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over 17 years

Ryan wrote:

The press release said that they had started the process of the transfer but it was never completed, it could very well be that NZF filled in some of the information but the person who needed to sign off on it couldn't be reached. In this made up scenario the Phoenix may have called, multiple times, and NZF may have told them that they were processing it and it would be done.

We have no idea.

The truth is that NZF knew that the transfer window was closing and that their only professional club was on the look out for players, hopefully the nix gave them a heads up that they were about to sign someone, but even so it was a critical time and one that happens only twice a year so they should have been on the alert.

The nix should have followed up, heck, they probably should have flown up to Auckland and sat behind the person who was entering the data into FIFA's system and not left NZF's office until it was done. But the fact is that the Phoenix has transferred dozens of players in the past and haven't had a issue like this before with NZF, so why would they start to worry?

They would worry because they have a lot to lose and the timeframes were tight. Anyone at a local club level awaiting a crucial transfer would have been on their back til it was confirmed.

over 17 years

Have said a number of times that NZF has not done it's job. But just as you say I keep going on about the Phoenix takin some of the blame some of you only want to point in the direction of NZF. Yes they have form but until either of them says anything else it's all speculation. Wonder how many of you would have hung around the office on the Saturday of a long weekend on just in case some paper work  might come through.

Starting XI
about 17 years

Hard News wrote:

If you have done hundreds of these over 9 years you probably expect the people responsible for the single click to have performing that action under control.

So you think we've done hundreds of these on the last day of the transfer window, during Auckland Anniversary Day, when we are signing a guy on loan from an English club and already flying over from England?  Give me a break. 

It's a fudge up.  Someone thought what you thought.  She'll be right. 

Well that turned out well didn't it.

Sorry, but this is an operationally critical simple step.  You don't go on auto pilot for this stuff.

Woof Woof
about 17 years

mjp2 wrote:

el grapadura wrote:

ballane wrote:

Ryan wrote:

ballane wrote:

I fail to see how some seem to be turning a blind eye to the part the Phoenix have played in this shambles seems they dropped the ball big time despite what is claimed by some. Given its mostly no comment from the both of them seems both might have to admit they made mistakes.

according to Simon Hampton the Phoenix are furious in private but towing the line in public. The only information that we have is that the nix submitted their paperwork in time and that the process was started in the FIFA system but for whatever reason was not completed. Any blame going towards the club is just based on guesses ATM.

Yeah thats fine apart from the fact that the Phoenix are well aware of the issues NZF have had and if they fired it off and didnt follow up then im afraid yes they do have to take some of the blame.Dosnt really matter if NZF has dropped the ball the Phoenix should have been on their backs making sure the paper work was being done.

Its all assumption any way isnt it as they are all keeping pretty quiet.

If the person you need to be following up with is uncontactable, what do you do?

you ring the fudging CEO

then the Chairman

but the truth is we have no idea what happened and who did what

the only thing we know for a fact is that this is total incompetence, wherever it occurred

And they tell you, oh yeah, it's being processed, we're on top of it.

Early retirement
over 17 years

mjp2 wrote:

It's a fudge up.  Someone thought what you thought.  She'll be right. 

Well that turned out well didn't it.

Sorry, but this is an operationally critical simple step.  You don't go on auto pilot for this stuff.

There is absolutely no evidence to support the assertion that no action was taken.  None.  A bunch of forum warriors have jumped to the conclusion that the Phoenix let it happen to find a scapegoat when every bit of evidence displayed is that NZ football fudgeed up the simplest task they have.  Birmigham managed it, the English FA managed it, the Football Federation of Australia managed it.  

One organisation didn't and ti wasn't the Phoenix.

Starting XI
about 17 years

el grapadura wrote:

mjp2 wrote:

el grapadura wrote:

ballane wrote:

Ryan wrote:

ballane wrote:

I fail to see how some seem to be turning a blind eye to the part the Phoenix have played in this shambles seems they dropped the ball big time despite what is claimed by some. Given its mostly no comment from the both of them seems both might have to admit they made mistakes.

according to Simon Hampton the Phoenix are furious in private but towing the line in public. The only information that we have is that the nix submitted their paperwork in time and that the process was started in the FIFA system but for whatever reason was not completed. Any blame going towards the club is just based on guesses ATM.

Yeah thats fine apart from the fact that the Phoenix are well aware of the issues NZF have had and if they fired it off and didnt follow up then im afraid yes they do have to take some of the blame.Dosnt really matter if NZF has dropped the ball the Phoenix should have been on their backs making sure the paper work was being done.

Its all assumption any way isnt it as they are all keeping pretty quiet.

If the person you need to be following up with is uncontactable, what do you do?

you ring the fudging CEO

then the Chairman

but the truth is we have no idea what happened and who did what

the only thing we know for a fact is that this is total incompetence, wherever it occurred

And they tell you, oh yeah, it's being processed, we're on top of it.

I would say at that point they are unlikely to fudge up, with their CEO on the back of their staff.  But if they still managed to fudge up, then you ask them to be accountable about it to the press, so your clubs reputation is not tarnished by their "mistake".

THEN we go off at NZF on this forum.

Methinks Nix are wearing some of the fault here for a very good reason.

over 17 years

clearly some people think the sun shines out of the Phoenixs ass. Those with a less blinkered view have the opinion that the Phoenix could and should have done things differently on this transfer.

Early retirement
over 17 years

But we don't know what the Phoenix did.  That is the point.  People are just making up accusations and condemning the Phoenix without actually knowing anything about the true set of events and in some cases clearly inventing facts.

There is as much evidence to say that you fudgeed it up as there is to say anyone at the Phoenix fudgeed it up.

Early retirement
over 17 years
Woof Woof
about 17 years

mjp2 wrote:

el grapadura wrote:

mjp2 wrote:

el grapadura wrote:

ballane wrote:

Ryan wrote:

ballane wrote:

I fail to see how some seem to be turning a blind eye to the part the Phoenix have played in this shambles seems they dropped the ball big time despite what is claimed by some. Given its mostly no comment from the both of them seems both might have to admit they made mistakes.

according to Simon Hampton the Phoenix are furious in private but towing the line in public. The only information that we have is that the nix submitted their paperwork in time and that the process was started in the FIFA system but for whatever reason was not completed. Any blame going towards the club is just based on guesses ATM.

Yeah thats fine apart from the fact that the Phoenix are well aware of the issues NZF have had and if they fired it off and didnt follow up then im afraid yes they do have to take some of the blame.Dosnt really matter if NZF has dropped the ball the Phoenix should have been on their backs making sure the paper work was being done.

Its all assumption any way isnt it as they are all keeping pretty quiet.

If the person you need to be following up with is uncontactable, what do you do?

you ring the fudging CEO

then the Chairman

but the truth is we have no idea what happened and who did what

the only thing we know for a fact is that this is total incompetence, wherever it occurred

And they tell you, oh yeah, it's being processed, we're on top of it.

I would say at that point they are unlikely to fudge up, with their CEO on the back of their staff.  But if they still managed to fudge up, then you ask them to be accountable about it to the press, so your clubs reputation is not tarnished by their "mistake".

THEN we go off at NZF on this forum.

Methinks Nix are wearing some of the fault here for a very good reason.

Most CEs won't concern themselves with mundane operational matters, especially if they know that the standard operational process had already commenced.

And yes. You have a public go at an organisation that you've been told you need to get more out of if you want to stay in the league. That's a real smart move.

almost 14 years

mjp2 wrote:

el grapadura wrote:

mjp2 wrote:

el grapadura wrote:

ballane wrote:

Ryan wrote:

ballane wrote:

I fail to see how some seem to be turning a blind eye to the part the Phoenix have played in this shambles seems they dropped the ball big time despite what is claimed by some. Given its mostly no comment from the both of them seems both might have to admit they made mistakes.

according to Simon Hampton the Phoenix are furious in private but towing the line in public. The only information that we have is that the nix submitted their paperwork in time and that the process was started in the FIFA system but for whatever reason was not completed. Any blame going towards the club is just based on guesses ATM.

Yeah thats fine apart from the fact that the Phoenix are well aware of the issues NZF have had and if they fired it off and didnt follow up then im afraid yes they do have to take some of the blame.Dosnt really matter if NZF has dropped the ball the Phoenix should have been on their backs making sure the paper work was being done.

Its all assumption any way isnt it as they are all keeping pretty quiet.

If the person you need to be following up with is uncontactable, what do you do?

you ring the fudging CEO

then the Chairman

but the truth is we have no idea what happened and who did what

the only thing we know for a fact is that this is total incompetence, wherever it occurred

And they tell you, oh yeah, it's being processed, we're on top of it.

I would say at that point they are unlikely to fudge up, with their CEO on the back of their staff.  But if they still managed to fudge up, then you ask them to be accountable about it to the press, so your clubs reputation is not tarnished by their "mistake".

THEN we go off at NZF on this forum.

Methinks Nix are wearing some of the fault here for a very good reason.

Really depends on the CEO, there are different management styles. He may have then turned to the admin staff and said make sure this is done and left it at that because the best CEO's know that you hire competent staff and trust them to do their job. But this is all hypothetical, and I doubt anyone is going to release an hour by hour timeline of events.

Starting XI
about 17 years

Hard News wrote:

But we don't know what the Phoenix did.  That is the point.  People are just making up accusations and condemning the Phoenix without actually knowing anything about the true set of events and in some cases clearly inventing facts.

There is as much evidence to say that you fudgeed it up as there is to say anyone at the Phoenix fudgeed it up.

Bollocks.  Some of us are just reacting to the automatic NZF bashing going on here, when there are clearly questions to be asked of the Nix as well.  And the only evidence we do have is that the Nix and NZF are jointly wearing this in public.

We are not "making up accusations".  We are asking the questions that should be asked of our club, to the same standards of accountability we should demand from NZF.

Early retirement
over 17 years

I give up.  Wade on in.

over 17 years

Hard News wrote:

But we don't know what the Phoenix did.  That is the point.  People are just making up accusations and condemning the Phoenix without actually knowing anything about the true set of events and in some cases clearly inventing facts.

There is as much evidence to say that you fudgeed it up as there is to say anyone at the Phoenix fudgeed it up.

sorry but those thinking the Phoenix did the best that they can are the ones making stuff up. 

Others are saying that the FACT of the matter is that they didn't ensure the transfer was completed. 

Could they have done things differently? Yes.

Doing local transfers I have been on three time a day comms to Glyn/Sue / whoever the fill-in at the time is, as well as being on the phone to the Scottish FA/ comms with other FA's. It is called dotting the i's.

Until you can actually tell me the lengths Nix Ops went to - I will strenuously disagree with your view on matters

Starting XI
about 17 years

Ryan wrote:

Really depends on the CEO, there are different management styles. He may have then turned to the admin staff and said make sure this is done and left it at that because the best CEO's know that you hire competent staff and trust them to do their job. But this is all hypothetical, and I doubt anyone is going to release an hour by hour timeline of events.

Sure, and if it proves that his judgement in his staff was wrong he should publically accept the responsibility for that error.  Not tarnish our club with this as well.

I've made enough comments on this.  But nothing anybody else has said so far tells me that there are not questions we should reasonably be asking of our club.

Woof Woof
about 17 years

But the very fact that people are questioning why the Nix didn't follow up is a condemnation of NZF - this is such a central, core part of their operation that it should have been done and dusted in a matter of minutes.

over 17 years

Just another crisis. Perhaps the most embarrassing one I can remember though - and potentially damaging for us long-term if we want to get any players from England.

over 17 years

el grapadura wrote:

But the very fact that people are questioning why the Nix didn't follow up is a condemnation of NZF - this is such a central, core part of their operation that it should have been done and dusted in a matter of minutes.

No one is denying that NZF are sharkhouse

Woof Woof
about 17 years

There are a couple who seem to be implying that this is more of a Nix than NZF fudge up.

over 17 years

If the Nix sent it through on a public holiday expecting it to be actioned, it's certainly our fault.

Starting XI
about 17 years

el grapadura wrote:

But the very fact that people are questioning why the Nix didn't follow up is a condemnation of NZF - this is such a central, core part of their operation that it should have been done and dusted in a matter of minutes.

Sure, I am not whitewashing NZF.  We don't know anything other than both parties are wearing the blame in public. 

But it should be a "central, core" part of the Nix operations that if you send through a transfer at the last minute on a holiday weekend that you follow that up closely and, before hand, prepare the ground that you need someone dealing with it on the one single day that is left for it to get done. 

FFS, I've done a (small) bit of football admin and agree with Feverish's comments on the need to dot i's, big time, given the fairly loose and inconsistent standards (imho) of NZ football admin.  But I have also done a lot of professional operations management in other fields and I am saying nothing that I would not expect of my ops team, even when dealing with a functional counterparty.  Anyone working on the real world knows that taking the extra steps to ensure it is right in the first place is better than trying to mop up afterwards.  Especially when the consequences may be there is no mopping up possible, just real consequences.

If there was a couple of weeks to get this done, sure, hands off.  Follow up a week later.  This case was different.  And sure, we don't know what was and wasn't done.  But, I repeat, we do know our club has agreed to wear the shark for this in public, jointly with NZF.


over 17 years

Seems to me some of you are accusing others of making assumptions about what the Nix did or didn't do.  Yet are more than happy to throw accusations NZ Footballs way  using the little that has been said about it. Does seem at times that unless you hold the views that some do on these forums you are just in the wrong.

Chant Savant
over 17 years

It was all my fault!

(My missus said so!)

Opinion Privileges revoked
almost 15 years

valeo wrote:

If the Nix sent it through on a public holiday expecting it to be actioned, it's certainly our fault.

But I thought that sneering contempt for JAFA holidays was a virtue for us?

Seriously - this is another psychiatry conference deal. This is displaced anger at the team for sucking on the field and at the FFA for not sorting the licence. If we had a confirmed licence and were in title contention, not one of you guys would be blaming the Nix for this.

Opinion Privileges revoked
almost 15 years

ballane wrote:
Does seem at times that unless you hold the views that some do on these forums you are just in the wrong.

Well, this is true for all forums, everywhere. Mob mentality is just what you expect, especially in pseudonymous fora. You remember the dogpile on me when I suggested that Wellington's economy was in bad shape and thus Welnix had little bargaining power.

Woof Woof
about 17 years

mjp2 wrote:

el grapadura wrote:

But the very fact that people are questioning why the Nix didn't follow up is a condemnation of NZF - this is such a central, core part of their operation that it should have been done and dusted in a matter of minutes.

Sure, I am not whitewashing NZF.  We don't know anything other than both parties are wearing the blame in public. 

But it should be a "central, core" part of the Nix operations that if you send through a transfer at the last minute on a holiday weekend that you follow that up closely and, before hand, prepare the ground that you need someone dealing with it on the one single day that is left for it to get done. 

FFS, I've done a (small) bit of football admin and agree with Feverish's comments on the need to dot i's, big time, given the fairly loose and inconsistent standards (imho) of NZ football admin.  But I have also done a lot of professional operations management in other fields and I am saying nothing that I would not expect of my ops team, even when dealing with a functional counterparty.  Anyone working on the real world knows that taking the extra steps to ensure it is right in the first place is better than trying to mop up afterwards.  Especially when the consequences may be there is no mopping up possible, just real consequences.

If there was a couple of weeks to get this done, sure, hands off.  Follow up a week later.  This case was different.  And sure, we don't know what was and wasn't done.  But, I repeat, we do know our club has agreed to wear the shark for this in public, jointly with NZF.


A whole working day to action is last minute?

almost 14 years

Doloras wrote:

valeo wrote:

If the Nix sent it through on a public holiday expecting it to be actioned, it's certainly our fault.

But I thought that sneering contempt for JAFA holidays was a virtue for us?

Seriously - this is another psychiatry conference deal. This is displaced anger at the team for sucking on the field and at the FFA for not sorting the licence. If we had a confirmed licence and were in title contention, not one of you guys would be blaming the Nix for this.

Agreed. There is a lot of anger about at present. Didn't someone tweet that there were crowd boos at the end of the last game?

Starting XI
about 17 years

el grapadura wrote:

mjp2 wrote:

el grapadura wrote:

But the very fact that people are questioning why the Nix didn't follow up is a condemnation of NZF - this is such a central, core part of their operation that it should have been done and dusted in a matter of minutes.

Sure, I am not whitewashing NZF.  We don't know anything other than both parties are wearing the blame in public. 

But it should be a "central, core" part of the Nix operations that if you send through a transfer at the last minute on a holiday weekend that you follow that up closely and, before hand, prepare the ground that you need someone dealing with it on the one single day that is left for it to get done. 

FFS, I've done a (small) bit of football admin and agree with Feverish's comments on the need to dot i's, big time, given the fairly loose and inconsistent standards (imho) of NZ football admin.  But I have also done a lot of professional operations management in other fields and I am saying nothing that I would not expect of my ops team, even when dealing with a functional counterparty.  Anyone working on the real world knows that taking the extra steps to ensure it is right in the first place is better than trying to mop up afterwards.  Especially when the consequences may be there is no mopping up possible, just real consequences.

If there was a couple of weeks to get this done, sure, hands off.  Follow up a week later.  This case was different.  And sure, we don't know what was and wasn't done.  But, I repeat, we do know our club has agreed to wear the shark for this in public, jointly with NZF.


A whole working day to action is last minute?

You, good sir, are being a nit picking turkey. :)

Sickness, out of office, myriad potential IT probs, power cut, uncovered holiday, office fire and in this case, checking on a dodgy counter party.  All those things can and do happen.

So, yes, leaving something like this to the last day is leaving it to the proverbial last minute.

Instead of nitpicking and arguing rhetorically, how about you address the substantive point. 

If you live in a legalistic world, sure, NZF had a day and failed.  You sue them.  Lawyers make a lot of money.  You still loose your player.

If you live in the real world, you allow for potential problems and adapt your actions accordingly.  You get your player transfer done.

I guess it depends on whether you think like a lawyer or think like someone who gets something done.

Life and death
over 17 years

Hard News wrote:

But we don't know what the Phoenix did.  That is the point.  People are just making up accusations and condemning the Phoenix without actually knowing anything about the true set of events and in some cases clearly inventing facts.

There is as much evidence to say that you fudgeed it up as there is to say anyone at the Phoenix fudgeed it up.

Go back over the initial threads about the Olympic qualifying stuff up......  Exactly the same thing occurred there in relation to what NZF may have or may not have done..... Here, I think we're seeing a bit of selective angst. for the record I place the ultimate blame on NZF if this is fudgeed up, but I also attribute some blame on the Nix for not following up and making sure NZF did their job. This would not be acceptable in business; if your people didn't make an absolute nuisance of themselves getting some one else to process an application, you would be kicking some setrious ass.
about 17 years

Why wasn't anything done, as far as we know, on Tuesday?

Starting XI
about 17 years

Lonegunmen wrote:

Why wasn't anything done, as far as we know, on Tuesday?

As far as we can tell from the media, someone at NZF didn't get to the Nix email that day.

Which is why a number of us are asking why were the Nix, as it appears, not making phone calls and chasing this up on the Tuesday and why, as it would seem, the Nix had not rung the right people at NZF beforehand to say it was coming and would be urgent.

about 17 years

Perhaps the Nix wrongly trusted the NZF would have processed their part on Tuesday. Such a show of faith has proven to be a dsngerous thing when it comes to the NZF.

Starting XI
about 17 years

Global Game wrote:

Doloras wrote:

valeo wrote:

If the Nix sent it through on a public holiday expecting it to be actioned, it's certainly our fault.

But I thought that sneering contempt for JAFA holidays was a virtue for us?

Seriously - this is another psychiatry conference deal. This is displaced anger at the team for sucking on the field and at the FFA for not sorting the licence. If we had a confirmed licence and were in title contention, not one of you guys would be blaming the Nix for this.

Agreed. There is a lot of anger about at present. Didn't someone tweet that there were crowd boos at the end of the last game?

And no, honestly, I am not angry.  And I would be asking the same questions of the club, or expecting the same questions to be asked of the club in any other circumstances.  It's nothing to do with where we are on the table or where we are with the license.  It's simply about asking reasonable questions regarding the clubs performance on this one.  And not simply blaming NZF and letting the club get away with what APPEARS to be some very sloppy operational performance.

Anybody that has made a bit of an effort to encourage more people to get along to Nix games is not going to have that task made easier by being near the bottom of the table.  But it isn't made any easier by the club, and NZ football, looking like bozos in the media either. 

If you think asking questions that hold the club to account is just displaced anger then I suggest you are displacing some amateur psychology and letting your club off the hook.

One in a million
over 17 years

C-Diddy wrote:

It was all my fault!

(My missus said so!)

I thought she said it was my fault!

Starting XI
over 12 years
valeo wrote:

If the Nix sent it through on a public holiday expecting it to be actioned, it's certainly our fault.

Back to my point about NZF not having staff on when a transfer window is about to close - NZ public holidays don't exist in an international business world, so they should have had staff on. And no I'm not washing the nix's hands in all of this - I simply don't know what they did or didn't do - but like I say above I know that NZF were not open on Auckland Anniversary and that's just plain stupid.
about 17 years

Is it Lia or A-Rod who is the scapegoat now?

over 17 years

I blame Lochhead

Starting XI
about 12 years

Everybody interested in NZ football knew that the Nix got a player on loan. People close to the matter in charge should know deadlines, two per year? If you go on extra long weekend you take care on your last work day someone handles the job while you away from the internet. If you are top guy you may call the the Njx and ask them when the paperwork is done to get ready. Maybe the Nix fudged it up, either way it a communication issue.

about 14 years

chopah wrote:
valeo wrote:

If the Nix sent it through on a public holiday expecting it to be actioned, it's certainly our fault.

Back to my point about NZF not having staff on when a transfer window is about to close - NZ public holidays don't exist in an international business world, so they should have had staff on. And no I'm not washing the nix's hands in all of this - I simply don't know what they did or didn't do - but like I say above I know that NZF were not open on Auckland Anniversary and that's just plain stupid.

And it was only a "local" (regional) holiday. Wellington was open for business, yet nobody clicked that NZF (which looks after the whole of the country) was not open for business. Looks like the person at NZF took a long weekend and was "out of broadband range" on Tuesday as well - to me, this clearly looks like both NZF and the Nix having to share the blame for this debacle.

almost 11 years

We might have to get a Post Rider or Telegram System system up and running between Welington and Auckland. Whatsapp clearly isn't cutting it for comms with NZF. Lack of professionalism from both sides but more so with NZF for not having the staff available to get the job done. I bet they all finished work early on Friday so they could all get to the batch on time and flick the phone off.

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