over 17 years

Inside info, loving it.

Jarrod do you know if there's any movement on streaming in HD? Is this something that might get introduced during the season or is that unlikely?

Also, do you know what will happen if for example, I'm watching a game delayed - one of the ones that's not 'on demand', but can only be watched once - and my PC crashes or something during the game. If I restart and log back on, what will happen? Will it say I've already viewed it and can't watch it again, even if I haven't finished?

Sorry you may not be able to answer these, just let me know and I'll email them instead...

over 17 years

ooh just noticed (c) - so that means if I feel I'm missing out, I can easily upgrade to platinum during the season? Is that right?

over 14 years

Haha, it's not inside info. Just got it from the terms of service.

I don't know about the HD. But I heard that the 130 games not "on-demand" would actually be available til the next round for as many viewings as you want and the 250 games were available for the whole season. but I don't know if that was official or not.

just got an email back from them re: the upgrade price from standard to platinum:


Thank you for contacting Premier League Pass support. To upgrade your account from the Season Pass Basic Subscription to the Season Pass Platinum Subscription you will need to complete the purchase of the Season Pass Platinum Subscription through your account and then we can refund $120 off of that purchase. There is a fee for the upgrade and that is why the full amount is not refunded. Once you have completed the purchase of the Season Pass Platinum Subscription please contact us back so that we can process the refund on your new purchase.

If you have any additional questions in regards to the upgrade please let us know.

Thank you,

Premier League Pass Support"

over 17 years

Oh i see 

I saw "We are currently offering the following subscription products" and thought that was your comment, now realise it was part of the paste

That's good about upgrading. Will get opinions on here once the season starts and decide whether I do that or not. 

over 14 years

Since the people on the email seem to know what they're talking about I just asked about the how the 250 on-demand games will work and how the other 130 will work. will post the reply when I get it.

Head Sleuth
over 17 years

2 out of 3 sources have said the 130 are multiple views until the next match week. The one source that doesn't seem to say that was the FAQs interestingly, the 2 that do was the guy I spoke to on live chat and someone else on here who received an email from them. 

So will be interesting to see what yours comes back with!

over 14 years

Just got a reply: 


Thank you for contacting Premier League Pass support. All games will be archived for on demand or replay viewing but some matches will only be avaible until the start of the next round. There will be 250 matches that are available on demand or in replay for the duration of your subscription. The other 130 matches will only be available on demand or on replay until the start of the next round or about a week's time.

At this time we can not confirm the specific games that fall into each category but more information should be available after the start of the season.

If you have any additional questions please let us know.

Thank you,

Premier League Pass Support"

So it sounds good. a bit of activity on the premier league pass twitter at the moment. says they are hoping to for an apple tv app to be ready later in the season, so it's potentially in development.

John Fellet's mouth piece
over 11 years
Tekkers3 wrote:

Seems like the quality of those extra shows might be questionable with NZ hosts - i'd watch the official ones if they were available.. 
$150 option it is then

Pretty sure the official high lights package is on TV one on Monday\Tuesday?
over 14 years
Goonertron wrote:
Tekkers3 wrote:

Seems like the quality of those extra shows might be questionable with NZ hosts - i'd watch the official ones if they were available.. 
$150 option it is then

Pretty sure the official high lights package is on TV one on Monday\Tuesday?
yeah monday night 10:55
Still Believin'
over 17 years
JarrodM wrote:
Goonertron wrote:
JarrodM wrote:
Goonertron wrote:

I'm still confused on the website it says you can use Push to TV? on Apple TV. Does this mean that I need a iPad and a Apple TV?

Or an iPhone or iPod touch. Or a late model mac computer

OK but does that mean the quality will be lower if its taking the feed from the iPad instead of a desktop TV to the big screen TV?

In theory the apps should be getting the same streams as when you access it on your computer, so it should be the same quality. On the app you probably won't be able to manually choose the quality (basing this off the fact you can't on the NFL app which is based on the same tech.)

The important thing to understand is that at the moment you can't use an Apple TV on its own to watch Coliseum. You will need an iPad or an iPhone or an iPod Touch. You will then use the Airplay feature to stream the content from your device to the Apple TV which is plugged in to your TV.

They also haven't yet released the iOS app that you will need to load on to your device in order to do this. You might want to wait until this happens before you spend any more money.

They may develop an app specifically for Apple TV in the future that means you don't need to use Airplay from a device but I don't think they have any firm plans around this yet.

First Team Squad
over 17 years

I can see they have some fans on Twitter (good response though)...

Head Sleuth
over 17 years

Erm. Just saw this on one of their tweets. 

"you'll be able to watch all games once at any time within 24 hours - on top of this you can watch 250 games on demand."

Confusing sentence. But that suggests you can only watch 130 games once, and only within 24 hours of the game being played. 

That makes it 3/5 sources saying multiple views until next match week, and 2/5 saying you can only view once (one of which says only one day after the game!)

They REALLY need to clear this up and get a consistent line on it. 

over 14 years

I'd put more weight on the support people than someone who tweeted "we're crapping ourselves with excitement"

Head Sleuth
over 17 years

Possibly. But the FAQs seem to back the tweet up too. And I'd back that more than some support person potentially in another country. 

Either way, mixed messages isn't good. 

over 17 years

So this^

I am not the most confident around what might happen come Saturday/Sunday.

I'm getting up at 2am to watch Arsenal v Villa live, then when I get up later I'm going to grab an on-demand game, and a non-on-demand game, and play around to see what happens i.e. watch a little bit of a non-on-demand game and then shut the window, then open up the site again and see if it lets me go back to the game.

First Team Squad
over 17 years

One of their tweets says that you can rewind and fast-forward but only on the 250 'On-Demand' games...

Just listened to another Tim Martin interview, he's on the NZ Tech Podcast released today. Didn't really say too much other than he's delighted with the sales, also that the cheaper packages is outselling the Platinum package 2 to 1.

He said they have the ability to stream in HD and provide 5.1 Dolby Sound but this involves huge amount of data and this costs a fortune, but that he hoped to offer that 'hopefully in our first season'.

Confusingly he said "all games are live on the site for 24 hours, you can watch it within that 24 hr period and then of those 380 games , 250 on those games on-demand for the week"

So he seems to be saying you have 24 hrs to watch every game, and then 130 drop off? Which contradicts other advice on here, which says 7 days (or unitl the start of the next round)

Can't help feeling their PR/Marketing leaves a lot to be desired. Even basic 'Marketing 101' like their Twitter handle is terrible @p_l_pass

Seems to be lot of mis (or non) information out there...

over 14 years

yeah it's confusing cause they don't have 380 games each day...

then you add in to the mix that the games in each round are staggered over three days etc.

I'd still put more weight with the support people who actually designed/run the system.

Listen here Fudgeface
over 14 years
JarrodM wrote:

yeah it's confusing cause they don't have 380 games each day...

then you add in to the mix that the games in each round are staggered over three days etc.

I'd still put more weight with the support people who actually designed/run the system.

The support people are not the people who built the system. The support has been outsourced to another company, Smith, Wilso and myself met one of the manager guys (James) last week when we were in Auckland for the PLP launch and ate burrito's with him.

Head Sleuth
over 17 years

Yeah hopefully the support people are the ones that are right. This 24 hours to watch the 130 games and you can only watch them once would actually be really awful. 

I tweeted and asked them to clarify, and added a link to this thread in the tweet. 

over 14 years
patrick478 wrote:
JarrodM wrote:

yeah it's confusing cause they don't have 380 games each day...

then you add in to the mix that the games in each round are staggered over three days etc.

I'd still put more weight with the support people who actually designed/run the system.

The support people are not the people who built the system. The support has been outsourced to another company, Smith, Wilso and myself met one of the manager guys (James) last week when we were in Auckland for the PLP launch and ate burrito's with him.

ah ok, thanks for the correction.
over 11 years

anyone know how many people have signed up......????????

over 13 years
The fact they haven't said anything about numbers makes me think it is not many. You would have thought that their first port of call would be to take out an ad on this website. If they can't sell it to people on here they never will sell it to anyone

over 14 years

Just seen an ad on the TV for plp. Martin Tyler with the voiceover 

over 14 years
John Fellet's mouth piece
over 11 years

Arsenal, Man U, Man City and Spurs games on Sky, Chelsea games on Sommet sports. Hmmmm tough sell for PLP  now.

First Team Squad
over 17 years
Goonertron wrote:

Arsenal, Man U, Man City and Spurs games on Sky, Chelsea games on Sommet sports. Hmmmm tough sell for PLP  now.

Liverpool now confirmed as Sommets 2nd 'signing'...

over 14 years

Live radio commentary on MUTV apparently

about 15 years

PLP must be wondering what they have bought. When the top 6 teams are available via regular medium, who wants to fork out extra for it? 

I hear the toilet flushing 

Listen here Fudgeface
over 14 years
Jeff Vader wrote:

PLP must be wondering what they have bought. When the top 6 teams are available via regular medium, who wants to fork out extra for it? 

I hear the toilet flushing 

Tim Martin addressed this in his speech at the launch party last week. He is actually thankful that Sky have done this, as he was worried that the Premier League would disappear from peoples minds completely as it is no longer on Sky. This way, the delayed coverage will remind people that the Premier League is happening, and that there is only one place to watch live Premier League coverage (legally). 
Also, it is my understanding that Coliseum will get some sort of financial gain from these club channels being purchased by other broadcasters, as they are the official rights holders.
I believe that Coliseum knew that other broadcasters would pick up all the delayed coverage, and welcomed it, so they won't be "wondering what they have bought".
Still Believin'
over 17 years

PLP's big selling points now are really just:

- you can watch all the games live (nobody else can offer this, except for dodgy streams)

- you can watch replays of most of the games whenever you like (although anyone with MySky or a T-Box will  be able to do this for a lot of games now)

Is that enough?

over 17 years
patrick478 wrote:
Jeff Vader wrote:

PLP must be wondering what they have bought. When the top 6 teams are available via regular medium, who wants to fork out extra for it? 

I hear the toilet flushing 

Tim Martin addressed this in his speech at the launch party last week. He is actually thankful that Sky have done this, as he was worried that the Premier League would disappear from peoples minds completely as it is no longer on Sky. This way, the delayed coverage will remind people that the Premier League is happening, and that there is only one place to watch live Premier League coverage (legally). 

Listen here Fudgeface
over 14 years
Frankie Mac wrote:
patrick478 wrote:
Jeff Vader wrote:

PLP must be wondering what they have bought. When the top 6 teams are available via regular medium, who wants to fork out extra for it? 

I hear the toilet flushing 

Tim Martin addressed this in his speech at the launch party last week. He is actually thankful that Sky have done this, as he was worried that the Premier League would disappear from peoples minds completely as it is no longer on Sky. This way, the delayed coverage will remind people that the Premier League is happening, and that there is only one place to watch live Premier League coverage (legally). 

Were you there?
over 12 years
terminator_x wrote:

PLP's big selling points now are really just:

- you can watch all the games live (nobody else can offer this, except for dodgy streams)

- you can watch replays of most of the games whenever you like (although anyone with MySky or a T-Box will  be able to do this for a lot of games now)

Is that enough?


Still a big bonus for those who don't support a "top" (Liverpool??) 6 team.

Head Sleuth
over 17 years

PLP would have anticipated this. It is hardly a big surprise. They'd have to be morons not to have anticipated it and not included it in their business plan. 

First Team Squad
over 17 years
patrick478 wrote:
Jeff Vader wrote:

PLP must be wondering what they have bought. When the top 6 teams are available via regular medium, who wants to fork out extra for it? 

I hear the toilet flushing 

Tim Martin addressed this in his speech at the launch party last week. He is actually thankful that Sky have done this, as he was worried that the Premier League would disappear from peoples minds completely as it is no longer on Sky. This way, the delayed coverage will remind people that the Premier League is happening, and that there is only one place to watch live Premier League coverage (legally). 

Also, it is my understanding that Coliseum will get some sort of financial gain from these club channels being purchased by other broadcasters, as they are the official rights holders.

I believe that Coliseum knew that other broadcasters would pick up all the delayed coverage, and welcomed it, so they won't be "wondering what they have bought".

Patrick - are you sure that CSM are not some kind of cult, your trip to the launch (which you refer to each time you post) has turned you into a raving Pro CSM flag-waving follower! :)

They must be packing themselves. I belong to a large club here in Ch-Ch and at a recent impromptu poll at a social gathering about 2 of the 40 (ish) people had signed up (and they were supporters of the 'non big 6 clubs'), none of the others intended to, and plenty of them were from the UK. They were happy to watch delayed on SKY.

Of course he's going to say he's pleased SKY picked up the rights, he's hardly going to say he's pissed off about it.

If they can't pick up the rabid Man U, Arsenal etc fan, then they'll battle.

It's the hassle involved with the switch that puts people off. If they had some link into SKY/Freeview etc and told people to pay $150 for the season, then i'd do it in a heartbeat, but that obviously won't happen.

I'm pissed that i cant flick on the TV, and watch my team in HD. I tried the demo again yesterday, picture quality was 'ok', but it buffered from time to time. The problem is those in NZ who live in UFB zones will think this is great (esp if they turn on the 'HD' tap), but for plenty of others the quality is a step down to what we're used to.

Tim Martin yesterday was saying watching a game on the iPad is a fantastic experience - really?

Watching the game in HD in my lounge with my kids when i wanted on my 42" screen, now that's a fantastic experience...

I was impressed with Tim Martin when I first heard him and thought he spoke well, but the more i hear him speak, the more he sounds likes a user car salesman (apologies to any used car salesmen reading)...

Listen here Fudgeface
over 14 years
Dougie Rydal wrote:

Patrick - are you sure that CSM are not some kind of cult, your trip to the launch (which you refer to each time you post) has turned you into a raving Pro CSM flag-waving follower! :)

I've always been very supportive of the concept, and I only refer to the launch because that is the only time that I've been in direct contact with anybody from CSM.
Head Sleuth
over 17 years

Another tweet saying all games available for 24 hours, and 250 until the next game week. 

Thats changed AGAIN. the 250 on demand games, according to this tweet, are only available for a week (which doesn't bother me, but its still less than the whole season people have previously been told). The 130 games only being available for a day is pretty shite if true. 

Head Sleuth
over 17 years

Another tweet saying all games available for 24 hours, and 250 until the next game week. 

Thats changed AGAIN. the 250 on demand games, according to this tweet, are only available for a week (which doesn't bother me, but its still less than the whole season people have previously been told). The 130 games only being available for a day is pretty shite if true. 

Can I have some lungs please miss
almost 17 years

We don't know what they're doing.

about 17 years
terminator_x wrote:

PLP's big selling points now are really just:

- you can watch all the games live (nobody else can offer this, except for dodgy streams)

- you can watch replays of most of the games whenever you like (although anyone with MySky or a T-Box will  be able to do this for a lot of games now)

Is that enough?

When you say people with MySky/T-Boxes will be able to watch some replays, presumably you just mean from Sky's coverage?

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