Had a look at Phoenix training today at the basin

Phoenix Academy
almost 17 years
Had a look at Phoenix training today at the basin
Phoenix Academy
almost 17 years
Rocked on down to the Basin today to have a look, was bum boy for most of it hahah, collecting shots that went askew etc. good viewing
Early retirement
about 17 years
TV1 were there at some point.  Had an item on Covs and an interview with him this evening.
about 17 years
They are just trying to catch up with 3.An off day today and they still managed to fit football in,even if it was just the mud football cup.Which incidentally was won by the Fuddy Muckers.   
Phoenix Academy
almost 17 years
mite go back down 2 the basin 2moro at 2:30, thought they mite have got a few more ppl in to have a look 2day but wasnt to be. was a great day for it.

Looking forward to fri nite down the Hutt Rec, should be good, hopefully a good crowd turns up. Will be there in force with my mates drinking a few beers/bourbons to keep that tummy warm haha. mite even get rowdy on touchline level, rev the troops up
Starting XI
about 17 years
Looking forward to fri nite down the Hutt Rec, ..... mite even get rowdy on touchline level, rev the troops up
Bit a rowdiness never went a miss
One in a million
about 17 years
For  a minute there BRK I thought you were going to tell us something about what you saw at training, like intersting drills, what they were focusing on, who hasn't got a right foot, who's the biggest joker...
Phoenix Academy
almost 17 years
Yea mate tell me what ya wanna know, saw a few interesting drills. one was quite complicated. Basically u had a team of say 6 or 7 players. its all one touch. you have 2 lead players like this:

    x    -> x4   ->   x
    1        x5        2

So 1 boots it to 2 over the others. then 2 one touches it back to 3, back to 2, who boots it back to 4 and so on.

Then when 3-6 have all kicked it back to 2, 2 boots it back to back over to the other side and it starts over. cool move. gets ya good at one touches.

Starting XI
about 17 years
Phoenix Academy
almost 17 years
Stand out players? Um i think it mite be one of the brazilians, im not entirely sure but he was kinda shorter than most, but made some realy nice touches.

The Korean guy went in pretty hard too. Aloisi really rev'd his boys (put it this way i wouldnt want to be on the receiving end!!) up when they went a goal down in the mini game at the end (normal sized goals but only small field.

who's the biggest joker? Dont know they all seemed to be enjoying themeselves and having a laugh (givin each other bit of stick etc).

what they were focusing on? mainly fitness and skills work to start off with, followed by a mini game at the end. 7 on 7.

Was good fun to watch, sunny day and all, rather be there enjoying watching that with a brew on the bank than at work thats 4 sure!!

Phoenix Academy
almost 17 years
Oh yea and Oldy looked good in D and there were some venemous shots at Mossy from close range. Made some good saves to be fair. But i wasnt really focusing too much on individuals, just chilling.
about 17 years
about 17 years
mite go back down 2 the basin 2moro at 2:30, thought they mite have got a few more ppl in to have a look 2day but wasnt to be. was a great day for it.

Looking forward to fri nite down the Hutt Rec, should be good, hopefully a good crowd turns up. Will be there in force with my mates drinking a few beers/bourbons to keep that tummy warm haha. mite even get rowdy on touchline level, rev the troops up
yea would be nice to get a bit more vocal for friday's game, was a little subdued on sunday........
shouldnt be a problem with the game being played in the hutt, bust out the woodstocks BRK!!!

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