WPM R2 vs Central Coast Mariners | Sun 16th Oct | 3:00pm | SS7

over 17 years
Both times it happens, there wasn't any chanting.

 I don't really mind them trying to get the crowd engaged in other way. I'm not really a fan of it, but I'm just 1 of 7-8K people there. I'm (we the Fever) are no more important than anyone else there. I don't think it worked for substitutions because the game restarts quite quickly.  Think it suits injury breaks better when a physio goes onto the field and the delay is longer. 
Will have to agree to disagree on this one. One thing over the years that has been great about the YF  has been the spontinaeity of either the chants or the heckling and the canned music will take that away. Yes YF isn't at the level it once was but hopefully that will improve with games. All for maybe another active area but not at the expensive of the current one.
about 2 years
Both times it happens, there wasn't any chanting.

 I don't really mind them trying to get the crowd engaged in other way. I'm not really a fan of it, but I'm just 1 of 7-8K people there. I'm (we the Fever) are no more important than anyone else there. I don't think it worked for substitutions because the game restarts quite quickly.  Think it suits injury breaks better when a physio goes onto the field and the delay is longer. 

I agree, although often the crowd are actually interestied in what's happening on the field during injury breaks - especially if they are serious, so starting a "eeeeeeeyo" chant using the big screen might be a little inapproproate. Football isnt the same as rugby with big breaks for lineouts or scrums and the crowd is generally more actively noisy than a rugby match so there is no need for additional music from the announcer. I'd prefer it if they focussed on getting their basic role right before trying to drum up noise ie getting the players names correct. 
The timeing was weird too as he continued the queen clips into the 80'th minute which is generally when the Fever fire up. This ground announcer celarly needs to work on his game a little bit, timing is everything. If he is trying to drum up noise then he shouldn't be using his speakers and video screen to drown out the usual noise the fans are making. I note that the fever fired up when he did it a second time.

Agree about the injury break part. To me it doesn't really make sense why they would play these clips after the game has already started, feel like there's a better way in going about this. 

Not sure if this would be any better but if they are so keen on doing this, why can't they start the chant just before say the Phoenix's starting line-up appears on the screen. That way they can still engage/ hype up the crowd and not interrupt the familiar atmosphere Phoenix fans create during a game. 

First Team Squad
about 17 years
The thing I hate most about them playing Queen during the game is that it's bloody Queen. Middle of the road music for people who don't like music. Get some Clash on FFS. 
Life and death
about 17 years
I really don’t like it
The Jam
The thing I hate most about them playing Queen during the game is that it's bloody Queen. Middle of the road music for people who don't like music. Get some Clash on FFS. 

WPM R2 vs Central Coast Mariners | Sun 16th Oct | 3:00pm | SS7

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