almost 17 years
Where in the rules does it say it must just be a captain's armband?  

FIFA and the football associations buckling to the host nation's homophobia sends the message that they aren't willing to stand up for the rainbow community, and that's a much stronger 'political' message than those armbands ever would have delivered.
First Team Squad
over 15 years

Interesting - aside from the array of tracking cameras to build the animations in real time, the ball has sensors in it so it can tell when it's kicked. This means selecting the correct frame is automated and no longer manual.

Good innovation!

Will be interesting to see how far they can take the player tracking. With that level of limb detection there's no reason it couldn't evolve to make judgement on when, where, and how players make contact with each other.
over 16 years
Then the next theory is that to avoid horrible incidents like the concussions, especially at club level, they might just simulate all the players and games. If the simulation is good enough it can still be used for gambling and drinking a beer to and so on and so will keep the fans happy enough…
One in a million
about 17 years
Then the next theory is that to avoid horrible incidents like the concussions, especially at club level, they might just simulate all the players and games. If the simulation is good enough it can still be used for gambling and drinking a beer to and so on and so will keep the fans happy enough…

You'd think they could have simulated the beer, for the benefit of the fans at the games
Phoenix Academy
almost 9 years
Such a fudgeing joke banning rainbows and the word love. What cods. 
 It wasn't just the word love that was the problem.  The  o was replaced with the logo for a festival.
Phoenix Academy
almost 9 years
Where in the rules does it say it must just be a captain's armband?  

FIFA and the football associations buckling to the host nation's homophobia sends the message that they aren't willing to stand up for the rainbow community, and that's a much stronger 'political' message than those armbands ever would have delivered.

There is no "buckling", despite the media protestations.  FIFA is enforcing the rules that have been in place a long time that prioritise the game above any distractions and don't let it become a vehicle for any message good or bad.  
about 13 years
What is up with the huge amounts of additional time? Have they changed the way they are calculating this or something?

Just back on this, yes there has been a change in how referees calculate extra time.

"Effort by Fifa to clamp down on time-wasting by more accurately monitoring the amount of time the game is stopped.

Chairman of Fifa's referees committee Pierluigi Collina confirmed last week that fourth officials had been instructed to keep track of time lost during the game during the tournament in Qatar, something they had also tried to do at the previous World Cup in Russia in 2018."
about 9 years
What is up with the huge amounts of additional time? Have they changed the way they are calculating this or something?

Just back on this, yes there has been a change in how referees calculate extra time.

"Effort by Fifa to clamp down on time-wasting by more accurately monitoring the amount of time the game is stopped.

Chairman of Fifa's referees committee Pierluigi Collina confirmed last week that fourth officials had been instructed to keep track of time lost during the game during the tournament in Qatar, something they had also tried to do at the previous World Cup in Russia in 2018."

This is really good news. Theatrical time wasting is an annoying blight on the game. Now as Martin Tyler said last night, teams that try to do it, could end adding more time to the game, than they tried to waste.

As it turns out the Saudi defender who collided with his keeper in added time, was genuinely injured, but how many times previously have we seen Latino & Middle Eastern teams especially try and milk time late on, when protecting a lead.
over 7 years
There are a thousand things they could do to improve this. Throw ins take 30 seconds or more, corners and goal kicks well over a minute, free kicks similar. And it’s often worst in the first half.
Start with the futsal idea of x seconds to get a ball back in play or other team gets it.
10 seconds from when the ball gets to thrower or where it went out. 20 seconds for corners and goalkicks, same for free kicks.
Orange card them and three orange means 10 mins sin bin.

Exclude the time the ref spends spraying shaving foam, explaining to everyone in the box they are not allowed to push and shove and where they can stand for a wall etc, that can be added on at the end - although why a ref needs to do that Every. Single. Time. I’ll never know. Sure footballers are not known for being particularly bright, but if you explain before the game they might remember it. Explain it again at half time if you need to.
Refs also shouldn’t be slowing things down on attacking free kicks. Let teams take quick ones, like Sumner did v Kuwait in 81. If they ask for 10, then do the shaving foam bit, but otherwise let them get on with it.

Phoenix Academy
almost 9 years
Where in the rules does it say it must just be a captain's armband?  

FIFA and the football associations buckling to the host nation's homophobia sends the message that they aren't willing to stand up for the rainbow community, and that's a much stronger 'political' message than those armbands ever would have delivered.

I quoted it earlier in the thread.  If you want links

search on "armband".

Similar wording for the Womens playoff tournament here next year
over 16 years
I realise watching this WC I am missing the pervy cameramen. 

They’d comb the whole stadium to try and find the hottest supporters and then focus on them. 

While an old bony 75 year old guy in glasses is quite representative of Japan, it’s not much of a party…

Anyone who thinks the football is better without an informal hottest women of the world contest is a nutter….even the gayest amongst us can appreciate the outfits. 

The same goes for the most eccentric too who’d be guaranteed a lot of screen time. Crazy outfits, colorful hair, fat Geordies with their shirts off…

Phoenix Academy
over 16 years
Where in the rules does it say it must just be a captain's armband?  

FIFA and the football associations buckling to the host nation's homophobia sends the message that they aren't willing to stand up for the rainbow community, and that's a much stronger 'political' message than those armbands ever would have delivered.

There is no "buckling", despite the media protestations.  FIFA is enforcing the rules that have been in place a long time that prioritise the game above any distractions and don't let it become a vehicle for any message good or bad.  
If FIFA are insistent on prioritising the game above any distractions then why the fudge is the world cup in Qatar? FIFA can say all they want that there is no place in football for politics but they brought this upon themselves when they let Qatar buy the world cup hosting rights. 
about 9 years
I realise watching this WC I am missing the pervy cameramen. 

They’d comb the whole stadium to try and find the hottest supporters and then focus on them. 

While an old bony 75 year old guy in glasses is quite representative of Japan, it’s not much of a party…

Anyone who thinks the football is better without an informal hottest women of the world contest is a nutter….even the gayest amongst us can appreciate the outfits. 

The same goes for the most eccentric too who’d be guaranteed a lot of screen time. Crazy outfits, colorful hair, fat Geordies with their shirts off…

Was is it 2010 where a Belgian girl got spotted in the crowd, picked up a modelling contract, but then as quickly was dumped by the agency, when big game hunting photos were spotted all over her socials? 
Some amusing tale like that
almost 2 years
Here it is
I realise watching this WC I am missing the pervy cameramen. 

They’d comb the whole stadium to try and find the hottest supporters and then focus on them. 

While an old bony 75 year old guy in glasses is quite representative of Japan, it’s not much of a party…

Anyone who thinks the football is better without an informal hottest women of the world contest is a nutter….even the gayest amongst us can appreciate the outfits. 

The same goes for the most eccentric too who’d be guaranteed a lot of screen time. Crazy outfits, colorful hair, fat Geordies with their shirts off…

Was is it 2010 where a Belgian girl got spotted in the crowd, picked up a modelling contract, but then as quickly was dumped by the agency, when big game hunting photos were spotted all over her socials? 
Some amusing tale like that
Phoenix Academy
almost 17 years
Many teams with lion-related nicknames. Perhaps it could benefit NZ in future if the All Whites also had a lion-related nickname? We could adapt one of the existing ones and make it kiwi:
  • Lions of Tangaroa
  • 3 Lion Brown jugs
  • Atlas(er) Kiwi Lions
  • AnAngelAtmitable Lions.
over 16 years
Sea Lions in White Shirts
over 16 years
Ring of Fire was gleaming 
patu! not grass skirts
New Zealanders are dreaming 

For Sea Lions I’ve actually got a weird image of a lion, somewhat stylised, in an AW shirt on the prow of a Polynesian outrigger used to travel great distances. Though also sea lions…

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