Crowds - The thread of Australian whining

almost 17 years

Hmmmm Nix  getting 7k consistantly is certainly better than 900 consistantly at North Harbour.

almost 15 years

Shirts off at 80 mins.So what if she's a chick.

Get a life  (and maybe have a wank)

over 17 years

People are going to comment on attractive looking people. That is how the world works.

Appiah without the pace
almost 17 years
alireggae wrote:
Tegal wrote:

It is quite pathetic that you don't care about the nix, yet you still troll around reading Phoenix related threads just to find a post that you can have the same little dig with. 

Get a life? 

Translation: yawn. 

I asked a legitimate questions and got a legitimate answer but with a dumb trolling comment so just returning like for like.

Honestly. You guys are pathetic. 

Here is a graph of crowds I did a few years ago when you lot first pipped your hypothesis that the Phoenix were taking away from TeeDubs.
A) Crowds were fally before the phoenix started.
B) TeeDubs were giving out 50+ free tickets to each clubs that came under the TeeDubs banner in the first few years.

Go back to your rock.
Must try harder
about 17 years

decline since this finished must be precipitous .....

U Turning
over 14 years
Junior82 wrote:

I do wonder if the downloadable posters that were tried several seasons ago are worth reviving? 

It certainly wouldn't hurt and would get more visibility around offices, workplaces etc.

Perhaps the reality is that we can only expect a 4-7k crowd for most games until we start doing a 2009/10 all over again (and back then our crowds only swelled at the end).

Exactly. 5 home goals prior to last sat night. Diobolical first half previous home game, and no win. Even now, despite a very good display and win v MV, we are 9th. Yes we are second bottom. I've said all along, until we mount a serious playoff run, the crowds will struggle here. Ernie calls for consistency, and he is so right. We have won nothing.
Agree they need to get into workplaces and offices.

almost 15 years
AJ13 wrote:
Doloras wrote:

And yeah, guys, the whole "horny boys who can't get enough of ladies with their tops off" stuff is kind of gross. I get my top off in the zone when everyone else does and no-one says anything to me. Although I should possibly wear a lacier bra.

Well this is awkward... 

Yeah I had the same thought. How to respond in a delicate manner........
over 11 years
Jeff Vader wrote:
AJ13 wrote:
Doloras wrote:

And yeah, guys, the whole "horny boys who can't get enough of ladies with their tops off" stuff is kind of gross. I get my top off in the zone when everyone else does and no-one says anything to me. Although I should possibly wear a lacier bra.

Well this is awkward... 

Yeah I had the same thought. How to respond in a delicate manner........

First Team Squad
almost 17 years

Setting aside the big picture influencers such as economic factors (i.e. affordability and confidence to spend), a tired poorly designed (for football) stadium with a poor value offering (e.g. shit food and drink at rip-off prices) I think scheduling has been the biggest negative influence on crowds.

It was always going to take time to win back casual fans after last year's load of dross but the schedule has:

- a pathetic 10 out of 27 games at home

- an initial home game then no home game for 6 weeks

- a home game late on a Sunday night

- a home game in the middle of a long weekend when the city empties out

- two home games then no home game for  a month

With that cluster fuck of a schedule how exactly is momentum going to be created in the city so that it really buzzs with things Nix and casual fans get swept up ?

I think the schedule is the biggest screw up this year - the owners didn't understand: the importance of playing at home in terms of results (it's called home advantage for a reason), the nature of the relationship between supporters and their team and finally the need for continuity of home games to build momentum and win back supporters burnt off the last couple of seasons.

I really hope that lesson has been learnt.



almost 17 years

I doubt if the tiki touring will stop. Although I enjoy the odd trip, I feel there is too much emphasis on it from the club. Home games should be at the ROF. With them consistantly there, you may well build the base up. As said earlier, the schedule for us this season has been pants and that really needs addressing.

U Turning
over 14 years

There is no momentum out there - town's dead - but more people back from holiday tomorrow. If they're going to farm out home games, then go to holiday places like Napier in January before Wn Anniversary Day - that's where the people are.  We've been going to every game since the start, and been like lonely ponies in our circles in last 2 years, and even up to about a week ago. Only a good playoff run will re-ignite the Phoenix in this town - but fortunately that is likely to happen. Don't think owners realised how almost terminal the previous setup was. But please don't slam the hard core fans again. That'll just finish me off.   

over 13 years
Doloras wrote:

Or even real-life girlfriends? Although if "hot-blooded" men will come to a football match just in the hope of seeing a lady without a shirt, I don't know what would happen if they actually got to touch one. Fatal nosebleeds, perhaps.

More seriously, there were some promo girls showing off their racks at the ACFC v Nix game, but I don't think they were the deciding factor in attendance.

I was going to remark on them after the game but doloras they were rather young and I honestly don't think they were legal
over 12 years

I think that there's a huge missing demographic of football "fans" who don't go to Phoenix games. I know other people have mentioned it before but there's plenty of people in Wellington who either play football or follow EPL and Champion's League etc but don't go to Nix games because the Nix or A League are "too sh*t" or whatever. It annoys me so much. I don't know how you rectify it, but it's frustrating to know of people born and bred in NZ getting up at 3am to watch Man Utd or Chelsea or whoever but who won't even consider going to support the professional football club in their home town.

Phoenix Academy
about 17 years

Yeah winds me up - so many people I know rubbish the nix and the quality of the a-league. Yes, its not the EPL but its not THAT bad. But it is the closest we will ever get so they need harden up and get amongst it. 

Yes we've had some shocking/frustrating games over the years and I've lost count the number of depressing Sunday evenings i've had post games. But its all part of the fun and makes moments like Saturday night even sweeter.

Just need people to find that pride and passion. Not cheaper chips and hot-dogs.

Starting XI
almost 17 years
tonya wrote:
Junior82 wrote:

I do wonder if the downloadable posters that were tried several seasons ago are worth reviving? 

It certainly wouldn't hurt and would get more visibility around offices, workplaces etc.

Perhaps the reality is that we can only expect a 4-7k crowd for most games until we start doing a 2009/10 all over again (and back then our crowds only swelled at the end).

Exactly. 5 home goals prior to last sat night. Diobolical first half previous home game, and no win. Even now, despite a very good display and win v MV, we are 9th. Yes we are second bottom. I've said all along, until we mount a serious playoff run, the crowds will struggle here. Ernie calls for consistency, and he is so right. We have won nothing.
Agree they need to get into workplaces and offices.

Totally agree.  The home CCM game before MV was a dire first half.  Swinging voters who came along probably left at half time.  Before that a couple of wins in the xmas break - when half the non-tragics were at the beach and hardly looking at a paper - is going to have little impact on some-one who needs to hear a bandwagon wound up and roaring to get on.  A trickle of positive results for a team still at the bottom of the table aint going to do it.

I reckon Sunday's game will be the first to have got some more serious wider public attention.  I got an "even the Phoenix aren't dead" from someone at a party in the weekend.  It's getting noticed, but the team hasn't won Lotto, the Black-Caps are doing well and there is a lot of chicks in short skirts playing tennis on TV - to counteract our much appreciated (it seems) lady in the lacy black bra (lols).  

And then we bugger off from Wellington till mid February.  

No excuses, really, just reality.   There are 10,000 plus crowds in Wellington, if we are in the top 4, with a bit of a buzz about us, if it isn't Xmas or Wellington Anniv weekend, if the students are back and not sitting exams, and if the weather's good.  Otherwise working upwards of 7k is doing fairly well.  I genuinely thought nearly 7k was good in the weekend.  We've had 4 and 5k before, so the results have done us some good, and the decent enough evening.

But, hey, I'm enjoying it.  Gareth and co are still paying the bills, they did what they said was their top priority - if I understood them correctly - and paid for a quality coach.  And it's starting to pay off.  The 10k crowds will come if we keep doing the bizz.
over 10 years

Dear Yellow Fever,

You are never going to resemble an English Football fan base, so put your shirts back on, shut up and clean up your act up.

You are a disgrace to New Zealand Football and one of the main reasons why Phoenix crowds are so bad. Parents simply do not want to expose their children to your crap, nor does any self respecting individual wish to be subjected to your dribble week in, week out.

Even the Phoenix owner can't stand your carryon. You don't own the club or really do much for it apart from complain. Sort it out.

Rant over.

Not Gareth Morgan

over 17 years

Jeez guys, settle down. If you actually want more women to come to games maybe not acting like a pack of horny schoolboys at the sight of a bra might help.


We all dream of a team of Team Andys
about 12 years
kingmartin wrote:

Dear Yellow Fever,

You are never going to resemble an English Football fan base, so put your shirts back on, shut up and clean up your act up.

You are a disgrace to New Zealand Football and one of the main reasons why Phoenix crowds are so bad. Parents simply do not want to expose their children to your crap, nor does any self respecting individual wish to be subjected to your dribble week in, week out.

Even the Phoenix owner can't stand your carryon. You don't own the club or really do much for it apart from complain. Sort it out.

Rant over.

Not Gareth Morgan

Welcome to the forum. Thanks for the cool story. 
First Team Squad
almost 17 years
kingmartin wrote:

Dear Yellow Fever,

You are never going to resemble an English Football fan base, so put your shirts back on, shut up and clean up your act up.

You are a disgrace to New Zealand Football and one of the main reasons why Phoenix crowds are so bad. Parents simply do not want to expose their children to your crap, nor does any self respecting individual wish to be subjected to your dribble week in, week out.

Even the Phoenix owner can't stand your carryon. You don't own the club or really do much for it apart from complain. Sort it out.

Rant over.

Not Gareth Morgan

What are you wanting the Fever to be then?

Then they wouldn't be supporting the team.

Less sweary in front of kids?
- there's only one or two chants with swear words; more polite than a lot of football fans ...

By all means object, but be specific.

almost 15 years
kingmartin wrote:

Dear Yellow Fever,

You are never going to resemble an English Football fan base, so put your shirts back on, shut up and clean up your act up.

You are a disgrace to New Zealand Football and one of the main reasons why Phoenix crowds are so bad. Parents simply do not want to expose their children to your crap, nor does any self respecting individual wish to be subjected to your dribble week in, week out.

Even the Phoenix owner can't stand your carryon. You don't own the club or really do much for it apart from complain. Sort it out.

Rant over.

Not Gareth Morgan

Where are you Jeff Vader - there's a wanker at the door 

almost 17 years

It is probably a piss take by someone who's not been to a game but might be an armchair expert.

almost 15 years
hamezilla wrote:
kingmartin wrote:

Dear Yellow Fever,

You are never going to resemble an English Football fan base, so put your shirts back on, shut up and clean up your act up.

You are a disgrace to New Zealand Football and one of the main reasons why Phoenix crowds are so bad. Parents simply do not want to expose their children to your crap, nor does any self respecting individual wish to be subjected to your dribble week in, week out.

Even the Phoenix owner can't stand your carryon. You don't own the club or really do much for it apart from complain. Sort it out.

Rant over.

Not Gareth Morgan

Where are you Jeff Vader - there's a wanker at the door 

Why thanks! I'm quite glad you called on my services. Reply coming.
almost 15 years
kingmartin wrote:

Dear Yellow Fever,

You are never going to resemble an English Football fan base, so put your shirts back on, shut up and clean up your act up.

You are a disgrace to New Zealand Football and one of the main reasons why Phoenix crowds are so bad. Parents simply do not want to expose their children to your crap, nor does any self respecting individual wish to be subjected to your dribble week in, week out.

Even the Phoenix owner can't stand your carryon. You don't own the club or really do much for it apart from complain. Sort it out.

Rant over.

Not Gareth Morgan

Life and death
about 17 years
AJ13 wrote:
Lonegunmen wrote:
AJ13 wrote:

Fever were excellent last night, loud throughout. However I watched the replay this morning, sounded very dull. The sound just doesn't carry through to the sound equipment at the stadium, which kind of sucks. Guess we can't really do much about that though. 

Sky could put their sound mics in better positions to cattch the noise.

They could, but will probably then lose sound from the pitch. And I wouldn't be surprised if FFA had rules around placement.

Disagree, the crowd noise comes through fine. I doubt that viewers want a huge amount of crowd noise coming through anyway
over 15 years
Joey Johns wrote:

we'll soon see the bandwaggoners return upping crowd numbers to atleast 9-10k per game

over 12 years

So I turn up to work today and the first thing one of my workmates says to me is "I see the Phoenix finally won a game" - I think that sums up a lot of the general public attitude. Winning might help but some decent media coverage wouldn't go amiss either


First Team Squad
over 11 years

What we have to contend with is 18 months of very poor negative publicity surrounding the club. Last season was a disaster...both on and off the field. Then we went 10 games without a win this season. There has been very little positive coming from the Nix brand for ages.

 We do have a core of around 6 to 7 thousand who will turn up most of the time. What we have lost is the extra 2 to 4 thousand eventists.....who will come along if going to the Nix is seen as a "cool" thing to do. They will drift back but it will take more than a months worth of good results to turn things around. People I know who don't go anymore are starting to talk about the team in a more positive light. Expect things to pick up by the seasons end.

First Team Squad
almost 14 years
kingmartin wrote:

Dear Yellow Fever,

You are never going to resemble an English Football fan base, so put your shirts back on, shut up and clean up your act up.

You are a disgrace to New Zealand Football and one of the main reasons why Phoenix crowds are so bad. Parents simply do not want to expose their children to your crap, nor does any self respecting individual wish to be subjected to your dribble week in, week out.

Even the Phoenix owner can't stand your carryon. You don't own the club or really do much for it apart from complain. Sort it out.

Rant over.

Not Gareth Morgan

The owners became involved partly because they thought the already established Phoenix added vibrancy to the city. While they may have a few qualms about the language in one or two chants, Yellow fever is a big part of the atmosphere that made them get involved. Gareth Morgan has been in the fever zone before, shouting and joining in the chants, he has taken his own shirt off at 80 minutes. 

People complaining is a fact of life, the owners may listen but are not compelled to act on any of it. No one I know who is a casual fan sees yellow fever or the atmosphere in a negative light but rather one of the attractions of going to the football. A group with the Hurricanes tried to emulate yellow fever at one stage. I suspect you weren't genuine, completely convinced you don't know the owners thoughts, but thought I should respond anyway.
3rd XI
over 14 years

When I got to work on Sunday everyone said I was thinking of you . geez it was like someone had died . maybe now I can drag some more to the game in February .everyone is sure talking about them more positively tho . even my boss  has shut up haha

Must try harder
about 17 years
hamezilla wrote:
kingmartin wrote:

Dear Yellow Fever,

You are never going to resemble an English Football fan base, so put your shirts back on, shut up and clean up your act up.

You are a disgrace to New Zealand Football and one of the main reasons why Phoenix crowds are so bad. Parents simply do not want to expose their children to your crap, nor does any self respecting individual wish to be subjected to your dribble week in, week out.

Even the Phoenix owner can't stand your carryon. You don't own the club or really do much for it apart from complain. Sort it out.

Rant over.

Not Gareth Morgan

Where are you Jeff Vader - there's a wanker at the door 

And he needs expert advice ?
almost 15 years


Jeff has a few sharp edges sure but I was looking more for him to take out the trash

Blue Cod
over 14 years
[quote=FU BLU][quote=hamezilla][quote=kingmartin]

Dear Yellow Fever,

You are never going to resemble an English Football fan base, so put your shirts back on, shut up and clean up your act up.

You are a disgrace to New Zealand Football and one of the main reasons why Phoenix crowds are so bad. Parents simply do not want to expose their children to your crap, nor does any self respecting individual wish to be subjected to your dribble week in, week out.

Even the Phoenix owner can't stand your carryon. You don't own the club or really do much for it apart from complain. Sort it out.

Rant over.

Not Gareth Morgan


ACFC's albeit smaller version gets the same frosty attitude from some of the City haters on this forum, it's a fact of life in NZ football. Some dour so-called football fans come to games and expect silence. Humour, chants, songs are not to be tolerated. They are who they are. You do the Phoenix proud YF because you have passion for your club, just like we do at Kiwitea Street. Sing louder I say.

almost 15 years
over 15 years
hamezilla wrote:


Jeff has a few sharp edges sure but I was looking more for him to take out the trash

FU BLU is jealous, he wishes he was JV.
almost 15 years
Bluemagic wrote:
[quote=FU BLU][quote=hamezilla][quote=kingmartin]

Dear Yellow Fever,

You are never going to resemble an English Football fan base, so put your shirts back on, shut up and clean up your act up.

You are a disgrace to New Zealand Football and one of the main reasons why Phoenix crowds are so bad. Parents simply do not want to expose their children to your crap, nor does any self respecting individual wish to be subjected to your dribble week in, week out.

Even the Phoenix owner can't stand your carryon. You don't own the club or really do much for it apart from complain. Sort it out.

Rant over.

Not Gareth Morgan


ACFC's albeit smaller version gets the same frosty attitude from some of the City haters on this forum, it's a fact of life in NZ football. Some dour so-called football fans come to games and expect silence. Humour, chants, songs are not to be tolerated. They are who they are. You do the Phoenix proud YF because you have passion for your club, just like we do at Kiwitea Street. Sing louder I say.

Who expects silence at Kiwitea st?
U Turning
over 14 years
austin10 wrote:

What we have to contend with is 18 months of very poor negative publicity surrounding the club. Last season was a disaster...both on and off the field. Then we went 10 games without a win this season. There has been very little positive coming from the Nix brand for ages.

 We do have a core of around 6 to 7 thousand who will turn up most of the time. What we have lost is the extra 2 to 4 thousand eventists.....who will come along if going to the Nix is seen as a "cool" thing to do. They will drift back but it will take more than a months worth of good results to turn things around. People I know who don't go anymore are starting to talk about the team in a more positive light. Expect things to pick up by the seasons end.

Good post. Where I am at too. Takes more than winning a couple of games well to bury last season's disaster, and that was on top of the Serepisos fiasco. Right now we are 9th - second bottom. We have much to do on the field, though know Ernie and players are right onto rectifying this. However until we shoot up to top 4, no-one outside the core will believe. Same thing will happen to Hurricanes if they fall away from top 4ish in their next campaign. Crowds will plummet. Meantime don't get bogged down in bad pies, bad food, bad stadium, bad weather etc - the wins will happen, and we will all be laughing down the track.        
almost 15 years

Everyone wishes they were me..... well......maybe the homeless might but I doubt they would be so desperate as to wish for that.


I gave him a casual one liner (well one word). Don't want the fun police telling me to watch my language or that I have no right to tell some one to fuck off.

Opinion Privileges revoked
over 14 years

It's true, casual fans are put off by YF's chanting and carrying on. That's why WSW home games are absolutely empty because of the RBB.

over 11 years
tonya wrote:
austin10 wrote:

What we have to contend with is 18 months of very poor negative publicity surrounding the club. Last season was a disaster...both on and off the field. Then we went 10 games without a win this season. There has been very little positive coming from the Nix brand for ages.

 We do have a core of around 6 to 7 thousand who will turn up most of the time. What we have lost is the extra 2 to 4 thousand eventists.....who will come along if going to the Nix is seen as a "cool" thing to do. They will drift back but it will take more than a months worth of good results to turn things around. People I know who don't go anymore are starting to talk about the team in a more positive light. Expect things to pick up by the seasons end.

Good post. Where I am at too. Takes more than winning a couple of games well to bury last season's disaster, and that was on top of the Serepisos fiasco. Right now we are 9th - second bottom. We have much to do on the field, though know Ernie and players are right onto rectifying this. However until we shoot up to top 4, no-one outside the core will believe. Same thing will happen to Hurricanes if they fall away from top 4ish in their next campaign. Crowds will plummet. Meantime don't get bogged down in bad pies, bad food, bad stadium, bad weather etc - the wins will happen, and we will all be laughing down the track.        

This. Winning regularly the only way to overcome public disillusion.

over 12 years
Doloras wrote:

It's true, casual fans are put off by YF's chanting and carrying on. That's why WSW home games are absolutely empty because of the RBB.

Good point, and compare it to how much GCU packed out their stadium with all those silent fans. Before they went bust due to having too much money and support of course.


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