Tegal Fan Club Member #3
about 17 years
Tegal Fan Club Member #3
about 17 years
David Beckham has a mean right foot on the pitch but it's a footprint of another kind that is hitting headlines now.

For a new report in the US claims that Golden Balls is the world's biggest environmental threat.

According to Soccer America daily, with reference to data provided by the British environmental group Carbon Trust, the Los Angeles Galaxy superstar is responsible for 163 tons of carbon dioxide yearly.

That is compared to just the normal 9.4 tons the average Englishman produces.

Beckham's Carbon Footprint - a measure of the impact human activities have on the environment in terms of the amount of green house gases produced, measured in units of carbon dioxide - may be the largest in human history.

Beckham isn't breathing any more or less than anyone else but his extensive air travel for matches and endorsement obligations, along with his fleet of cars and homes, has provided the statistics for Carbon Trust. ADVERTISEMENT
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The former England captain logged over 250,000 miles last year as he flew back and forth between the U.S. and Europe for England's European Championship qualifiers, while also participating in a Galaxy tour of Oceania in the latter part of the year.

Beckham and his wife Victoria also collected over 50,000 frequent flyer miles for advertising obligations around the globe.

In fact looking at it a different way - Beckham flew farther in 2007 than a trip from the earth to the moon.

At home, the Galaxy star and dad of three owns a fleet of 15 cars, including a Porsche, a Hummer and a Lincoln Navigator.

A Carbon Trust spokesman said: "He should use his celebrity status to make people aware of the damage that traveling can cause to the planet.

"With all his money he should be using it at least to reduce his own footprint. He has more freedom of choice when it comes to methods of traveling. He could also choose greener cars."

Peter Cranie, a spokesman of England's Green Party said: "A celeb like Becks, who claims the need to travel on such a massive scale, should be making an effort to counteract the damage he is doing."

Beckham will most likely continue his torrid pace in 2008 as the Galaxy will take part in a number of international competitions and the England star is still looking to earn his 100th cap for his homeland when England takes on Switzerland in a February friendly.

about 17 years

It's not like he is the only person on the aeroplanes and they are only flying because of him. They are flying for other people as well, and if he wasn't on them then exactly the same amount of pollution would be produced - unless he has a private jet I don't know about.loyalgunner2008-01-27 15:43:27
Starting XI
almost 17 years
Cheap point scoring.

How do you know he hasn't offset his CO2 emissions?

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