almost 17 years
just one of the wider effects of the quake.
First Team Squad
almost 17 years
Groundskeeper Willie
over 16 years
This annoys me: Public Humiliation for the Looters of the 22/02/2011 Earthquake

The looters are disgusting people but I don't like what these 'name and shame' groupies are doing. Seams to me like the wrong agenda. We have a justice system, I can trust they'll be punished accordingly. Greed is about the ugliest thing on this planet but lynch mobs are right up there too.

More time spent on making things better for the victims I say.
Starting XI
about 16 years
I totaly support the name and shame of these people. They should be locked up for a very very long time. A fair few of these people are from places which have suffered little or no damage from either the 7.1 or the 6.3 quakes and have absolutly no idea what the residents of Chch are going through. They are literally stealing from people who could be dieing/dead/missing or have family members who are. People who live in the New Brighton area are too afraid to leave because they don't want to lose all their possesions, this is despite the fact that they've had no water, power, sanitation for 4 or 5 days.
Starting XI
about 16 years

This is the sort of thing we need to avoid. Vilalante justice will only cause grief and could be dangerous. People checking out their own house from the outside, or even family and friends houses could indeed be mistaken for looters.
Groundskeeper Willie
over 16 years
I agree but I think there isn't much difference between those two groups. The crims are being publicly named by the media and I agree with that, don't get me wrong, but they are getting what they deserve via the justice system. No need to form torch/pitchfork bearing lynch mobs as well. It's just encouraging people to get nasty at a time where energy can be spent doing good for those suffering.

Hopefully the few that have been caught and named will have deterred any other scum from helping themselves to peoples possessions.
Heaven knows I'm miserable now
about 16 years
People who are thieves and criminals before an earthquake are still thieves and criminals after earthquakes, I am not sure why people are so surprised by this. Christchurch is just lucky that looting does not seem to be too widespread and it's a very small minority.
Agree that those who are claiming they will do this and that to them are just as stupid as the criminals themselves. They could easily be charged with assault - i.e. a waste of police time.
Phoenix Academy
almost 16 years

my laptop was in getting more grunt and was going to pick it up on tuesday but that never happened so have biked 15km to mums to see her, have a shower , do some washing and check out yf.

This certainly puts things in to persepective, sport is nt that important afterall , the whole cbd is devasted but thats not important, so many fatalities & misisng.
I walked home from town on Tuesday - many people doing the same walking down Moorhouse Ave & Ferry Rd, not one motorist pulled over to offer people a lift, even an empty bus went past - I was disgusted - I know people wanted to get home and check on loved ones but that was the time to pull together - people were walking to Sumner, probably 15km from town.
almost 14 years
chchnix wrote:

my laptop was in getting more grunt and was going to pick it up on tuesday but that never happened so have biked 15km to mums to see her, have a shower , do some washing and check out yf.

This certainly puts things in to persepective, sport is nt that important afterall , the whole cbd is devasted but thats not important, so many fatalities & misisng.
I walked home from town on Tuesday - many people doing the same walking down Moorhouse Ave & Ferry Rd, not one motorist pulled over to offer people a lift, even an empty bus went past - I was disgusted - I know people wanted to get home and check on loved ones but that was the time to pull together - people were walking to Sumner, probably 15km from town.

To be fair everyone would have been rushing to check on their familes, friends etc if you didn't know what happened to your family and if they were alive would you stop and pick a person you don't know and drop them home first?

and the buses weren't allowed to be running I was at school and there were 3 or 4 empty buses that were just parked on the road. Buses had to even kick off people who were on the bus before the quake
Starting XI
about 16 years
Tuesday was quite a day for things not quite getting done, we were going to take our wee girl to Chipmunks for a few hours before going to AMI to get our car sorted out that someone had reversed into a couple of weeks earlier. I can't even begin to imagine what it would have been like if we were at Chipmunks at the time.

Steve-O, sadly what the media are reporting and what is actually going on are two seperate things. I got a phone call from a close friend of mine from Wainoni today, they've only just got power back on today, and one of the first things he said to me was I wouldn't believe what it was like when the sun went down, there are people walking the streets constantly looking into people's houses to see if they're abandoned or not. Hopefully now with street lights around and the threat of being caught by the large number of police stops this or at least slows it down.
Heaven knows I'm miserable now
about 16 years
timmymadden wrote:
Tuesday was quite a day for things not quite getting done, we were going to take our wee girl to Chipmunks for a few hours before going to AMI to get our car sorted out that someone had reversed into a couple of weeks earlier. I can't even begin to imagine what it would have been like if we were at Chipmunks at the time.

Steve-O, sadly what the media are reporting and what is actually going on are two seperate things. I got a phone call from a close friend of mine from Wainoni today, they've only just got power back on today, and one of the first things he said to me was I wouldn't believe what it was like when the sun went down, there are people walking the streets constantly looking into people's houses to see if they're abandoned or not. Hopefully now with street lights around and the threat of being caught by the large number of police stops this or at least slows it down.
Fair enough. I refer again to the first line of my post in that case!
over 17 years
Starting XI
about 16 years
Came across this surfing the web,

Looks like it just had an air raid..
Starting XI
about 16 years
I would love for that to happen, it would be fantastic thing to watch and I would venture to where ever it is to watch it.
Starting XI
almost 15 years
That would be pretty awesome, wonder if the earthquake has hurt our position in the race for the U20 world cup, not that its on the top of the list of importance at the moment.
Starting XI
about 16 years
Never thought about that. RWC seems to be of major concern for a large number of people. I guess NZF could use it as emotional leverage, "We need it to boost the Canterbury economy."
over 17 years
I assume the game would be in Christchurch but I wonder if some of the All Stars would object to that for safety reasons?  Regardless, a great idea to raise money for a more than worthy cause.  I'll go to it wherever it is.
Starting XI
about 16 years
Both stadiums capable of holding such are game are f**ked anyway.
Phoenix Academy
almost 14 years
Heard a possible June game mentioned on TV3 tonight. Would be a mervellous boost for everyone.
Can I have some lungs please miss
almost 17 years
Starting XI
over 17 years
I say have the game in Auckland (listen before you berate me). It probably wont be in Chch because their stadia are stuffed. Wellington is the home of fooball in NZ but the stadium only holds 35k at most. For a fund raiser you need a big stadium and Eden Park (as much as I hate to say it) has to be the best option. Where ever the game is I'll go but bums on seats means more money which points to Akl. It also has the ease of logistics over Wgtn with the international airport. Toffeeman2011-02-28 10:15:28
over 13 years
A lot of football grounds badly damaged.
An abridged season (if we have one at all) looks increasingly likely.
While sport may deem a lesser priorityin these times I do find it is a pleasent and healthy distraction for the Children.

Starting XI
about 16 years
What about those in Chch who would like to attend this game but couldn't afford the time and/or money to get to Auckland... I do see your obvious logic Toffeeman and agree that more bums in seats means more donated money, but I, along with many others I know, would be ever so Gutted to miss this after what we've been through over the last 5 1/2 months.
almost 16 years
I-I-Iffy wrote:
Heard a possible June game mentioned on TV3 tonight. Would be a mervellous boost for everyone.
Would be great if it was.  And if at all possible it should be in ChCh or close to it. 
Money raised is one thing, having the likes of Nelsen and Reid show up to the Canterbury community would be a huge show of support.
over 17 years
Toffeeman wrote:
I say have the game in Auckland (listen before you berate me). It probably wont be in Chch because their stadia are stuffed. Wellington is the home of fooball in NZ but the stadium only holds 35k at most. For a fund raiser you need a big stadium and Eden Park (as much as I hate to say it) has to be the best option.�Where ever the game is I'll go but bums on seats means more money which�points to Akl. It also has the ease of logistics over Wgtn with the international airport.

I agree. Would have to be at Eden Park. Hopefully with time for a day and night in Chch for the players from both sides to do various things in the community.
Starting XI
about 16 years
Given that the aftershocks will still be around then (assuming June) and the still significant risk of another major shake from either Greendale or Lyttelton fault, I doubt they'll come to Chch. Would be nice though, I've already had the pleasure of talking to John Key and a few other ministers because of the first one. timmymadden2011-02-28 17:23:28
Starting XI
about 16 years
Wahey did anyone notice ronaldoknow sporting a Yellow Fever shirt on Campbell Live? Good man!
Starting XI
over 17 years
I wouldn't think they would let you use Eden park so close to the world cup
Head Sleuth
over 17 years
almost 16 years
TV3 just said up to 45k people had left the city (not sure if it was flown out or left by any means).

Edit: It's flights out. So much more if you add in road travel.
Junior822011-02-28 22:46:33
Phoenix Academy
almost 14 years
Dunno, just can't get my head around the idea of travelling all the way to Auckland to watch a charity game for Chch
A lot of water's gonna have to pass under the bridge before they can make any sort of call. Nobody knows yet whether AMI will be usable, or accommodation, or how big any aftershocks will be. Probably pretty low on the list of priorities atm but s**t it would be nice if it happens
Starting XI
almost 15 years
really good auction of sports memorabilia from radio sport today from 12:51pm onwards with proceeds going to the quake relief effort
Downey262011-03-01 08:20:36
Starting XI
about 16 years
It was estimated that 100,000 people had left the city at the end of last week. There are still people leaving now. The thing stopping more people from leaving is they have nowhere to store their stuff to stop it getting looted.
Starting XI
over 17 years
Yeah, my mate left the following day with his wife and 2 month old. He returned yesterday, resigned from his job (as a neuro surgeon), payed out his rental and is moving back to Akl. Anyone looking for a neuro-surgeon in Akl?
almost 16 years
Maybe a position at YF? 
If it's Akld then ACFC knitters could do with one too.
Starting XI
about 17 years
Just a heads up for you the National two minutes silence for Quake victims is being marked at 9 minutes to one today..not long now.
Starting XI
over 17 years
Wow, complete silence here at work. Heart warming stuff for our fellow Kiwis down in Christchurch.
Starting XI
about 16 years
That was very emotional, watching on TV as I'm home for lunch. I shed several tears. Although I don't live in Christchurch city anymore I do live only a few km from the original 7.1 epicenter so I know what those still without power and water are going through. To see the city which I spent 22 out of my 26 years in on the ground like that is too much for me to look at sometimes, especially down Colombo St and the Cathedral Square. Thank you everyone sincerely who stood in silence just now, you have no idea how much it means to the affected.

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