WPM 2022/23 Squad Speculation, Confirmation and Mutual Termination

Starting XI
almost 15 years
Could it be Perth Scotland that he is actually moving to?
almost 14 years
Why is Perth awful?
I'd prefer their weather other Wellington - I love the stadium they are playing out of now, the atmosphere is amazing... and I think their team is on the up after a slow start.

Also, a serious question, but are facilities as important for a goal keeper as they are a player - their training is so different in terms of what they do??

That plus more $$ and being closer to his, or with his partner make it pretty attractive in my eye.
Horrible soulless place and too hot.
First Team Squad
over 3 years
Walsall Boy
Read on Facebook (yes I know, the virtue of reliability) a rumour that Danny Hay is taking over at PG next season.  If true, that would add another level as to why Oli would want to go there.

Agree that Alex Paulsen might be good enough to be the lead goalkeeper.  I dont think though we have someone ready yet within the club to take up the number 2 spot.  A club always has to be ready for the number 2 GK to become the number 1 without notice.  It is only one long term injury or one red card lengthy ban away.  Point being, would they chase a back up as a signing or a number 1?
Link to the rumour? I was thinking the same thing
First Team Squad
over 3 years
Wusty Wab
I actually just clicked in the last game that he is already 27 and whisle GKs can play into their 40s if they want to, I remarked to myself that if he wants to make it big, he'd really have to start now.
I don't consider playing for PG or remaining in the league as anything that's going to really improve him or "get him there".
Happy for him personally as a good servant to the a Nix, but rather underwhelming as an All Whites fan.

With the current crop of NZ keepers playing at a decent level, this move in my eyes weakens his grip on the starting spot for the national team.

Yeah I agree, I would've liked to have seen him at least get a move to League One or Two which is a hotspot at the moment for Kiwi keepers with Crocombe, Searle, and Tzanev. 
League Two would probably be a step backwards and probably for less money too. That's ignoring any issues around whether he would be granted a work permit to play in England - given that it is (provided you're not a UK citizen) based on appearances for high-ranked national sides and/or appearances in high-ranked leagues which neither New Zealand nor the A League fulfil. 

League One is supposedly A League-adjacent, but work permit rules are the same and so could well have meant it was never a possibility for Sail.

I also disagree it does anything to his All Whites credentials. He is the incumbent first-choice whilst being at a mid-table A League club and I don't really get how he endangers that by going to another mid-table A League club. 

If you look at the other contenders who have been called up since 2018 there's: 
Crocombe and Tzanev - 16th and 15th respectively in the probably-lower-than-A League English fourth tier. 

Gould - bench goalkeeper in the English fifth tier

Marinovic - unattached at a time when basically every league is either finishing pre-season or three-quarters through so unlikely to bring in a new goalkeeper, having a left a side battling relegation in Israel. 

Paulsen - hyped for his age, but still perennially behind Sail and not even a certainty he'd be first choice if/when Sail leaves

Searle - third-choice goalkeeper for a side in a comparable division in English League One 

Woud - sometimes on the bench, sometimes not, for a side who were in Japan's relegation playoff last year; though either way not playing

None jump off the page at taking Sail's spot right now for me.
Starting XI
about 17 years
More money and a freshen up at a new club/location.  And I'd presume guaranteed no1, unless he screwed up.

Good enough reasons for any young man, I'd think.  Perth is hot but it's a new area of the world to explore.  2m population means there is a bit going on - though I agree it's an odd and somewhat isolated place.  Soulless maybe harsh, though I get it describing it as that, it's a big money mining city.

If he continues to be the starting keeper for them and maintains or improves his form, I can't see how it would do his AW chances any harm vs 'Nix.

As others said, he's been here a while.  I can't begrudge him moving on for the above sort of reasons, and it seems he made enough mistakes this year to be off the EU/UK christmas card list.  And in the EU/UK you'd expect he'd be under much more competition and pressure to be, or stay, a number one.

Wish him well, but he's got a job to finish here yet.  We're not perfect but we have some sort of shot at making the GF and possibly an upset there.
First Team Squad
over 5 years
More money and a freshen up at a new club/location.  And I'd presume guaranteed no1, unless he screwed up.

Good enough reasons for any young man, I'd think.  Perth is hot but it's a new area of the world to explore.  2m population means there is a bit going on - though I agree it's an odd and somewhat isolated place.  Soulless maybe harsh, though I get it describing it as that, it's a big money mining city.

If he continues to be the starting keeper for them and maintains or improves his form, I can't see how it would do his AW chances any harm vs 'Nix.

As others said, he's been here a while.  I can't begrudge him moving on for the above sort of reasons, and it seems he made enough mistakes this year to be off the EU/UK christmas card list.  And in the EU/UK you'd expect he'd be under much more competition and pressure to be, or stay, a number one.

Wish him well, but he's got a job to finish here yet.  We're not perfect but we have some sort of shot at making the GF and possibly an upset there.

Yeah i feel like money is obviously the biggest factor in this maybe a 20% salary increase + I'm not super informed of the living cost in Perth but I'd feel like housing would be cheaper than Wellington so could be like a 40% increase in the money he's taking now.
about 17 years
The housing market in Perth is very tight and expensive. Probably similar to Wellington. 

Don't go Oli.
over 9 years
The housing market in Perth is very tight and expensive. Probably similar to Wellington. 

Don't go Oli.

Yipe the rental market in Perth is as tight as drum. But I'm sure the Glory will help him out all they can there. His partner is in Sydney. Long distance relationships are tough, and eventually one party needs to make a sacrifice. Maybe Perth is happy compromise solution. The WA economy there is in a bit of boom at the moment, hence the tight housing market as all & sundry are moving there.

I reckon it will be motivated Sail for the rest of the season, trying to finish up a decade with a bang. Maybe he was feeling stale at the Nix after so long there, and a bit flat this year after the highly regarded Gothard moved on. And it would have been tough when all those transfer rumours came to nought, knowing that the split second big Peru clanger with Payne likely cost him a dream move north. You would naturally be flat after that, back at your same same job. You see team mates like Waine get their big move. Good luck to him.

almost 17 years
The housing market in Perth is very tight and expensive. Probably similar to Wellington. 

Don't go Oli.

With recent price sale price drops, Wellington is reportedly the most affordable in the country.
almost 14 years
Think Tony Sage owns a few properties so he might be able to help. I know he said he had to sell some over covid in order to keep Glory afloat.
almost 17 years
Also Perth have in the past known how to stretch a dollar! 
almost 17 years

Well thats dissappointing. Wonder where Lewis is heading? I expect Ugarkovic will be off to another A-league club.
Wonder if this is an indication that maybe Uffie is heading off too?
Starting XI
about 7 years
We always knew Ugarkovic would probably be off after a year, but Lewis leaving is terrible
and 10 others
almost 17 years
Jazzy Jeff
We always knew Ugarkovic would probably be off after a year, but Lewis leaving is terrible

Means another rebuild of the midfield for next season which i assume wont start until Uffie is re-signed or his replacement is decided upon. Gonna be a fun off season.
Phoenix Academy
about 2 years
Massive news. Big rebuild needed in the off-season in that case. Wouldn't be surprised if Ufuk is leaving as well and if that is the case it will really be the end of an era for the team as I would expect more players to follow him out. 

A chance to build something new and even better hopefully. 
and 2 others
about 17 years
Was expecting Uga and Sail to go, but Lewis!?! Shark, that’s a bit of a shock. 
about 3 years
Lewis is a massive loss, will be hard to replace.
and 8 others
Starting XI
over 10 years
Yes that fudgeing sucks.

Rumour Oli was going and expected Uga to go.  But like everyone else shocked about Clayton.

That's a massive loss to the club.  Hope he's gonna make some serious bank or go outside ANZ.
over 5 years
heard messi's off contract at the end of the year?
about 10 years
God damn, what a way to start a Friday morning. Going to need some serious recruiting to plug that Lewis sized gap in midfield. Will be annoyed if he ends up in Aussie, but that sounds like the destination already.

Expected Ugarkovic to go as well, so no surprises on that front.

Sigh 😔
First Team Squad
over 3 years
Oli is going to Perth, Ugarkovic will head over to some Aussie AL club and I don't really care who, he's pretty average. 

Lewis is a curious one. Maybe he wants to take a crack at Europe again? Certainly time is running out somewhat to do that. Or perhaps an AL club is willing to take him on as a visa player? He's certainly better than a fair amount of them. Interesting times. 
about 17 years
Rollo is saying all three off to other A League clubs
Opinion Privileges revoked
almost 15 years
Rollo is saying all three off to other A League clubs
We have to do some serious thinking about why the Nix continues to be so unattractive that our talent leaves us for other A-League clubs. 
and 5 others
about 3 years
Rollo is saying all three off to other A League clubs

Good to see that training facility paying dividends lol.
First Team Squad
almost 6 years
Rollo is saying all three off to other A League clubs

Thats just sharke if thats true. I'll await the news of uffie then as I'd be surprised if some didn't follow him. sharke start to the day.
about 17 years
Rollo is saying all three off to other A League clubs
We have to do some serious thinking about why the Nix continues to be so unattractive that our talent leaves us for other A-League clubs. 
I would imagine that Lewis and Sail were on contracts lower than their value was due to not being established A League players and last contracts signed with team based in Aus under covid restrictions. 

It again will most likely come down to $$$ and less likely, but not insignificant, perceived chance of silverware.
First Team Squad
over 3 years
Could next season be the season we finally convince Cam Howieson to sign a pro deal at the Nix?

Trying to think what Kiwi CMs will even be available tbh. Obviously there's heaps of depth Aussies, but we tend not to get the best ones and it's always better to have more Kiwis on the team where possible. 
First Team Squad
almost 7 years
Could next season be the season we finally convince Cam Howieson to sign a pro deal at the Nix?

Trying to think what Kiwi CMs will even be available tbh. Obviously there's heaps of depth Aussies, but we tend not to get the best ones and it's always better to have more Kiwis on the team where possible. 
Trevor Zwetsloot is a free agent.
First Team Squad
over 13 years
I remember at the start of the season Ufuk said Lewis was the player with the highest ceiling and most potential he really rates him. If we find out which club Lewis is going to, i'd hazard a guess we will be able to assume that is Uffie's new club
and 7 others
Starting XI
almost 6 years
Lewis is a class above. But we still have Rufer and Pennington. Also Sasse will leave at end of season, so can still pick up an import DM.
I expect Lewis will end up where ever Uffie goes.
First Team Squad
over 13 years
If any of them end up at Newcastle or Western United...
over 17 years
Just dont get why people throw their toys when players move on when their contracts finish its what happens in football seems some just dont get it. Also glad that Phoenix dont seem to want to throw stupid money to keep players. You never know Talay goes we might get someone who can get the team to actually start a season well. Really like Talay but seems many look at him through rose tinted glasses.
Opinion Privileges revoked
almost 15 years
Just dont get why people throw their toys when players move on when their contracts finish its what happens in football seems some just dont get it. Also glad that Phoenix dont seem to want to throw stupid money to keep players. You never know Talay goes we might get someone who can get the team to actually start a season well. Really like Talay but seems many look at him through rose tinted glasses.
When our best players go to other A-League clubs, it is a sign that our club can't hold talent for whatever reason (management? low pay? the Wellington lifestyle?). We will never, ever challenge for silverware, and being a Nix fan will always be boring, annoying, and embarrassing, unless this can be fixed.

I am tired of being in the A-League to make up the numbers.
about 12 years
We got Urgs this year - is this an indictment of his previous club?

It's professional football, players/coaches come and go. All three of them are good players, onus is on us to replace them... just like every other club has to when people go.

Would have like to have seen Lewis try overseas again as I think he is a better player now, and also plays a different role than when he first left for the UK.
and 2 others
First Team Squad
almost 7 years
I’ve got a bad feeling that Uffie will go back to Sydney to take Corica’s role, and that Clayton will go with him.
and 4 others
Starting XI
almost 6 years
If we can beat Sydney next week. Then that is even more likely to happen. 
Phoenix Academy
about 2 years
I think you have to look at this as an opportunity. The owners of the Nix have not really made a wrong step since they bought the team. I think that the owners and rest of the management team have the the ability to pick someone even better than Ufuk and Lewis and continue our upward trend. We shouldn't have to pick such untested signings this time either - the phoenix continue to show they are a team where players want to come to further their career and Uffie has shown what a coach can do here despite having poor starts to the season.

Although I am nervous I welcome this change, onwards and upwards!
about 17 years
On the Club site.....

"Three Wellington Phoenix regulars will be moving on at the end of the 2022-23 Isuzu UTE A-League season. First-choice goalkeeper Oli Sail and key midfielders Clayton Lewis and Steven Ugarkovic have informed the Phoenix they won’t be re-signing".

WPM 2022/23 Squad Speculation, Confirmation and Mutual Termination

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