Phoenix Academy
almost 17 years
35 Mill won't score any goals (which I would suggest will be in even shorter supply now) but it will buy a lot of players in the Championship! Given the recent history I wouldn't bet against a collapse.
almost 16 years
What makes you think Cashley will put the money towards new players?

(See link in previous post - he will invest it in a gigantic pie using all the cattle in Argentina)
Phoenix Academy
almost 17 years
Junior82 wrote:
What makes you think Cashley will put the money towards new players?

(See link in previous post - he will invest it in a gigantic pie using all the cattle in Argentina)

Nothing! I am however now getting the feeling that Carroll is probably more to blame for the recent turn of events.
about 16 years
Halftime: 4 - 0 down
Full time: 4 - 4

Tiotes equaliser: World class

That match sums up Newcastle United brillantly. OUTSTANDING COMEBACK!!
First Team Squad
almost 15 years

I was working extra hours last week, which has allowed for a bit of perspective on the Carroll affair.  My first reaction to the news was, "You're joking?" - my second, "Right.  Selling club is selling.  OK."

As far as being pushed is concerned, I'm inclined to believe Pardew.  The manager claims that Carroll had put in for a new contract (months after signing a five-year deal) to make him the best-paid player in the team.  In response to this, and the offer from the Reds, the club pushed Andy out.
Fair enough, in my book.  He wasn't the best player in the team - that's Barton.  He wasn't even the second-best - Tiote, Nolan, Jonas, Jose or Colo', depending on how you add things up.  (At the risk of being lynched, I tend to think that Shola is actually a better forward, though he's not a real goal-scorer.)  To give Carroll a massive wage increase would have been to go back to the bad old days - a team stacked with overpaid egomaniacs, no financial stability and no control over the dressing room.
In other words, doing whatever it took to keep Andy would have meant relegation drama.
Are we facing that without him?  Of course not. Arsenal should have actually been a comfortable 3 points, as they can't handle football when it's played as a man's game.  But I do understand the lads being out of sorts and needing some hard words to get back into it.
Onwards and upwards: Soccernet is reporting that Ewerthon may be signed on a free.  He's had a few clubs, but done pretty well in the Bundesliga and La Liga, as well as the initial promise shown at Corinthians.  Certainly better than Aliadiere!
First Team Squad
almost 15 years
By the way, for those who are crying into their beer about the lack of a Newcastle-born forward to score goals for the club - Ryan Donaldson is coming along nicely.  Mick Wadsworth
tells us that, "what I like about [Ryan] is he�s an intelligent boy and he listens.  For him he�s desperate to be here and for me that�s a wonderful thing.  He�s not here under duress and not here because he�s been farmed out � he�s here because he�s keen to do well for himself.  So I�m sure he�ll get better and better.�
about 16 years
Completely agree, apart from the Ameobi comment. Hes very average. I really hope aliadere isnt signed. His goal scoring record is woeful. Arsenal are still whinging in the media about the ref and barton. Wenger is pathetic, after every poor game he finds someone else to blame, usually the ref. Maybe he should teach his squad how to handle a strong fair tackle and to play like men.
Starting XI
over 14 years
So, while we wait in eager anticipation for his return to fitness, I'd like to ask you lads if you think Carroll will do well for us?
Tiote's goal the other day was fking amazing btw. Just sayin'.
over 17 years
Stripes wrote:
 Arsenal should have actually been a comfortable 3 points, as they can't handle football when it's played as a man's game. 
HAHAHAHAHA have a look at the table mate, we aint second coz we cant play 'man's football'
hows about we all learn some man's defending? According to you colloccini is a better player than carroll, his defensive prowess certainly showed us that on the weekend, pretty funny when little theo sped past and muscled him out inside 50 seconds  
Yea we lost a huge lead but nothing beats a great afternoon's entertainment at the newcastle united comedy club
First Team Squad
almost 15 years
paulm wrote:
Stripes wrote:
 Arsenal should have actually been a comfortable 3 points, as they can't handle football when it's played as a man's game. 
HAHAHAHAHA have a look at the table mate, we aint second coz we cant play 'man's football'
Yes, you are.  If your lads could handle Newcastle's much less expensive, but rather more manly squad - they'd be first. 
On other affairs - Carroll is a gifted player, but a difficult character.  A lot depends on how well he relates to his new manager and team mates.  If that English/Spanish clique fight flares up, expect Carroll to be troublemaker in chief.
Starting XI
over 14 years
Ah yeah, not really ideal.. Just gotta hope that he stays away from Carra then! Or the results are good so there isn't so much in-house fighting.
about 16 years
El-Ni�o wrote:
Ah yeah, not really ideal.. Just gotta hope that he stays away from Carra then! Or the results are good so there isn't so much in-house fighting.

Yea he has a history of trouble making with reports of him being a drunk and fighting in the Newcastle casino. Also he broke Taylors jaw in training last season over an alleged affair with Taylors partner. But, he will be a great signing if he stays away from the trouble and delivers on his promise. He is the best player in the air i have ever seen so it would be wise if Perennial strugglers Liverpool move for a quality winger in the summer break.
about 16 years
paulm wrote:
Stripes wrote:
 Arsenal should have actually been a comfortable 3 points, as they can't handle football when it's played as a man's game. 
HAHAHAHAHA have a look at the table mate, we aint second coz we cant play 'man's football'
hows about we all learn some man's defending? According to you colloccini is a better player than carroll, his defensive prowess certainly showed us that on the weekend, pretty funny when little theo sped past and muscled him out inside 50 seconds  
Yea we lost a huge lead but nothing beats a great afternoon's entertainment at the newcastle united comedy club

Mate, you have no right to talk about the quality of central defenders. How good were Squillaci and Koscielny? They couldnt even handle Leon Best. Good luck to your whingers when they have to deal with Messi in the Champions league.

over 17 years
Our defence has conceded 27 goals, yours 38 - if you want to compare (which I wasn't - I never commented on our defence, only yours, because it's rubbish).
If I've got no right talk about central defenders because ours suck, then you've got no right to talk about football clubs because your one is a disgrace.
over 17 years
Stripes wrote:
paulm wrote:
Stripes wrote:
 Arsenal should have actually been a comfortable 3 points, as they can't handle football when it's played as a man's game. 
HAHAHAHAHA have a look at the table mate, we aint second coz we cant play 'man's football'
Yes, you are.  If your lads could handle Newcastle's much less expensive, but rather more manly squad - they'd be first. 
Don't talk to me about prices, you picked the wrong BIG club to challenge on that front.
According to, Newcastle's net spend over the last 10 years is +6mil. Arsenal's is -2.8mil.
Thanks to relegation () Newcastle has become a selling club in the last two seasons - if it werent for that you would be thrashed even more on the net spend front.
In fact, our starting eleven that played you cost approx 35mil according to my calculations - thats about the same price you just made from Carroll, so I assume that you guys will definitely now be able to buy an eleven as good as ours, be second in the league in February, AND be infinitely more manly at the same time.
Your club is sh*t
over 17 years
Tommy_Smyth wrote:
El-Ni�o wrote:
Ah yeah, not really ideal.. Just gotta hope that he stays away from Carra then! Or the results are good so there isn't so much in-house fighting.

Yea he has a history of trouble making with reports of him being a drunk and fighting in the Newcastle casino. Also he broke Taylors jaw in training last season over an alleged affair with Taylors partner.
oh i see - this is stripes' 'awesome manliness' he is referring to
man i wish my team was like that
First Team Squad
almost 15 years
paulm wrote:
Stripes wrote:
paulm wrote:
Stripes wrote:
 Arsenal should have actually been a comfortable 3 points, as they can't handle football when it's played as a man's game. 
HAHAHAHAHA have a look at the table mate, we aint second coz we cant play 'man's football'
Yes, you are.  If your lads could handle Newcastle's much less expensive, but rather more manly squad - they'd be first. 
Don't talk to me about prices, you picked the wrong BIG club to challenge on that front.
I note that you have no real comeback to Newcastle destroying your title run.  Which is very polite - you wouldn't want to show up M. Wenger, would you?
More substantially: the transfers are pocket money.  Arsenal spent 110 million pounds this season on salaries.  Newcastle was spending over 70 million before going down, now considerably less (some estimate that the bill has gone to around 50 million).  The accusation of having a squad of overpaid babies stands.
Phoenix Academy
almost 17 years
Oh please carry on lads. This "banter" is cracking me up!
Here are my thoughts (note: without the abusive crap):
Very disappointed he left. Way better than Ameobi will ever be. That said, when I calmed down I agree that Pardew's version of events probably seems the most likely and if that was the case then the club acted correctly.
vs Arsenal
I've seen Barton's tackle a few times now and I can't say I see much wrong with it from my (slightly biased) position. If it had been studs up that would have been a different matter but it wasn't. United were probably lucky that Diaby lost it and with that second penalty but then there was Best's "offside" goal as well. That said, if Arsenal are serious about winning the Prem they can't blow leads like that. If I was Wenger they would have got a rocket up them after that performance. I thought after the match - would Man U, Europa League side Chelsea or Man C have blown that? Answer = No. Spurs = Maybe. I wouldn't mind seeing Arsenal win the Prem (in spite of some of their supporters) but it ain't gonna happen if they drop leads like that. Which brings me to...
Some Arsenal Supporters
Who go onto other clubs' threads, make inflammatory comments and then when they are engaged in "return fire" resort to pathetic put downs and abuse. I'm sure there are other club supporters that do it to but you guys feature more than most. If you can't take it don't give it!
Phoenix Academy
almost 17 years
Oh and I'm not sure what "man's football" or "man's game" is supposed to refer to but it usually seems to come out after a particularly crude or thuggish tackle resulting in injury. I am all for hard, ball winning tackles and never want to see that leave the game but there are too many tackles flying around these days where the perpetrator has a very low chance of winning the ball cleanly and fairly but they follow through anyway. Too many broken legs as a result (Eduardo, Ramsey and Ben Arfa just off the top of my head). I'm with Wenger on this one but still don't think that Barton's tackle was an example of it.
almost 16 years
I thought after the match - would Man U, Europa League side Europa League side Chelsea or Man C have blown that? Answer = No. Spurs = Maybe. I wouldn't mind seeing Arsenal win the Prem (in spite of some of their supporters) but it ain't gonna happen if they drop leads like that.

I can't recall Spurs giving up a commanding lead.

This season (and countless others actually) it's more a case of allowing the opposition to get a lead and then Spurs grabbing a point (e.g. a certain other match that ended 4-4 somewhere in Norf Lundun) or in some cases all 3 points (e.g 3-2 somewhere also in Norf Lundun).

about 16 years
paulm wrote:
Stripes wrote:
paulm wrote:
Stripes wrote:
 Arsenal should have actually been a comfortable 3 points, as they can't handle football when it's played as a man's game. 
HAHAHAHAHA have a look at the table mate, we aint second coz we cant play 'man's football'
Yes, you are.  If your lads could handle Newcastle's much less expensive, but rather more manly squad - they'd be first. 
Don't talk to me about prices, you picked the wrong BIG club to challenge on that front.
According to, Newcastle's net spend over the last 10 years is +6mil. Arsenal's is -2.8mil.
Thanks to relegation () Newcastle has become a selling club in the last two seasons - if it werent for that you would be thrashed even more on the net spend front.
In fact, our starting eleven that played you cost approx 35mil according to my calculations - thats about the same price you just made from Carroll, so I assume that you guys will definitely now be able to buy an eleven as good as ours, be second in the league in February, AND be infinitely more manly at the same time.
Your club is sh*t

Wow, your only reply is to say a football club is sh*t. Not everyone is like you and picks a big four team to support. Typical glory supporter.
Phoenix Academy
almost 17 years
Junior82 wrote:
I thought after the match - would Man U, Europa League side Europa League side Europa League side Chelsea or Man C have blown that? Answer = No. Spurs = Maybe. I wouldn't mind seeing Arsenal win the Prem (in spite of some of their supporters) but it ain't gonna happen if they drop leads like that.

I can't recall Spurs giving up a commanding lead.

This season (and countless others actually) it's more a case of allowing the opposition to get a lead and then Spurs grabbing a point (e.g. a certain other match that ended 4-4 somewhere in Norf Lundun) or in some cases all 3 points (e.g 3-2 somewhere also in Norf Lundun).

Snapped - although I did only say "maybe". More in reference to perceived (in my opinion) defensive frailty than any (so far) actual capitulation. Of the top 5 I don't believe Spurs or the Gunners have the defensive quality to win the trophy. Happy to be proved wrong.
almost 16 years
Unfortunately I'll have to agree with you on that point.

over 17 years
Tommy_Smyth wrote:
paulm wrote:
Stripes wrote:
paulm wrote:
Stripes wrote:
 Arsenal should have actually been a comfortable 3 points, as they can't handle football when it's played as a man's game. 
HAHAHAHAHA have a look at the table mate, we aint second coz we cant play 'man's football'
Yes, you are.  If your lads could handle Newcastle's much less expensive, but rather more manly squad - they'd be first. 
Don't talk to me about prices, you picked the wrong BIG club to challenge on that front.
According to, Newcastle's net spend over the last 10 years is +6mil. Arsenal's is -2.8mil.
Thanks to relegation () Newcastle has become a selling club in the last two seasons - if it werent for that you would be thrashed even more on the net spend front.
In fact, our starting eleven that played you cost approx 35mil according to my calculations - thats about the same price you just made from Carroll, so I assume that you guys will definitely now be able to buy an eleven as good as ours, be second in the league in February, AND be infinitely more manly at the same time.
Your club is sh*t

Wow, your only reply is to say a football club is sh*t. Not everyone is like you and picks a big four team to support. Typical glory supporter.
Did you only read the last line of my post? Your club being sh*t wasn't my only response, just the only bit you noticed :)
And the typical glory thing? Yep, I chose a top four side just so I could dish out crap to sh*t clubs. Turns out it's paying off
paulm2011-02-09 13:23:13
over 17 years

I've seen Barton's tackle a few times now and I can't say I see much wrong with it from my (slightly biased) position. If it had been studs up that would have been a different matter but it wasn't.
 I agree the tackle wasn't like most leg-breakers or k.muscat efforts, and I personally haven't argued about that on here, but I think the situation is best summed up by this piece from F365;
"Joey Barton
"I don't understand Diaby's reaction. If the Arsenal players don't like being tackled, they should go and play basketball or netball or one of the other games."

Fair enough, it was a fair tackle, but the comments, with their sneering pay-off, read as a fairly appalling reflection on Barton's character. There's no mystery to why a player whose career has twice been halted by terrible tackles would react angrily to an over-committed challenge which bent his leg."
paulm2011-02-09 13:23:35
over 17 years
Stripes wrote:
I note that you have no real comeback to Newcastle destroying your title run. 
What sort of comeback can there be to that? It's clearly not true... 4 points is not a lot, sh*t why am I bothering to explain this
almost 17 years

Haven't had a chance to come here and congratulate you on a well played comeback.

I have my qualms with the 2nd penalty, but overwritten by unfair offside goal. Also have qualsm with Nolan not getting a red, but that's it. You fought hard, and you dominated 11 v 10, so well played!

Stay up this season please, it was weird last year.
First Team Squad
almost 15 years
brumbys wrote:

Haven't had a chance to come here and congratulate you on a well played comeback.

I have my qualms with the 2nd penalty, but overwritten by unfair offside goal. Also have qualsm with Nolan not getting a red, but that's it. You fought hard, and you dominated 11 v 10, so well played!

Stay up this season please, it was weird last year.

Cheers mate.  (Though the aim is to finish top-half - just staying up would be under-achieving.)
about 17 years
I've got the video of the game when Newcastle drew 5-5 at Loftus Road after taking a 4-1 lead. Also got the video of Europa League side Chelsea losing 6-0 at the same venue.
First Team Squad
almost 15 years
It's official.  England's national team is no longer a disgrace.  They're a joke.
about 16 years
Look like Chrissy Hughton is about to land the West Brom job! He deserves it. 
First Team Squad
almost 15 years
Tommy, I'm not sure if you meant that as a compliment or a slur... 
about 16 years
Deserves an EPL job is what i meant. Interesting to see that Newcastle last game is against West Brom.
over 17 years
Tommy_Smyth wrote:
Look like Chrissy Hughton is about to land the West Brom job! He deserves it. 
surely the most underrated manager seen in the prem for some time
almost 16 years
and under valued.
Hope he has a more supportive owner there. 
First Team Squad
almost 15 years
I could say that this signing has set my world on fire.

Could, but won't.

We have promising youngsters coming back from injury.  The Flying Finn is there for cover.  He might get a goal or two, could help turn nothing into 1 point, or 1 point into 3.
over 17 years
paulm wrote:
Tommy_Smyth wrote:
Look like Chrissy Hughton is about to land the West Brom job! He deserves it.�




surely the most underrated manager seen in the prem for some time

Nope, Woy has got it.
First Team Squad
almost 15 years
We shall now refer to him as Chris "Bullet Dodging" Hughton.

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