almost 17 years
almost 17 years

Ming The Merciless - Rafa Benitez
Rafa made it into our list for Halloween last year as Jigsaw, the villain from the Saw films, because of his penchant for baffling and terrifying audiences (especially those from Liverpool) with his intricate plots and tactical meddling. We would easily have just reprinted it, because he's been doing the exact same thing all over again (and we all know how many trophies he ended up winning last season don't we?), but this year's major development is of course his facial hair. Ming The Merciless from Flash Gordon would be proud of it, as well as no doubt approving of the lack of mercy Benitez shows towards players who don't do well. Or those who do well. Well, all of them really.

Thor - Robbie Savage
Robbie Savage's long, flowing golden mane has been a source of fun for football fans for years now, and as our picture shows (he's the one on the right) it is still thriving and he still seems proud of it, no matter how girly it makes him look. All credit to him too, as not many great warriors from the past have been comfortable enough with their gender issues to have long blonde hair, but Thor The Mighty was one exception, as anyone who called him a big sissy girl was usually crushed by his whopping great hammer. Unfortunately, Savage hasn't proved quite so indestructible and his recent injury news was a (ahem) hammer blow to Blackburn Rovers.

Nien Nunb - John Terry
Who the heck is Nien Nunb we hear you ask? Renowned Star Wars geeks Wayne Bridge and Marcus Hahnemann would certainly know, and Bridge (who owns a stormtrooper costume) probably pointed out the similarity to his team-mate John Terry when JT had to wear a protective mask to cover his fractured cheekbone earlier this month. Nunb was a co-pilot for Lando Calrissian in the attack on the Death Star in Return Of The Jedi, and his jowlly face makes him the spitting image of Terry in his mask. Fortunately, he can always take it off, unlike poor Nunb, though any more blows to his face and JT could end up looking like that permanently...

Michael Myers - Frank Lampard
Ahhh, look at those two cherubs. Aren't they cute. But beware! One of them is a psychotic killer. Can you guess which one though? The one on the right is Michael Myers dressed in a clown costume just after stabbing his older sister to death in the classic movie Halloween. He of course grew up to wear a white mask and chase his other sister (Jamie Lee Curtis) round with a big knife. The other cherub is Frank Lampard, dressed as a toy soldier. He grew up to play for Chelsea and England, though judging by the malicious glint in his eyes, Steve McClaren should probably think twice about leaving him out of the next international team.

A Portuguese Werewolf In Hollywood - Abel Xavier
Abel Xavier spent last season in the romantic climes of Middlesbrough, but swapped them for Los Angeles in January (as anyone would if they were given the choice). Since then, the Hollywood Hills have been menaced by a mysterious beast with a fearsome yellow beard, each and every time that there has been a full moon. Less coincidentally, the very same beast keeps on appearing at the Home Depot Center whenever LA Galaxy are playing there, and sabotaging their defending by charging round with wild abandon and occasionally biting chunks off attackers' bodies. Well, maybe we made up the last part.

Jabba The Hutt - Avram Grant
Here's another one for Wayne Bridge. Jabba is a 600-year-old Hutt crime lord and gangster who employs a retinue of criminals, bounty hunters, smugglers, assassins, and bodyguards to operate his criminal empire. Avram is the 52-year-old Israeli football coach of Chelsea. Jabba has a grim sense of humour, a bellicose laugh, an insatiable appetite, and an affinity for gambling, slave girls, and torture. Avram has no noticeable sense of humour, never laughs and has an affinity for beating Manchester City 6-0. Can you see where we're going with this?

The Puppet Master - Roman Abramovich
ANOTHER one from Chelsea? It's not that we're picking on them, they just seem to be a bit more ghoulish and sinister than other football clubs. And none of them are more sinister than The Puppet Master himself. Sure, Roman might spend most of the time looking thoroughly bored and often gormless, but you know that somewhere down in the dark recesses of his brain, he's plotting something. Just ask Jose Mourinho, whose departure from Stamford Bridge earlier this season showed that his boss holds all of the puppet strings at the club. His latest puppet, Avram The Hutt, seems to be doing well so far, but knows that he's just another disposable toy for his boss.

Predator - Anderson
You might think that Man United's new Brazilian midfielder only makes our list because he has dreadlocks (his Old Trafford nickname is apparently 'Bob' after Bob Marley) and so does the Predator, but there's more to it than that you see. Sure, he's only 4ft tall and comes from Brazil, but his performances in the last few weeks have shown that he can look after himself in midfield as well as spraying those fancy passes around, and in that respect he's got more in common with the Predator than just the hair. We're not saying he'd do well in battle with Arnold Schwarzenegger or an Alien, but hey, he's pretty tough for a Brazilian.

A Krite - Sammy Lee
Poor Sammy Lee. Not only did he get sacked this month, but now we're kicking him when he's down and comparing him to a Krite, from the horror comedy film series Critters. But if the cap fits, and on Lee's head it probably would. Not only is he quite small and strangely furry, but the former Bolton Wanderers manager was also a bit of a critter as a midfield player for Liverpool in their glory days.
about 17 years
Martin Jol and Super Intendent Chalmers off The Simpsons!
First Team Squad
about 17 years
Red Dwarf cast's secret love child...
First Team Squad
about 17 years
Starting XI
almost 17 years
s2art wrote:
Red Dwarf cast's secret love child...
Was it consenting?
Starting XI
almost 17 years
Ming The Merciless - Rafa Benitez
"Gerrard is ALIVE?!"
about 17 years
First Team Squad
about 17 years
First Team Squad
about 17 years

Nien Nunb - John Terry
Who the heck is Nien Nunb we hear you ask? Renowned Star Wars geeks Wayne Bridge and Marcus Hahnemann would certainly know, and Bridge (who owns a stormtrooper costume) probably pointed out the similarity to his team-mate John Terry when JT had to wear a protective mask to cover his fractured cheekbone earlier this month. Nunb was a co-pilot for Lando Calrissian in the attack on the Death Star in Return Of The Jedi, and his jowlly face makes him the spitting image of Terry in his mask. Fortunately, he can always take it off, unlike poor Nunb, though any more blows to his face and JT could end up looking like that permanently...
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Js6rbXw_tfA  dude that muppet looks like a monkey
almost 17 years
More blows to the face and John Terry will have a face as stable as Michael Jackson's!!
Starting XI
about 17 years
Phoenix Academy
almost 17 years
Phoenix Academy
almost 17 years
First Team Squad
about 17 years
almost 17 years
First Team Squad
about 17 years
Nicky Butt and Fozzie Bear from the Muppets.
about 17 years
First Team Squad
about 17 years
almost 17 years
watching united vs liverpool this morning.. this was all i could see when i saw Riise..

Street fighter guile :

John Arne Riise:

with slightly less hair..

Phoenix Academy
almost 17 years
kiwi pie wrote:
Dirk Kyut
No, surely Iain Dowie - he's even wearing a Southampton shirt
Starting XI
almost 17 years
First Team Squad
about 17 years

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