(I think) Fever Zone is NOT FOR FAMILIES!!

Early retirement
about 17 years
Can't claim all the credit... there are a few lurkers on here who are more responsible. Hard News2007-07-05 14:21:09
about 17 years
Still, it makes me look forward to the game even more!
Phoenix Academy
about 17 years
Con Boutsianis used to get a hard time when he came too.
What was that song about driving a getaway car.
But the b#stard always scored against us, so it can backfire.
Early retirement
about 17 years
There were a whole raft of Con ones, that usually ended up in him scoring against us and flicking us the bird.  Surprised he never got censured for that.

Altogether now - If you see a thieving bastard clap your hands...

Phoenix Academy
about 17 years
Nembo wrote:
No, most likely a 10 year old kid talking himself up on the internet

im not talking myself up as much as "bloc 5" are

my experiences are obviosly different to most peoples here as the game in england is very different to the one in Greece

all i suggested was throwing stuff and hostile environment.....we mean the same things just we word them differently but im sure one of the games down the track if youths turn up something will happen whether its a flare or a bottle.

i just want to state that im not into the aftergame organised violence that we see in films like GSE of Football factory, those characters were just bored
about 17 years

all i suggested was throwing stuff
 Oh is that all, mate? Just throwing stuff? Gee, what's everyone getting so upset for then? It's alright, everyone, he just wants to throw stuff! Can't see any problems with that at all....
Phoenix Academy
about 17 years

what i was trying to say is that we want YF to be very hostile and agressive to give our team an advantage....
Bro that's stupid. Exactly how will this help the team out? There's a fine line between rivalry and war. Chanting and banter is rivalry. Lobbing chairs at other people's heads is war, and actually pretty disturbing. Next you'll be torturing little animals, big animals, little people, big people. It gives your name "WPFC or DEATH" a whole new meaning.
Forget about comparing Greek football matches to New Zealand. Two completely different countries different cultures different customs. As patriotic as I am, I would never want anyone in New Zealand to act like Greek hooligans. I go to football matches to watch football, not to get my head cracked open.
You're giving Greeks a bad image. Stop posting crap. And stay away from my dog.
King Douglas2007-07-05 18:23:18
Phoenix Academy
about 17 years

i dont see how that makes me a dog killer/torturer or how im giving us "greeks" a bad name by suggesting this, hostile in my mind is us chanting lowd, lots of banners, jumping, generally going "nuts".

you all use the word PASSIONATE, I use AGRESSIVE for chanting, and you have labelled me as some bogan 10 year old with a mullet that beats up cats and dogs. thats almost as stupid as this argument

kiwi pie people at ausy and nz cricket and rugby games throw stuff, dont be patronising
WPFC_OR_DEATH2007-07-05 18:44:49
Starting XI
about 17 years
Oh dear. You not seeing why this gives a bad name gives an even worse name!
You might find using words in the same way as the general population and in line with accepted language definitions, as opposed to your own personal definitions, would avoid potential misinterpretations. (Okay, I admit that was a little patronising )
And I couldn't see that King Douglas was being patronising - sounded like a voice of reason to me.
SiNZ2007-07-05 19:46:13
Still Believin'
about 17 years
There is a lot of crap being talked in this thread.

The simple fact is that the success of the Phoenix doesn't depend on Yellow Fever or the hardcore football fans who will turn up regardless.

The success of the Phoenix depends on their ability to capture the support (and retain it) of thousands of mums, dads, kids and the fringe Wellington sports supporter who doesn't think of themselves as a football fan but is willing check out something new because it involves Wellington.

These people are more important to the success of the Phoenix than you are - FACT.

Although I hope the Yellow Fever zone is brilliant and really adds something to the atmosphere in the stadium some of the sh*t posted here is pretty misguided. Unfortunately a minority of you are going to have to accept that certain behaviour is just going to put your average punter off. If so, you will have actually played a part in destroying what you claim to support.

And the irony is that it really doesn't matter what you think of the fringe fans who may turn up one week and not the next. What really matters is what they think of you. If they don't come back the Phoenix will be dead in the water and you will have to go back to  living out your hooligan fantasies at Miramar vs Olympic.

We need the families. We need your mate at work who's never been to a football game before. We need that middle aged couple who would rather have a cup of tea than a beer. Have fun by all means but don't spoil it for them either. You'll regret it in the end.

terminator_x2007-07-05 20:04:03
about 17 years
Fight the Power, Term, fight the power !

kiwi pie people at ausy and nz cricket and rugby games throw stuff, dont be patronising

...and they are either immature, drunk or stupid and should be chucked and banned from further matches.

Flares FFS.  Due to the flare problems in Melbourne the other week the Victory have probably lost all chances of warm-up games locally for the next few years...  top effort Terrace 27 or whatever the particular brand of twats responsible name themselves.
about 17 years
I say if you make them laugh they'll come back.  Terrace culture is as much about humour as it is "passion".
We all know this "aggressive" behaviour is all talk anyway...
Phoenix Academy
about 17 years
about 17 years
There is a lot of crap being talked in this thread.

The simple fact is that the success of the Phoenix doesn't depend on Yellow Fever or the hardcore football fans who will turn up regardless.

The success of the Phoenix depends on their ability to capture the support (and retain it) of thousands of mums, dads, kids and the fringe Wellington sports supporter who doesn't think of themselves as a football fan but is willing check out something new because it involves Wellington.

These people are more important to the success of the Phoenix than you are - FACT.

Although I hope the Yellow Fever zone is brilliant and really adds something to the atmosphere in the stadium some of the sh*t posted here is pretty misguided. Unfortunately a minority of you are going to have to accept that certain behaviour is just going to put your average punter off. If so, you will have actually played a part in destroying what you claim to support.

And the irony is that it really doesn't matter what you think of the fringe fans who may turn up one week and not the next. What really matters is what they think of you. If they don't come back the Phoenix will be dead in the water and you will have to go back to  living out your hooligan fantasies at Miramar vs Olympic.

We need the families. We need your mate at work who's never been to a football game before. We need that middle aged couple who would rather have a cup of tea than a beer. Have fun by all means but don't spoil it for them either. You'll regret it in the end.

thats actually a well made argument, with sensible points backing up good ideas.
There is no place for it in this thread!  Mods - please delete
about 17 years

kiwi pie people at ausy and nz cricket and rugby games throw stuff, dont be patronising
And they are class A, first rate f**k wits who can't handle their beer, couldn't give two sh*ts about the game, and think it's the height of humour to throw their rubbish in the air so it lands on genuine fans- it has nothing to do with 'passion'.
It was patronising of me I admit, and I apologise for any hurt feelings; but it would be a shame if this openeing game was remembered for anything other than a record crowd and a great contest.
Phoenix Academy
about 17 years
ok this all started when i made an unfair comment on women and children being in the YF zone, i used some extreme examples to explain why, this involved violence at games.

I understand that in NZ that will not be accepted at the games, I also understand that the club will be hurt from these things as well.....not good for any one

i will leave my "hooligan" views and activities for when i support PAO.

on topic my argument was some thing like i would prefer more young males than women or children as the fans clubs i know in greece are more male dominated and violent...the phoenix will not have this problem though but whoever is in the zone must chant, man, woman, child or whatever....

i admit i have done more than my fair share of sh*t stirring on this site and i apologise for that and i will stop now.

i hope we can all enjoy the phoenix this season and chant our lungs out everygame.
WPFC_OR_DEATH2007-07-05 21:25:44
Phoenix Academy
about 17 years
^^Haha, that reminds me of when one of my mates threw a banana at one of the aussie cricketers at the chappel hadlee game in Hamilton earlier this year, everyone who saw laughed, it was funny to no end, then about 15 minutes later he was escorted out by security... he was funkn chopped, but thats what you get at the cricket with so much time to get sh*t faced. If he did that at a Phoenix game I would laugh too, don't know of anyone who wouldn't, but ffs seats and sh*t is abit ott. Rocky2007-07-05 21:43:37
about 17 years
Gee whiz, I think we've all learned something here today (sniff...)

Term X - good points, well made.

WPFC OR DEATH - I'm proud of you son. Like a young Luke Skywalker you are learning to channel your instincts away from the dark side and use them for the good of your fellow man.

Starting XI
about 17 years
Well I think you should all relax a bit and go with the flo.  Give WPFC a break and don't take everything so seriously.  You sound like a bunch of old women.  (queue sticking up for women replies)
First Team Squad
about 17 years
Malky wrote:

what i was trying to say is that we want YF to be very hostile and agressive to give our team an advantage....

Can we dial back the language a little. When you say hostile and aggressive that wording has negative connotations and is the sort of language used to describe hooligans (which we don't want). As a fan I would rather be described as passionate than hostile.

Since you used Olympiakos v Liverpool as an example I would point to European nights at Anfield where the fans are generally regarded as the 12th man but do it by supporting their team as opposed to attacking the opposition if you can see the difference.

Don't get me wrong tho'. I'm not against throwing a few chants at the opposition or their fans
"You only sing when you're winning..."
Or what about the day they threw cups of p1ss and sh1t at the Man Utd fans?  Or when they rocked Alan Smith's ambulance when he was being taken away with a broken leg?  Or when they always sing the song "who's that lying on the runway..."?
Liverpool - best fans in the world, my arse!

That's the scum tho'.

Completely different and totally justified
(and I never claimed we were the best in the world)
First Team Squad
about 17 years
i, like many it seems greatly appreciate banter and the mockery of the other team/fans


...people at ausy and nz cricket and rugby games throw stuff...

those FEW twats who pull this sort of sh*t cost the stadium officials and club/organisation involved a fortune....and get arrested.

if you want to throw chairs, set off flairs and be a w**ker by all means go ahead and do it, just not at a football game, especially a WPFC game as you ruin it for the majority by giving us, the football fans a bad name. we dont need to fuel the negative flames...as well as increase the likelyhood of beer being banned at sporting events.

so FFS be passsionate, be vocal, but DO NOT throw stuff and cause problems for the fans, the club or anyone else coz at the end of the day the FFA will take the franchise away so DONT RUIN IT
gings2007-07-05 23:52:25
about 17 years
How about setting up a seperate zone for the Tinys and call it the Karitane Yellow Zone!!!
Starting XI
about 17 years
So now that this furore has started sorting itself out . ..  hows about everyone pop back over to the chants forum and start writing some good songs eh?
First Team Squad
about 17 years

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