Crowds - The thread of Australian whining

Starting XI
about 12 years

The Football trend pointing into the right direction, good for the Phoenix.

At my kids end of year school gathering, every kid held their little speech. A lot of the boys talked about football, nobody mentioned any great Rugby experiences.

a.k.a AJ13
almost 15 years

number8 wrote:

The Football trend pointing into the right direction, good for the Phoenix.

At my kids end of year school gathering, every kid held their little speech. A lot of the boys talked about football, nobody mentioned any great Rugby experiences.

We're constantly told to love rugby, and the world told that all kiwis love rugby, but there are plenty of communities around where rugby isnt even played by anyone. Whitby, where i grew up, was one of them. I never heard a word of 'soccer sucks' until i started secondary school.

Life and death
over 17 years
AJ13 wrote:

number8 wrote:

The Football trend pointing into the right direction, good for the Phoenix.

At my kids end of year school gathering, every kid held their little speech. A lot of the boys talked about football, nobody mentioned any great Rugby experiences.

We're constantly told to love rugby, and the world told that all kiwis love rugby, but there are plenty of communities around where rugby isnt even played by anyone. Whitby, where i grew up, was one of them. I never heard a word of 'soccer sucks' until i started secondary school.

That's because Whitby is full of poofs.....
almost 17 years
Soccer. I hate that word. That word sucks.
almost 16 years

Going into the 28 Dec game we are 4th and only 3 points (a win) away from 2nd.

Feckin Wgtn - get in for this one!

about 17 years
Starting XI
about 17 years

AJ13 wrote:

number8 wrote:

The Football trend pointing into the right direction, good for the Phoenix.

At my kids end of year school gathering, every kid held their little speech. A lot of the boys talked about football, nobody mentioned any great Rugby experiences.

We're constantly told to love rugby, and the world told that all kiwis love rugby, but there are plenty of communities around where rugby isnt even played by anyone. Whitby, where i grew up, was one of them. I never heard a word of 'soccer sucks' until i started secondary school.

That's because Whitby is full of poofs.....

and to think we got criticised for calling the lino a woman tonight

over 14 years

Fenix wrote:

AJ13 wrote:

number8 wrote:

The Football trend pointing into the right direction, good for the Phoenix.

At my kids end of year school gathering, every kid held their little speech. A lot of the boys talked about football, nobody mentioned any great Rugby experiences.

We're constantly told to love rugby, and the world told that all kiwis love rugby, but there are plenty of communities around where rugby isnt even played by anyone. Whitby, where i grew up, was one of them. I never heard a word of 'soccer sucks' until i started secondary school.

That's because Whitby is full of poofs.....

and to think we got criticised for calling the lino a woman tonight

I didn't see anyone call her a woman.

I saw her calld a stupid bitch, and a silly tart. Nothing nearly so respectful as a woman however.

Life and death
over 17 years
For the record, my 'poof' comment was done with tongue firmly in cheek. And not in that way either......
about 17 years

PMSL, now that was funny - what you just typed. Must be my dry sense of humour appreciating it.

First Team Squad
over 17 years
about 10 years

I just visited the staples centre in la for some hockey. Now I know it's a different environment and they have more people to draw from but the thing that got me is Americans really know how to engage people at the stadium yes people are there for the sport but the entire event from an hour out is almost like it's own show and the entire crowd gets behind it. It's not just at the hockey here but at every sport, I think in order to grow crowds a long term approach to crowd engagement etc. Is the key maybe they need to send someone to the states to view a few different sports and see how it's done it's not going to be fixed overnight but they can't try something once and throw it away when it will probably take a couple of years to change people's perceptions. The main key however I think is a purpose built stadium to make it easier to engage the crowds.

Head Sleuth
over 17 years

Think this is the hope for the Hutt Rec games at least. Harder to achieve at Westpac Stadium. 

almost 16 years

8608 tonight.

Aisle 22/23 very full (including a lot more kids).

Great work by the FZ with what must be the longest Ernie Merrick's Yellow Army.

Looking forward to 4 Jan.

about 17 years

Excellent turnout considering Wellington was meant to be empty.

Bossi Insider
about 16 years

4th biggest crowd at the Ring Of Fire in the last 3 seasons, who saw that coming?

almost 17 years
Jan 4 will be interesting. Should give a better picture to crowd numbers. I am going to say 8500-8700 next home game.
about 17 years

Would love 9k on the 4th

Starting XI
over 14 years

4th biggest crowd at the Ring Of Fire in the last 3 seasons, who saw that coming?

Not me certainly, I was thinking we'd be 6k or so. Great turnout.

One in a million
over 17 years

Looking forward to the trek down on the 4th. Bringing some extras hopefully. Maybe we can crack 10K

about 15 years

and if Dome does not talk about crowds, then even better

about 17 years
over 14 years

Jeff Vader wrote:

and if Dome does not talk about crowds, then even better

Except that he was talking about it, at Bethel Woods after the game. He said it was the biggest $ crowd this year at the Ring of Fire by a long long way. That might be a message worth promoting.

almost 16 years


The crowd number has surprised us all, but it has nothing to do with the Nix PR machine banging on about crowd numbers.  It is due (I posit m'lud) to a cracking run of form by the lads, Burns being top scorer and some positive write ups in the media (Worthington not included here) and air time on TV.

Bossi Insider
about 16 years

Junior82 wrote:


The crowd number has surprised us all, but it has nothing to do with the Nix PR machine banging on about crowd numbers.  It is due (I posit m'lud) to a cracking run of form by the lads, Burns being top scorer and some positive write ups in the media (Worthington not included here) and air time on TV.

Shane Harmon was saying holiday crowds can often surprise like this, nothing else happening around town and the team playing well etc

Going in on the train from the valley, it felt smaller than normal so I guess it was mostly City people turning up at the gate. Hopefully they all turn up again next Sunday.

over 14 years

Junior82 wrote:


The crowd number has surprised us all, but it has nothing to do with the Nix PR machine banging on about crowd numbers.  It is due (I posit m'lud) to a cracking run of form by the lads, Burns being top scorer and some positive write ups in the media (Worthington not included here) and air time on TV.

I agree with that Junior.

However, I was replying to the proposition that David Dome should not talk about crowds.

That was (I assume) based on th fact that when he has done, it's all been about how the crowd numbers are rubbish.

I was pointing out that there is a potential way to talk about crowds that is positive... he, or the Phoenix via someone else, could promote the story that crowds are growing, that we just had our biggest Wellington home crowd of the season etc. etc.

That might help get more people on the bandwagon.

Starting XI
almost 17 years

I would expect a fair few season ticket holders and other regulars weren't there last night due to being away so very good effort to be over 8.5k.

about 17 years

I'm already pumped for the game on the 4th.

If the weather is kind, our results are now on the side of encouraging fans / potential fans back for another look. A great position on the table that suggest we are not going to finish last in the League and the game is on a day and at a time where the New year hangovers will be long gone.

Anyone read the programme from yesterday? Patrick, Brandon and a few others made for an interesting picture in it. Piney confirmed it will be game 100 at Home. I believe this away midweek game is our 100th away game (Something on my bucket list is to attend some, some day.) So it is all happening.

2015 could be our year. Let's continue to encourage new attendees and re-ignite the mood in those whom have flagged it recently.

almost 16 years

bwtcf wrote:

Junior82 wrote:


The crowd number has surprised us all, but it has nothing to do with the Nix PR machine banging on about crowd numbers.  It is due (I posit m'lud) to a cracking run of form by the lads, Burns being top scorer and some positive write ups in the media (Worthington not included here) and air time on TV.

I agree with that Junior.

However, I was replying to the proposition that David Dome should not talk about crowds.

That was (I assume) based on th fact that when he has done, it's all been about how the crowd numbers are rubbish.

I was pointing out that there is a potential way to talk about crowds that is positive... he, or the Phoenix via someone else, could promote the story that crowds are growing, that we just had our biggest Wellington home crowd of the season etc. etc.

That might help get more people on the bandwagon.

I think the crowd numbers help generate atmosphere, and you can't PR spin that.  It get's out by word of mouth.  

FZ was in good from last night, largeing it up for most of the game.  That should create a bit more desire from the extra 1k punters to turn up for 4 Jan and hopefully will filter out to other potential PAXpeople.

about 15 years

bwtcf wrote:

Junior82 wrote:


The crowd number has surprised us all, but it has nothing to do with the Nix PR machine banging on about crowd numbers.  It is due (I posit m'lud) to a cracking run of form by the lads, Burns being top scorer and some positive write ups in the media (Worthington not included here) and air time on TV.

I agree with that Junior.

However, I was replying to the proposition that David Dome should not talk about crowds.

That was (I assume) based on th fact that when he has done, it's all been about how the crowd numbers are rubbish.

I was pointing out that there is a potential way to talk about crowds that is positive... he, or the Phoenix via someone else, could promote the story that crowds are growing, that we just had our biggest Wellington home crowd of the season etc. etc.

That might help get more people on the bandwagon.

Fair call and I won't argue that.
Starting XI
over 12 years

crowd looked good on TV - well done to all involved in helping increase numbers - results I'm sure helped as well!

about 17 years

People were talking a lot about Wellington locals leaving the city for the holidays meaning we might have had a smallish crowd but don't underestimate the amount of out of towners who regularly attend and also use the holidays as an opportunity to attend.

I caught a ride with my brother in law from Dannevirke who brought his son and also in convoy was a friend of his with three others so six in total who normally wouldn't come to a game. I travel down from Palmerston North and have only missed about 3-4 games in Wellington in the last 3 years as well as going to the Napier and Dunedin home/away games.

and 1 other
Starting XI
almost 17 years

I was quite impressed to see the much fabled "walk-up crowd" buying their tickets as I entered the stadium.

almost 16 years

Yep. Quite noticeable.  Couldn't park nearby the BB either as per usual.

Also possibly more people not travelling this year?  I know of some who usually head off at Boxing Day but were staying put for one reason or other.

over 14 years

I was quite impressed to see the much fabled "walk-up crowd" buying their tickets as I entered the stadium.

I was - amazed - rather than impressed.

It is $12 per ticket more expensive to buy them at the gate than to prebuy from Ticketek.

And it's so inconvenient queuing up to buy them at the ground.

I don't get why people do it... I am glad they do. Whatever works for them, but why oh why would people queue for tickets like that (and moss the kick off)

over 14 years

Junior82 wrote:

Yep. Quite noticeable.  Couldn't park nearby the BB either as per usual.

You just showed up too late. When I got there about 1pm there was HEAPS of parking!

about 17 years

bwtcf wrote:

Junior82 wrote:

Yep. Quite noticeable.  Couldn't park nearby the BB either as per usual.

You just showed up too late. When I got there about 1pm there was HEAPS of parking!

We got there at 4pm and there were plenty :)

almost 16 years

I usually get there 35-25 mins before k.o. and can get a park.

Starting XI
almost 17 years

I always say I want bigger crowds but then when they come they get in my way for important stuff like beer and toilet. Sometimes I imagine that nobody turns up but me, and let me tell you it's pretty awesome, no queue for beers or food, the security guys high-five me all the time, all the chants are sung to perfection, then when we get the last minute winning goal all the players come up and hug me. So, just saying for anyone who knows me to know what to get me for my birthday next year.

almost 16 years

A keg and a portaloo?

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