Starting XI
over 12 years
Goonertron wrote:
zonknz wrote:

Interesting that you say Internet Explorer is better than another browser, Goonertron. In what way better? Smoother images? Less pauses?

In comparison to Firefox, or Chrome? Could it be that as your non-normal browser, it is just not full of extensions etc?

I am using Chrome in fullscreen kiosk mode, with a seperate user profile (launched through XBMC).

I used Chrome on Saturday night and had a bad experience, saw earlier in this thread that someone else switched to IE and had better experience. So I tried that and they were right, smoother and didn't drop down below 1600. Were as the night before I would be lucky to have a smooth stream at 800. And I don't have any extensions on chrome as I recently downgraded to Windows 7 from Windows 8.

Yeah that was me who had a better experience on IE, very interesting that it wasn't just me. Would be keen to hear from any others who have tried different browsers and seen a noticable difference.


Starting XI
almost 15 years

Are you selecting a fixed bandwidth or the variable one - i.e, i select 3000 and leave it that way.

John Fellet's mouth piece
over 11 years
zonknz wrote:

Are you selecting a fixed bandwidth or the variable one - i.e, i select 3000 and leave it that way.

I clicked best available, and it never went down to 800. I sit quite close to my TV so can tell what quality it is. It isn't strange for a website to be more optimized for certain browsers, and no I am not just "Bill Gates Mouth Piece". 
Starting XI
almost 15 years

Everything is via Flash though, not html5, so it is one big <embed>.

John Fellet's mouth piece
over 11 years
zonknz wrote:

Everything is via Flash though, not html5, so it is one big <embed>.

Doesn't really mean much to me, worked like arse on chrome, worked great on IE. And like I said 1st time I have used it in years. Trust me I am not lying to you despite the moderators on this site thinking I am. I give my honest opinions on the service.
over 17 years

just spoke to someone who watched the Liverpool game live through the TV, and they said it was terrible.  With high picture quality it lagged and the commentary was terrible, and with low picture quality, well the picture quality was terrible (as well as the commentary).  Seems like it might be ok when watching the non-live (cached) games, but there are still issues with the live ones.  Anyone else watched a game live and had/not had problems?

'The Scoop'
almost 16 years

No problems live at all for me - and hard to complain about commentary when its straight from the EPL. 

about 11 years

i had a free day pass and watched some of the liverpool game live, it was fine. not 100% crystal, but watchable.

true test as lonegunman pointed out will be a 5 or 6am game with a top 4 clash eg man utd v arsenal. everyone hitting the pipe at the same time will be interesting.

First Team Squad
over 13 years

watched the Chelsea v Hull game this morning on demand at about 5:00am via a Tiger 24 hour pass, had a couple hiccups and sometime the sound would go a bit muffled but overall happy with the service.

I was using Chrome and Wifi, my internet connection isn't all that flash, I get decent speeds but it drops out every second week (probably dodgy internal wiring than anything else).

Watched the highlights show and the quality was perfect.

over 17 years
PlayWithFire wrote:

No problems live at all for me - and hard to complain about commentary when its straight from the EPL. 

not so much the quality of the commentary, but more the sound kept dipping out.
Head Sleuth
over 17 years

Nah no issues live whatsoever. I was worried there would be so pretty happy. 

about 17 years

I watched Liverpool live at best available quality and it was almost perfect - it paused for a few seconds once in the 2nd half. But when I watched games delayed last night starting at 8 pm it was pretty terrible, frequently pausing and dropping in quality. It got better the later it got so it may have been peak internet use affecting me. I'm on Telecom ADSL.

over 12 years

I was pleasantly surprised with how good it was to be honest.  I was watching on wireless - with a router about 5 years old and only had a couple of problems.  Watched all the Liverpool game with no pauses.  The Norwich vs Everton game didn't load up for some reason, but the support service guy on the Live Chat told me to change browser (went from Firefox to IE) and had no problems again (think it may have paused once actually).

Have now dropped SKY Sports (with one months notice unfortunately).  I guess the only thing I'll miss is the Arsenal commentators getting to talk about their own teams failings on Arsenal TV.

Starting XI
over 12 years
andyandysole wrote:


true test as lonegunman pointed out will be a 5 or 6am game with a top 4 clash eg man utd v arsenal. everyone hitting the pipe at the same time will be interesting.

Might be offset by the amount of people who will be able to watch these games through Sky, TV1 and Sommet.


Head Sleuth
over 17 years
Fink wrote:

I watched Liverpool live at best available quality and it was almost perfect - it paused for a few seconds once in the 2nd half. But when I watched games delayed last night starting at 8 pm it was pretty terrible, frequently pausing and dropping in quality. It got better the later it got so it may have been peak internet use affecting me. I'm on Telecom ADSL.

I've found from testing it out, and from other people, that "best available" can cause issues. You're always better off manually switching it to 3000 or 1600 (or lower)
Still Believin'
over 17 years
Frankie Mac wrote:

just spoke to someone who watched the Liverpool game live through the TV, and they said it was terrible.  With high picture quality it lagged and the commentary was terrible, and with low picture quality, well the picture quality was terrible (as well as the commentary).  Seems like it might be ok when watching the non-live (cached) games, but there are still issues with the live ones.  Anyone else watched a game live and had/not had problems?

I watched that game live at 3000kpbs on a laptop with no problems. No buffering at all and the picture quality was good.

Can I have some lungs please miss
almost 17 years

Have now dropped SKY Sports (with one months notice unfortunately).  I guess the only thing I'll miss is the Arsenal commentators getting to talk about their own teams failings on Arsenal TV.

You can get it all online for free now anyway...

over 14 years

For the people who it buffers for constantly, so they pause it for a bit and then play it. I'm not sure if that helps. cause for all the on-demand stuff, when i pause it it gets another couple of seconds worth of footage then stops loading, so pausing it doesn't really do anything cause it stops loading. (I have no problems with buffering by the way, just wanted to have a little test). I haven't tested it for any live coverage, so might be different for live stuff, but on-demand stuff seems to stop loading when you pause it. 

John Fellet's mouth piece
over 11 years

Alot of bad feedback on radio sport today... Hope they increase the servers for the weekend.

John Fellet's mouth piece
over 11 years
JarrodM wrote:

For the people who it buffers for constantly, so they pause it for a bit and then play it. I'm not sure if that helps. cause for all the on-demand stuff, when i pause it it gets another couple of seconds worth of footage then stops loading, so pausing it doesn't really do anything cause it stops loading. (I have no problems with buffering by the way, just wanted to have a little test). I haven't tested it for any live coverage, so might be different for live stuff, but on-demand stuff seems to stop loading when you pause it. 

Average joe shouldn't have to do this, espessically when they can watch Youtube 1080p at no problem. Average joe would expect a server farm in NZ to perform alot better than one in USA.
Head Sleuth
over 17 years

I wonder how many day passes they ended up giving away and how that may have affected performance at certain times. It could have been like when your gym gives away free trials and suddenly you have to wait for machines at peak times. 

First Team Squad
over 17 years

My major improvement was plugging the ethernet cable directly from the router into my laptop. My download speed (check yours here ) went from 1.9mbps (wireless) to 6.4mbps.

I watched the Spurs game live last night (1230am to about 230am) and had no buffering, flickering, drop in sound or anything. I set the bitrate on the PLP site to 3000kbps and it went very smoothly, but my biggest issue (as I mentioned a few posts ago) is that the picture is just 'good'. It's not HD quality (obviously), so if, like me you;ve spent the last 2-3 years watching SKY with the HD ticket, then that's where you'll feel a bit disillusioned.

Head Sleuth
over 17 years

Someone mentioned that it took sky years before they introduced HD (or similar). Coliseum have said that it is something they're looking into in the future. I suggest they were a bit nervous about introducing it straight away. 

John Fellet's mouth piece
over 11 years
Tegal wrote:

Someone mentioned that it took sky years before they introduced HD (or similar). Coliseum have said that it is something they're looking into in the future. I suggest they were a bit nervous about introducing it straight away. 

Do you work for Coliseum? You seem to be on the defensive alot...

The fact is HD is the standard now.
Starting XI
over 12 years
Dougie Rydal wrote:

My major improvement was plugging the ethernet cable directly from the router into my laptop. My download speed (check yours here ) went from 1.9mbps (wireless) to 6.4mbps.

I watched the Spurs game live last night (1230am to about 230am) and had no buffering, flickering, drop in sound or anything. I set the bitrate on the PLP site to 3000kbps and it went very smoothly, but my biggest issue (as I mentioned a few posts ago) is that the picture is just 'good'. It's not HD quality (obviously), so if, like me you;ve spent the last 2-3 years watching SKY with the HD ticket, then that's where you'll feel a bit disillusioned.


Interesting about the ethernet cable, by modem is right by my telly so that could be perfect. Thanks for the tip.



Head Sleuth
over 17 years
Goonertron wrote:
Tegal wrote:

Someone mentioned that it took sky years before they introduced HD (or similar). Coliseum have said that it is something they're looking into in the future. I suggest they were a bit nervous about introducing it straight away. 

Do you work for Coliseum? You seem to be on the defensive alot...
I work for coliseum about as much as you work for sky :p. (unless of course you do actually work for them in some capacity, in which I don't)
I just thought it was a good point someone raised, and it was relevant, so I posted it. Not being defensive. I've also posted issues that I and others have had too. 
Starting XI
over 17 years

Reading through a lot of the discussion on here since the launch, it seems that one of the fears has probably been realised. When this thing was first discussed all of the IT literate people were talking about how easy it was to connect an HDMI cable. It probably was but it was all the stuff that came after it and all the talks of bit rates and download speeds etc etc that were going to be the killer.

I'm not an IT geek but know my way around a computer and I have absolutely no idea what you lot are talking about. If you're a serious technophobe and you've made the plunge and got a shite connection, I very much doubt you have the nous to do all the things you guys have discussed as ways to get around the problems.

As for the point re it took Sky years to get HD, that is hardly the point at all. Now, Sky has HD, everyone has HD. Launching without it was a risk and it seems strange they didn't go with it from the start. 

Phoenix Academy
over 12 years

  Glad I got the PLP in a way. had a look at MUTV and Arse TV over the weekend. Pic quality better on TV, but listening to the completely one sided biased commentary of them both I would go mental over the course of the season. I don't support any of the 6 teams being shown on 'normal' TV, so quite frankly hope all 6 lose each and every weekend. 

  For me, on a shitty old laptop, pic wasn't fantastic. However I am not the most fussy person in the world. I just love watching the games so was always going to get the pass regardless of free pass, or TAB discount

First Team Squad
over 17 years
bopman wrote:

As for the point re it took Sky years to get HD, that is hardly the point at all. Now, Sky has HD, everyone has HD. Launching without it was a risk and it seems strange they didn't go with it from the start. 

Totally agree - HD is the benchmark now, just as SD was when SKY was in its infancy...

Now whether my connection can handle 4500kbps is another matter!

over 17 years
bopman wrote:

Reading through a lot of the discussion on here since the launch, it seems that one of the fears has probably been realised. When this thing was first discussed all of the IT literate people were talking about how easy it was to connect an HDMI cable. It probably was but it was all the stuff that came after it and all the talks of bit rates and download speeds etc etc that were going to be the killer.

I'm not an IT geek but know my way around a computer and I have absolutely no idea what you lot are talking about. If you're a serious technophobe and you've made the plunge and got a shite connection, I very much doubt you have the nous to do all the things you guys have discussed as ways to get around the problems.

This comes back to the point I made a few pages back, if you're able to trouble shoot this thing then you're probably going to be able to make this work reasonably well.  Plenty on here don't seem to mind having to do that.  

The ones complaining to radio sport are most likely those who just want to turn the thing on and have it work perfectly without having to fiddle with the settings - I have plenty of sympathy for that view.

Stage Punch
about 17 years
james dean wrote:
bopman wrote:

Reading through a lot of the discussion on here since the launch, it seems that one of the fears has probably been realised. When this thing was first discussed all of the IT literate people were talking about how easy it was to connect an HDMI cable. It probably was but it was all the stuff that came after it and all the talks of bit rates and download speeds etc etc that were going to be the killer.

I'm not an IT geek but know my way around a computer and I have absolutely no idea what you lot are talking about. If you're a serious technophobe and you've made the plunge and got a shite connection, I very much doubt you have the nous to do all the things you guys have discussed as ways to get around the problems.

This comes back to the point I made a few pages back, if you're able to trouble shoot this thing then you're probably going to be able to make this work reasonably well.  Plenty on here don't seem to mind having to do that.  

The ones complaining to radio sport are most likely those who just want to turn the thing on and have it work perfectly without having to fiddle with the settings - I have plenty of sympathy for that view.

Yep. As-advertised it would have been great, but as-implemented it hasn't been.

I started off as a cheerleader, but then having read what came out of their office (not much) I held off buying and will keep on waiting until feedback improves. 
First Team Squad
over 17 years
james dean wrote:
bopman wrote:

Reading through a lot of the discussion on here since the launch, it seems that one of the fears has probably been realised. When this thing was first discussed all of the IT literate people were talking about how easy it was to connect an HDMI cable. It probably was but it was all the stuff that came after it and all the talks of bit rates and download speeds etc etc that were going to be the killer.

I'm not an IT geek but know my way around a computer and I have absolutely no idea what you lot are talking about. If you're a serious technophobe and you've made the plunge and got a shite connection, I very much doubt you have the nous to do all the things you guys have discussed as ways to get around the problems.

This comes back to the point I made a few pages back, if you're able to trouble shoot this thing then you're probably going to be able to make this work reasonably well.  Plenty on here don't seem to mind having to do that.  

The ones complaining to radio sport are most likely those who just want to turn the thing on and have it work perfectly without having to fiddle with the settings - I have plenty of sympathy for that view.

Listening to Sam Malcomson and Brendan Telfer talk about 'dongles' last week was hilarious...

Head Sleuth
over 17 years
james dean wrote:
bopman wrote:

Reading through a lot of the discussion on here since the launch, it seems that one of the fears has probably been realised. When this thing was first discussed all of the IT literate people were talking about how easy it was to connect an HDMI cable. It probably was but it was all the stuff that came after it and all the talks of bit rates and download speeds etc etc that were going to be the killer.

I'm not an IT geek but know my way around a computer and I have absolutely no idea what you lot are talking about. If you're a serious technophobe and you've made the plunge and got a shite connection, I very much doubt you have the nous to do all the things you guys have discussed as ways to get around the problems.

This comes back to the point I made a few pages back, if you're able to trouble shoot this thing then you're probably going to be able to make this work reasonably well.  Plenty on here don't seem to mind having to do that.  

The ones complaining to radio sport are most likely those who just want to turn the thing on and have it work perfectly without having to fiddle with the settings - I have plenty of sympathy for that view.

The bit rates is literally just clicking the button that says "best available" and changing it to anything else. About as hard as working out how to pause it. Hardly IT geeky. Have sympathy for those having lag issues despite that though, must be frustrating. 
Starting XI
over 17 years
james dean wrote:
bopman wrote:

Reading through a lot of the discussion on here since the launch, it seems that one of the fears has probably been realised. When this thing was first discussed all of the IT literate people were talking about how easy it was to connect an HDMI cable. It probably was but it was all the stuff that came after it and all the talks of bit rates and download speeds etc etc that were going to be the killer.

I'm not an IT geek but know my way around a computer and I have absolutely no idea what you lot are talking about. If you're a serious technophobe and you've made the plunge and got a shite connection, I very much doubt you have the nous to do all the things you guys have discussed as ways to get around the problems.

This comes back to the point I made a few pages back, if you're able to trouble shoot this thing then you're probably going to be able to make this work reasonably well.  Plenty on here don't seem to mind having to do that.  

The ones complaining to radio sport are most likely those who just want to turn the thing on and have it work perfectly without having to fiddle with the settings - I have plenty of sympathy for that view.


Exactly, because it's what they had previously.

over 17 years
Tegal wrote:
james dean wrote:
bopman wrote:

Reading through a lot of the discussion on here since the launch, it seems that one of the fears has probably been realised. When this thing was first discussed all of the IT literate people were talking about how easy it was to connect an HDMI cable. It probably was but it was all the stuff that came after it and all the talks of bit rates and download speeds etc etc that were going to be the killer.

I'm not an IT geek but know my way around a computer and I have absolutely no idea what you lot are talking about. If you're a serious technophobe and you've made the plunge and got a shite connection, I very much doubt you have the nous to do all the things you guys have discussed as ways to get around the problems.

This comes back to the point I made a few pages back, if you're able to trouble shoot this thing then you're probably going to be able to make this work reasonably well.  Plenty on here don't seem to mind having to do that.  

The ones complaining to radio sport are most likely those who just want to turn the thing on and have it work perfectly without having to fiddle with the settings - I have plenty of sympathy for that view.

The bit rates is literally just clicking the button that says "best available" and changing it to anything else. About as hard as working out how to pause it. Hardly IT geeky. Have sympathy for those having lag issues despite that though, must be frustrating. 

If you're not on here how do you know to do that though?
Listen here Fudgeface
over 14 years
bopman wrote:

As for the point re it took Sky years to get HD, that is hardly the point at all. Now, Sky has HD, everyone has HD. Launching without it was a risk and it seems strange they didn't go with it from the start. 

They would have run the risk of people trying to watch the games in HD but Telecom et al. not being able to provide households a fast enough connection to stream in HD, which would have caused even more posts on here complaining about buffering etc, when the issues is really out of Coliseum's control. I can understand the reasons for not offering it first, create a stable platform for the users first, and when the time comes that household internet for the majority of people will be fast enough, launch it.
Head Sleuth
over 17 years
james dean wrote:
Tegal wrote:
james dean wrote:
bopman wrote:

Reading through a lot of the discussion on here since the launch, it seems that one of the fears has probably been realised. When this thing was first discussed all of the IT literate people were talking about how easy it was to connect an HDMI cable. It probably was but it was all the stuff that came after it and all the talks of bit rates and download speeds etc etc that were going to be the killer.

I'm not an IT geek but know my way around a computer and I have absolutely no idea what you lot are talking about. If you're a serious technophobe and you've made the plunge and got a shite connection, I very much doubt you have the nous to do all the things you guys have discussed as ways to get around the problems.

This comes back to the point I made a few pages back, if you're able to trouble shoot this thing then you're probably going to be able to make this work reasonably well.  Plenty on here don't seem to mind having to do that.  

The ones complaining to radio sport are most likely those who just want to turn the thing on and have it work perfectly without having to fiddle with the settings - I have plenty of sympathy for that view.

The bit rates is literally just clicking the button that says "best available" and changing it to anything else. About as hard as working out how to pause it. Hardly IT geeky. Have sympathy for those having lag issues despite that though, must be frustrating. 

If you're not on here how do you know to do that though?

Same way I did, "this picture is a bit off, I'll click this button"

Or their FAQs actually give this instruction. 

You can't tell me that clicking a button is too technical for people. Even if they don't figure it out, the FAQs are there, then if they don't figure that out there is the live chat, where the help people would tell them to do it. etc etc. 

Perhaps they could put "Image quality:" next to the button in the player to make it clearer.

It shouldn't put people off, and I don't actually think it is. The biggest issue I've seen that has made people think twice about purchasing is the possibility of the game freezing. They have given some people tips on avoiding it, but they're not always particularly effective or ideal. 

over 17 years

Seems they at least have a sense of humour - this is the message when you try and go to their website from outside NZ:

"If you ever do happen to be in New Zealand, this is the place you'll be able to watch the Premier League. Also, if you are going to be here, the Ministry of Tourism would like us to mention that it'd be great if you could pay for a visit to the Hobbit set in Hamilton as it was really expensive and they're trying to recoup costs. "

over 17 years
patrick478 wrote:
bopman wrote:

As for the point re it took Sky years to get HD, that is hardly the point at all. Now, Sky has HD, everyone has HD. Launching without it was a risk and it seems strange they didn't go with it from the start. 

They would have run the risk of people trying to watch the games in HD but Telecom et al. not being able to provide households a fast enough connection to stream in HD, which would have caused even more posts on here complaining about buffering etc, when the issues is really out of Coliseum's control. I can understand the reasons for not offering it first, create a stable platform for the users first, and when the time comes that household internet for the majority of people will be fast enough, launch it.

Yeah but you're the consumer here and I don't get why as a consumer you're happy with paying for for a service that's worse than what you had previously.  Their business model is to provide something worse because they know people are desperate to watch it and this is the only option available - they're not competing on quality, rather exclusivity.  I think it's a ballsy move from them and I admire what they've done to a certain extent - but let's not pretend they are not offering HD to help out football fans, this is all about dollars and cents.  I hope it works for you guys cause potentially this is a really good service
almost 16 years

Has RYOS got a store in Hamiltron now?

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