Things that make you go hmmmm

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over 17 years

I've read the same about our beef and lamb industries, that it's much more humane than overseas.

But apparently our chicken and pork industries are much the same, and some info I saw suggests our pork industry is particularly bad. 

I think your brother has a great point about the butchering process.

My father-in-law has a few sheep, he kills lambs every year and stocks up their freezer, and often gives us one. He's getting on a bit so asks me to give him a hand, some of them are a bit heavy for him to hang up. The first time round it was a bit of an eye-opener, but I had the exact same thought - if I can't help here and stomach this, then why am I eating it? I got through it, it's easy now, and it gave me a greater appreciation for where we get our protein, and what happens along the way. 

Also the lamb is delicious, better than anything I've gotten through supermarkets/butchers, it's just a pity the father-in-law's butchering skills are so poor, we tend to get four enormous leg/shoulder roasts and a lump of poorly-cut chops, and that's it. He won't cut it any other way, despite my protestations!

over 9 years

Respect Paulm. As a young fella I became a pretty skilled farm butcher. My dad gave up and just got me to do the home kills. The secret a very sharp knife and no eye contact. Ended up with a little business selling hogget (tastes better than lamb) to all his lawn bowls mates.

Like your FIL also had a small sheep flock grazing, just outside Palmerston Nth one year, when at Massey University. Female flatmates bit horrified to come home to me at kitchen bench, carving up a whole meat carcass!

Thats 25 odd years ago, and would probably feel more uncomfortable doing it now, no doubt. But yes it sure tastes good, even if an inefficient system in which to obtain our protein.

Remember oxo cubes? The original protein shot.

They came from Uruguay. Found that when toured their huge factory site there recently. Love it but strangest UNESCO world heritage site you’ve ever visit. It took 32 kgs of meat to produce 1 kg of Oxo. No wonder they eventually went bust.

Phoenix Academy
almost 7 years

coochiee wrote:

paulm wrote:

What I find bizarre is the undertone in here about how killing and eating wild animals is some sort of weird behaviour.

This is far better behaviour than what most of us are doing - buying packaged meat from animals that have been treated unbelievably badly, loaded up with antibiotics and other medications to try and beat off the constant disease that's prevalent in their environment. 

I for one am looking to the growing "lab meat" industry with a lot of optimism. As soon as that is cost-effective I'll be all in. Seems like the best solution to me. 

My brother always agrues, that if you can't stomach watching an animal being killed and butchered - you shouldn't really eat meat.

And that is why I am vegetarian. I really like animals a lot so it was really a no brainer for me not to want to eat them.

I don't believe in preaching about not eating meat, no-one likes being preached at after all, just do what I believe is correct for me and my values. 

over 17 years

Totally respect that Chch Rangers. Each to their own, we're omnivores, we can make these choices. 

My sister is the same, she hates the idea of killing animals and doesn't eat meat. 

To her credit she doesn't wear leather and things like that either. 

She's keen on the lab meat thing though, I tell you. She's getting bloody excited, she misses her meat! 

Phoenix Academy
almost 7 years

paulm wrote:

Totally respect that Chch Rangers. Each to their own, we're omnivores, we can make these choices. 

My sister is the same, she hates the idea of killing animals and doesn't eat meat. 

To her credit she doesn't wear leather and things like that either. 

She's keen on the lab meat thing though, I tell you. She's getting bloody excited, she misses her meat! 

Cheers bro

I really don't know how you (or anyone) can kill an animal as I just can't even bring myself to contemplate it. heck I even shoo the flies out of my house rather than swat them :D

Each to there own hey!

almost 15 years

paulm wrote:

Totally respect that Chch Rangers. Each to their own, we're omnivores, we can make these choices. 

My sister is the same, she hates the idea of killing animals and doesn't eat meat. 

To her credit she doesn't wear leather and things like that either. 

She's keen on the lab meat thing though, I tell you. She's getting bloody excited, she misses her meat! 

Cheers bro

I really don't know how you (or anyone) can kill an animal as I just can't even bring myself to contemplate it. heck I even shoo the flies out of my house rather than swat them :D

Each to there own hey!

because they are delicious ?
tradition and history
over 17 years

paulm wrote:

Totally respect that Chch Rangers. Each to their own, we're omnivores, we can make these choices. 

My sister is the same, she hates the idea of killing animals and doesn't eat meat. 

To her credit she doesn't wear leather and things like that either. 

She's keen on the lab meat thing though, I tell you. She's getting bloody excited, she misses her meat! 

Cheers bro

I really don't know how you (or anyone) can kill an animal as I just can't even bring myself to contemplate it. heck I even shoo the flies out of my house rather than swat them :D

Each to there own hey!

I just spray them. 

about 17 years

Nothing beats your first visit to a meatworks and after they cut the throat of some cow to keep some religious group happy and then hose out the carcass with a very high pressure hot water hose. Then the smell hits you and it sticks to your clothes. I washed mine twice and they still had the smell on them. You experience that even just once and you wont forget it. I appreciate you get used to  it over a week but that first encounter.............

almost 15 years
tradition and history
over 17 years

sthn.jeff wrote:

Why is it always people with purple hair?

Nutters are nutters regardless of the colour of their hair.

One in a million
over 17 years

Leggy wrote:

sthn.jeff wrote:

Why is it always people with purple hair?

Nutters are nutters regardless of the colour of their hair.

You can even have cool blond hair and try and destabilise world peace.

over 17 years

Oh sh*t that is good ^

Thought I was reading the Onion for a second!

over 17 years

sthn.jeff wrote:

Why is it always people with purple hair?

We need another world war.

about 17 years

Lonegunmen wrote:

Nothing beats your first visit to a meatworks and after they cut the throat of some cow to keep some religious group happy and then hose out the carcass with a very high pressure hot water hose. Then the smell hits you and it sticks to your clothes. I washed mine twice and they still had the smell on them. You experience that even just once and you wont forget it. I appreciate you get used to  it over a week but that first encounter.............

I tend to take the missus out for a meal or a trip to the cinema but if you recommend the meat works I'll give it a go. 

about 17 years

sthn.jeff wrote:

Why is it always people with purple hair?

I asked my 10 month old tonight if I could change her sharkty nappy. Her response was...."dadada dada Dada da." Sorry I can't  translate it. And I don't have purple hair.

almost 15 years

Lonegunmen wrote:

sthn.jeff wrote:

Why is it always people with purple hair?

I asked my 10 month old tonight if I could change her sharkty nappy. Her response was...."dadada dada Dada da." Sorry I can't  translate it. And I don't have purple hair.

Thats the problem LG.... but if you paint a purple rabbit on your head, from a distance it will look like hare :)
tradition and history
over 17 years
Phoenix Academy
almost 7 years

Daffodils have been coming into flower in chch for the last few weeks and I have even seen ducklings

what the heck! Each successive autumn/winter gets weirder and weider

No snow in arthurs pass either...


Phoenix Academy
almost 7 years

sthn.jeff wrote:

paulm wrote:

Totally respect that Chch Rangers. Each to their own, we're omnivores, we can make these choices. 

My sister is the same, she hates the idea of killing animals and doesn't eat meat. 

To her credit she doesn't wear leather and things like that either. 

She's keen on the lab meat thing though, I tell you. She's getting bloody excited, she misses her meat! 

Cheers bro

I really don't know how you (or anyone) can kill an animal as I just can't even bring myself to contemplate it. heck I even shoo the flies out of my house rather than swat them :D

Each to there own hey!

because they are delicious ?

If I had ten bucks for every time I heard that line I would be able to buy the Phoenix !

almost 17 years

Our GM being in Hong Kong on a junket with the "youth" team while the club has no coach/manager or guaranteed future. At least that's what his out of office says.

over 17 years

Saw on Twitter recently that some people are now claiming the Mr. Men series is sexist, among other things.

Seriously what the fudge is wrong with the world now? It's a series of children's books ffs.

over 13 years

theprof wrote:

Our GM being in Hong Kong on a junket with the "youth" team while the club has no coach/manager or guaranteed future. At least that's what his out of office says.

Love it if you could post the email you sent him

almost 17 years

theprof wrote:

Our GM being in Hong Kong on a junket with the "youth" team while the club has no coach/manager or guaranteed future. At least that's what his out of office says.

Love it if you could post the email you sent him

Hey David,

I’ve been watching the stories fly around about my beloved Nix and nothing saddens me more than feeling that someone is lying to me. Either Rob and the ownership team are or the FFA are. I’ve heard yourself and Rob on the radio say “the club is not for sale” and now the Sydney papers are quoting Gallop and the FFA saying they have declined a sale of $15m.
So what is it? Are the nix gone? Have Rob and the team given up and decided to try and cash out?

We are a month from the seasons end. We haven’t had a manager for nearly 6 weeks and it seems we are no closer to announcing one. Mind you who would come to manage a team that the owners don’t seem to want and the league are trying to get rid of? Besides that half the squad are off contract and those that can get signed elsewhere are looking likely to not be here next season(if it even exists).

So what’s really happening here. Are Rob and the club seriously expecting the fans to buy season passes when they clearly don’t give a toss anymore? This debacle is breaking my heart. I love this team and this game but it hurts so much to see it treated so badly.

I understand the motivation for an independent a-league without FFA and its metrics. But without a manager and team to play next season it won’t matter.

I just don’t know what to believe anymore. Someone has lied to the fans of the nix or at best hidden the full story behind media speak.

I’m hoping beyond all hope that Gallop and the FFA are just being sneaky but in all reality I can’t see why they’d decline a sale that was not real in some manner.

Cheers for listening.
 - a very disheartened fan.

almost 17 years

his out of office reads:

I am out of the office at the Hong Kong Sevens Wednesday 16 - Tuesday 22 May.. There may be some delay in responding to your email. I will respond as soon as I can, thank you for your patience.

tradition and history
over 17 years

theprof wrote:

his out of office reads:

I am out of the office at the Hong Kong Sevens Wednesday 16 - Tuesday 22 May.. There may be some delay in responding to your email. I will respond as soon as I can, thank you for your patience.

This is the sort of crap that you have to put up with these days.

In the  ' good old days ' there were people that you could actually talk to and give you an answer. 

over 17 years

theprof wrote:

Our GM being in Hong Kong on a junket with the "youth" team while the club has no coach/manager or guaranteed future. At least that's what his out of office says.

Chinese investor incoming?

Phoenix Academy
almost 7 years

Buffon II wrote:

Saw on Twitter recently that some people are now claiming the Mr. Men series is sexist, among other things.

Seriously what the fudge is wrong with the world now? It's a series of children's books ffs.

Wait til they find out there's only one female smurf in the village...

The other day in a bookshop where a friend works some girl came in and complained about the Mills and Boons books they had for sale because in her opinion they "exploited women"

Some folk must spend all day looking for things to get offended by.

over 17 years

Buffon II wrote:

Saw on Twitter recently that some people are now claiming the Mr. Men series is sexist, among other things.

Seriously what the fudge is wrong with the world now? It's a series of children's books ffs.

Wait til they find out there's only one female smurf in the village...

The other day in a bookshop where a friend works some girl came in and complained about the Mills and Boons books they had for sale because in her opinion they "exploited women"

Some folk must spend all day looking for things to get offended by.

Mills and Boon, that's quite funny considering the readership demographic is probably 100% women.

Phoenix Academy
almost 7 years

paulm wrote:

Buffon II wrote:

Saw on Twitter recently that some people are now claiming the Mr. Men series is sexist, among other things.

Seriously what the fudge is wrong with the world now? It's a series of children's books ffs.

Wait til they find out there's only one female smurf in the village...

The other day in a bookshop where a friend works some girl came in and complained about the Mills and Boons books they had for sale because in her opinion they "exploited women"

Some folk must spend all day looking for things to get offended by.

Mills and Boon, that's quite funny considering the readership demographic is probably 100% women.

Even funnier given that most of the authors are female too:

Beyonce, Madonna etc getting their baps out and singing about sexual themes = women empowering themselves. More money they can make from flaunting their bodies the better

Girls wanting to work as cheerleader or pit girls = exploitation of women.These women should lose their jobs even if it is their sole source of income.

The inner workings of the mind of the modern day feminist is quite a curious thing to behold :)

over 17 years

The royal wedding. Why the fudge is it considered important?

over 13 years

because Meghan is hotter then Pippa

Phoenix Academy
almost 7 years

Buffon II wrote:

The royal wedding. Why the fudge is it considered important?

Cos There's money in it?

The MSM have been hyping it up from day one. You almost get the feeling they want the marriage to fail so they can have some tasty scandals to dish up.

But regardless of what happens you can guarantee the media will be making the most of it because it is a money making operation for them.

imo of course!

I'm not sure whats worse: Od'ing on Royal wedding bollocks or being triggered by nappy changing abuse scandals :D

One in a million
over 17 years

Buffon II wrote:

The royal wedding. Why the fudge is it considered important?

because it stops D. Trump getting all the headlines for a day.

Phoenix Academy
almost 7 years

Buffon II wrote:

The royal wedding. Why the fudge is it considered important?

because it stops D. Trump getting all the headlines for a day.

I wish,

There's been no let up on the Trump mania alas. 

He's the gift that just keeps giving and the media love it

don't even get me started on the bromance between Shrump and Netflixyahoo and their desire to start a war with Iran (while treating Palestinians like subhumans)....!

about 17 years

because Meghan is hotter then Pippa

So very wrong. One is smoking hot and married with children, the other is a plastic barbie with a completely disfunctional family. Her family remind me of the Grizwald's rellies in National Lampoons Vacation. As if the Queen didn't have enough problems to deal with. 

Speaking of which Harry has said he did not want the dried up old fruit cake at his wedding and he was told, he had to have his father there.

over 13 years

Lonegunmen, think you are mixing up the hotties

Pippa doesn't have children

about 17 years

Ooops. Meant Katie, But yes, her sister is cute too.

Over it, just like the New Idea, Women's Day and the NZ Women's Weekly with no doubt their 25 page colour specials to celebrate with. And an exclusive photo of Harry & Meghan caught actually "Kissing". oooooohhhhh, Aaahhhhhhh.

Phoenix Academy
almost 7 years

I am thinking of watching the royal wedding out of spite and self loathing :D

One in a million
over 17 years

I am thinking of watching the royal wedding out of spite and self loathing :D

Add a drop of thumb screws and a little bit of flaggelation

over 13 years

I am wondering if harry will wear his nazi uniform 

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Things that make you go hmmmm