WPM 2022/23 Squad Speculation, Confirmation and Mutual Termination

Bossi Insider
about 16 years
You have to wonder which side was driving it as a one year deal, obviously any contract is a risk for the club but you'd like to see them push for 1+1 type deals more.
I guess with Sasse he's a bit more of an unknown quantity than someone like kraev

Probably on his end, he doesn't speak English & if it turns out he doesn't like Welly, you wouldn't wanna get trapped in a long deal in a country you don't wanna be in.
almost 14 years
Yep, interesting  press conference. He doesn't speak any English but Kraev speaks Portuguese which will help.

His family is coming over.

Seems like he wants to make a good go of it here.


Have the nix had a player who can't speak any English before? I know it's done all the time in football, but having full time translators around will be a different experience for the Nix. I guess they'll rely heavily on Kraev.
First Team Squad
over 13 years
I hope they find a Brazilian expat community for him locally or his year will be very difficult. There are plenty of countries that you visit that are hard enough to communicate in when 30-50% of the population speak English, I can't even imagine what it would be like trying to live in a country where close to zero people spoke it.
First Team Squad
almost 7 years
Waineo speaks a little bit of Spanish. He wouldn’t be able to understand any Portuguese but apparently Portuguese speakers should be able to understand a bit of Spanish. My own Spanish knowledge/ability is okay but barely conversational and I know nothing of Portuguese so Alonni or Coochie, feel free to let me know if I’m talking nonsense.
First Team Squad
over 5 years
Maybe the import ST we're looking at is Brazilian or Portuguese would be a good move to have a trio of imports that all can speak together and help settle.
Phoenix Academy
over 3 years
Somewhat similar, but more in writing. If you read Portuguese and Understand Spanish and vice versa  you will be able to understand most of it. In terms of conversing, it’s quite different and can be difficult to converse if you’re not speaking slowly and simply and also depends what part of Brazil you’re from (different areas have different dialects and a person education level. It’s important to remember many Brazilian footballers don’t finish school or if they do, it’s not at a high level not sure what’s the case with Sasse). I’m sure the Brazilian community in NZ will get behind him, I’m not sure how big or small they’re, but I know many work in IT in Auckland and there is a Brazilians in NZ Facebook page that is quite active and there is an Brazilian embassy is in Wellington
Friar Tuck
Waineo speaks a little bit of Spanish. He wouldn’t be able to understand any Portuguese but apparently Portuguese speakers should be able to understand a bit of Spanish. My own Spanish knowledge/ability is okay but barely conversational and I know nothing of Portuguese so Alonni or Coochie, feel free to let me know if I’m talking nonsense.
almost 14 years
According to Ufuk, he understands enough English but isn't confident speaking it.

I've spent a farebit of time in countries where people don't speak English and you do find a way to communicate.

over 9 years
Friar Tuck
Waineo speaks a little bit of Spanish. He wouldn’t be able to understand any Portuguese but apparently Portuguese speakers should be able to understand a bit of Spanish. My own Spanish knowledge/ability is okay but barely conversational and I know nothing of Portuguese so Alonni or Coochie, feel free to let me know if I’m talking nonsense.

You are on the money. Spanish & Portuguese are similar enough, that for sure native speakers of either can understand each other at a basic level, if they speak clearly & slowly. Saw it in action yesterday here on Sunny Coast, Peruvian partner speaking to a Brazilian.

Waine got some Spanish heritage?
First Team Squad
almost 7 years
Friar Tuck
Waineo speaks a little bit of Spanish. He wouldn’t be able to understand any Portuguese but apparently Portuguese speakers should be able to understand a bit of Spanish. My own Spanish knowledge/ability is okay but barely conversational and I know nothing of Portuguese so Alonni or Coochie, feel free to let me know if I’m talking nonsense.

You are on the money. Spanish & Portuguese are similar enough, that for sure native speakers of either can understand each other at a basic level, if they speak clearly & slowly. Saw it in action yesterday here on Sunny Coast, Peruvian partner speaking to a Brazilian.

Waine got some Spanish heritage?
Cheers for clarifying that. He just studied it for a couple of years in high school, him and I went on a school trip to Argentina together and were in the same Spanish class for a year.
and 6 others
Phoenix Academy
almost 3 years
I hired a lot of young Australian guys and girls in my bar in Milan. I gave them an initial month's probation and expected them to have a working knowledge of Italian in 3 weeks. Now that's a big effort on their part. But that first 3 weeks is key because it's the period they're enthusiastic and keen to learn. The success rate is about 50%, some are amazing and some will never learn.
If they don't have that working knowledge though, it's totally useless, they can't fit into the local community or into the team required to run the business. 
Phoenix Academy
almost 3 years
I hope that Talay has got it right with Sasse. I've seen this kind of player in Europe before though. They look like they should be really good but they just aren't, too many missed opportunities or passes they should have made but didn't. It can be extraordinarily frustrating. 

Damir Ceter is the best example in my mind.
over 17 years
kungfu panda
I hope that Talay has got it right with Sasse. I've seen this kind of player in Europe before though. They look like they should be really good but they just aren't, too many missed opportunities or passes they should have made but didn't. It can be extraordinarily frustrating. 

Damir Ceter is the best example in my mind.
Talay has done okay identifying players most havnt heard of so so dont see why this one should be any different. If he isnt does it really matter we seem tp have some good depth this season  and its only 1year
about 7 years
kungfu panda
I hired a lot of young Australian guys and girls in my bar in Milan. I gave them an initial month's probation and expected them to have a working knowledge of Italian in 3 weeks. Now that's a big effort on their part. But that first 3 weeks is key because it's the period they're enthusiastic and keen to learn. The success rate is about 50%, some are amazing and some will never learn.
If they don't have that working knowledge though, it's totally useless, they can't fit into the local community or into the team required to run the business. 

Working knowledge of a new language in 3 weeks, while working full-time???
First Team Squad
almost 7 years
Uffie signed imports and my personal thoughts on them:

- Gary Hooper: Excellent in his first stint although lacked fitness. Poor in his second stint despite coming up with some goals.

- David Ball: Very good. Extremely talented and gives his all for the team. Not the biggest scorer or assister but brings something special to the team.

- Matti Steinmann: Very good. Forged a brilliant partnership with Devlin and controlled the game with ease, one of our best ever DMs.

- Ulises Dávila: Excellent. One of, if not the, best players we've ever had. Speaks for himself really.

- Tomer Hemed: Very good. Were it not for his slow start he'd be excellent. Arguably our best ever striker when he was fit and firing.

- Gael Sandoval: Good. Didn't set the world alight but played half his games out of position and was signed during a very tough period for Nix recruitment. Still came up with important goals and improved the team.

- Scott Wootton: Very good. A little underrated by Nix fans imo, although is being directly compared to the excellent Steven Taylor. Completely reinvigorated our defence when he came in and could become excellent if he steps it up next season.

Overall, every Uffie signed import has been a net benefit to the team. One has been an elite level talent (Dávila), winning the Johnny Warren. Hooper and Hemed were excellent when fit but a bit disappointing when not. Ball, Wootton and Steinmann have all been very good with Ball all but solidifying himself as a club legend. Other than second stint Hooper, Sandoval has been the only import I'm not disappointed to see go, and even he was still one of our best players last season.

If Sasse and Kraev (and import 9) can live up to the level we've come to expect with Uffie/Gilly imports, then we'll be in for a treat I reckon.
and 8 others
Phoenix Academy
about 2 years
What does everyone reckon the chances are of Sasse getting some minutes on Wednesday? I would love to see him in action but I can imagine its probably too early on and he will still be getting settled. I would be happy enough seeing Kraev get 45
almost 14 years
I remember when Davila was signed he was pretty underwhelming and after a few games people were calling for his head.

Sometimes you get these players who've bounced around a bit and never settled and you've got to be patient with them. We might not know how good Sasse is until a couple of months into the season.
and 3 others
almost 14 years
What does everyone reckon the chances are of Sasse getting some minutes on Wednesday? I would love to see him in action but I can imagine its probably too early on and he will still be getting settled. I would be happy enough seeing Kraev get 45
Ufuk said it's probably too soon for him, apparently he only arrived yesterday and was pretty jet lagged so Ufuk hasn't really talked to him, although they'd been coaching him remotely from Brazil since he signed with us.
and 3 others
Starting XI
about 12 years
Welcome Yan!
Understanding football work english is one thing, saying smart things in interviews in a foreign language is another thing.
Hope he performs well for us.
and 4 others
Phoenix Academy
almost 3 years
I'm not sold on Sasse. I very much hope he works out and I can enjoy paying my money to go and see him play. 
But IMHO we are missing that talented no.9 who's scored 10+ goals in the last season or 2. Who has pedigree. Who will cost us 2m AUD+.
When was Sasse's last professional goal? Or assist?

Phoenix Academy
about 5 years
kungfu panda
I'm not sold on Sasse. I very much hope he works out and I can enjoy paying my money to go and see him play. 
But IMHO we are missing that talented no.9 who's scored 10+ goals in the last season or 2. Who has pedigree. Who will cost us 2m AUD+.
When was Sasse's last professional goal? Or assist?

He has scored more goals than Daniel Penha at a higher level and Penha worked out pretty well.
Im confident he can provide assists and goals. We have plenty of depth now for goals and a visa striker is expected in a few days.
The Nix are not going to be spending 2m on a player and definitely not after the financial cost of covid on us.
  We have a much stronger squad than last season already and Uffie has proven he knows what he is doing when making signings. You should just be paying your money to have the chance to see the Nix back in NZ and supporting the club, they sure deserve it regardless of the results this season 
and 12 others
Phoenix Academy
almost 3 years
I know that the 2M bit was wishful thinking.
I only think that we have a stronger squad than last season because our younger lads will have matured and will be more familiar with Talay.
We're looking for a renaissance in all of our signings. There isn't one whose played his best football within the last 2 years.
I do believe in Kraev though. That was a master stroke. Really looking forward to watching him. Hopefully in the cup on Wednesday. 
First Team Squad
almost 7 years
kungfu panda
I know that the 2M bit was wishful thinking.
I only think that we have a stronger squad than last season because our younger lads will have matured and will be more familiar with Talay.
We're looking for a renaissance in all of our signings. There isn't one whose played his best football within the last 2 years.
I do believe in Kraev though. That was a master stroke. Really looking forward to watching him. Hopefully in the cup on Wednesday. 
Good thing with Kraev and Sasse as well though is that they're both 25, so rather than Hooper having to turn back time for his renaissance, these two should just need consistent minutes. Plus, Dávila's record in the three seasons prior to signing with us was horrid - 18/19: 8 games 1G 1A in India, 17/18: 8 games 0G 0A in Mexico, 16/17: 28 games 4G 1A in Mexico.
and 3 others
over 17 years
This is a signing with huge potential. I was one of those underwhelmed people when we signed Uli. In his first 2-3 games he was also quite average and then he turned out to be the best player in the league that year, so I'm hopeful. And I certainly won't pass judgement until he's had a few games to gel with the team and had an opportunity to prove himself. 
and 1 other
Phoenix Academy
about 2 years
Ufuks the man
kungfu panda
I'm not sold on Sasse. I very much hope he works out and I can enjoy paying my money to go and see him play. 
But IMHO we are missing that talented no.9 who's scored 10+ goals in the last season or 2. Who has pedigree. Who will cost us 2m AUD+.
When was Sasse's last professional goal? Or assist?

He has scored more goals than Daniel Penha at a higher level and Penha worked out pretty well.
Im confident he can provide assists and goals. We have plenty of depth now for goals and a visa striker is expected in a few days.
The Nix are not going to be spending 2m on a player and definitely not after the financial cost of covid on us.
  We have a much stronger squad than last season already and Uffie has proven he knows what he is doing when making signings. You should just be paying your money to have the chance to see the Nix back in NZ and supporting the club, they sure deserve it regardless of the results this season 
Visa striker expected in the next FEW days??? Please tell me you have inside knowledge and weren't just throwing that number out there? I was thinking it was going to be another few weeks or a month....
Phoenix Academy
about 2 years
Friar Tuck
kungfu panda
I know that the 2M bit was wishful thinking.
I only think that we have a stronger squad than last season because our younger lads will have matured and will be more familiar with Talay.
We're looking for a renaissance in all of our signings. There isn't one whose played his best football within the last 2 years.
I do believe in Kraev though. That was a master stroke. Really looking forward to watching him. Hopefully in the cup on Wednesday. 
Good thing with Kraev and Sasse as well though is that they're both 25, so rather than Hooper having to turn back time for his renaissance, these two should just need consistent minutes. Plus, Dávila's record in the three seasons prior to signing with us was horrid - 18/19: 8 games 1G 1A in India, 17/18: 8 games 0G 0A in Mexico, 16/17: 28 games 4G 1A in Mexico.
Even if one of Sasse or Kraev is kinda shark remember it is Old, Ball, Sasse, Kraev competing for 2 spots. If Sasse is average Ball is still top notch so just start him instead. This is the positive thing about depth which we haven't had for years
Phoenix Academy
about 5 years
Ufuks the man
kungfu panda
I'm not sold on Sasse. I very much hope he works out and I can enjoy paying my money to go and see him play. 
But IMHO we are missing that talented no.9 who's scored 10+ goals in the last season or 2. Who has pedigree. Who will cost us 2m AUD+.
When was Sasse's last professional goal? Or assist?

He has scored more goals than Daniel Penha at a higher level and Penha worked out pretty well.
Im confident he can provide assists and goals. We have plenty of depth now for goals and a visa striker is expected in a few days.
The Nix are not going to be spending 2m on a player and definitely not after the financial cost of covid on us.
  We have a much stronger squad than last season already and Uffie has proven he knows what he is doing when making signings. You should just be paying your money to have the chance to see the Nix back in NZ and supporting the club, they sure deserve it regardless of the results this season 
Visa striker expected in the next FEW days??? Please tell me you have inside knowledge and weren't just throwing that number out there? I was thinking it was going to be another few weeks or a month....

Screenshot_20220814-110219_Twitter.jpg 56.92 KB

Also mentioned in his article on Sasse that an import striker could be announced next week 
about 7 years
Ufuks the man
kungfu panda
I'm not sold on Sasse. I very much hope he works out and I can enjoy paying my money to go and see him play. 
But IMHO we are missing that talented no.9 who's scored 10+ goals in the last season or 2. Who has pedigree. Who will cost us 2m AUD+.
When was Sasse's last professional goal? Or assist?

He has scored more goals than Daniel Penha at a higher level and Penha worked out pretty well.
Im confident he can provide assists and goals. We have plenty of depth now for goals and a visa striker is expected in a few days.
The Nix are not going to be spending 2m on a player and definitely not after the financial cost of covid on us.
  We have a much stronger squad than last season already and Uffie has proven he knows what he is doing when making signings. You should just be paying your money to have the chance to see the Nix back in NZ and supporting the club, they sure deserve it regardless of the results this season 
Visa striker expected in the next FEW days??? Please tell me you have inside knowledge and weren't just throwing that number out there? I was thinking it was going to be another few weeks or a month....

It was in the Stuff article.
Starting XI
about 12 years
After watching Sasse highlights reel I’m sold. His movements and technical abilities is not something you see often in the A-League. How he constantly stole the ball from the opposite player and how effortless he moved through tight spaces. I think we could be in for a great ride, I already hear the Sky Stadium grasping by watching tight passing between Sasse-Ball-Kraev-Kosta around the box.
Friar Tuck
kungfu panda
I know that the 2M bit was wishful thinking.
I only think that we have a stronger squad than last season because our younger lads will have matured and will be more familiar with Talay.
We're looking for a renaissance in all of our signings. There isn't one whose played his best football within the last 2 years.
I do believe in Kraev though. That was a master stroke. Really looking forward to watching him. Hopefully in the cup on Wednesday. 
Good thing with Kraev and Sasse as well though is that they're both 25, so rather than Hooper having to turn back time for his renaissance, these two should just need consistent minutes. Plus, Dávila's record in the three seasons prior to signing with us was horrid - 18/19: 8 games 1G 1A in India, 17/18: 8 games 0G 0A in Mexico, 16/17: 28 games 4G 1A in Mexico.
Even if one of Sasse or Kraev is kinda shark remember it is Old, Ball, Sasse, Kraev competing for 2 spots. If Sasse is average Ball is still top notch so just start him instead. This is the positive thing about depth which we haven't had for years
almost 14 years
Ufuks the man
kungfu panda
I'm not sold on Sasse. I very much hope he works out and I can enjoy paying my money to go and see him play. 
But IMHO we are missing that talented no.9 who's scored 10+ goals in the last season or 2. Who has pedigree. Who will cost us 2m AUD+.
When was Sasse's last professional goal? Or assist?

He has scored more goals than Daniel Penha at a higher level and Penha worked out pretty well.
Im confident he can provide assists and goals. We have plenty of depth now for goals and a visa striker is expected in a few days.
The Nix are not going to be spending 2m on a player and definitely not after the financial cost of covid on us.
  We have a much stronger squad than last season already and Uffie has proven he knows what he is doing when making signings. You should just be paying your money to have the chance to see the Nix back in NZ and supporting the club, they sure deserve it regardless of the results this season 
Visa striker expected in the next FEW days??? Please tell me you have inside knowledge and weren't just throwing that number out there? I was thinking it was going to be another few weeks or a month....
Ufuk said in the Sasse interview that he expects the number 9 to be signed in a couple of days. He also said the same thing about another 10 at the Kraev interview and it appears Sasse was signed at about that time but wasn't announced for a couple of weeks.

So, a new striker, might be signed in a couple of days, but when he turns up and is announced will depend on work visas, medical checks, FIFA paperwork, travel schedules, giving him time to wrap up his life wherever he's based, etc.

Keep an eye on who's following the Nix on instagram I guess...
Starting XI
almost 6 years
Great if they can get the entire squad together still 6 or 7 weeks out from the first A league game. In the past visa players have often arrived late and taken time to settle into the system
about 16 years
over 17 years
I remember when Davila was signed he was pretty underwhelming and after a few games people were calling for his head.

Sometimes you get these players who've bounced around a bit and never settled and you've got to be patient with them. We might not know how good Sasse is until a couple of months into the season.
Patience isnt something many Nix fans have, unfortunately there are many players over the years who have been bagged constantly by some in many cases unfairly .
First Team Squad
almost 6 years
Can’t wait for this season. A few unknowns but exciting players on paper. A new import striker could round things off nicely and I’ve ever faith in uffie and the team to do it. This is the push that everyone (owners, management, players and fans) deserve under this stewardship and covid hell. COYN 
First Team Squad
almost 7 years
Some random on facebook said he'd heard the striker is another South American. Highly doubt there's anything actually behind that claim but I thought I'd have a look at the South American free agent strikers regardless.

- Edinson Cavani, Diego Costa, Guido Carrillo, Felipe Caicedo: No chance

Nico Castillo: 29 year old Chilean striker. Excellent scoring record in Liga MX. Hasn't played much since 2017/18 due to missing 74 days with a fibula fracture in 2019 followed by a 517 day absence in 2020 + 21 with thrombosis.

- Nelson Bonilla: 31 year old Salvadorian (Central America I know) striker. Pretty immense scoring record but almost entirely in Thailand so not the strongest competition.

- Leonardo Castro: 33 year old Colombian striker. Pretty rubbish scoring record with 29G + 15A in 127 games in South Africa. Can't say I'd want him.

- Lucas Melano: 29 year old Argentinian striker. Also has a pretty rubbish scoring record. 11G in 81 games in Argentinian top flight, 5G in 59 games in MLS.

- Jefferson Baiano: 27 year old Brazilian striker. Couldn't score in Vietnam or Korean 2nd div.

I was gonna keep going but there's literally not a single free agent South American striker with a good scoring record. Felipe Caicedo is probably the only one worth going for out of any of them and he'd cost an arm and a leg in marquee wages.

Now there's loads of solid South American strikers whose contracts are expiring in 2022, but I'm not gonna pretend I know if any of them could be granted early releases to join us. Personally still hope we go for someone in the Mikeltadze mold - i.e. under 30 with a good scoring record (0.6G+A/90) in a smaller but respectable league. 

Starting XI
over 7 years
Couple friends who are Vasco fans say Sasse's one of the worst players they've seen in their jersey in recent years. Damn.

Our record of completely altering players' trajectories is outstanding though, I trust Gill and having watched Sasse's highlights I reckon we can get the best out of him. Seemed a real talent earlier in his career - just like Kraev, Davila et al.

Any player who's genuinely excited to be here and views us as the quality developmental destination we are earns my adulation
Phoenix Academy
over 3 years
The difference between Brazil Seria A and A League is night and day though, so maybe A League is more his level 

Couple friends who are Vasco fans say Sasse's one of the worst players they've seen in their jersey in recent years. Damn.

Our record of completely altering players' trajectories is outstanding though, I trust Gill and having watched Sasse's highlights I reckon we can get the best out of him. Seemed a real talent earlier in his career - just like Kraev, Davila et al.

Any player who's genuinely excited to be here and views us as the quality developmental destination we are earns my adulation
Starting XI
over 7 years
The difference between Brazil Seria A and A League is night and day though, so maybe A League is more his level 

Couple friends who are Vasco fans say Sasse's one of the worst players they've seen in their jersey in recent years. Damn.

Our record of completely altering players' trajectories is outstanding though, I trust Gill and having watched Sasse's highlights I reckon we can get the best out of him. Seemed a real talent earlier in his career - just like Kraev, Davila et al.

Any player who's genuinely excited to be here and views us as the quality developmental destination we are earns my adulation
 exactly - even a small step down in league level (or an increase in responsibility) can completely unlock a player's ability
Phoenix Academy
about 5 years
Couple friends who are Vasco fans say Sasse's one of the worst players they've seen in their jersey in recent years. Damn.

Our record of completely altering players' trajectories is outstanding though, I trust Gill and having watched Sasse's highlights I reckon we can get the best out of him. Seemed a real talent earlier in his career - just like Kraev, Davila et al.

Any player who's genuinely excited to be here and views us as the quality developmental destination we are earns my adulation

I saw a couple of Mexican fans say Ulises is really Uselises as he is not good and how wrong were they.
Scott Wootton was also called the worst ever Leeds player by a few people on Twitter and Jaushua Sotirio sure wasn't liked by a lot of people but look how much he turned his game around under Uffie.
  I have confidence in A league standards Sasse will still be great and just needs a coach to believe in him and get regular starts in games 
and 9 others

WPM 2022/23 Squad Speculation, Confirmation and Mutual Termination

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