First Team Squad
over 15 years
The battle is in full force now, it's going to get ugly and someone's going to get hurt.
Not Boyd
over 16 years

Great start to the way the yanks (bad ones) can have any say on our club now! 

Also looks like they are open to the idea of redeveloping Anfield as opposed to building a new stadium
Tyler2010-10-07 09:14:01
First Team Squad
about 17 years

All I want at the moment is for those greedy lying f*cks to get the f*ck out of our club, for good, and preferrably without one red cent.

Still, going to be looking at any new owners with a critical eye, because the last thing I want is to put my trust in more cowboys looking for a deal on the cheap while we're down.
But, having said that, at the moment, ANYTHING is better than those two low-life, scumbag, greedy club raping bastards.
Jog on, you absolute utter c*nts...
First Team Squad
over 15 years
They look a sensible bunch so far. Liverpool and Boston appear to be quite similar clubs with history and fans. They rebuilt Fenway park to keep the historical aspect so I hope the same thought process happens with Anfield. Not that they went down a cheap path or anything, din't they spend a couple hundred million on the rebuild.

A bit scary thinking that Roy will have cash in Jan window... let's not ponder that yet.
Not Boyd
over 16 years
It is good news especially given last couple of weeks as a Liverpool supporter
Starting XI
over 14 years
Starting XI
over 17 years
I can not stand your club and I giggle like a schoolgirl when I see them flop like last weekend. But I do sympathise in your hatred for the c**ts that currently own your club. The new lot that are coming in do look sound though. Still hate foreign ownership of football clubs though.
Not Boyd
over 16 years
Still doesn't look possible but there is a chance that the sale may not go through
First Team Squad
over 15 years
Plenty of Red Sox supporters jumping on LFC forums at the mo. Comments like this are typical:

Greetings all. I just jumped on reading this thread and thought i would try and see if i help out with you questions about the NESV group. I can't guarentee anything but i can give you my opinions as they fit.

Let me first off let all of you know, i am a born and bred lifelong Boston Red Sox fan. I grew up in Boston following the Sox with my entire family much the way i am guessing that many of you grew up following Liverpool FC. Even now that i have moved away from Boston i pay my cable company more money than I care to for the ability to watch all the Sox games, obsessively read the forums and generally drive my girlfriend up the wall. I have seen the heartbreaking defeat (1986 World Series loss to the NY Mets, in the stands for the 2003 game 7 loss to the Yankees in the American League Championship Series) and the thrilling triumphs (in the stands for the Game 4 win in the 2004 World Series). I do have some knowledge of European football as i try to follow it as best i can, i many not know the nuances of game as many of you do, but i am probably not completely illiterate on the subject either.

I would say that for Liverpool getting the NESV group as ownership should be a tremendous step forward for the organization as a whole. This is a VERY smart group of people who understand what a symbol like Liverpool FC means to the fans, the community and the city. They understand that history is important and that while people may like a player, those same people will LOVE a team.

In Boston the Red Sox are revered and in minds of many people the only comparable institutions in the city are the Church and the State government, and the majority of those people would choose the Red Sox over either of those. This ownership came into the Red Sox with numerous questions, John Henry had previously been and owner of the Florida Marlins a team that had in its short history achieved success and then very quickly dismantled the team for profit. They took over a team in a notoriously difficulty media town where the fans always have high expectations for success. Expectations that for years were seldom met, and more often than not resulted in heart wrenching defeat.

These are owners that sought out to embrace the history of the team within the city and forge their own mark without disregarding the memories of the fans. They were coming into an organization that was playing in a 90 year old stadium that was 1/2 the size of most modern stadiums and that many of the fans revered as the church of their own religion. In short order they alleviated the fans fears of the stadium being torn down and that they were interested in anything other than having the team succeed and win. They quickly moved to modernize and renovate Fenway Park rather than tear it down, they made shrewd intelligent baseball decisions not stupid irrational high risk moves meant to garner headlines (We may have gone out and signed a big name/big money player in Curt Schilling, but we also went out and picked up numerous role players at smaller sums) as they seem to understand that while having a single superstar is a tremendous perk, you need an entire team to contend for and eventually capture championships.

These owners are not Roman Abramovich, they will not throw money at the newest shiniest toy on the market just because they have that ability. Make no mistake they have been willing to spend big money for big players, but they also have backed out and been outbid on numerous others when the money became too large for the potential return they may see. They were early adopters of the so called �Moneyball� revolution, which in short is simply looking for undervalued players and bringing them in to fit a team together. In baseball this may mean that defensive players at a given time are undervalued in the market, and power-hitters are overvalued. The result is you sign quality defensive players who are undervalued and lay off over paying for the power hitters. In super easy terms, think of it closer to a buy low/enjoy the ride/sell high mentality.

I would suspect that this is an ownership group that wouldn�t be foolish enough to assume that they know everything there is to know about football and as a result would quickly start pulling in people that are respected and knowledgeable about football. Front office personnel who quietly help teams do well (Scouts, General Manager, personnel staff), people who are not flashy but can help advise on smart football moves. People who can tell you that in the long term the flashy and expensive midfielder may not be as great a transfer as the quiet workman like defender when it comes to helping the team succeed. I would almost be surprised if you didn�t see them take an approach to putting a team together that is more along the lines of Aresnal than Chelsea (young talented players mixed with talented mid-aged vets as opposed to the biggest most expensive names money can buy).

Make no mistake, these men are all from business backgrounds and in the end they hope to make a profit. The easiest and most efficient way to increase the value of their investment and produce profits is to win and win regularly. To this group the most important piece of this whole purchase is likely the Liverpool FC brand, it already has a established base of fans but it is something that can draw profits around the world, all you need to do is win. If Liverpool can win and win big, and win often suddenly Liverpool FC shirts, hats, scarf�s, bobble head dolls and key chains can be sold in larger numbers to a worldwide fan base, much like Barca, ManU and Chelsea.

All in all I think the fanbase of Liverpool stands to truly benefit from this. Hicks is and always has been a dolt. He ran the Texas Rangers into the ground with horrible personnel decisions and has seemed hell bent on doing the same to Liverpool. Henry and Co. will look to build a stable successful franchise that can reap profits for them for a significant amount of time.

At least that is what my take of the situation would be.

Not Boyd
over 16 years
First Team Squad
over 15 years
Tyler wrote:

Still doesn't look�possible but there is a chance that the sale may not go through

It's going to be damn hard for him. He needs to refinance, that's his key provocative. Even if he succeeds in stalling the sale come 15 October RBS can take the club and hand the keys to Anfield over to the Boston crew.
Hicks needs $250m in 10 days or before a judge agrees the deal is good and allows the sale to be completed.

First Team Squad
over 15 years
Tyler wrote:
My day seems to be getting better!!

An interesting history of the Echo front pages over the last few years. Dramas from the very beginning


Didn't take long to turn to custard did it.

I think there's another Echo front page "REDS AT WAR". The heading is the entire front page. I'll see if I can find it.
First Team Squad
over 15 years
Not Boyd
over 16 years
Do you get the ECHO sent?
It does appear that there is no chance that Hicks can re-finance..even if he does Broughton has said that he has a written contract from Hicks stating that he is charged with selling the club? Therefore, there is no way (apart from stalling via courts) that the club won't be sold?
I've spent a lot of time at work today reading the Liverpool news...oops
Tyler2010-10-07 16:36:11
Starting XI
over 14 years
Yeah, spent hours, literally hours, yesterday reading through what was happening up until Hicks' statement, where it all died down for the night (over there). Just woke up this morning and been catching up with whats happened over the night. Good news... I guess. Well, defo good news at seeing Hicks squirm and throw everything that the fat fk can at us. But its all just crazy.
As for the new owner, pretty mixed reviews from a lot of people. But it'll be interesting to see. Just gotta hope the club has been sold to the right people this time, and it isn't a panic buy.
Interesting times, and hugely important for the future of the club!
First Team Squad
over 15 years
Tyler wrote:
Do you get the ECHO sent?

Nah, just spotted it on the web.

But yeah, sooo much reading at the moment. My mind hasn't stopped processing all this over the last 48hrs. Still squirming between joy/relief/pessimism/optimism....     
over 14 years
Broughton interview half way down the page to watch... 00:23:08
Starting XI
over 17 years
Bit of dry humor lads? Don't kill me...

Does anybody know how to cancel bids on eBay?

Just that I bid on a Mickey Mouse outfit for my son for a birthday party, and it turns out now i'm 8 minutes away from owning Liverpool FC.[/QUOTE]

[QUOTE]On the news earlier I was watching all these Scousers marching in protest about the Liverpool FC buy out.

I thought, "f**k me, how did all these people manage to get a day off work at such short notice to...?"

First Team Squad
about 17 years
Michael wrote:

On the news earlier I was watching all these Scousers marching in protest about the Liverpool FC buy out.

I thought, "f**k me, how did all these people manage to get a day off work at such short notice to...?"

First Team Squad
over 15 years
Liverpool have confirmed that they have failed in their bid to have their High Court hearing on Friday and that the civil war with owners Tom Hicks and George Gillett is now scheduled for "early next week".

Dammit, have to wait the weekend now. Don't rest easy this weekend Mr Hicks, we're still watching you like a hawk
First Team Squad
over 15 years
First Team Squad
over 15 years
Facinating read this one. Good to see some indepth knowledge from both an LFC and Red Sox fan.
Starting XI
over 14 years
Redknapp can fk off. Prick. Gah! Wish it could have been today/tonight
Not Boyd
over 16 years
Summary from  the Liverpool forum

Hicks always goes to court, that's his modus operandi. The case will be determined by the court's interpretation of the LFC constitution and other corporate documents including any written agreements such as the one Broughton has referred to.

If Hicks loses, he goes to the Court of Appeal. If he loses that, he's lost as I don't think he would have recourse in the EU courts.

If Hicks wins at any stage, he will then need to pull together refinancing to buy out the RBS loan, if, indeed, the loan agreement allows this. If he can't, RBS will then have to decide whether to call in the loan. Broughton has strongly hinted that RBS has been supportive of the sale process and will sanction the sale to NESV. If this is true, they will go ahead with the sale.

Hicks gets to maintain control in one of four scenarios, and that has question marks. Good

However, he may be using LFC money to pay for the court case (not sure whether he can but as owner, it's possible) and any cost of defense against him could also be to the financial detriment of the club.

Final proof that Tom Hicks does not give a damn about LFC.
First Team Squad
over 15 years
Finally a good legal explanation about the court process that one can understand.

It paints a good picture for LFC, let's hope he's right.,0
Phoenix Academy
over 17 years
Looks like we aren't the only club in fanacial trouble.
almost 14 years
Being a Red Sox fan, I can vouch for the new owners - thank f**king god.
First Team Squad
over 15 years
Pretty busy weekend on the news/PR front for 'Pool but we're still no better off or any closer to a resolution. Court on Tuesday night our time?
First Team Squad
about 17 years
It's like waiting for Christmas, but with the knowledge that there is a slight chance you may be getting a rangi present from Santa.
First Team Squad
over 15 years
Like a tie or socks from your mum. You were sure the present felt like an LFC Torres shirt...
Not Boyd
over 16 years
TheKop wrote:
Like a tie or socks from your mum. You were sure the present felt like an LFC Torres shirt...
Your mum gave you a tie!? I keep looking on the Liverpool sights for more news but nothing is coming. I did have a thought that Hicks is either A) a moron B) must have some chance of winning the court case.
First Team Squad
over 15 years
The latest on the court case is that a Lord Grabiner is representing us. Some 40yr legal veteran. I suspect the sort of guy who doesn't waste his time on 50/50 long balls.
First Team Squad
over 15 years
Starting XI
over 17 years
Keep a hold of that and use it next week too, especially after the mighty Everton Fc trounce your sorry asses this weekend

First Team Squad
over 15 years
^ Thanks for the reminder. I think...

3rd Part in the Red Sox/LFC endorsement series:

Let's hope he's right.

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