Phoenix Academy
over 11 years

ol'sole wrote:

GameChanger wrote:

Great to see 6 youth players under the age of 18 in the squad today with 3 of them starting! All have come through local ftc  and hbu system. The central football development manager obviously doing something right in the region. Anyone know who it currently is?

On down side they will likely only be about for a season or 2 before they move out of region for uni...

It would be great to try see HBU somewhat team up with Massey Football in Palmerston North. Get these young FTC players on scholarships for accommodation, a year of study etc allow them to play winter footy there in the Federation League (Ideally win promotion to central league, since there is no Palmy team now) then come back to the bay for the summer season. Keeping them in the central football federation would be a huge boost.

Yeah thats not a half bad idea if it kept them in the federation and wanting to play HBU. The list is endless of players who have left HB at 18/19 that could have played national league. But unfortunately its more then just the students, Andy Bevin would be a good example, went state side then has come back and settled in Wellington for work, so only makes sense for him to play down there. 

to WFA - better still, why not get HBU to team up with Napier City Rovers.  The majority of players are already there and they don't have to win the Federation League or get promotion to Central League.  Think of the saving in accommodation, travel, etc.  

ol'sole unless something has dramatically changed in the last 5 years can't see NCR and HBU doing that as the old boys on the board at NCR didn't particularly have a good relationship with HBU just before I left the bay. I'm guessing from your suggestion and inside knowledge of NCR that has change. On another note NCR have hardly had a clear youth pathway recently if u19 results over the last to years reference point. Finish both behind Marist and Havelock...  

Have tried to instigate a youth policy recently but unfortunately without a lot of success - see the HBU youth results over the last few years which will give you an idea as to what is available.  Unfortunately we lose many of our younger players when they believe that they are good enough to start in Central League each week and are not prepared to "start at the bottom" and work their way up.  I agree that our U19 effort in the last couple of years hasn't been too sharp but it is difficult to keep the kids when they are guaranteed a start in the other Club's first teams and the HBU youth coach is with a rival Club (no further comment forthcoming)

Listen here Fudgeface
over 14 years

Brett is a very good football coach. What he's achieved with his teams during his time at HBU is testament to that.

It's just a shame that he sours it by acting like a complete arse sometimes on the sideline.

Phoenix Academy
almost 15 years

Ok, people here seem to agree that Brett is a good coach but, his sideline behaviour is not very nice...

Most people commenting here watch the EPL (and other English and European leagues) and have seen the sideline behaviour of those guys on TV.

Is Brett worse than "the Special One" ? Or 'the Big Sam', Raffa, Moyes, Conte, etc... ? Maybe, maybe not, if he is , that wouldn't be by much.

Yet, nobody here makes much drama of it.

So, why is that acceptable in the EPL and not in ISPS Handa P ?

In particular, what gets me , being an immigrant from what most people in NZ would call a shark country,

why is any kind of passion showing not allowed in NZ !? Talking about the football games only, of course...

('Lets'go Phoenix, let's go..." . Really !!!!???)

Brett's sideline antics will create a monster of every kid watching the HBU games !?

People, whatever happened to the f**ing common sense ?

We have been talking about many football things here on this site, trying to figure out how we can improve football in this country.

How about we start by letting the common sense, passion, excitment,anticipation back on our fields ?

How about we try to make a spectacle of a game of football (which Brett does to some extent, certainly better than any other coach in the league), to start with.

Maybe then we are going to get a bit more then 1 man and his dog at the games. Maybe people will start to look forward to those games etc.

The football in NZ is (almost) dead, yes - mostly because people's passion for it is pretty much dead.

Not the only reason, of course, and just an immigrant's view on this, but I honestly think (observe) that.

over 11 years

ol'sole wrote:

ol'sole wrote:

GameChanger wrote:

Great to see 6 youth players under the age of 18 in the squad today with 3 of them starting! All have come through local ftc  and hbu system. The central football development manager obviously doing something right in the region. Anyone know who it currently is?

On down side they will likely only be about for a season or 2 before they move out of region for uni...

It would be great to try see HBU somewhat team up with Massey Football in Palmerston North. Get these young FTC players on scholarships for accommodation, a year of study etc allow them to play winter footy there in the Federation League (Ideally win promotion to central league, since there is no Palmy team now) then come back to the bay for the summer season. Keeping them in the central football federation would be a huge boost.

Yeah thats not a half bad idea if it kept them in the federation and wanting to play HBU. The list is endless of players who have left HB at 18/19 that could have played national league. But unfortunately its more then just the students, Andy Bevin would be a good example, went state side then has come back and settled in Wellington for work, so only makes sense for him to play down there. 

to WFA - better still, why not get HBU to team up with Napier City Rovers.  The majority of players are already there and they don't have to win the Federation League or get promotion to Central League.  Think of the saving in accommodation, travel, etc.  

ol'sole unless something has dramatically changed in the last 5 years can't see NCR and HBU doing that as the old boys on the board at NCR didn't particularly have a good relationship with HBU just before I left the bay. I'm guessing from your suggestion and inside knowledge of NCR that has change. On another note NCR have hardly had a clear youth pathway recently if u19 results over the last to years reference point. Finish both behind Marist and Havelock...  

Have tried to instigate a youth policy recently but unfortunately without a lot of success - see the HBU youth results over the last few years which will give you an idea as to what is available.  Unfortunately we lose many of our younger players when they believe that they are good enough to start in Central League each week and are not prepared to "start at the bottom" and work their way up.  I agree that our U19 effort in the last couple of years hasn't been too sharp but it is difficult to keep the kids when they are guaranteed a start in the other Club's first teams and the HBU youth coach is with a rival Club (no further comment forthcoming)

Sorry I don't buy that, why would 15/16/17/18 year kids go to the likes of Marist who play in the local prems, when if they stay at the NCR they could make there way into Central League. "youth policy" is  crock... for the past 4 years they have "been" starting a youth acadamy. The problem is that the club a local prem team made up largely of 40 year olds those 40 year olds were all playing in central league as 17 year olds for Napier, and they all play local prems at 15/16 with Roy of Rovers and Terry Parkin as 2 senior players. Those same 40s have largely shafted Marist and Taradale in recent years as they all played with each other at those club and all decided they would move at the same time. Leaving their previous club in the SHARK players the following season. social old boys taking spots off youth. Tell Stu, Mo, Dave etc if they want to play at the club they play div 1 as young guys need to be playing in the prems. 

over 6 years

TheHun wrote:

Ok, people here seem to agree that Brett is a good coach but, his sideline behaviour is not very nice...

Most people commenting here watch the EPL (and other English and European leagues) and have seen the sideline behaviour of those guys on TV.

Is Brett worse than "the Special One" ? Or 'the Big Sam', Raffa, Moyes, Conte, etc... ? Maybe, maybe not, if he is , that wouldn't be by much.

Yet, nobody here makes much drama of it.

So, why is that acceptable in the EPL and not in ISPS Handa P ?

In particular, what gets me , being an immigrant from what most people in NZ would call a shark country,

why is any kind of passion showing not allowed in NZ !? Talking about the football games only, of course...

('Lets'go Phoenix, let's go..." . Really !!!!???)

Brett's sideline antics will create a monster of every kid watching the HBU games !?

People, whatever happened to the f**ing common sense ?

We have been talking about many football things here on this site, trying to figure out how we can improve football in this country.

How about we start by letting the common sense, passion, excitment,anticipation back on our fields ?

How about we try to make a spectacle of a game of football (which Brett does to some extent, certainly better than any other coach in the league), to start with.

Maybe then we are going to get a bit more then 1 man and his dog at the games. Maybe people will start to look forward to those games etc.

The football in NZ is (almost) dead, yes - mostly because people's passion for it is pretty much dead.

Not the only reason, of course, and just an immigrant's view on this, but I honestly think (observe) that.

What a load of crap! There is passion and then there is being a dick which is unacceptable in public so I don't see why it should be on the sports field. Brett comments to referees at times is unacceptable and same goes for some of the players on the pitch and that type of behaviour shouldn't be encouraged. I don't care what EPL or other overseas coaches do, I'm sure insulting referees isn't acceptable there either unless it's drongos who think it's funny!

As for the let's go Phoenix chant, sure pick one chant out of all the others that the Fever try do. That's a NZ crowd problem but at least the people in that zone try a lot of different ones, can't be helped if that's the only chant that people sitting out the zone do as well. 

over 17 years

NCR get a load of imports in don't they? I that at the expense of young locals - or do they give all that are good enough a chance?

almost 15 years

patrick478 wrote:

Brett is a very good football coach. What he's achieved with his teams during his time at HBU is testament to that.

It's just a shame that he sours it by acting like a complete arse sometimes on the sideline.

didn't you say he only got the job because he has an English Accent not so long ago ?
Listen here Fudgeface
over 14 years

sthn.jeff wrote:

patrick478 wrote:

Brett is a very good football coach. What he's achieved with his teams during his time at HBU is testament to that.

It's just a shame that he sours it by acting like a complete arse sometimes on the sideline.

didn't you say he only got the job because he has an English Accent not so long ago ?

Can't remember exactly what I said, but it was pointed out to me that he's done a good job with what's available and with the evidence available I realised that yes, he has actually done incredibly well. Comments from Iffs etc helped that view.
Life and death
over 17 years

Feverish wrote:

NCR get a load of imports in don't they? I that at the expense of young locals - or do they give all that are good enough a chance?

Over the years NCR have bought in imports with many staying here long after their days at the top are over. Many are still involved with the club. They are the top club in the Bay purely based on the fact that they play at the highest level and do so consistently. Every year they expect to either win or nearly win the Central League title and the Chatham Cup and have had a lot of success in both. Here we have a club with high expectations of itself and as a result recruit in a manner that they think gives them the best chance of achieving those lofty goals [sound like the opposite to another club be know?]. As a result they don't generally fill their team with youngsters, but they do bring on a fair few. Every under 19 player can't expect or be expected to be good enough to make the top team and so many will go elsewhere for opportunity. I'm not so close to the action to name any young player that has gone off elsewhere and then become a 'star' - Andy Bevin went off to US College and then chased a professional dream and someone recently headed off to Lithuania [and I think came back]. I don't think the numbers are huge. 
about 15 years

TheHun wrote:

Ok, people here seem to agree that Brett is a good coach but, his sideline behaviour is not very nice...

Most people commenting here watch the EPL (and other English and European leagues) and have seen the sideline behaviour of those guys on TV.

Is Brett worse than "the Special One" ? Or 'the Big Sam', Raffa, Moyes, Conte, etc... ? Maybe, maybe not, if he is , that wouldn't be by much.

Yet, nobody here makes much drama of it.

So, why is that acceptable in the EPL and not in ISPS Handa P ?

In particular, what gets me , being an immigrant from what most people in NZ would call a shark country,

why is any kind of passion showing not allowed in NZ !? Talking about the football games only, of course...

('Lets'go Phoenix, let's go..." . Really !!!!???)

Brett's sideline antics will create a monster of every kid watching the HBU games !?

People, whatever happened to the f**ing common sense ?

We have been talking about many football things here on this site, trying to figure out how we can improve football in this country.

How about we start by letting the common sense, passion, excitment,anticipation back on our fields ?

How about we try to make a spectacle of a game of football (which Brett does to some extent, certainly better than any other coach in the league), to start with.

Maybe then we are going to get a bit more then 1 man and his dog at the games. Maybe people will start to look forward to those games etc.

The football in NZ is (almost) dead, yes - mostly because people's passion for it is pretty much dead.

Not the only reason, of course, and just an immigrant's view on this, but I honestly think (observe) that.

I don't think I could have written a bigger pile of horse if I tried.

q: why does he get binned every single year?

a: Cause he acts like a fudgewit

q: does that mean he is a bad coach?

a: no he does get results from inferior cattle but the tolerance is lower when you have a complete lunatic detracting from whats going on on the sideline.

q: does that still make him a bad coach?

a: no but it means he never learns. When you are the only one sitting there saying you are correct and no one else is, 99% of the time, you are not.

No one else acts like him and they last the entire season. Maybe he should consider that the issue is not the refs but him

Life and death
over 17 years

Angell is also not the Lone Ranger when it comes to sideline behaviour. I don't see a lot of football around the country but in recent years I can recall similar sideline performances from Jonathan Gould and  Declan Edge. That's not condoning their behaviour but just think a few of you are getting way too upset about something that really doesn't matter. To quote an infinitely wise man "its not life and death".

Phoenix Academy
almost 15 years

Mods, any particular reason my comment in response to Jeff Vader was just removed ?

Did I break any rules ? 

Listen here Fudgeface
over 14 years

I've hidden a post in here because it was aimed directly at a poster rather than their views. Play the ball, not the man.

Phoenix Academy
almost 15 years

patrick478 wrote:

I've hidden a post in here because it was aimed directly at a poster rather than their views. Play the ball, not the man.


this is a joke, right ?

It was aimed at a large group of people in NZ who take football games way too seriously. Would you mind showing the post again and actually commenting on it and showing where/how I overstepped the line ? And let others have a chance to come to the same conclusion as you. 

Well, I imagine not. And if not, could you please delete my account.  

Listen here Fudgeface
over 14 years

TheHun wrote:

patrick478 wrote:

I've hidden a post in here because it was aimed directly at a poster rather than their views. Play the ball, not the man.


this is a joke, right ?

It was aimed at a large group of people in NZ who take football games way too seriously. Would you mind showing the post again and actually commenting on it and showing where/how I overstepped the line ? And let others have a chance to come to the same conclusion as you. 

Well, I imagine not. And if not, could you please delete my account.  

It's not modding by committee. I'll send you a PM later tonight.
Phoenix Academy
over 11 years

HBU finished 1st runner up today against Auckland City

Anendra's report - I can't comment on it as I was not at the game

over 8 years

Firstly I will admit to being rather passionate/confrontational etc on the sideline.

However in my role as HBU Academy manager and National Development Officer for NZF at the time, I knew there was a line that i shouldn't and didn't cross and that was foul/abusive language.

What you see on the touchline in the Premier League is all about the pressure that comes with being involved at this level and with so much at stake tempers fray. (look at the passion displayed in the game between Man City and Wigan last night !)

Brett has done a great job with HBU. 

Every season gets harder, finances at a provincial club make it a tough assignment, natural attrition of the squad is an issue, so recruitment and development become a vital part of the job.

The key is that all the stakeholders and coaches in the region come together to support the pathways for the"players" and do not feed their own ego's.

I was hugely disappointed when the HBU Academy became a political pawn between Franchise and Federation. The only agenda we had as coaches was to give the players in the bay a positive start to playing football and if you look at the players that came through that system at that time it certainly paid dividends.

The failure of the federation to continue engage NCR as the Flagship and all the other clubs in Hawke's Bay was also a fundamental error.

One final point, the other coach you mention, Declan Edge, went his own way with his own inimitable style and boy has he been successful at producing football players, no one gets close.

over 11 years

YellowMellow wrote:

Firstly I will admit to being rather passionate/confrontational etc on the sideline.

However in my role as HBU Academy manager and National Development Officer for NZF at the time, I knew there was a line that i shouldn't and didn't cross and that was foul/abusive language.

What you see on the touchline in the Premier League is all about the pressure that comes with being involved at this level and with so much at stake tempers fray. (look at the passion displayed in the game between Man City and Wigan last night !)

Brett has done a great job with HBU. 

Every season gets harder, finances at a provincial club make it a tough assignment, natural attrition of the squad is an issue, so recruitment and development become a vital part of the job.

The key is that all the stakeholders and coaches in the region come together to support the pathways for the"players" and do not feed their own ego's.

I was hugely disappointed when the HBU Academy became a political pawn between Franchise and Federation. The only agenda we had as coaches was to give the players in the bay a positive start to playing football and if you look at the players that came through that system at that time it certainly paid dividends.

The failure of the federation to continue engage NCR as the Flagship and all the other clubs in Hawke's Bay was also a fundamental error.

One final point, the other coach you mention, Declan Edge, went his own way with his own inimitable style and boy has he been successful at producing football players, no one gets close.

Thanks Jonathan.

Starting XI
about 17 years
Phoenix Academy
over 11 years


Barrie Hughes was made a Life Member a couple of years ago.  Both are well deserved.

over 11 years

ol'sole wrote:


Barrie Hughes was made a Life Member a couple of years ago.  Both are well deserved.

Can't have been an easy position for him to be in, bit of a middle man between HBU and NCR, not always been the best of relationships (not slating anyone there!!!). Top work TP. 

over 11 years

Phoenix Academy
almost 12 years

Does anyone else find it strange that a PR video saying how nice your coach is has to be made??

over 13 years
over 7 years

  Ifill, Corey, Hamish i have herd are coming back
Starting XI
almost 9 years

HBunited fan wrote:

  Ifill, Corey, Hamish i have herd are coming back

Thought Ifill had announced his retirement?

Also anyone know anything more about Robertson being left out? Seems a bizarre decision.

Phoenix Academy
over 17 years

TBF Robertson's legs were very clearly shot last season - some rather average teams/players made him look incredibly ordinary.

I hate to say that about someone who's been legendary for so many years, but the reality is it happens to every player eventually.

Phoenix Academy
over 11 years

sawu wrote:

TBF Robertson's legs were very clearly shot last season - some rather average teams/players made him look incredibly ordinary.

I hate to say that about someone who's been legendary for so many years, but the reality is it happens to every player eventually.

Wasn't he assistant coach as well as a player last year? For him to be also dumped as assistant Coach is interesting considering his record with NCR. Reading between the non existent lines (as nothing has been said as to why he was axed) perhaps the broken relationship between Brent and Bill from a couple of years ago (when Brent first took over and there was a hefty player exodus) it may not have repaired itself last year.

over 17 years

didn't Ifill tweet something about back-tracking on his retirement?

over 13 years

Feverish wrote:

didn't Ifill tweet something about back-tracking on his retirement?

Yip, but not sure if it wasn't in jest as at the time he tweeted it. Someone else (Trump) was saying he misspoke when talking about Russia

over 7 years

sawu wrote:

TBF Robertson's legs were very clearly shot last season - some rather average teams/players made him look incredibly ordinary.

I hate to say that about someone who's been legendary for so many years, but the reality is it happens to every player eventually.

Interesting you saw it that way. Just to point out he got voted top 8 MVP in the league along with HBU player of the year last season. He has also just completed a full Napier winter season being a key part of them winning the league. Yes he is a bit older now and in the twilight of his career, but he surely still has a lot to offer on the pitch, on the training pitch and also off the pitch. Always conducts himself professionally with gym work and eating habits. So there is no way his body won't be ready if he still feels it is.

It's a completely political based decision and nothing towards his ability as a player.

Groundskeeper Willie
over 16 years

Ifill a good addition for HBU as assistant. Be good to have someone with his experience on the coaches bench while Brett watches from the stands! 

over 17 years

pretty poor of the federation to have a 100k debt to the franchise. Rovers kind of have a point that clubs like them should be heard

over 11 years

"75 percent of squad" will be players who have played for HB before or are local. Potentially 7 from Rovers. Cain who United initially brought out from Canada is still undecided... 

Not sure who comes out of this having more of a political agenda Rovers or HB United.

Hopefully we hear more about Angell and Bill political thing.

Starting XI
over 9 years

Paul Ifill and Jamie Dunning named assistant coaches

video doesn't say whether or not Ifill will be playing as well or just coaching

over 7 years

Paul Ifill and Jamie Dunning named assistant coaches

video doesn't say whether or not Ifill will be playing as well or just coaching

  From his tweet awhile back it kind of did sound like he would be playing hence maybe why they have got jamie there as well
over 11 years

Angell gives his reason for not signing Robertson... Think he would have been great as youth team coach but obviously bit below where he thinks he is at, backwards step 

Life and death
over 17 years

Angell gives his reason for not signing Robertson... Think he would have been great as youth team coach but obviously bit below where he thinks he is at, backwards step 

I agree with you. Will be interesting to see what he ends up doing, you'd  think it would have to be either a playing or coaching (or both) gig at another franchise, otherwise HBU youth could be ideal. 

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