Starting XI
over 10 years

Would he rather fight 1 Rudan sized Kurto, or 100 kurto sized Rudan's?....Wait sorry, you said serious, irgnore me.

Now in a smaller size
about 7 years

Bananas wrote:

Would he rather fight 1 Rudan sized Kurto, or 100 kurto sized Rudan's?....Wait sorry, you said serious, irgnore me.

As a closing question though 1 Rudan sized Duck or 10 Duck sized Gallops might fly

about 13 years

Answer some of baiters post

Did Rudan past come into play?

Do you believe he engineered his exit?

Have you seen the posts/thread and believe those are Rudan?

What's the background on Dura and the Testy?

Baiter wrote:

It appears that:

1, Rudan got summoned home by his wife because (due to past history) he can't keep his pants on.

2, He engineered the messages about his departure with the crap about ambition. The Phoenix squad was once again financially comparable to all but the league's top 3 teams. The Phoenix still has the best youth set-up of any team. The club may run on a smaller backroom staff but to claim a lack of ambition just doesn't add up.

3, Western United staff had long stated their new manager was involved in recruitment before he was announced. He clearly behaved unethically when the Phoenix had done all they could to build him what he needed.

4, Even if the club suspected this was going on with no actual proof they would have had legal implications for terminating a contract with no facts to back it up and at the same time can you imagine if they sacked him when we were top 4 and challenging on a rumour - no matter how strong?

5, The club worked fast to sign a replacement. They also negotiated hard with all the players that have left but at the same time were realistic about what they could justify paying them.

6, You think you like angst now wait until you catch the next departure.

7, Rudan has been using social media - fake accounts and misrepresentation - to try and defend his actions. Good luck to Western United if some journalist actually goes all in on him.

8, After pulling an (estimated and conservatively so) 3 million dollars out of this club in salary we're meant to feel sorry for Dura because the testimonial whose grandiose plans were driven by people outside the club didn't make him another million? Fudge off.

over 7 years

How is the license situation affecting recruitment (budget wise) for the upcoming round, and when can we expect a public announcement on the future of the club? And by that I don't mean Dome saying he's confident we have a future. 

almost 10 years

Id be keen to hear more on development of the womens side of the game and what other ventures/thoughts they are thinking about.

Can we do a lazer kiwi inspired 3rd kit this year peow peow. 

Can we have an indepth talk about investment as there seems to be a perception that the owners are cheap. 

Budgie lover
almost 17 years

What resourcing gaps do we have (outside of players) and what recruitment is going on for preparation for this season? i.e. back office (administration, commercial); front office (marketing, media); coaching appointments (through youth to seniors)

Details on pre-season fixtures? Any trips to Beijing this year, etc?

almost 10 years

Oh and new leagues working group

Western united, their funding and future prospects with money drying up and a independent league

Western united recruitment strategy where they promised they wouldnt just recyle Aleague players but bring in the majority of their squad from outside

How Mcarthur compare?

Budgie lover
almost 17 years

I'm guessing Dome won't comment too much on non-Wellington home games until the fixtures are understood, but perhaps how many (minimum) do we expect to away from WLG?

Budgie lover
almost 17 years

Also, how happy is he to have a replacement manager in place now (early in the off season)? It must be a lot easier on Dome than previous goes at this.

Starting XI
over 10 years

Photomac wrote:

Bananas wrote:

Would he rather fight 1 Rudan sized Kurto, or 100 kurto sized Rudan's?....Wait sorry, you said serious, irgnore me.

As a closing question though 1 Rudan sized Duck or 10 Duck sized Gallops might fly

That one is way better.  That's why I don;t host a football podcast...that and I know fudge all about football, or making podcasts.

almost 17 years

How much inter-club (A-league) communication/intercourse is there below owner level? Are there any clubs we have a good off field relationship with? In what way? Also not just A-league.

Woof Woof
almost 17 years
the ant wrote:

How much inter-club (A-league) communication/intercourse is there below owner level?  

Don't think we need to know that.

Starting XI
almost 9 years

Would love to know more about Duras testy and why it left such a sour taste in the Dura's mouths.

Ask it with the euphemism or not, still good.

almost 17 years

If the FFA are propping up West Melbourne already, will that allow them to keep a foot in the door and ensure the Phoenix get screwed over? Before it was 9 clubs in our favour and now it'll be 9 clubs in our favour and 1 dessenting. and that one will have full backing of the FFA and Fox.of course.

almost 17 years

el grapadura wrote:

the ant wrote:

How much inter-club (A-league) communication/intercourse is there below owner level?  

Don't think we need to know that.

Well, technically, we don't need to know anything. I was asking the question because I was interested to know the answer. If no-one else finds the subject interesting, that's fine and I assume that will be a call made by the guys during the interview? But thanks for your thoughts.

Woof Woof
almost 17 years

the ant wrote:

el grapadura wrote:

the ant wrote:

How much inter-club (A-league) communication/intercourse is there below owner level?  

Don't think we need to know that.

Well, technically, we don't need to know anything. I was asking the question because I was interested to know the answer. If no-one else finds the subject interesting, that's fine and I assume that will be a call made by the guys during the interview? But thanks for your thoughts.


Listen here Fudgeface
over 14 years

el grapadura wrote:

the ant wrote:

el grapadura wrote:

the ant wrote:

How much inter-club (A-league) communication/intercourse is there below owner level?  

Don't think we need to know that.

Well, technically, we don't need to know anything. I was asking the question because I was interested to know the answer. If no-one else finds the subject interesting, that's fine and I assume that will be a call made by the guys during the interview? But thanks for your thoughts.


yeah im definitely not asking Domey sex questions kthhx
almost 17 years

patrick478 wrote:

el grapadura wrote:

the ant wrote:

el grapadura wrote:

the ant wrote:

How much inter-club (A-league) communication/intercourse is there below owner level?  

Don't think we need to know that.

Well, technically, we don't need to know anything. I was asking the question because I was interested to know the answer. If no-one else finds the subject interesting, that's fine and I assume that will be a call made by the guys during the interview? But thanks for your thoughts.


yeah im definitely not asking Domey sex questions kthhx

The innuendo was too subtle! ?
almost 17 years

I think the term inferred should have been "Social Intercourse"  as opposed to Sexual. I know there was some sly humour in the original comment but Social Intercourse is a legit term.

Listen here Fudgeface
over 14 years

Lonegunmen wrote:

I think the term inferred should have been "Social Intercourse"  as opposed to Sexual. I know there was some sly humour in the original comment but Social Intercourse is a legit term.

Social intercourse sounds like what Rudan was up to on the side... 
almost 17 years

Lonegunmen wrote:

I think the term inferred should have been "Social Intercourse"  as opposed to Sexual. I know there was some sly humour in the original comment but Social Intercourse is a legit term.

yes that was my meaning. However I momentarily forgot this was a YF forum ?
over 17 years

james dean wrote:

Wow, some extremely hopeful chat on Roy Krishna.  If he turned down our offer of a 3 year deal on top $$ he surely won't be coming back here in January!

Dave's chat on women's footy seemed to be a stretch as well

about 9 years

How many Euros for Sapreet?

almost 17 years

Serious Question and I think both announcements are great for the game.

With the sell on of Singh how much % wise would be returned to the club that developed him (Onehunga) for them to re-invest in the development of other players?

With the signing of McCowatt did the NIX pay training compensation to his former clubs to reinvest?

If the answer is no then why? and how do clubs in amateur leagues benefit from the NIX when there is no return on investment and they(wee-nix) take money from the domestic competition prize money share from any Club World Cup qualification?

The pathway is great but if clubs can't afford to invest in talent development because the Bigger clubs refuse to pay their share what is the point?

Phoenix Academy
almost 10 years

What do Nix know already about possible scheduling challenges that will ultimately drive timing of home-away-from-home games next season? Ie, when is Westpac booked up for non-Nix events? Is there likely to be a 6-8 week gap between actual home games as in the last few seasons (which I think everyone agrees now is undesirable)? What are/can Nix do to try and avoid this scenario playing out again?

Apologies if something like this has already been put forward earlier in thread.

One in a million
over 17 years

Will the Nix make the play offs this season?

First Team Squad
over 7 years

Hmmm. Misread the current title as "Durex it"

Thought it might be about protecting ourselves in case we get fecked 

over 17 years

Did Domey pay the $1m?

almost 15 years

When does he plan to resign from his job?

Listen here Fudgeface
over 14 years

Serious questions only please - I'm very clearly not going to ask him when he's going to resign FFS.

Starting XI
almost 9 years

You could do it jokingly, then ask him how he feels about a good portion of the fanbase thinking he's incompetent, why we perceive it like that and what he's looking to do to improve that image - at the moment every public comment feels out of touch, naive or both and we've not exactly done well on the football front, business front or recruitment front under him. Those are serious questions that fans would like answers to, but I get it if you just wanna softball him stuff that won't annoy him.

Listen here Fudgeface
over 14 years

Nelfoos wrote:

You could do it jokingly, then ask him how he feels about a good portion of the fanbase thinking he's incompetent, why we perceive it like that and what he's looking to do to improve that image - at the moment every public comment feels out of touch, naive or both and we've not exactly done well on the football front, business front or recruitment front under him. Those are serious questions that fans would like answers to, but I get it if you just wanna softball him stuff that won't annoy him.

See this is far more useful than Jeff's potshot, thanks :) 
Starting XI
over 14 years

Has there been any outside interest in the club from foreign investors?.  

almost 17 years

Nelfoos wrote:

You could do it jokingly, then ask him how he feels about a good portion of the fanbase thinking he's incompetent, why we perceive it like that and what he's looking to do to improve that image - at the moment every public comment feels out of touch, naive or both and we've not exactly done well on the football front, business front or recruitment front under him. Those are serious questions that fans would like answers to, but I get it if you just wanna softball him stuff that won't annoy him.

can we get a fever poll on this statement?

Phoenix Academy
almost 10 years

patrick478 wrote:

Nelfoos wrote:

You could do it jokingly, then ask him how he feels about a good portion of the fanbase thinking he's incompetent, why we perceive it like that and what he's looking to do to improve that image - at the moment every public comment feels out of touch, naive or both and we've not exactly done well on the football front, business front or recruitment front under him. Those are serious questions that fans would like answers to, but I get it if you just wanna softball him stuff that won't annoy him.

See this is far more useful than Jeff's potshot, thanks :) 

I dunno about this. I mean when was there ever a GM of a football club that was sufficiently appreciated by its fanbase? Reality is most of us on here reckon we could do Dome's job better than him. Fine to be critical, but I think it's a pretty thankless task - piano player in a brothel type stuff.

almost 17 years

JC wrote:

patrick478 wrote:

Nelfoos wrote:

You could do it jokingly, then ask him how he feels about a good portion of the fanbase thinking he's incompetent, why we perceive it like that and what he's looking to do to improve that image - at the moment every public comment feels out of touch, naive or both and we've not exactly done well on the football front, business front or recruitment front under him. Those are serious questions that fans would like answers to, but I get it if you just wanna softball him stuff that won't annoy him.

See this is far more useful than Jeff's potshot, thanks :) 

I dunno about this. I mean when was there ever a GM of a football club that was sufficiently appreciated by its fanbase? Reality is most of us on here reckon we could do Dome's job better than him. Fine to be critical, but I think it's a pretty thankless task - piano player in a brothel type stuff.

As someone said Tony P is deified, but spent Terry money and won us nothing.

I don't think Dome has done that badly considering the levers he has to pull. A portion might be better than a good portion.

Didn't we just get one of our academy players to Bayern Munich? #winning.noifsnobuts

The coach is the club much more than the GM and getting a good un is like alchemy.

Starting XI
almost 9 years

martinb wrote:

JC wrote:

patrick478 wrote:

Nelfoos wrote:

You could do it jokingly, then ask him how he feels about a good portion of the fanbase thinking he's incompetent, why we perceive it like that and what he's looking to do to improve that image - at the moment every public comment feels out of touch, naive or both and we've not exactly done well on the football front, business front or recruitment front under him. Those are serious questions that fans would like answers to, but I get it if you just wanna softball him stuff that won't annoy him.

See this is far more useful than Jeff's potshot, thanks :) 

I dunno about this. I mean when was there ever a GM of a football club that was sufficiently appreciated by its fanbase? Reality is most of us on here reckon we could do Dome's job better than him. Fine to be critical, but I think it's a pretty thankless task - piano player in a brothel type stuff.

As someone said Tony P is deified, but spent Terry money and won us nothing.

I don't think Dome has done that badly considering the levers he has to pull. A portion might be better than a good portion.

Didn't we just get one of our academy players to Bayern Munich? #winning.noifsnobuts

The coach is the club much more than the GM and getting a good un is like alchemy.

I specifically excluded the academy from things we've done poorly under Dome, that's been going from strength to strength.
Listen here Fudgeface
over 14 years

Please don't argue here, thanks. There are plenty of threads for that. Lets keep this for discussing what Domey actually says when we release the episode tomorrow.

almost 17 years

When does pre-season start?

Any transfer news?

Kit news?

Metric news?

Independent HAL?

Backroom staff changes?

WeeNix to LH?

Greenacre pro course update and idea of his role with Talay?

almost 17 years

Nelfoos wrote:

martinb wrote:

JC wrote:

patrick478 wrote:

Nelfoos wrote:

You could do it jokingly, then ask him how he feels about a good portion of the fanbase thinking he's incompetent, why we perceive it like that and what he's looking to do to improve that image - at the moment every public comment feels out of touch, naive or both and we've not exactly done well on the football front, business front or recruitment front under him. Those are serious questions that fans would like answers to, but I get it if you just wanna softball him stuff that won't annoy him.

See this is far more useful than Jeff's potshot, thanks :) 

I dunno about this. I mean when was there ever a GM of a football club that was sufficiently appreciated by its fanbase? Reality is most of us on here reckon we could do Dome's job better than him. Fine to be critical, but I think it's a pretty thankless task - piano player in a brothel type stuff.

As someone said Tony P is deified, but spent Terry money and won us nothing.

I don't think Dome has done that badly considering the levers he has to pull. A portion might be better than a good portion.

Didn't we just get one of our academy players to Bayern Munich? #winning.noifsnobuts

The coach is the club much more than the GM and getting a good un is like alchemy.

I specifically excluded the academy from things we've done poorly under Dome, that's been going from strength to strength.

Sorry little bit concussed and lazy reading! Will obey mr. Mod-ric

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