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almost 14 years

Feverish wrote:

Ryan wrote:

Well think about it, your reasons for laying the blame on the nix is because the nzf didn't do their job when they had a number of days to get it done. You are guessing that the nix weren't putting pressure on them  but have absolutely no idea of the truthfulness of that comment. They could have been on the phone every hour as far as we know.

Your supporting evidence is that the nix haven't come out in social media talking shark about nzf which they have no history of doing, ever.

The media have said that the Phoenix are furious but are towing the line publicly.

Where was I putting the blame on the nix? That wasn't my point at all if you read back. My point was we know NZF have shady admin and you need to follow through. I have had to get quick international transfers a few times in the past and I have been calling international FA's as well as NZF until the transfer came through. Hell they could have even called the FIFA TMS line ie don't get to Wed and go oh well we did all we can - because if they had then we wouldn't be where we are. You even said it yourself. Stop being so naive. Submitting the transfer the time they did was possibly going to be problematic - but not impossible with suitable diligence. The fact it didn't happen is proof because at the end of the day it is their responsibility - a part of which NZF have a responsibility. Whilst Nix Ops are currently hating on NZF even more, they will also be kicking themselves - and if they aren't they then need to be. Every football administrator who deals with NZF has said the same thing (of which you are clearly not one). And it's toe the line not tow.

finally. And yes I use the yf app which means relying on the swipe keyboard to get things right and also no ability to edit, so I apologise for spelling and grammar.
about 14 years

Toonieboy wrote:
Like everybody I am very disappointed that we may not see Alex play, but the reality is that this season was over weeks ago. The only silver lining to this dark cloud is that the younger guys will now get more of a run which will hopefully benefit us in years to come.

Well, I disagree with the idea that the quality of our overall operations (including FIFA international transfers, receiving FIFA eligibility clearances etc) should matter only if we are winning games. "Well, the transfer is not going to help anyway, so let's not cut a long weekend short to send it off to FIFA".

Half-arsed performance on the field does not legitimise off-field incompetence (be it NZF or WelNix, whichever was at fault).

almost 15 years

Last year I managed probably the worst Cap 2 team in the history of the world. We lodged a local transfer on a wednesday.  By the Friday I was on the phone on an hourly basis to ensure it happened. Probably six or seven calls. Eventually it  did probably wouldn't have if I had not been a pain in the arse. Fact of the matter is a squeaky wheel eventually gets oiled and if this is true for a shark house local team the same applies globally be it a football transfer or getting a plumber  to turn up when you want them too.

Were NZF negligent in not making it happen , of course they are no body is denying that. Could The Nix have done more to make it happen? Well that is also pretty obvious they could.

Maybe NZF only have one person who usually does this stuff but there is no way in the world someone within NZF could not have done something,  even sending a bloody fax to FFA prior to the deadline.

about 17 years

this has been going on for a week now in the public domain and the one thing that is apparently obvious to me. No comment or apology from the NZF for a complete cluster F--k. Are they that arrogant or up themselves not to have at least done so or made some form of public attempt to right their wrong? The NZF should be rebranded "The Muppet Show". No wonder Hudson is peeved off with them. No internations scheduled despite lots of warning their too. 

about 17 years

.........Former Cadiz Deputy Mayor Jorge Blas told the El Mundo newspaper he initiated the investigation when city officials were about to give the worker a certificate honouring 20 years of service and realised he hadn't been seen at the water utility for a long time after transferring there from a city hall job.

The utility said it thought the worker had transferred back to city hall and the worker had no response when asked what tasks he had recently performed, Blas told the newspaper.

Current Deputy Cadiz Mayor Martin Vila told reporters on Friday he was amazed that "a person could be hired for years and collecting (pay) without doing anything whatsoever".

Garcia said he had visited his office but that there was nothing for him to do. He said he was the victim of workplace bullying due to disagreements between the council and the water company...........

Obviously they don't know the NZF.

Life and death
over 17 years

Ryan wrote:

Well think about it, your reasons for laying the blame on the nix is because the nzf didn't do their job when they had a number of days to get it done. You are guessing that the nix weren't putting pressure on them  but have absolutely no idea of the truthfulness of that comment. They could have been on the phone every hour as far as we know.

Your supporting evidence is that the nix haven't come out in social media talking shark about nzf which they have no history of doing, ever.

The media have said that the Phoenix are furious but are towing the line publicly.

If the Nix had been putting pressure on them, it would of been done for sure.
over 8 years

That is not what I said, or if it was, was not what I meant.

My point was how much more frustrating would this situation be for fans if we were challenging for a top 6 finish

Chant Savant
over 17 years


How about those Maoris?

over 17 years

Feverish wrote:

Where was I putting the blame on the nix? That wasn't my point at all if you read back. My point was we know NZF have shady admin and you need to follow through. I have had to get quick international transfers a few times in the past and I have been calling international FA's as well as NZF until the transfer came through. Hell they could have even called the FIFA TMS line ie don't get to Wed and go oh well we did all we can - because if they had then we wouldn't be where we are. You even said it yourself. Stop being so naive. Submitting the transfer the time they did was possibly going to be problematic - but not impossible with suitable diligence. The fact it didn't happen is proof because at the end of the day it is their responsibility - a part of which NZF have a responsibility. Whilst Nix Ops are currently hating on NZF even more, they will also be kicking themselves - and if they aren't they then need to be. Every football administrator who deals with NZF has said the same thing (of which you are clearly not one). And it's toe the line not tow.

In the rest of your post. 

over 17 years
over 17 years

paulm wrote:

Feverish wrote:

Where was I putting the blame on the nix? That wasn't my point at all if you read back. My point was we know NZF have shady admin and you need to follow through. I have had to get quick international transfers a few times in the past and I have been calling international FA's as well as NZF until the transfer came through. Hell they could have even called the FIFA TMS line ie don't get to Wed and go oh well we did all we can - because if they had then we wouldn't be where we are. You even said it yourself. Stop being so naive. Submitting the transfer the time they did was possibly going to be problematic - but not impossible with suitable diligence. The fact it didn't happen is proof because at the end of the day it is their responsibility - a part of which NZF have a responsibility. Whilst Nix Ops are currently hating on NZF even more, they will also be kicking themselves - and if they aren't they then need to be. Every football administrator who deals with NZF has said the same thing (of which you are clearly not one). And it's toe the line not tow.

In the rest of your post. 

1% blame

On the plus side NZF will be feeling a bit shark about the whole thing and willing to give the Nix some love somehow to make up for it

almost 12 years

Feverish wrote:

paulm wrote:

Feverish wrote:

Where was I putting the blame on the nix? That wasn't my point at all if you read back. My point was we know NZF have shady admin and you need to follow through. I have had to get quick international transfers a few times in the past and I have been calling international FA's as well as NZF until the transfer came through. Hell they could have even called the FIFA TMS line ie don't get to Wed and go oh well we did all we can - because if they had then we wouldn't be where we are. You even said it yourself. Stop being so naive. Submitting the transfer the time they did was possibly going to be problematic - but not impossible with suitable diligence. The fact it didn't happen is proof because at the end of the day it is their responsibility - a part of which NZF have a responsibility. Whilst Nix Ops are currently hating on NZF even more, they will also be kicking themselves - and if they aren't they then need to be. Every football administrator who deals with NZF has said the same thing (of which you are clearly not one). And it's toe the line not tow.

In the rest of your post. 

1% blame

On the plus side NZF will be feeling a bit shark about the whole thing and willing to give the Nix some love somehow to make up for it

Be careful what you wish for.

about 17 years

I doubt it Feverish, I'd suggest the NZF at looking and planning their next screw-up. Easter is the next public holiday.

One in a million
over 17 years

Hamish Watson! Well done! On the strength of that showing, the Ginger Ninja should be the next Nix transfer.

over 17 years

Would hold off and see what he does for the rest of the season. Good battering ram though, and a good debut.

almost 12 years

Hamish Watson! Well done! On the strength of that showing, the Ginger Ninja should be the next Nix transfer.

I'd go for Darren White myself. Used to play alongside Tony Kroos at Hansa Rostock. Still mid 20's. Get him fit and motivated........

about 17 years

I do find it interesting that in most situations where the Phoenix give a young Kiwi a shot in the A-League they generally perform reasonably well.

So why not do it more often? 

While I don't think Hamish Watson is the answer to all our problems, that's clearly Blake Powell, it is good to have the option of a big lad up front. Helps when he's an inexpensive Kiwi too.

almost 12 years

Luis Garcia wrote:

I do find it interesting that in most situations where the Phoenix give a young Kiwi a shot in the A-League they generally perform reasonably well.

So why not do it more often? 

While I don't think Hamish Watson is the answer to all our problems, that's clearly Blake Powell, it is good to have the option of a big lad up front. Helps when he's an inexpensive Kiwi too.

Agree. I thought Tim Payne for one might have had the engine to do well in the A-League, maybe more than Ridenton or Rufer.

about 17 years

Hamish Watson is clearly never going to be Ernie's plan A- if plan A is to try and play like we were with Roy and Burns as our attack. But he might be a plan B. 

First Team Squad
over 13 years

Would the fact that Kosta has been selected in the Victory's ACL squad pour cold water on the idea he's coming home?

almost 14 years

Why? They aren't going to lock out a player who's performing because he hasn't signed an extension. They can change the squad for each game obviously.

about 17 years

So: hoping. 

Kosta, McG, Alex Jones, Blake Powell, Roy, Roly, Hamish Watson (Appiah? Stevens?) Rogerson

Fox, Dura, Doyle, Manny, Riera, Danaskos, Louis, Gulley, A-Rod (Lia, Rufer, Ridenton?)

Moss, Italiano


almost 14 years

You want two foreign spots for players in their early 20s?

over 9 years
Head Sleuth
over 17 years

can't sign until the next transfer window. He'd probably want to pick up another gig (MLS) by then. 

almost 13 years

Tegal wrote:

can't sign until the next transfer window. He'd probably want to pick up another gig (MLS) by then. 

Plus he's a knob and I hate him
First Team Squad
over 17 years

martinb wrote:

So: hoping. 

Kosta, McG, Alex Jones, Blake Powell, Roy, Roly, Hamish Watson (Appiah? Stevens?) Rogerson

Fox, Dura, Doyle, Manny, Riera, Danaskos, Louis, Gulley, A-Rod (Lia, Rufer, Ridenton?)

Moss, Italiano


If this squad is the go then we wouldn't be strengthening the defence at all.

about 17 years

Tegal wrote:

can't sign until the next transfer window. He'd probably want to pick up another gig (MLS) by then. 

what's the rules for the HAL to sign players without a club? We signed Watson after the window closed.
Appiah without the pace
about 17 years

IIRC I think you can go from amateur to professional at any stage.

about 13 years

ppflanel wrote:

Well... Cahill is a free agent now...

He breaks the "No Dicks" rule on so many fronts.
3rd XI
over 14 years

Tegal wrote:

can't sign until the next transfer window. He'd probably want to pick up another gig (MLS) by then. 

Plus he's a knob and I hate him

He is a good player . you cant not sign him because you think that .

would you also pass on fornolli or berisha if they were knobs , i wouldn't

Head Sleuth
over 17 years

what could count in our favour in future is the Paul Ifill link. Also he is the sort of marquee the FFA would be pressuring us to sign. 

Australian clubs would be able to get more commercial benefit out of him obviously though. 

over 17 years

Will never happen in a million years.

Is also a bigger dick than Kruse and Griffiths combined.


almost 15 years

valeo wrote:

Will never happen in a million years.

Is also a bigger dick than Kruse and Griffiths combined.


I think you have underestimated the timeframe. I would suggest a Bazillion years.

We have more chance of signing Messi in the next transfer window

about 17 years

 Messi coming to the Nix? Full houses every game, many metrics met!

about 17 years

Bullion wrote:

Tegal wrote:

can't sign until the next transfer window. He'd probably want to pick up another gig (MLS) by then. 

what's the rules for the HAL to sign players without a club? We signed Watson after the window closed.

seems like there is some leeway to signing players without a club

1. Players may only be registered during one of the two annual registration periods fi xed by the relevant association. As an exception to this rule, a professional whose contract has expired prior to the end of a registration period may be registered outside that registration period. Associations are authorised to register such professionals provided due consideration is given to the sporting integrity of the relevant

One thing that NZF stuff ups have resulted in, casual fans having a better understanding of FIFA statues

Chant Savant
over 17 years

Cahill is Samoan so that pretty much counts as a NZ passport so wont be classed as import

about 12 years

Tegal wrote:

can't sign until the next transfer window. He'd probably want to pick up another gig (MLS) by then. 

Plus he's a knob and I hate him

Actually he's a top bloke and very easy to chat to... has a lot of family in friend and family in NZ so would probably consider it if the money was right.... which it won't be.

about 12 years

A little story from Tim's Millwill days,

A fan was waiting outside his house for hours in an effort to get a signature or just have a quick chat with him. After waiting for several hours for Tim to come out with no luck he decided to act and instead of waiting drove through his garage door.

Tim confronted the guy, said what the F I have kids who could have been in there and called the police. While the waited for police he sat the guy down in his living room, had a drink with him and signed his shirt.

Plus he thinks Michael Clark is an absolute cock so thats a big plus... not to mention all his charity work.

almost 14 years

C-Diddy wrote:

Cahill is Samoan so that pretty much counts as a NZ passport so wont be classed as import

In FIFA's eyes he's Australian and Aussies aren't imports.

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