Phoenix Academy
almost 12 years

Jeff Vader wrote:

When I think about it, when the competition started, all teams had covered stands so the point made is not technically correct.

Waitakere - The Trusts and had a stand built there after season 3 I think but then moved

ACFC - noted

Waikato - Was at Waikato Stadium. Moved

HBU - Park Island, still there

YHM - FMGC stadium but then moved

TW - Newtown Park but then moved

Otago - Carisbrook then the Caledonian then moved but have tried to stay at a covered location

Canty - English Park, still there.


I think the point is more that the standards of the competition has not been upheld but really its all semantics....


I think it's more than semantics. The whole competition was started in order to lift standards on and off the field. While I think it has helped playing standards improve, several clubs - notably Waitakere, Waikato and Team Wellington, have been allowed to downgrade their facilites for spectators to cut costs. You can't tell me Waitakere couldn't have built a 500-seat covered stand at Fred Taylor Paddock in the three years they've reverted to that ground if they'd been required to. Instead they spent their money on players. It has debased the ASBP.

NZF has adopted double standards by letting some clubs get away with second-rate grounds while others like ACFC, CU and HBU provide good facilites for spectators. Struggling Otago United are to be commended for opting for the impressive covered Forsyth stadium. ACFC has poured a lot of money into developing Kiwitea Street. WU has been allowed to avoid spending anything at Fred Taylor, which is an absolute embarrassment for a Fifa competition like the O League.

Phoenix Academy
almost 12 years

Hard News wrote:

Trueblue wrote:

...not to mention the excellent steak sandwiches...

Recently usurped by the Souvlaki at Wellington Olympic as the best food at any football club I have attended in New Zealand.  Still a close second though with North Wellington's Nada pies coming in third.  In Australasia I would have to inclde the Cevapi at Somers St and the Bratwurst at Richmond in Melbourne in the five finalists as well.

Had an excellent curry at Bill McKinley Park last year, which is now the base for Auckland's multitude of ethnic sides. Still a great little facility with a good view of the on-field action and an all-weather artificial pitch.

Phoenix Academy
almost 12 years

Tegal wrote:

So your issue wasnt that the final was being played there at all, it was that there isn't a stand and they shouldn't have been allowed to play there all season. So either nobody wanted the final to be moved specifically, or you were protesting every waitakere home game should have been moved. 

I think not. You wanted their final moved for lack of a stand, and you don't want your game moved despite a lack of capacity. Hypocrisy at its finest. 

Capacity is also hardly irrelevant, finals and other such big games are moved to bigger venues all the time. I'm agreeing that it should be at kiwitea, but I also think waitakere were within their rights to host theirs at FT. You can't have it both ways.


Tegal - it's not the same. ACFC has invested a lot of money in developing Kiwitea Street, WU has spent nothing on developing Fred Taylor. The stipulation for competing in the ASBP was to provide covered seating for spectators, which ACFC does, and WU does not. That's why the ASBP final should have been moved.

As to ACFC moving the game against Ba in order to accommodate all the potential spectators. That would be a generous act by ACFC to ensure everyone who turns up can see the game. As opposed to WU's mean-fisted shambles trying to host a big crowd in a open field when they hosted Ba last time.

about 15 years

Trueblue wrote:

Jeff Vader wrote:

When I think about it, when the competition started, all teams had covered stands so the point made is not technically correct.

Waitakere - The Trusts and had a stand built there after season 3 I think but then moved

ACFC - noted

Waikato - Was at Waikato Stadium. Moved

HBU - Park Island, still there

YHM - FMGC stadium but then moved

TW - Newtown Park but then moved

Otago - Carisbrook then the Caledonian then moved but have tried to stay at a covered location

Canty - English Park, still there.


I think the point is more that the standards of the competition has not been upheld but really its all semantics....


I think it's more than semantics. The whole competition was started in order to lift standards on and off the field. While I think it has helped playing standards improve, several clubs - notably Waitakere, Waikato and Team Wellington, have been allowed to downgrade their facilites for spectators to cut costs. You can't tell me Waitakere couldn't have built a 500-seat covered stand at Fred Taylor Paddock in the three years they've reverted to that ground if they'd been required to. Instead they spent their money on players. It has debased the ASBP.

NZF has adopted double standards by letting some clubs get away with second-rate grounds while others like ACFC, CU and HBU provide good facilites for spectators. Struggling Otago United are to be commended for opting for the impressive covered Forsyth stadium. ACFC has poured a lot of money into developing Kiwitea Street. WU has been allowed to avoid spending anything at Fred Taylor, which is an absolute embarrassment for a Fifa competition like the O League.

again, I revert to what I initially said. I do not dispute the point made that yes, they should have had a stand and as you point out and I agree with, they are the only club that's not spent anything on a stand (vs Waikato who started at expensive Waikato Stadium and I guess Newtown would cost as well when up against athletics?) hence why I did say that yes, I was playing with words but the point stood. Sometimes it gets real frustrating posting here because not once have I actually disagreed with anyone over this but yet.... Ah forget it.

This is one of the reasons why I really wanted Glynn Taylor out. This has all happened under his watch where the standards of the competition have been allowed to slip. As part of a wider point around that, how many times have we heard about teams starting the comp without paying the entry fee? I recall the year Waikato moved to narra, they had no stand, no players and not paid. If NZF were proactive with their competition, they would be having a person at each team that was NZF designate and flagging up things like this BEFORE getting to a critical stage (oh wait, apparently they did) the competition is not in the best shape but it has I think, at least stabilised and teams aren't in the red or scrambling to find cash last min. I think they have also learned because of the cost, they simply can't afford to pay players (which they shouldn't be doing anyway but I'm not rehashing that).

I guess the real question is are NZF going to at least attempt to be proactive in improving it in the future or are they of the mindset that it is now what it is. If that's the case then the participatin of some teams should be reviewed because always being at the bottom or always being the easy beats... well it's just not a competition. (And putting Wairarapa in there is just not a smart idea)

about 15 years

Trueblue wrote:

Hard News wrote:

Trueblue wrote:

...not to mention the excellent steak sandwiches...

Recently usurped by the Souvlaki at Wellington Olympic as the best food at any football club I have attended in New Zealand.  Still a close second though with North Wellington's Nada pies coming in third.  In Australasia I would have to inclde the Cevapi at Somers St and the Bratwurst at Richmond in Melbourne in the five finalists as well.

Had an excellent curry at Bill McKinley Park last year, which is now the base for Auckland's multitude of ethnic sides. Still a great little facility with a good view of the on-field action and an all-weather artificial pitch.

mainly goat curry if I recall. Not a real meaty animal.
Appiah without the pace
about 17 years

Right. Far too much stupid on this thread last night.

JV, Tegal, FU BLU - all pull you head in. You are all just embarrassing yourselves.  Piss me off again, and I'll be going postal with a banstick.


Phoenix Academy
almost 12 years

Jeff Vader wrote:

Trueblue wrote:

Jeff Vader wrote:

When I think about it, when the competition started, all teams had covered stands so the point made is not technically correct.

Waitakere - The Trusts and had a stand built there after season 3 I think but then moved

ACFC - noted

Waikato - Was at Waikato Stadium. Moved

HBU - Park Island, still there

YHM - FMGC stadium but then moved

TW - Newtown Park but then moved

Otago - Carisbrook then the Caledonian then moved but have tried to stay at a covered location

Canty - English Park, still there.


I think the point is more that the standards of the competition has not been upheld but really its all semantics....


I think it's more than semantics. The whole competition was started in order to lift standards on and off the field. While I think it has helped playing standards improve, several clubs - notably Waitakere, Waikato and Team Wellington, have been allowed to downgrade their facilites for spectators to cut costs. You can't tell me Waitakere couldn't have built a 500-seat covered stand at Fred Taylor Paddock in the three years they've reverted to that ground if they'd been required to. Instead they spent their money on players. It has debased the ASBP.

NZF has adopted double standards by letting some clubs get away with second-rate grounds while others like ACFC, CU and HBU provide good facilites for spectators. Struggling Otago United are to be commended for opting for the impressive covered Forsyth stadium. ACFC has poured a lot of money into developing Kiwitea Street. WU has been allowed to avoid spending anything at Fred Taylor, which is an absolute embarrassment for a Fifa competition like the O League.

again, I revert to what I initially said. I do not dispute the point made that yes, they should have had a stand and as you point out and I agree with, they are the only club that's not spent anything on a stand (vs Waikato who started at expensive Waikato Stadium and I guess Newtown would cost as well when up against athletics?) hence why I did say that yes, I was playing with words but the point stood. Sometimes it gets real frustrating posting here because not once have I actually disagreed with anyone over this but yet.... Ah forget it.

This is one of the reasons why I really wanted Glynn Taylor out. This has all happened under his watch where the standards of the competition have been allowed to slip. As part of a wider point around that, how many times have we heard about teams starting the comp without paying the entry fee? I recall the year Waikato moved to narra, they had no stand, no players and not paid. If NZF were proactive with their competition, they would be having a person at each team that was NZF designate and flagging up things like this BEFORE getting to a critical stage (oh wait, apparently they did) the competition is not in the best shape but it has I think, at least stabilised and teams aren't in the red or scrambling to find cash last min. I think they have also learned because of the cost, they simply can't afford to pay players (which they shouldn't be doing anyway but I'm not rehashing that).

I guess the real question is are NZF going to at least attempt to be proactive in improving it in the future or are they of the mindset that it is now what it is. If that's the case then the participatin of some teams should be reviewed because always being at the bottom or always being the easy beats... well it's just not a competition. (And putting Wairarapa in there is just not a smart idea)


Phoenix Academy
almost 12 years

Jeff Vader wrote:

Trueblue wrote:

Hard News wrote:

Trueblue wrote:

...not to mention the excellent steak sandwiches...

Recently usurped by the Souvlaki at Wellington Olympic as the best food at any football club I have attended in New Zealand.  Still a close second though with North Wellington's Nada pies coming in third.  In Australasia I would have to inclde the Cevapi at Somers St and the Bratwurst at Richmond in Melbourne in the five finalists as well.

Had an excellent curry at Bill McKinley Park last year, which is now the base for Auckland's multitude of ethnic sides. Still a great little facility with a good view of the on-field action and an all-weather artificial pitch.

mainly goat curry if I recall. Not a real meaty animal.

Did you know that goat meat is one of the most widely eaten meats worldwide?

Phoenix Academy
almost 12 years

2ndBest wrote:

Right. Far too much stupid on this thread last night.

JV, Tegal, FU BLU - all pull you head in. You are all just embarrassing yourselves.  Piss me off again, and I'll be going postal with a banstick.


Think it was the late night booze talking, but come on guys, tone it down. There's no need to be crude and so abusive.

over 11 years
being a top club in nz auckland city, representing nz, you people should be ashamed that you people dont have a proper soccer stadium, even in islands, they are so poor, they atleast got a proper stadium that can easly handle, 10,000 plus crowd. what a shame.
over 17 years

With FIFA/OFC backhanders and limited safety regulations it's a lot easier for an Island FA to build a stadium than it is for NZ Football.

'proper stadium' - 'over-crowded death trap' - it's such a fine line.

Having said that there are 4 stadiums  - possibly 7 - I can think of in the Auckland region that could take 10,000 at a squeeze but the Auckland clubs would have to leave home to use one of them and that is not going to happen as we've seen above.

about 15 years

shaid wrote:
being a top club in nz auckland city, representing nz, you people should be ashamed that you people dont have a proper soccer stadium, even in islands, they are so poor, they atleast got a proper stadium that can easly handle, 10,000 plus crowd. what a shame.
Your first post is a troll... allow me to treat it with the distain it deserves.

Tell me about these wonderful island facilities? Tell me how they get on with bottle throwing, pitch invasions and general tossing of anything at these wonderful facilities you speak of. The hill in Honiara looks fantastic. The shanty stands in PNG and Ba look like a 'real spectators delight' - safe too yes? I'm guessing they all had resource consent, evacuation plans and built on solid ground....? Did it require much construction know how concreting some cinderblocks together? Tell me about the concession stands and the toilet facilities... EFTPos is not an issue too? Any idiot can put some corrugated iron over some poles in the middle of nowhere and planks of wood across scaffolding and call it a stadium. Doesn't make it one.

Tell me how football fares in those countries where it's the 5-6th ranked sport behind rugby, league, cricket, netball... oh that's right.

Appiah without the pace
about 17 years

 Actually JV, the hill in Honiara is awesome.

about 15 years

Ok, but is it awesome for its atmosphere or for its facilities....?  (the point pertaining to the OP)

Phoenix Academy
almost 17 years




AUCKLAND - Auckland City FC wishes to advise that the details for their OFC Champions League semi-final first leg match with Ba have been confirmed and tickets will now be pre-sold for this match:

Ticket Pre-Sale Details:

Tickets are available by pre-sale only (limited to 3,000 tickets)

Tickets can be purchased on Saturday 4 May 2013 from 12pm – 6pm at Auckland City FC’s clubrooms situated at 47A Kiwitea Street, Sandringham, Auckland.

Ticket Prices*:
Adults - $15
Children U16 – FREE
*It is advisable for patrons to have the correct cash payment on hand when purchasing their pre-sold tickets

Gate Sales:
Please note there will be no gate sales if all 3,000 allocated tickets have been pre-sold on Saturday 4 May 2013

Important Message – Under the terms and conditions of our club’s liquor license no alcohol will be permitted to be brought in to the stadium by patrons on Match Day. Bags may be searched at the discretion of security stewards.

As parking will be limited carpooling of transport by patrons is strongly recommended on Match Day.

A Media Accreditation application will be distributed for all interested media wishing to attend the game and work in the media tribune on Match Day. Spaces are limited and ticket allocations will be made at the discretion of the Auckland City FC Media Manager.

Social Media and Match Updates:

Or download the club app "ACFC" from iTunes or for Android and follow Auckland City FC through our smart phone platform.

Follow Auckland City FC on our official Twitter account: @AucklandCity_FC.

You can do the same at our official Facebook page "Auckland City Football Club".

almost 12 years

Uli Stieleke wrote:




AUCKLAND - Auckland City FC wishes to advise that the details for their OFC Champions League semi-final first leg match with Ba have been confirmed and tickets will now be pre-sold for this match:

Ticket Pre-Sale Details:

Tickets are available by pre-sale only (limited to 3,000 tickets)

Tickets can be purchased on Saturday 4 May 2013 from 12pm – 6pm at Auckland City FC’s clubrooms situated at 47A Kiwitea Street, Sandringham, Auckland.

Ticket Prices*:
Adults - $15
Children U16 – FREE
*It is advisable for patrons to have the correct cash payment on hand when purchasing their pre-sold tickets

Gate Sales:
Please note there will be no gate sales if all 3,000 allocated tickets have been pre-sold on Saturday 4 May 2013

Important Message – Under the terms and conditions of our club’s liquor license no alcohol will be permitted to be brought in to the stadium by patrons on Match Day. Bags may be searched at the discretion of security stewards.

As parking will be limited carpooling of transport by patrons is strongly recommended on Match Day.

A Media Accreditation application will be distributed for all interested media wishing to attend the game and work in the media tribune on Match Day. Spaces are limited and ticket allocations will be made at the discretion of the Auckland City FC Media Manager.

Social Media and Match Updates:

Or download the club app "ACFC" from iTunes or for Android and follow Auckland City FC through our smart phone platform.

Follow Auckland City FC on our official Twitter account: @AucklandCity_FC.

You can do the same at our official Facebook page "Auckland City Football Club".


So that's Kiwitea's limit. 3000. Plus members, which adds another few hundred. However, better to be safe than sorry.

almost 12 years

PS Is there a limit on numbers on individual purchases?

about 15 years

I see you have upped the entrance fee to $15...

Phoenix Academy
almost 12 years

Jeff Vader wrote:

I see you have upped the entrance fee to $15...

The cost of the average cinema ticket.

about 12 years

 That's just normal? Waitakere put their gate price up to $15 for the ASBP final too.

Or did a City supporter on here complain about that, is that what you're getting at?

Starting XI
over 12 years

 That's just normal? Waitakere put their gate price up to $15 for the ASBP final too.

Or did a City supporter on here complain about that, is that what you're getting at?

so once ACFC win where is the final going to be?  
about 15 years

I was not getting at anything, just pointing it out as an observation I made... The follow on to that might have been something along the lines of 'make hay while the sun shines' or 'O League participation is not cheap' all of which is perfectly understandable. I have no idea if anyone complained or what Waitakere did for the final.

You guys wonder why you get stick. You are a real endearing lot!!!

about 15 years

I'm not so sure both Waitakere and ACFC are sure things for the final. Home AND away legs. I would want to play the away leg first but then I guess that's Ba's choice as top qualifier of their group. Still, I'd rather be going to Ba than Amicale. Amicale have traditionally performed better across the life of the league.

about 12 years

Yeah sorry wasn't trying to have a go, you do love to point out ACFC supporters hypocrisy and I wouldn't be at all surprised if someone had complained about another side hiking prices for a big game in the past.

Final venue is up to OFC. They already announced Auckland as the venue before the comp began, trying to bring it more in line with other Champions Leagues. Wonder if they'll move it around so we could potentially have a ACFC vs Waitakere final in Honiara next year, who knows.

Starting XI
over 12 years

sorry i thought you would know with the nick name and all... :-)

dosn't really make sense to have a final in the islands with two kiwi teams.. it's not like the champions league in europe where teams will go all over europe following their team.

about 12 years

 Ha ok then, the final will be at Mount Smart.

First Team Squad
over 17 years

Jeff Vader wrote:
Still, I'd rather be going to Ba than Amicale. Amicale have traditionally performed better across the life of the league

I quite like the idea of travelling to Port Vila  (for Amicale FC) .

It's a very pretty place to fly into, over the bay and Mystery Island.

Excellent snorkelling, bright coral and the underwater post office (yes, you have to take a deep breath).

about 15 years

True. I don't speak very good French but in terms of football, the better odds are against Ba.

Phoenix Academy
almost 17 years

Please note that there will now be two venues pre-selling tickets on Saturday 4 May 2013 for Auckland City's OFC Champions League clash against Ba FC the following day:


Venue 1:

Auckland City FC Clubrooms

47A Kiwitea Street, Sandringham, Auckland

12pm - 6pm

(2,000 tickets available)


Venue 2:

Mangere United AFC Clubrooms

Centre Park

141 Robertson Road, Mangere, Auckland

12pm - 2pm

(1,000 tickets available)





Starting XI
over 17 years

good on you guys for not letting those greedy fucking ticket merchants get their hands on this tie

good to see some good old grass roots interaction going down

Phoenix Academy
almost 17 years


Limited Gate Sales for Auckland City vs Ba Match

AUCKLAND – Tickets sales for Auckland City FC’s Champions League showdown with Ba reached the 2,800 mark after a successful pre-sale at Kiwitea Street and Mangere United’s clubrooms today.

But there are still 200 tickets left for purchase for Sunday’s OFC Champions League Semi Final, 1st Leg, and they are available at the Auckland City FC clubrooms from 10.30am tomorrow as the final chance for fans to see this mouth-watering match up.

Auckland City was voted Oceania club of the decade by the International Federation of Football History and Statistics, with Ba ranked second ahead of Perth Glory and Adelaide United, and throws more spice into an already exciting fixture.

Fans are advised to bring cash for purchase of food and beverages with only limited capacity for EFTPOS.

Gates open at Kiwitea Street for fans and supporters at 1.30pm.

Fans unable to get a ticket for the game may watch the action streamed live at and a direct link will be provided via the OFC website at

In addition to the live streaming, the game will be shown live on television in Fiji on FBC and in Vanuatu on VTBC.

Phoenix Academy
about 13 years
Bossi Insider
about 16 years

1-1 at HT, switching on to watch now the Warriors have finished.

about 15 years

 snap    8) 

Bossi Insider
about 16 years

Seems Ba is down to 10 men, so ACFC really need to press home the advantage here.

On probation
over 13 years

camera work is making me sick

Bossi Insider
about 16 years
Bossi Insider
about 16 years

Another red for Ba.

Bossi Insider
about 16 years
Bossi Insider
about 16 years

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