The Special One
over 17 years

Jeff Vader wrote:

see that helps. If it had been said "2 years ago he lost his development contract for being a lad and a rager" then fair play. Otherwise you have to be careful when using names.

I guess being an unofficial Phoenix fan forum and then by extention, associated with the Phoenix, you would want to be careful with allegations on current club members. Once they have left, open season.

I think being an unofficial fan forum should enable the pod to hold the Phoenix organisation as a whole to account, current players included. But perhaps look in to Journalism code and conduct re: what you can and can't say on the poddy. 

I don't want to see a Fever pledgeme fund to pay legal bills in defamation cases.

Starting XI
over 10 years

I'm not really listening to the pod for investigative journalism.

I listen to the pod for 3 people who understand what's going on in the football world to explain what's happening as they see it, with a big slice of banter and humour else it would be dull as shark.

Being out of the football loop and trusting main stream media in NZ can be difficult.  ITZ did a great job in instilling confidence for me around the licence saga last year when mainstream media was telling me the Phoenix was coming to an end.

And City helped me get what the hell was going on around the Olympic saga better than any "news" piece did.

And without the silly tangents and banter I'd find it boring.

Just my thoughts.  There will be more content when the A league season starts up. But for now I'm really digging the pod.

over 13 years

You know we haven't yet got a new license don't you?

over 14 years

I know that here in YFForumland what people ACTUALLY say often has very little relevance to the ensuing debate about what they said... I know this might be futile...

but what we actually said re. Doyle:

Brandon: So back to the original question I asked - How do ya think Riddenton went at left midfield?

Patrick: I think there was a reason why he got dragged at half time for Doy - Tom Doyle

Cam: Yep - I do too, and I think Doyle did a much better job when he was on

Andy: I've got real questions as to why he was on in the first place. We've seen Doyle up and down that left all the pre-season games. Riddenton's nearly got... never really got a sniff in there, and all of a sudden in the biggest game of the season he's starting and getting a fu - was it more than a full half, 60 odd minutes.

Cam: Nah he was pulled at half time

Patrick: half time, yeah, half time he went off

Andy: He's getting a - he's getting a ummm a start, out of nothing, and no practice there, that makes me think there's something...

Cam: and against A League opposition

Andy: ...ahhh, yeah, against A League opposition, it makes me think something else is going on, umm

Patrick: ...with, Doyle?

Andy: Yeah, I reckon something along the lines of ahhh discipline maybe, as a possible reason, I'm not saying it IS the reason, but

Patrick: There were potential issues with that last season so I...

Andy: yeah, yeah...

Patrick: so I wouldn't be surprised if it was a night out in Sydney the night before that Tom Doyle may have treated himself to, but it's ahhh, it's it's, complete allegations and nothing - nothing to be

Andy: Ohhh not even allegations... we're just conspiracy theory

Patrick: yeah, that's the word I was looking for - "conspiracy"

about 15 years

Ok but then why don't we start a Durante is a panty sniffer conspiracy theory. Its not an allegation, its a just a conspiracy theory and probably nothing to it...

An old friend of mine was a teacher and was had up for an 'inappropriate' episode 20 odd years ago. In the end, it was found that the student completely made it all up but he never worked again as a teacher because no one would employ him. It put a massive strain on his marriage to the point where it never recovered unfortunately. He did nothing wrong at all and lost a lot. Do you see how that works? Mud sticks. There was a TV program on about 4 months ago called I Am Innocent about people in NZ that had all sorts of various stories about how they have been put through hell and in some cases, the legal system because someone had an idea to made stuff up about them.

Its not a crack at you guys at all but more of 'you should be careful'. You guys have a podcast that has an audience and reach and is part of this 'new media' where people get their info from places other than the Herald and 6pm News and we know media people trawl through this place. If you are going to say some of these type of things, you kinda need to be able to back it up or not say it especially pertaining to current squad members. Once they are gone, its fair play I say. You are not 4 funny names in a forum that anyone can hide behind. You are Andy, Cam, Brandon and Patrick. I guess once you go into this 'media thing' you almost have to be better than or held to a higher standard than this forum.

That aside, I really do enjoy listening to it so please keep going!

over 14 years

I get that Jeff, and I agree about the fact that we have to be more careful than your average anonymous forum poster... and I appreciate your feedback too.

As previously stated the issues around discipline last season are NOT just made up - Doyle was seen, in the early hours of the morning, in Phoenix suit, in bars, drinking, on more than one occasion. That's a fact. 

And having started last season well he was then left out of the side, causing a few of us to wonder why...

So - what we said was, given that history, and given that he's been the clear front runner for the left mid field position throughout the preseason, and has performed well there, it seems a little odd that he is suddenly not starting in the biggest game so far...

So, to answer your question, the reason we didn't say anything like what you mentioned re. Dura is that there is no history there, so that WOULD be pure mischief making.

over 14 years
over 14 years
Starting XI
about 17 years

Agree with Jeff that you guys will be held to a higher standard, however a big part of the appeal of your pod work besides the meaty football goodness is the spontaneity,humour, banter and risque stuff that courts danger at times...

Good luck with finding the balance!

P.S.  Btw, The world needs more kazoo keepers...We should make it a Social a boring bleep

P.p.s. your longtail end of assorted intros ..needs more kazoo, less bleeps.

and Patrick, your snippet replay of past pod....WAY too much kazoodafiltration..just sayin.. ;)


about 15 years

bwtcf wrote:

I get that Jeff, and I agree about the fact that we have to be more careful than your average anonymous forum poster... and I appreciate your feedback too.

As previously stated the issues around discipline last season are NOT just made up - Doyle was seen, in the early hours of the morning, in Phoenix suit, in bars, drinking, on more than one occasion. That's a fact. 

And having started last season well he was then left out of the side, causing a few of us to wonder why...

So - what we said was, given that history, and given that he's been the clear front runner for the left mid field position throughout the preseason, and has performed well there, it seems a little odd that he is suddenly not starting in the biggest game so far...

So, to answer your question, the reason we didn't say anything like what you mentioned re. Dura is that there is no history there, so that WOULD be pure mischief making.

Sweet as!
Starting XI
over 10 years

You know we haven't yet got a new license don't you?

Yea but I'm less concerned because the media at the time was basically saying the FFA was trying to push us out. 

Whereas the ITZ crew explained the actual issues surrounding the licence extension etc, which was different to how it was bring told via other means.

almost 16 years

I listen to ITZ and Phoenix City at the end of the day and invariably nod off.  Early days yet but I go to sleep slightly quicker to Phoenix City.

The real test will be in a little under two months time.

Phoenix Academy
almost 12 years

I am surprised people complain so much about other people giving up their free time to do something for the rest of us for free.  fudge

Starting XI
about 17 years

;) Sounds a bit like the Sky Go defence..its free so you have no right to complain...

Nah, Sorry..

We only accept top quality, A grade free sh*t here.

The inferior, second rate free sh*t can go take a hike.

..and you can have that..

for free.

Head Sleuth
over 17 years

SkyGo isn't free. It's part of a package which you pay $1200 per year for. 

Starting XI
about 17 years
almost 14 years

Fruglo wrote:

I am surprised people complain so much about other people giving up their free time to do something for the rest of us for free.  fudge

Yeah one answer to the complaints are, you don't like it? Start you're own podcast.

But you know, constructive criticism is good, and it means people are listening.

Starting XI
over 10 years

Ryan wrote:

Fruglo wrote:

I am surprised people complain so much about other people giving up their free time to do something for the rest of us for free.  fudge

Yeah one answer to the complaints are, you don't like it? Start you're own podcast.

But you know, constructive criticism is good, and it means people are listening.

Exactly.  Most of what I have seen here is criticism and I'm sure the team appreciates every bit.  It lets them know where they do or don't need to go or where to improve.  Not all criticism is feasible or appropriate for every listener but it at least lets Patrick and the team know what the listeners want.

And the beter they get, the more listeners they get.  The more listeners they get, the more chicken nuggets they can negotiate for with McD's bunny street.

over 14 years

I only speak for me, not for the whole #PhoenixCity team, of course I welcome constructive criticism and feedback, but I don't even mind complaints and bitching and moaning... Drunk Monk says, we might not want or be able to take on board and incorporate or "fix" every point raised... but I'd rather points were being raised, constructive or not, than a huge void of silence.

We're new at this, and we're still learning. Not everything we do will work or be polished or as good as it can be. We're not doing it just for ourselves, we're doing it for the whole football audience who cares to listen.

Also we're not trying to make it something that all of the listeners will agree with or like all of the time. It's okay if some of what we do, some of the time doesn't work for some of you. Sometimes we're going to try different stuff, and sometimes it will work and sometimes it won't.

So, please, keep discussing, don't hold back, even if what you are saying is just taking a shot at us. In my view it's MUCH better if this thread is vibrant and full of ideas and alternative points of view. If that includes some tension and disagreement, so be it. That's all fertile ground for new ideas and improvement. We don't take it personally (most of the time) and nor should anyone here.

Listen here Fudgeface
over 14 years

I took it personally when I got called half a chump... ?

One in a million
over 17 years

patrick478 wrote:

I took it personally when I got called half a chump... ?

It was a spelling mistake.... champ

almost 15 years

My 10cents for what is worth.

Just be yourselves, you are not ITZ, continue to develop your own style. Some will like it, some won't. If you try to be all things to all people, it will just become a confused mess.

Well done to all.

over 14 years

BECOME a confused mess...?

almost 15 years

bwtcf wrote:

BECOME a confused mess...?

But let it be your confused mess!
The Special One
over 17 years

One thing that bugged me about ITZ was the constant self-deprecating chit chat about that pod. It was funny for a bit, but after 150+ episodes... and the thing was it was never as shark as the guys said, it was actually quite good.

Sure, ITZ and PC were/are amateur pods, you're not pro journalists but you give a shark so be proud of what you're doing and don't start putting the pod/yourselves down.

Now, release the next damn podcast already!

almost 16 years

Needs more:




Then I'd take you seriously.

Starting XI
over 10 years

bwtcf wrote:

So, please, keep discussing, don't hold back, even if what you are saying is just taking a shot at us. In my view it's MUCH better if this thread is vibrant and full of ideas and alternative points of view. If that includes some tension and disagreement, so be it. That's all fertile ground for new ideas and improvement. We don't take it personally (most of the time) and nor should anyone here.

You Smell! Is that constructive enough for you?

Edit: cant multiquote here

Starting XI
over 10 years

patrick478 wrote:

I took it personally when I got called half a chump... ?

Don't worry Patrick, you will always be a full chump to me.

over 17 years

bwtcf wrote:

BECOME a confused mess...?

For gods sake Brandon this is after all YF we expect nothing less than a confused mess.Present anything else and questions will need to be asked.
over 13 years

A tonne of posts so I came here hoping to find a pod cast. When is the next one due out?

over 17 years

Thought they were recording today but then again it could be like waiting for a Phoenix press conference to announce not a a striker,maybe happening some time. 

Listen here Fudgeface
over 14 years

We'll be recording early next week. Real life got in the way this week.

Phoenix Academy
almost 12 years

patrick478 wrote:

We'll be recording early next week. 

Yeah yeah heard that before, new striker announcement next week......

.....two weeks later 

So, I read it as no more Phoenix City ever 

Phoenix Academy
almost 14 years

They are recording in the morning.  So Patrick will hopefully have it out tomorrow.  GET IN MY EARS.  

Listen here Fudgeface
over 14 years

This week's episode of #PhoenixCity is out now on iTunes and at

We talk the signing of Jeffrey Sarpong and have a chat with the man himself, wrap up the trip to New Plymouth for Nix vs NZA and look ahead to the FFA Cup match against Melbourne City FC. In local football, Wellington United have won Cap Prem and it's time for the Chatham Cup semifinals.

Phoenix Academy
almost 12 years

Stuff spell it Saprong, Patrick spells it Sapong.

I think we should shorten his name to just Jeff so everyone can spell it.

Phoenix Academy
almost 12 years

P.S. - Woohoo, new poddy is out - thanks guys!

Listen here Fudgeface
over 14 years

Fruglo wrote:

Stuff spell it Saprong, Patrick spells it Sapong.

I think we should shorten his name to just Jeff so everyone can spell it.


over 17 years

New chant: wooooo ooooh oooh oooooh Sarpong pour moi! @PlasticBertrand

Phoenix Academy
almost 14 years

Thats some quality outtake there

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