WPM 2023/24 Squad Speculation, Confirmation and Mutual Termination

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about 17 years
Supyk signs on. 3 year deal. 
about 10 years

So is it a scholarship deal for the first year + a 2 year deal for the following two seasons? Wee bit confused.

Looked quite good for the U-17's recently, but there is scant detail in the release from the Nix to be honest...
and 1 other
almost 2 years
Good to see this kiwi kid given a go! looked decent for U17s. But yeah not sure on the Nix press release on what he 3 years means. But good stuff anyway
First Team Squad
almost 7 years
This team looks kinda horrible ngl.
IMG_5593.jpeg 432.51 KB
Starting XI
about 7 years
Surman, Sutton, OVH, Paulsen, LKH, Conchie, Hughes, Supyk - regardless of how the season goes, 8 academy lads coming through and forming almost half of the squad is fantastic. 

I've seen a bit of pessimism from fans about Domey's comment about fans being more excited about home grown talent, but I honestly agree with it. If we were signing big name foreigners and were seriously competing for the league, then maybe that wouldn't be the case. But we're not, and we haven't ever really had that. If this crop can produce players loved like Cacace, Singh or Waine it'll be worth a (potentially) rough 23/24 season
and 7 others
Phoenix Academy
over 3 years
Ultimately what brings people to the stadium is a successful team, with home grown players mixed in.. people want to see success and a title contender team going for it. Ultimately, the nix have never been title contenders or have had any on field success. Until that happens, you can play as many academy players and players “people can relate to” as much as you want, but the masses won’t come. The CCM example had good local talent, mixed with a former Scottish premier league and ultimately a World Cup Socceroo, one of the best Australian goalkeepers of his generation and foreign players who they took a gamble on, and it succeeded. We have signed a fumbly goalkeeper Jack Duncan, an unknown jn Al Taay and academy talent who until now, haven’t proven they have what it takes to succeed (of course this might change)
Jazzy Jeff
Surman, Sutton, OVH, Paulsen, LKH, Conchie, Hughes, Supyk - regardless of how the season goes, 8 academy lads coming through and forming almost half of the squad is fantastic. 

I've seen a bit of pessimism from fans about Domey's comment about fans being more excited about home grown talent, but I honestly agree with it. If we were signing big name foreigners and were seriously competing for the league, then maybe that wouldn't be the case. But we're not, and we haven't ever really had that. If this crop can produce players loved like Cacace, Singh or Waine it'll be worth a (potentially) rough 23/24 season
and 3 others
Starting XI
about 12 years
Ultimately what brings people to the stadium is a successful team, with home grown players mixed in.. people want to see success and a title contender team going for it. Ultimately, the nix have never been title contenders or have had any on field success. Until that happens, you can play as many academy players and players “people can relate to” as much as you want, but the masses won’t come. 
Jazzy Jeff
Surman, Sutton, OVH, Paulsen, LKH, Conchie, Hughes, Supyk - regardless of how the season goes, 8 academy lads coming through and forming almost half of the squad is fantastic. 

I've seen a bit of pessimism from fans about Domey's comment about fans being more excited about home grown talent, but I honestly agree with it. If we were signing big name foreigners and were seriously competing for the league, then maybe that wouldn't be the case. But we're not, and we haven't ever really had that. If this crop can produce players loved like Cacace, Singh or Waine it'll be worth a (potentially) rough 23/24 season
Ultimately what brings people to the stadium is a successful team, with home grown players mixed in.. people want to see success and a title contender team going for it. Ultimately, the nix have never been title contenders or have had any on field success. Until that happens, you can play as many academy players and players “people can relate to” as much as you want, but the masses won’t come. 
Jazzy Jeff
Surman, Sutton, OVH, Paulsen, LKH, Conchie, Hughes, Supyk - regardless of how the season goes, 8 academy lads coming through and forming almost half of the squad is fantastic. 

I've seen a bit of pessimism from fans about Domey's comment about fans being more excited about home grown talent, but I honestly agree with it. If we were signing big name foreigners and were seriously competing for the league, then maybe that wouldn't be the case. But we're not, and we haven't ever really had that. If this crop can produce players loved like Cacace, Singh or Waine it'll be worth a (potentially) rough 23/24 season

If I want to see homegrown talent I can watch the central league, nothing against all the youngsters, but it get's a bit ridiculous. One or two injury and we getting bossed by other teams, this season will be a write off.
and 6 others
about 11 years
For me personally I've enjoyed the teams under Rudan and at the beginning of Talays tenure the most. We've had incredible young talent that actually turned heads (Singh, Devlin, Cacace) alongside decent imports (Taylor, Davila, Hooper) There was a buzz around the team we haven't had since.

Perhaps the strategy is developing these younger kids and filtering out the best in the coming seasons, then try to sign decent import replacements for Barbarouses, Ball etc.

Hope it works out, looking forward to see how the kids will go. Could be a rough ride though
and 6 others
Starting XI
about 7 years
Ultimately what brings people to the stadium is a successful team, with home grown players mixed in.. people want to see success and a title contender team going for it. Ultimately, the nix have never been title contenders or have had any on field success. Until that happens, you can play as many academy players and players “people can relate to” as much as you want, but the masses won’t come. 
Jazzy Jeff
Surman, Sutton, OVH, Paulsen, LKH, Conchie, Hughes, Supyk - regardless of how the season goes, 8 academy lads coming through and forming almost half of the squad is fantastic. 

I've seen a bit of pessimism from fans about Domey's comment about fans being more excited about home grown talent, but I honestly agree with it. If we were signing big name foreigners and were seriously competing for the league, then maybe that wouldn't be the case. But we're not, and we haven't ever really had that. If this crop can produce players loved like Cacace, Singh or Waine it'll be worth a (potentially) rough 23/24 season
Ultimately what brings people to the stadium is a successful team, with home grown players mixed in.. people want to see success and a title contender team going for it. Ultimately, the nix have never been title contenders or have had any on field success. Until that happens, you can play as many academy players and players “people can relate to” as much as you want, but the masses won’t come. 
Jazzy Jeff
Surman, Sutton, OVH, Paulsen, LKH, Conchie, Hughes, Supyk - regardless of how the season goes, 8 academy lads coming through and forming almost half of the squad is fantastic. 

I've seen a bit of pessimism from fans about Domey's comment about fans being more excited about home grown talent, but I honestly agree with it. If we were signing big name foreigners and were seriously competing for the league, then maybe that wouldn't be the case. But we're not, and we haven't ever really had that. If this crop can produce players loved like Cacace, Singh or Waine it'll be worth a (potentially) rough 23/24 season

If I want to see homegrown talent I can watch the central league, nothing against all the youngsters, but it get's a bit ridiculous. One or two injury and we getting bossed by other teams, this season will be a write off.

But blooding them for a season helps our chances of having a competitive team in future seasons with those same homegrown players, which costs less and hopefully also has onsell value. Mariners threw guys like Josh Nisbet and Kye Rowles into the fudgeing deep end early on, and look at them now. I don't mind having a tough season if it means that we COULD have success in the next few. It's a gamble, but so is spending a mil extra only to finish sixth
and 4 others
almost 2 years
I'm all for the homegrown talent - initially that was the reason this club was set up for. So I'm glad Dome has gone back to this after being lost as a foreign club for too many years.

Sure these youngsters will need time and yes we may not always win until further along the track but I'd rather lose and see effort/progression from kiwis. The A-league allows for some rollercoaster results for everyone so it is what it is. Club may make some coin in sell ons if they impress and do well. It's a better model.

My biggest concern is the coaching selection not the players. Not sure that has been a wise move this appointment. Think these youngsters need a more seasoned and proven gaffer. But time will tell.
First Team Squad
over 3 years
Hopefully Greenacre is more involved in the senior coaching this season - he has helped bring many of these lads through with the Reserves and shouldn't have much National League responsibilities left once season starts. 
over 1 year
Hopefully Greenacre is more involved in the senior coaching this season - he has helped bring many of these lads through with the Reserves and shouldn't have much National League responsibilities left once season starts. 

Why would he...was overlooked for the main role and not sure he and Chief are on the same page. One just needs to look at what Greenacre has done with the Reserves....has to be one of the best if not the best coach in NZ....ask any player that has played under him. If he sticks around, I would not be surprised if he is coaching the first team next year. 
over 9 years
Thought Adam would have been more of a chance of a contract than his younger brother. Met their Dad a few years back, when the boys were moving up from Canterbury to the Academy. Seemed a well grounded family. Ex pat Brits, so that UK passport may come in handy for a future sell on opportunity, up north. Good luck to him. Guess this means no Bidois.


Starting XI
almost 6 years
For me personally I've enjoyed the teams under Rudan and at the beginning of Talays tenure the most. We've had incredible young talent that actually turned heads (Singh, Devlin, Cacace) alongside decent imports (Taylor, Davila, Hooper) There was a buzz around the team we haven't had since.

Perhaps the strategy is developing these younger kids and filtering out the best in the coming seasons, then try to sign decent import replacements for Barbarouses, Ball etc.

Hope it works out, looking forward to see how the kids will go. Could be a rough ride though
But all these kids are on 3 and 4 years deals. there will be no filtering out. We are in for the long haul. I'll support this team no matter what and really hope we can unearth some gems along the way, don't get me wrong.
My concern is who is doing the talent ID work to sign these kids on long term deals (and not look outside the acadamy). Hopefully not the same people that gave OVH a long term contract a few years ago, or those that thought it was a good idea to give ageing imports long term deals. Our coach is a rookie so I hope he's getting good advise. Because we are locked in now.
I'm sure these kids are talented at age group, but can they all make the step up....
Starting XI
over 17 years
this is an interesting experiment and it's going to be a fascinating season

so much will depend on our imports stepping up and performing like imports should
and 6 others
almost 14 years
Unless a Premier League billionaire decides we're a better option than Auckland. we're not going to be able to challenge for the title every year. It's just the sad reality of being a mid to lower budget team.

What we can do though is work towards a title challenge every few years. Try and peak the mixture of academy youngsters and imports at the same time. If we blood youngsters this year, give Chief a year to build, and then target quality imports next year then I'm relatively comfortable with that. I know the team has talked about building towards campaigns before, unfortunately this should have been the year to peak with the consistency of the squad but changing coach might have reset that.
and 4 others
First Team Squad
over 17 years
My concern is crowds, I can see 5k (and potentially lower) being a common home crowd this season if we don't start with a hiss and a roar. And with this team and wider squad I can see us struggling, and as per usual the crowds will drop off...
almost 17 years
Dougie Rydal
My concern is crowds, I can see 5k (and potentially lower) being a common home crowd this season if we don't start with a hiss and a roar. And with this team and wider squad I can see us struggling, and as per usual the crowds will drop off...

Did this last season though and we had the most costly squad ever and made the final series. The club have made the realisation that it doesnt seem to matter what they try, crowds are low and will drop given weather and results. The only thing they haven't really tried is building a new smaller 15-20k stadium
about 3 years
Well I can't say I'm confident about the team or coach going in to the season but I can say I'll be there to cheer the team on (and whinge on this forum) regardless of how it goes.

Can't see much improvement happening in the crowd department though but I hope I'm proven wrong.
and 2 others
First Team Squad
almost 6 years
Dougie Rydal
My concern is crowds, I can see 5k (and potentially lower) being a common home crowd this season if we don't start with a hiss and a roar. And with this team and wider squad I can see us struggling, and as per usual the crowds will drop off...

Did this last season though and we had the most costly squad ever and made the final series. The club have made the realisation that it doesnt seem to matter what they try, crowds are low and will drop given weather and results. The only thing they haven't really tried is building a new smaller 15-20k stadium

That wasn’t true of last season. The weather was good. Times however, were off (as it turned out despite what some fans had protested for years), and the product was poor. That was the reason crowds didn’t build. Limped to the finals with no belief we could do anything. There is next to no PR and club have had to start from scratch on the community front. Feels very much like a reset for the club. Hopefully it pays dividends. 
Bossi Insider
about 16 years
Expires 2023/24
Kosta Barbarouses
Jack Duncan
Bozhidar Kraev (V)
Ben Old
Alex Paulsen
Nicholas Pennington
Oskar Zawada (V)

Expires 2024/25
Mohamed Al-Taay
David Ball (V)
Isaac Hughes
Tim Payne
Finn Surman
Sam Sutton
Oskar Van Hattum
Scott Wootton (V)

Expires 2025/26
Fin Conchie
Alex Rufer
Luke Supyk

Expires 2026/27
Lukas Kelly-Heald 
over 17 years
Most of what you say is true what you dont mention are all the factors that have gone against getting decent crowds. 
In no particular order: poor form, extended absences away from Wellington, weather,game times including scheduling.
They wont admit it but they have pissed a whole lot of fans off with the way they have been treated and spoken to by the club over the years. Once you have lost some of those most wont come back.

Yes the club has tried lots of things the one thing they havnt been able to deliver is a team that performs well on a consistent basis.
Love the idea of the young talent but think people are kidding themselves if they think people are going to flock to watch them especially if they struggle to compete.
and 3 others
about 7 years
Well done and congrats to the young lad, genuinely. Hopefully a successful career ahead. 

Independent of this, I am mentally preparing myself for us to be wooden spooners this season. We are in trouble. 

and 3 others
First Team Squad
over 13 years
Starting XI
over 7 years
It's Gab Sloane-Rodrigues. Been a long, long time coming, absolutely love the kid's game but only made his NL debut last month or so. Think he can be one of NZ's greatest one day
almost 5 years
I really do hope we sign a few more players on scholarship. We're heading into the season with only 19 players. A handful get injured and we'll be thin on depth.
about 10 years
I really do hope we sign a few more players on scholarship. We're heading into the season with only 19 players. A handful get injured and we'll be thin on depth.

Some would argue that we're already thin on depth... 😶

But we're able to dip in to the academy at any point if needed, the scholarship is not a necessity in that instance - Allows those on the fringes to get much needed game time in the National League.
about 17 years
this is an interesting experiment and it's going to be a fascinating season

so much will depend on our imports stepping up and performing like imports should

I think this is spot on, tbh. 

Kraev, Sasse and yes, Zawada let us down last season. If we had the most expensive squad, then these boys didn’t play like they deserved the coin over the whole season. Zawada, because he had some good chances outside his one and done run, as great as it was. I’d also throw in Kosta. 

I honestly think Bally and Wooton were okay. They’re the support crew, not the headliners. Perhaps Wooton came back a little slowly from injury. 

I don’t think last season proved that that squad/squad strategy couldn’t have won, but Sasse wasn’t Uli and Kosta wasn’t Jaushy and Uffie ran out of magic. 

This season is going to require management skills from Chief to keep us sharp against mismatches and to get us clinical so we grab what we can. As we saw in the cup the kids are hungry for goals and games. It’s going to be a matter of balancing development and success,  mitigating failures and motivating the team towards the top 3 on the next 3 years. 

Just like Jaushy came really good, I think we’ll know a lot more about the boys after this year and we’ll be able to put some cherries on top, depending on how our imports go. 

This season will have some pleasant surprises- I thought Kosta looked mustard in the cup and the OVH/ Kraev combo was some good one touch stuff. 

And yeh- enough of the CCM comparison. They had some good young players, some top players in Vukovic, Nkololo and Cummings, and a handful of ‘moneyballers’ who were potentially underrated and Montgomery seemed to figure how to get a performance out of every single one of them. It wasn’t just an academy team of youth. 

Plus they fell back on referencing their history of success, getting old players to pump up the team in public and the new owners seemed to have straightforward communications with everyone about what they were attempting. 

At the moment the most expensive squad line we’ve all been repeating makes it sound like the whole plan is, screw that, no more money for you. 

We’re the ones making the lines for them, such as saving players from a potential Auckland swoop, rather than them outlining their plans simply. 
over 13 years
It annoys me a little when the say they are going to do a CCM, when you look at their kiwis and their pacific island player.

Mcgarry, was on their books and they deemed not good enough.

Kaltak, in their back yard for years, they would have known of him but never thought him worthy

Storm - I’m sure they have had opportunities to sign over the years, but never have.

I don’t like saying so but if I was a betting man I would be very confident on putting a lot of coin on the wooden spoon.

almost 17 years
It annoys me a little when the say they are going to do a CCM, when you look at their kiwis and their pacific island player.

Mcgarry, was on their books and they deemed not good enough.

Kaltak, in their back yard for years, they would have known of him but never thought him worthy

Storm - I’m sure they have had opportunities to sign over the years, but never have.

I don’t like saying so but if I was a betting man I would be very confident on putting a lot of coin on the wooden spoon.

It's not like Nix selected non-kiwi players instead of McGarry, Roux or Kaltak though. We've had young NZ players in those positions for a long time. Including McGarry
Starting XI
about 7 years
For me personally I've enjoyed the teams under Rudan and at the beginning of Talays tenure the most. We've had incredible young talent that actually turned heads (Singh, Devlin, Cacace) alongside decent imports (Taylor, Davila, Hooper) There was a buzz around the team we haven't had since.

Perhaps the strategy is developing these younger kids and filtering out the best in the coming seasons, then try to sign decent import replacements for Barbarouses, Ball etc.

Hope it works out, looking forward to see how the kids will go. Could be a rough ride though
But all these kids are on 3 and 4 years deals. there will be no filtering out. We are in for the long haul. I'll support this team no matter what and really hope we can unearth some gems along the way, don't get me wrong.
My concern is who is doing the talent ID work to sign these kids on long term deals (and not look outside the acadamy). Hopefully not the same people that gave OVH a long term contract a few years ago, or those that thought it was a good idea to give ageing imports long term deals. Our coach is a rookie so I hope he's getting good advise. Because we are locked in now.
I'm sure these kids are talented at age group, but can they all make the step up....

To be fair, I see way more positives than negatives to signing them up on 3 year deals. They'll be on league minimum contracts, and if after a year or two and still no breakthrough chances are both would entertain the a League special - mutual termination, maybe for getting minutes in the npl or something. It's pretty low risk but high reward, given if some of them do pop off then we don't get a Marco Rojas situation and they fudge off for free
and 2 others
Starting XI
almost 6 years
Pre season is a great time of year. Until a football is kicked full of hope untested expectation and unknown speculations. Enjoy the happy days until the reality of performance and results kicks in, good or bad. But ultimately only one teams wins the league at the end.
about 17 years
Most of what you say is true what you dont mention are all the factors that have gone against getting decent crowds. 
In no particular order: poor form, extended absences away from Wellington, weather,game times including scheduling.
They wont admit it but they have pissed a whole lot of fans off with the way they have been treated and spoken to by the club over the years. Once you have lost some of those most wont come back.

Yes the club has tried lots of things the one thing they havnt been able to deliver is a team that performs well on a consistent basis.
Love the idea of the young talent but think people are kidding themselves if they think people are going to flock to watch them especially if they struggle to compete.
Performs consistently well? Over the past 5 years we've been pretty consistent. I've run the numbers and only City, SFC and ADL have a higher average league position over those 5 years than us.
   | Row Labels  | Average of Standing
| Melbourne City  | 2.0
| Sydney FC  | 3.6
| Adelaide United  | 4.6
| Wellington Phoenix  | 5.6
| Central Coast Mariners  | 6.2
| Western United  | 6.3
| Brisbane Roar  | 7.2
| Perth Glory  | 7.4
| Melbourne Victory  | 7.6
| Western Sydney Wanderers  | 7.8
| Macarthur FC  | 8.3
| Newcastle Jets  | 9.0

And points per game, same story:
   | Club  | PPG
| Melbourne City  | 1.83
| Sydney FC  | 1.69
| Adelaide United  | 1.56
| Wellington Phoenix  | 1.47
| Western United  | 1.38
| Perth Glory  | 1.36
| Melbourne Victory  | 1.28
| Macarthur FC  | 1.26
| Western Sydney Wanderers  | 1.22
| Central Coast Mariners  | 1.21
| Brisbane Roar  | 1.18
| Newcastle Jets  | 1.13

You look at CCM, they had some shocking seasons (ppg is closer to bottom than 6th) but overall standings they're fifth boosted by a couple of good seasons. 

Edit: We're fourth for goals scored per game, but our goals against per game is 3rd worst (probably the only stat where we are relatively poor) however goal difference per game is fifth best.
and 5 others
First Team Squad
over 3 years
Most of what you say is true what you dont mention are all the factors that have gone against getting decent crowds. 
In no particular order: poor form, extended absences away from Wellington, weather,game times including scheduling.
They wont admit it but they have pissed a whole lot of fans off with the way they have been treated and spoken to by the club over the years. Once you have lost some of those most wont come back.

Yes the club has tried lots of things the one thing they havnt been able to deliver is a team that performs well on a consistent basis.
Love the idea of the young talent but think people are kidding themselves if they think people are going to flock to watch them especially if they struggle to compete.
Performs consistently well? Over the past 5 years we've been pretty consistent. I've run the numbers and only City, SFC and ADL have a higher average league position over those 5 years than us.
   | Row Labels  | Average of Standing
| Melbourne City  | 2.0
| Sydney FC  | 3.6
| Adelaide United  | 4.6
| Wellington Phoenix  | 5.6
| Central Coast Mariners  | 6.2
| Western United  | 6.3
| Brisbane Roar  | 7.2
| Perth Glory  | 7.4
| Melbourne Victory  | 7.6
| Western Sydney Wanderers  | 7.8
| Macarthur FC  | 8.3
| Newcastle Jets  | 9.0

And points per game, same story:
   | Club  | PPG
| Melbourne City  | 1.83
| Sydney FC  | 1.69
| Adelaide United  | 1.56
| Wellington Phoenix  | 1.47
| Western United  | 1.38
| Perth Glory  | 1.36
| Melbourne Victory  | 1.28
| Macarthur FC  | 1.26
| Western Sydney Wanderers  | 1.22
| Central Coast Mariners  | 1.21
| Brisbane Roar  | 1.18
| Newcastle Jets  | 1.13

You look at CCM, they had some shocking seasons (ppg is closer to bottom than 6th) but overall standings they're fifth boosted by a couple of good seasons. 
That's all well and good, but of those teams below us: Central Coast, Macarthur, Western United, Melbourne Victory and Perth Glory have all won silverware in that period. Might be able to add Brisbane Roar to that list soon. Let's be really crystal clear here - we have not even been close!
about 17 years
Most of what you say is true what you dont mention are all the factors that have gone against getting decent crowds. 
In no particular order: poor form, extended absences away from Wellington, weather,game times including scheduling.
They wont admit it but they have pissed a whole lot of fans off with the way they have been treated and spoken to by the club over the years. Once you have lost some of those most wont come back.

Yes the club has tried lots of things the one thing they havnt been able to deliver is a team that performs well on a consistent basis.
Love the idea of the young talent but think people are kidding themselves if they think people are going to flock to watch them especially if they struggle to compete.
Performs consistently well? Over the past 5 years we've been pretty consistent. I've run the numbers and only City, SFC and ADL have a higher average league position over those 5 years than us.
   | Row Labels  | Average of Standing
| Melbourne City  | 2.0
| Sydney FC  | 3.6
| Adelaide United  | 4.6
| Wellington Phoenix  | 5.6
| Central Coast Mariners  | 6.2
| Western United  | 6.3
| Brisbane Roar  | 7.2
| Perth Glory  | 7.4
| Melbourne Victory  | 7.6
| Western Sydney Wanderers  | 7.8
| Macarthur FC  | 8.3
| Newcastle Jets  | 9.0

And points per game, same story:
   | Club  | PPG
| Melbourne City  | 1.83
| Sydney FC  | 1.69
| Adelaide United  | 1.56
| Wellington Phoenix  | 1.47
| Western United  | 1.38
| Perth Glory  | 1.36
| Melbourne Victory  | 1.28
| Macarthur FC  | 1.26
| Western Sydney Wanderers  | 1.22
| Central Coast Mariners  | 1.21
| Brisbane Roar  | 1.18
| Newcastle Jets  | 1.13

You look at CCM, they had some shocking seasons (ppg is closer to bottom than 6th) but overall standings they're fifth boosted by a couple of good seasons. 
That's all well and good, but of those teams below us: Central Coast, Macarthur, Western United and Melbourne Victory have all won silverware in that period. Might be able to add Brisbane Roar to that list soon. Let's be really crystal clear here - we have not even been close!
Perth finished 1st in 18-19 as well (and tbf this is just measuring AL performance not Australia Cup). But on the question of consistency which was the point Ballane was making, we've been consistently better than most teams. No really poor season but, apart from maybe pre-covid 19-20, no standout seasons either.
and 1 other
about 17 years
Pre season is a great time of year. Until a football is kicked full of hope untested expectation and unknown speculations. Enjoy the happy days until the reality of performance and results kicks in, good or bad.

It’s not a haiku, but pass to the left hand side man!
Poetry abounds in the voice and in the rhythm of your wisdom. 

But for me, gimme some football! 
over 17 years
Most of what you say is true what you dont mention are all the factors that have gone against getting decent crowds. 
In no particular order: poor form, extended absences away from Wellington, weather,game times including scheduling.
They wont admit it but they have pissed a whole lot of fans off with the way they have been treated and spoken to by the club over the years. Once you have lost some of those most wont come back.

Yes the club has tried lots of things the one thing they havnt been able to deliver is a team that performs well on a consistent basis.
Love the idea of the young talent but think people are kidding themselves if they think people are going to flock to watch them especially if they struggle to compete.
Performs consistently well? Over the past 5 years we've been pretty consistent. I've run the numbers and only City, SFC and ADL have a higher average league position over those 5 years than us.
   | Row Labels  | Average of Standing
| Melbourne City  | 2.0
| Sydney FC  | 3.6
| Adelaide United  | 4.6
| Wellington Phoenix  | 5.6
| Central Coast Mariners  | 6.2
| Western United  | 6.3
| Brisbane Roar  | 7.2
| Perth Glory  | 7.4
| Melbourne Victory  | 7.6
| Western Sydney Wanderers  | 7.8
| Macarthur FC  | 8.3
| Newcastle Jets  | 9.0

And points per game, same story:
   | Club  | PPG
| Melbourne City  | 1.83
| Sydney FC  | 1.69
| Adelaide United  | 1.56
| Wellington Phoenix  | 1.47
| Western United  | 1.38
| Perth Glory  | 1.36
| Melbourne Victory  | 1.28
| Macarthur FC  | 1.26
| Western Sydney Wanderers  | 1.22
| Central Coast Mariners  | 1.21
| Brisbane Roar  | 1.18
| Newcastle Jets  | 1.13

You look at CCM, they had some shocking seasons (ppg is closer to bottom than 6th) but overall standings they're fifth boosted by a couple of good seasons. 

Edit: We're fourth for goals scored per game, but our goals against per game is 3rd worst (probably the only stat where we are relatively poor) however goal difference per game is fifth best.
Your kidding right just love how stats can be made to make nearly anything better than what it was. Despite what you say pretty sure there havnt been many extended unbeaten runs in those stats. Seem to recall some pretty dire performances at home over the years and they do nothing to attract fans. Dosnt get mentioned by many but also think Wenixs expectation of having 10k fans at the stadium is completly unrealistic. Yes im aware thats what they need to cover costs but NOTHING in our past suggests that is a figure we should be expecting. Yes there have been the odd occasions we have got there or bettered that but never on a consistant basis. Any way guess this should be in another thread sorry.
Bossi Insider
about 16 years
It annoys me a little when the say they are going to do a CCM, when you look at their kiwis and their pacific island player.

Mcgarry, was on their books and they deemed not good enough.

Kaltak, in their back yard for years, they would have known of him but never thought him worthy

Storm - I’m sure they have had opportunities to sign over the years, but never have.

I don’t like saying so but if I was a betting man I would be very confident on putting a lot of coin on the wooden spoon.

Roux's ALM career looked over after a very dismal stint at the Victory until CCM threw him a lifeline. He looked a totally different player under Monty.

McGarry's defensive issues came back to haunt him at the Jets & they were happy to offload him. The system Monty had in place at CCM managed to hide his flaws & get him a move to Scotland.

Monty signed Kelechi John ahead of Kaltak but took a chance on him with an Injury Replacement deal. When it became clear that Kaltak could actually make the step up, they cut John for him.

There are reasons why Monty is coaching the in the SPL now and Uffie still hasn't find an overseas gig yet.
and 4 others
Starting XI
about 7 years
Most of what you say is true what you dont mention are all the factors that have gone against getting decent crowds. 
In no particular order: poor form, extended absences away from Wellington, weather,game times including scheduling.
They wont admit it but they have pissed a whole lot of fans off with the way they have been treated and spoken to by the club over the years. Once you have lost some of those most wont come back.

Yes the club has tried lots of things the one thing they havnt been able to deliver is a team that performs well on a consistent basis.
Love the idea of the young talent but think people are kidding themselves if they think people are going to flock to watch them especially if they struggle to compete.
Performs consistently well? Over the past 5 years we've been pretty consistent. I've run the numbers and only City, SFC and ADL have a higher average league position over those 5 years than us.
   | Row Labels  | Average of Standing
| Melbourne City  | 2.0
| Sydney FC  | 3.6
| Adelaide United  | 4.6
| Wellington Phoenix  | 5.6
| Central Coast Mariners  | 6.2
| Western United  | 6.3
| Brisbane Roar  | 7.2
| Perth Glory  | 7.4
| Melbourne Victory  | 7.6
| Western Sydney Wanderers  | 7.8
| Macarthur FC  | 8.3
| Newcastle Jets  | 9.0

And points per game, same story:
   | Club  | PPG
| Melbourne City  | 1.83
| Sydney FC  | 1.69
| Adelaide United  | 1.56
| Wellington Phoenix  | 1.47
| Western United  | 1.38
| Perth Glory  | 1.36
| Melbourne Victory  | 1.28
| Macarthur FC  | 1.26
| Western Sydney Wanderers  | 1.22
| Central Coast Mariners  | 1.21
| Brisbane Roar  | 1.18
| Newcastle Jets  | 1.13

You look at CCM, they had some shocking seasons (ppg is closer to bottom than 6th) but overall standings they're fifth boosted by a couple of good seasons. 

Edit: We're fourth for goals scored per game, but our goals against per game is 3rd worst (probably the only stat where we are relatively poor) however goal difference per game is fifth best.
Your kidding right just love how stats can be made to make nearly anything better than what it was. Despite what you say pretty sure there havnt been many extended unbeaten runs in those stats. Seem to recall some pretty dire performances at home over the years and they do nothing to attract fans. Dosnt get mentioned by many but also think Wenixs expectation of having 10k fans at the stadium is completly unrealistic. Yes im aware thats what they need to cover costs but NOTHING in our past suggests that is a figure we should be expecting. Yes there have been the odd occasions we have got there or bettered that but never on a consistant basis. Any way guess this should be in another thread sorry.

"Pretty sure there haven't been many extended unbeaten runs in those stats"
Across those seasons, there were unbeaten runs of 9 matches, 9 matches again, 11 matches, and 7 matches.
and 10 others
First Team Squad
over 5 years
Jazzy Jeff
Most of what you say is true what you dont mention are all the factors that have gone against getting decent crowds. 
In no particular order: poor form, extended absences away from Wellington, weather,game times including scheduling.
They wont admit it but they have pissed a whole lot of fans off with the way they have been treated and spoken to by the club over the years. Once you have lost some of those most wont come back.

Yes the club has tried lots of things the one thing they havnt been able to deliver is a team that performs well on a consistent basis.
Love the idea of the young talent but think people are kidding themselves if they think people are going to flock to watch them especially if they struggle to compete.
Performs consistently well? Over the past 5 years we've been pretty consistent. I've run the numbers and only City, SFC and ADL have a higher average league position over those 5 years than us.
   | Row Labels  | Average of Standing
| Melbourne City  | 2.0
| Sydney FC  | 3.6
| Adelaide United  | 4.6
| Wellington Phoenix  | 5.6
| Central Coast Mariners  | 6.2
| Western United  | 6.3
| Brisbane Roar  | 7.2
| Perth Glory  | 7.4
| Melbourne Victory  | 7.6
| Western Sydney Wanderers  | 7.8
| Macarthur FC  | 8.3
| Newcastle Jets  | 9.0

And points per game, same story:
   | Club  | PPG
| Melbourne City  | 1.83
| Sydney FC  | 1.69
| Adelaide United  | 1.56
| Wellington Phoenix  | 1.47
| Western United  | 1.38
| Perth Glory  | 1.36
| Melbourne Victory  | 1.28
| Macarthur FC  | 1.26
| Western Sydney Wanderers  | 1.22
| Central Coast Mariners  | 1.21
| Brisbane Roar  | 1.18
| Newcastle Jets  | 1.13

You look at CCM, they had some shocking seasons (ppg is closer to bottom than 6th) but overall standings they're fifth boosted by a couple of good seasons. 

Edit: We're fourth for goals scored per game, but our goals against per game is 3rd worst (probably the only stat where we are relatively poor) however goal difference per game is fifth best.
Your kidding right just love how stats can be made to make nearly anything better than what it was. Despite what you say pretty sure there havnt been many extended unbeaten runs in those stats. Seem to recall some pretty dire performances at home over the years and they do nothing to attract fans. Dosnt get mentioned by many but also think Wenixs expectation of having 10k fans at the stadium is completly unrealistic. Yes im aware thats what they need to cover costs but NOTHING in our past suggests that is a figure we should be expecting. Yes there have been the odd occasions we have got there or bettered that but never on a consistant basis. Any way guess this should be in another thread sorry.

"Pretty sure there haven't been many extended unbeaten runs in those stats"
Across those seasons, there were unbeaten runs of 9 matches, 9 matches again, 11 matches, and 7 matches.

I feel like that was what Ufuk became known for was going on these unbeaten streaks followed by a poor end and a prior poor start. So I guess that made us seem more inconsistent. 
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