East and Asia, plus the UK.
 Way to go to Sky TV.
about 17 years
Dougie Rydal wrote:
Saw this on the Herald Website this morning...


Sky Television chief executive John Fellet says he is not concerned about websites that include virulent attacks against Sky sports coverage and put the blame squarely on him.

He describes the site, which looks at the resources Sky puts into its high-definition broadcasts for some sports events, as cyber-bullying.

Anti-media sites are common enough - there is even one devoted to this paper - but www.johnfellet.com does have an edge to it.

I'd be happy to have a chat to organisers about gripes - under its previous satellite arrangements Sky was sometimes mean with bandwidth. But aspects of this anonymous site do raise questions.

That website is a classic, you get the idea that the American isn't liked!!
Phoenix Academy
about 17 years
Email sent to the CEO of Sky, lets see if we get a response.
Hi John,



Thanks for allowing the opening game to be shown live on Sky on Thursday between Melbourne v Central Coast hopefully it rated ok.


Looking ahead I am disappointed to see that this week�s games are as follows:


  1. Friday Aug 14:              Central Coast v Newcastle (Live)
  2. Sunday Aug 16:            Phoenix v Perth (Live)
  3. Tuesday Aug 18            Gold Coast v Nth Qld (Delayed by 3 days)
  4. Wednesday Aug 19       Melbourne v Brisbane (Delayed by 4 days)
  5. Thursday Aug 20           Sydney v Adelaide (Delayed by 4 days)



 Is it possible to review this current stand?






Tony Pignata

Tony P2009-08-11 12:02:32
Starting XI
over 17 years
Tony P wrote:


Tuesday Aug 18            Gold Coast v Nth Qld (Delayed by 3 days)

Wednesday Aug 19       Melbourne v Brisbane (Delayed by 4 days)

Thursday Aug 20           Sydney v Adelaide (Delayed by 4 days)


This is just astonishing.  Absolutely staggering.  The Sydney v Adelaide game won't be shown until the day before Adelaide's NEXT game on Friday 21st.
Early retirement
over 17 years
about 17 years
Come on fellas, Deaker reruns are far more important than football - Yeah Right !
Head Sleuth
over 17 years
Tony P wrote:


Tuesday Aug 18            Gold Coast v Nth Qld (Delayed by 3 days)

Wednesday Aug 19       Melbourne v Brisbane (Delayed by 4 days)

Thursday Aug 20           Sydney v Adelaide (Delayed by 4 days)


This is just astonishing.  Absolutely staggering.  The Sydney v Adelaide game won't be shown until the day before Adelaide's NEXT game on Friday 21st.
yeah but that game wont actually be shown till a week later anyways,so really theyre still a week apart and we're a week behind coverage.
Ive facebooked it...so now my 50 friends know...yay. But yeah this needs to go out to the public,let people kick up a fuss about skytv's shoddy treatment of the A league and of their subscribers.
Anyone know someone with enough money to start up a rival sports broadcaster...? Sky needs some competition...id gladly switch for some football coverage, and on principle.
Early retirement
over 17 years
Head Sleuth
over 17 years
That would be excellent.  Im sure the FFA would be disliking skytv just enough right about now to help out even..either that or they'll just not renew our license and sky wins
Starting XI
about 17 years
Hard News wrote:
Blog it.

Name and Shame. Even overnight so we could record and play when the kayaking etc is on would be better than this.

Effectively,its either
-A highly public display of indifference towards its customers 

-Stupidity -(Sky) "We don't know what we're doing"- to play first time replays after the highlights wrap-up show is broadcast.    Please!!??
It means SKY -the supplier- doesn't know its products- and isn't aware of its customers/Our needs.

-It is part of a deliberate strategy to downgrade the A-League coverage in NZ, potentially threatening our team's future in the A-League and ultimately promotion of football in New Zealand.

Which is it Sky?

Starting XI
about 17 years
about 17 years
Hard News wrote:
Yellow Fever TV.
For some to appear on there, you will need to record and broadcast it in widescreen.
First Team Squad
over 16 years
Tony P wrote:
Email sent to the CEO of Sky, lets see if we get a response.

Can I quote that email on my Facebook page Tony P? :)
(hopefully without the wierd HTML quoting)Ard Righ2009-08-11 16:02:53
over 17 years
santy wrote:
I have complained to sky... here is what I wrote to them ....
"I think that showing Golf HIGHLIGHTS!!! over the live Brisbane Roar vs Gold Coast United game on Channel 32 tonight is disgracefuly. You really need to get your priorities sorted.
I understand if we had other live sport on channel 32...e.g. AFL etc. But Golf Highlights is just plain insulting to your paying customers.
This is very disappointing, especially for me and my family who have been Sky Subscribers for 17 years straight!"
Here is Sky's Response -
"Thank you for your email.

Due to the very fluid nature of sport, changes can occur for many reasons such as change in start times, durations of live events, cancellations, postponements, technical faults, taped events not arriving on time or faulty when received as well as changes received on a daily basis from either the host broadcaster or supplier of events sent through to us via satellite feed.

However we thank you for your feedback which I have registered with out Sports Department regarding our schedules. I am pleased to inform you that the Brisbane Roar V Gold Coast United game will be airing at 3pm today on Sky Sports 3.

Please feel free to contact SKY Television Customer Services on 0800 759 759 for further information, alternatively please respond via return email and we will endeavour to reply within 24 hours.

With kind regards,

SKY Customer Services Team"
Heaven knows I'm miserable now
about 16 years
santy wrote:
santy wrote:
I have complained to sky... here is what I wrote to them ....
"I think that showing Golf HIGHLIGHTS!!! over the live Brisbane Roar vs Gold Coast United game on Channel 32 tonight is disgracefuly. You really need to get your priorities sorted.
I understand if we had other live sport on channel 32...e.g. AFL etc. But Golf Highlights is just plain insulting to your paying customers.
This is very disappointing, especially for me and my family who have been Sky Subscribers for 17 years straight!"
Here is Sky's Response -
"Thank you for your email.

Due to the very fluid nature of sport, changes can occur for many reasons such as change in start times, durations of live events, cancellations, postponements, technical faults, taped events not arriving on time or faulty when received as well as changes received on a daily basis from either the host broadcaster or supplier of events sent through to us via satellite feed.

However we thank you for your feedback which I have registered with out Sports Department regarding our schedules. I am pleased to inform you that the Brisbane Roar V Gold Coast United game will be airing at 3pm today on Sky Sports 3.

Please feel free to contact SKY Television Customer Services on 0800 759 759 for further information, alternatively please respond via return email and we will endeavour to reply within 24 hours.

With kind regards,

SKY Customer Services Team"
Well thanks a lot Sky...we'll all just take the day off school / work / uni to watch a replay of a game that we could have already seen the highlights of either online, or on Sky Sport itself!!!
What a load of utter nonsense.
Having these games delayed is bad enough, but the length of the delay is an absolute joke and seems like a deliberate ploy just to wind up football fans!
Incidentally, anyone know what is on instead of this weeks games??
DON'T FORGET TO SIGN MY PETITION http://www.gopetition.com/petitions/more-a-league-coverage-on-sky-sport-nz.html and feel free to link it on Facebook / Twitter etc etc.
Steve-O2009-08-11 19:32:50
Heaven knows I'm miserable now
about 16 years
Tony P wrote:
Email sent to the CEO of Sky, lets see if we get a response.
Hi John,



Thanks for allowing the opening game to be shown live on Sky on Thursday between Melbourne v Central Coast hopefully it rated ok.


Looking ahead I am disappointed to see that this week�s games are as follows:


  1. Friday Aug 14:              Central Coast v Newcastle (Live)
  2. Sunday Aug 16:            Phoenix v Perth (Live)
  3. Tuesday Aug 18            Gold Coast v Nth Qld (Delayed by 3 days)
  4. Wednesday Aug 19       Melbourne v Brisbane (Delayed by 4 days)
  5. Thursday Aug 20           Sydney v Adelaide (Delayed by 4 days)



 Is it possible to review this current stand?






Tony Pignata

Good stuff Tony.
(a) I can't believe the length of the delay in the coverage - absolutely ludicrous and a complete waste of time since nobody is going to watch 3 and 4 days later
(b) The only other non-Phoenix game getting shown live  is the LEAST attractive of all the fixtures for the week!!
I'm thinking the only way to get them to change this is just to constantly e-mail week after week!
Edit - just checked the Sky Guide - http://www.skytv.co.nz/tv-guide.aspx
On Saturday we have Golf HIGHLIGHTS on Sky Sport 3 from 7pm till 9pm - guess what's on at 7pm on the highlights channel? Yip, the SAME golf!!! So instead of showing Gold Coast v Fury at 7.30pm, we get Golf highlights + an EPL preview show. Unacceptable IMO.
On further inspection I see that the reason the Adelaide v Sydney game isn't on is............drum roll...........GOLF HIGHLIGHTS!
Steve-O2009-08-11 19:48:38
Heaven knows I'm miserable now
about 16 years
I just went off on one and sent this to the feedback on the Sky Sport website, can anyone give me an actual e-mail address to send it to?
As a new subscriber to Sky Sport, I am dismayed to find that the coverage of the football A-League is nowhere near that of last season and is, quite frankly, a disgrace when compared to the Australian coverage of that league, and even your own coverage of last season.
On subscribing, I was expecting to be able to see all the games live but am disappointed to see that only 2 per week (including the Phoenix games which I actually attend in any case) will be shown live and the rest on delayed coverage. The length of the delay is nothing short of ludicrous as well. Showing the games 3-4 days late is a complete waste of time, particularly as a highlights show will have aired before any of these are shown and I honestly can't imagine a single person would watch a 90 minute game 4 days after it's been played.
The excuses I have seen so far from Sky are no more than 'hot air' in my opinion as I have looked at the schedules for this coming weekend and I see that in the same slot where 2 A-League games could be, we have golf highlights. So, not only are highlights shows taking precedence over LIVE sport, but to add insult to injury, there are golf highlights on the HIGHLIGHTS channel at the exact same time!! I cannot think of any reason whatsoever as to why the 2 hour golf highlights show cannot be moved to the highlights channel, given that is the exact reason that channel exists?
I understand you may have received a sizeable number of similar e-mails lately but I hope this makes someone there realise that a number of people are unhappy about this move. The A-League has just grown in terms of the number of teams, a New Zealand team are obviously in it, and there are a number of New Zealanders now at Australian teams so there is no lack of interest in New Zealand for this. It's all very well using the argument that you are still showing and supporting the Phoenix, but completing ignoring the rest of the league does absolutely nothing to generate interest in the league overall.
I don't imagine that non-Warriors NRL games draw huge viewing figures so please spare me from any arguments around viewing figures.
I would also appreciate a reply that isn't a standard response about the "fluid nature" of sport etc etc.
I can only hope that the current disdain for the A-League does not continue and a more realistic and supportive stance is taken for the future or myself, and a few others, will reconsider their subscriptions to Sky Sport NZ.
over 17 years
ozespri wrote:
This isn't going to make you guys feel any happier:
Saturday�s Queensland derby went live into the Americas, parts of the Middle East and Asia, plus the UK.
I am pretty sure that it was not live in the UK.
First Team Squad
over 15 years
i'm gonna send penis pump ads to SKY NZ !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
about 17 years
Hey Tony, you remember that "response" I typed earlier in this thread and then sent onto Sky? Well i didn't even receive an acknowledgement for it. Nothing from them at all.
about 17 years
Almost feel like its a waste of time. Have emailed SKY Four times. First three times got a Stock Standard Rubbish response. When i continued to push for answers with a fourth email. They decided not to email me back.

I love SKY, it sh*ts on anything else in New Zealand. but come on...

Golf Highlights on when a LIVE game is on. And what is the worst thing to happen in this saga to date. GOLF HIGHLIGHTS ARE ON THE HIGHLIGHTS CHANNEL AT THE SAME TIME.


Starting XI
about 17 years
Steve-O wrote:
I just went off on one and sent this to the feedback on the Sky Sport website, can anyone give me an actual e-mail address to send it to?


Try the email link on this page Steve-O.
almost 17 years
does anyone know how to get phoenix games Live in the UK - does sky have it in the UK?
Starting XI
over 17 years
I feel better now.
Having just had a $1 for a month intro promo for Rialto, I've told them that while I quite enjoyed the channel (it is Art you know), I'm cancelling it because I just couldn't spend more on Sky TV while they treat A-League followers so appallingly. Sorry.

It will be interesting what they have to say.

Starting XI
over 17 years
If you live in Wellington or CH CH, switch to Telstra In-Home, sky get less money and you get more free channels than you do with basic sky digital. plus you get quality broadband for watching those games streamed over the Internet.
about 16 years
UberGunner wrote:
If you live in Wellington or CH CH, switch to Telstra In-Home, sky get less money and you get more free channels than you do with basic sky digital. plus you get quality broadband for watching those games streamed over the Internet.
Plus it is cheaper per month, well worth it!!!
about 17 years
Already have it Uber! Only $25 goes to Sky but even then they are not giving me my $25 worth of sport. Endless reruns of certain events, is NOT value for money.
Sky should be given a guest spot on Fair Go!
Starting XI
over 16 years
Kevin Cameron is Director of Sport at Sky.

I've withdrawn his email as I'm thinking a bunch of emails from supporters may do more harm than good.

Feel free to contact Sky if you want his contact details - easy enough to find
Royal2009-08-12 13:26:14
Heaven knows I'm miserable now
about 16 years
Lonegunmen wrote:
Already have it Uber! Only $25 goes to Sky but even then they are not giving me my $25 worth of sport. Endless reruns of certain events, is NOT value for money.
Sky should be given a guest spot on Fair Go!
Correct - Auckland v Canterbury was on for AT LEAST the 3rd time last night, and that's only the times that I have seen it with my own eyes!
Surely everyone wanting to see that game has seen it already??
The amount of times I see '(repeat)' on screen when I am flicking through the Sky Sport channels is a farce!
I've had no reply or acknowledgement to my e-mail as yet by the way.
Again I would ask people to sign the petition in my signature, 53 signatures ain't going to cut it...
Heaven knows I'm miserable now
about 16 years
Royal wrote:
Kevin Cameron is Director of Sport at Sky.

I've withdrawn his email as I'm thinking a bunch of emails from supporters may do more harm than good.

Feel free to contact Sky if you want his contact details - easy enough to find
Why? If they are written clearly and present an argument without resorting to abuse or whatever, then I think it might cause him to realise the depth of feeling on the issue. As of right now our e-mails are probably in recycle bins throughout Sky's computer network and are never getting near the top of the chain!
First Team Squad
over 15 years
i sent another email to them the other day

and guess what reply i got ?

a f**king link to "will SKY be showing a-league games live this season"

that was it.

a link all by itself.

worst of all that link did not even answer my question.

f**k YOU SKY !
Heaven knows I'm miserable now
about 16 years
whooooooo wrote:
i sent another email to them the other day

and guess what reply i got ?

a f**king link to "will SKY be showing a-league games live this season"

that was it.

a link all by itself.

worst of all that link did not even answer my question.

f**k YOU SKY !
Poor show indeed.
Who was it that did the article on Stuff the other day?
Perhaps another could be written about the contempt Sky are showing it's own customers?
Any new article could also mention the petition...
Heaven knows I'm miserable now
about 16 years
about 17 years
I woinder if our friends in the print media, namely the Dominion Post, would like to pick up on this and run with it. It is not just Phoenix fans disgruntled, but football fans as well.
Heaven knows I'm miserable now
about 16 years
Lonegunmen wrote:
I woinder if our friends in the print media, namely the Dominion Post, would like to pick up on this and run with it. It is not just Phoenix fans disgruntled, but football fans as well.
FRED WOODCOCK...Come on down!!!

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